Where is he/she now?



  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    He is a good friend on facebook we run into each other about once a month he is married with 4 boys glad it was not me lol
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    My first boyfriend lives in Washington with his girlfriend and adorable baby boy. He's almost 21 and I feel old just thinking about it. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
  • tkaawa
    tkaawa Posts: 302
    I married my high school sweet heart:heart:
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    he is at work :) been married almost 7 years and dated 5 years before that. 4 kids together.
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 285
    We are happily married. We started dated when I was 16, married when I turned 21. We have 2 children. A Girl and a boy.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    my high school bf ended up being my step brother no kidding. We broke up when i was 17 , I hadnt seen him in 20 yrs then my mom and his dad started dating , they ended up getting married. They divorced 2 yrs ago. He is married for the 3rd time and has 2 kids and 2 step children and is on disability. Glad we didnt stay together he was sweet, but a loser and i am happily married and have been for 20 yrs together for 25 yrs......
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    One, dropped out of highschool and has been in and out of jail ever since (hes actually in jail right now for 8mths)
    Another, has five kids with five different women and has also been in and out of jail also.

    Thankfully I wasn't serious about either of them back then and I found my soulmate five years ago :)
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    I was stalked for years by him...lost track of him...blocked him from finding me on facebook...then facebook timeline came out. Somehow, my "block" setting dropped out, and he found me.

    I accepted, but he's on a restricted list, and can only see posts that I make public. He lives probably about an hour's drive from me...
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Let's see...he dropped out of high school, has never been married and has 5 kids with 5 different women (I do not happen to be one of them). I think I lucked out!
  • MrsORourke
    MrsORourke Posts: 315 Member
    I found out two weeks ago that he died of a heart attack at age 31.....a year ago. It broke my heart to hear that because we had a secret/complicated/wonderful thing. As much as I love my husband and would never give him up......I always thought that if anything, God forbid, happened to my husband, that my fist love and I would end up together in the end. We always had a connection. There was a time, almost 9 years ago, when I had to chose my current husband or Truman, my ex. I chose my current husband. I do not regret it. But I have been secretly grieving by myself over this and it is so hard. MY husband knows about Truman and that he passed. He just doesn't know how much it hurts. I think he would misunderstand my feelings.

    ^ this is so sad. My condolences!
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    In Afganistan. Has a wife and two beautiful children back home waiting for him to return. Yes, we are friends...after a 20 year break when he pissed me off.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Of the two that count? I know one went to jail for dealing/making meth. He's probably out by now but still thinking his camero is the bomb. The other owns his own business out near home town and has like 6 kids, 4 by his wife that took off cause well, like father like son. Skipped that time bomb in terms of "holy crap he's fertile" and I don't like getting pushed around.
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Who knows!! lol
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Mine's on his second marriage and my husband and him get along fine whenever we see him on occasion.
    Looking back, he was a good friend and I thought I was in love, but when I see his personality now, he's a
    nice guy, but not my type and would drive me crazy!!:yawn:
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    Not much I think! He got a girl pregnant shortly after we split up after nearly 2 years together (planned pregnancy as well!) and occasionally attempts to chat me up via facebook claiming his fiancee isnt right for him and "doesnt understand him". Looks like I dodged a bullet there!
  • dlongshot7
    dlongshot7 Posts: 79
    Currently Stationed in Honduras... we briefly were engaged. Iraq ruinned that one, but are currently rebuilding our relationship. :) we were destined from the start. Love conquers all.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I use to be friends with my ex-girlfriends husband. I'm actually happy she married him. He was a good guy. I have absolutely no regrets leaving her and moving away. I don't think about her at all unless someone brings up a reunion. We are friends on Facebook but neither of us post very often and never just to each other, other than Happy Birthday.

    I miss North Dakota...just not the cold. Damn was it cold!

    Hello Fellow ND person! It's not always cold up here... LOL Only for 9 months out of the year :laugh:

    I spent a lot of time shoveling snow from my driveway in -41 degree weather, only to have the street sweepers pile it all back at the end of my driveway, making me have to shovel all over again. There's no way I'd live up there again, but I do miss the summers.

    I'm from GF by the way.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I didn't keep in touch, and I could care less what he is doing now! haha
  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    I enjoyed reading everyone's stories. :)
    I had two boyfriends in high school. My first love left the day after graduation, moved away and took my heart with him. He returned 4 years later and wanted to get married, but it was too late. I think of him warmly when I think of him, which is not often. :) My second boyfriend while in high school and I didn't work at first. He was married for 4 years, then divorced. We've been married now for 30 years and have a son.
  • Jlfisch
    Jlfisch Posts: 27
    I use to be friends with my ex-girlfriends husband. I'm actually happy she married him. He was a good guy. I have absolutely no regrets leaving her and moving away. I don't think about her at all unless someone brings up a reunion. We are friends on Facebook but neither of us post very often and never just to each other, other than Happy Birthday.

    I miss North Dakota...just not the cold. Damn was it cold!

    Hello Fellow ND person! It's not always cold up here... LOL Only for 9 months out of the year :laugh:

    I spent a lot of time shoveling snow from my driveway in -41 degree weather, only to have the street sweepers pile it all back at the end of my driveway, making me have to shovel all over again. There's no way I'd live up there again, but I do miss the summers.

    I'm from GF by the way.

    this year you wouldn't have had to worry too much about snow, we didn't get more than a few inches here and there. Good ole Fargo here. Our state flag aka the orange construction cone is already clogging the streets in town that is one thing I could do without during the summer other than the ferocious mosquitos.