Age Difference for dating?



  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    My thing is, if there is less of an age difference between him and my oldest children than him and me, it is too young.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member

    Ahh unfortunately, this too fails - at least in my position.

    This is COMPLETELY off-topic, but I saw EmCarroll1990's user name and thought "Wow, MFP doesn't allow anyone under 18 to join the site, why would she put 1990 right in her username? It makes it obvious she's under 18."

    And then I realized that someone born in 1990 would be 22 right now. -.- And now I feel realllllly old. :P

    Back on topic, I think the only time age would matter is if
    a) the age difference results in one partner being underaged (I'm not talking 17+18 here, but someone 20+ shouldn't date anyone under the legal age in their state/country, for obvious reasons)
    b) one of the partners ends up feeling uncomfortable with the difference.

    So as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, have at it.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I've got an old head on young shoulders, and both of my partners have been quite a bit older than me. My partner is 42, and I'm 27. I can be painfully sensible; he still laughs at farts. It works :)
  • vxjammiedodgerxv
    vxjammiedodgerxv Posts: 42 Member
    my mum was 18 when she married my dad, he was 40. They were happily married for 34 years before he died of cancer 4 years ago. They were always happy and I don't think age was ever an issue. As long as you're happy it shouldn't matter. Both my brothers married women 14 years older than themselves and the same applies.
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    My college professor that i wanted to marry was 78 years old. I knew it was absurd so I never approached him after i graduated. I was 20.

    He was a genius!
  • laurieblair2012
    I'm 42 and my husband is 49. I laugh at his 70's music and he laughs at the fact that I was in 6th grade when John Lennon was shot...and that was his senior year of high school. ;)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I hate to put an exact number on it because it totally depends on the man, but, generally speaking, I would say I'd go up to 10 years older and 3 years younger. I'm almost 30, so I am not trying to date a guy in his mid-20s or younger.
  • mushroomcup
    mushroomcup Posts: 145 Member
    For me, age is very important for romantic relationships. Maybe I'm too focused on long term planning rather than the here and now, but I think the chances of me being a young widow would be a lot higher if I was with an older man. That freaks me out. If I love someone, I want them around for the long haul.

    Also, I have an added "yucky" factor - I'm generally not at all attracted to men who aren't within a few years of my age (23). It doesn't bother me a bit when other couples have a big age gap, but it would not work for me.

    AND aside from the long-term planning and physical attraction issues, I really like it when I can relate to my boyfriend. I know pop culture references aren't a huge deal, but it's nice when we're on the same page and we don't have to explain any jokes or references to one another.

    But as I mentioned, these are just my preferences. As long as the parties are consenting (meaning both wanting the relationship and old enough to be able to make that sort of decision), I'm cool with any coupling.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I'm 31 and my misses is 25. Works for me :heart: :bigsmile:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    The oldest woman I dated was 44 and I was 19. 25 years difference.

    The youngest woman I dated was 27 and I was 35. 8 Years difference. I married her and we are celebrating our 20 yr anniversary in August.
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    Maximum age difference would probably be 8 years, 9 is pushing it haha. I think a difference of 4-6 years is perfect :) I'm not into younger guys or guys my age
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    age is just a number, what matters the most is that you are comfortable with the relationship
  • reneer1974
    reneer1974 Posts: 1
    I am 37 my boyfriend is 27, we've been together 3 years. It's all about the person
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    My husband is only 5 years older than me. Other than some cartoons he used to watch that I didn't, we know about the same stuff. We both watched cartoons for WAY too long and watched anime. Our parents are similar, which is creepy. I almost wish his parents were older, because I grew up with my grandparents as parents.

    I would totally date someone 42 and under. Possibly older. I've always been attracted to older guys. I think 37 is the sexiest age ever... Not really sure why... BUT DAMN THOSE SEXY WHITE MEN.

    ....Yeah, I don't care about age really. Never did. I have always been mature for my age and older guys always lliked me. The only nick name I ever got in my life was "Jail Bait". I only hung out with older people. People my husbands age and older.

  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    You don't get to pick the age people. When you meet the person you have a connection with. it just happens. 20 years difference here.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    Four years ago I found myself single after a 14 yr marriage. Entering the dating scene after sooooo long really scared me to death. I finally started dating and actually dated a great guy 12 years my senior. I thought I would never do anything like that but he was just a great guy. After we broke up, I started dating another great guy but he was 12 yrs my younger. We actually dated for 1 1/2 yrs but eventually we were going in different directions as we were in different stages of our lives. I think age is a number. Its about the person. You may miss out on some of the greatest times in your life if you limit yourself to what people say is the normal age for you to date. I do think that as life goes on the age difference can come into play if the 2 of you are not on the same page.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Ideally, I want someone 2-6 years younger than I am. I am 28.
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    There's a formula, for guys...

    Half of his age + 7 = minimum age of the girl he can date ;-)

    It's a little more tricky to determine the minimum age guy, a girl can date...

    That's the cougar formula, lol.
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    My man is 12.5 years older than me and I couldn't be happier. I refuse to date a boy who still wants a mama.

    My friend is with someone 13 years older than her and they are happy as can be! It's all up to compatablilty. And so long as it's legal! ;P