Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • CShepherd91
    CShepherd91 Posts: 44
    I'm engaged to an italian man, and I'm forever hearing stuff from his family like "you look better with some meat on you.", or, "this recipe is from slimming world..." (maybe it was before you added 6tbsp of oil into it!), or when asked how much I weigh telling them nearly 13stone, and them saying "oh well its distributed well then, because you wouldn't know to look at you!"

    But I think the absolute stupidest thing was, after losing 3lbs, my fiance's mother warning me to be "careful because you're wasting away."

  • kalyy
    kalyy Posts: 59 Member
    My aunts:
    "why are you keeping those size 4 jeans? You don't think you can wear them again, right?" (hmmm....yeah?)
    "You'll always have chubby arms no matter how much weight you lose" (jeez, I know that but thanks for the reminder)
    "oh you've been losing weight too? A little right? A little.. *looks at me up and down*" (no comment lol)
    "It's good to see you've lost all that weight, your *kitten* was getting pretty big, now it looks normal" (haha she used other word for *kitten* and big, that one actually made me lol and I know it's true haha)
  • Absidey
    Absidey Posts: 116 Member
    My favorite is actually about exercising, but that's part of this "diet" thing we do at MFP, right?

    My mom, upon joining my gym following a annual well visit that freaked her out. (High BP and cholesterol, obese BMI)
    "Oh, I don't need to swim anymore, my Rzr [dune buggy meets 4-wheeler] goes in the water just fine."

    "Why would I want to go hiking with you? It's so much more fun to go ride! ...Think I could take my Rzr up there?"

    I got fed up one day and actually told her the Rzr isn't doing *kitten* for her blood pressure and maybe she should dig deep and remember what she used to love about swimming. She cancelled her gym membership the next week. >.<
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    Mine isn't so much about dieting, it is about exercise. I have a friend who has P90X and I asked to borrow it (he tried it and only made it a week) He told me no, I would hurt myself with it. :grumble:
    I mean really? Does he think I am a complete idiot who wouldn't know to only work at my level. Just because he couldn't do doesn't mean that I will give up on it.
  • siobhano_
    siobhano_ Posts: 101
    "Oh so if we get you a gluten free pizza is that okay?" Um no, gluten free =/= healthy.
    "Doesn't doing weights make you all manly looking?" No, um, i'm a girl, I will not look like a bodybuilder for going to a pump class.
    "Why do you eat so much tuna and eggs?" Because protein is important...
    "Why are you trying to lose weight??" I'm not, i'm trying to get healthy and toned.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I've dealt with comments about my weight for years from my family. They would tell me "you need to lose weight" and then not teach me how and continue to shove fried chicken down their throats (I was young and knew nothing about eating right or losing weight, and obviously had nobody to teach me because they themselves knew nothing). When seeing my gram the other day, the first thing out of her mouth was "have you lost weight?" she is obsessed with weight, and btw, I hadn't. I am restarting my journey, with some help from a program here in my town, so I had actually gained weight since she last saw me. I have decided not to talk about eating or exercise or weight at all anymore with my family. They don't know how to keep their mouths shut, and when they open them, it derails me. So I will continue to tell them "I'm not talking about it. It's my life, shut up and let me do what I need to do without your little remarks and non-helpful advice. You should follow your own advice some time."
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    My (very healthy weight) husband, last night when I showed him my happy dance for finally making it past 20 lbs...

    "Great Sweetie!! And now you weigh less than me! Good Job!"

    Why, yes, I do weigh less than you now (barely). But I am also 6 inches shorter than you. So that's not saying much!

    Oh well, he thought he was being supportive since I've been self consious since having our son, that I weighed more than my husband.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    "You're not going to become one of those obsessed calorie-counters, are you?"
  • atrjohnson
    atrjohnson Posts: 77 Member
    The worst thing about a beauty obsessed culture is that everyone feels they have the right to comment on everyone's face or body. It's ridiculous. I hear fat jokes at work all the time.
  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    Haha - in a nice way CSheperd. I'm married to an Italian man and always get comments about my weight - wanting me to put on more. No ways do I want to be a "big mama". Sorry... ;-)
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    I don't hear them but my sister does. She is about 100 pounds overweight. He job is part of HR for a large company. Anytime the discuss obesity/health programs/etc for employees, someone always starts off with, "No offense to you Michelle, but..."
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    "You already said that many times"
  • caytee118
    caytee118 Posts: 55
    for me personally it's more of the looks I get from my friends and family.

    my friends roll their eyes at me when they ask me if I wanna go out at 12 and I say "sure! I'll just have to wake up early and do my run and video." or when we go out to eat and they get the biggest cheeseburger and I grab a salad (not because I'm afraid of the burger making me fat but I have learned this year that my system doesn't digest meat well so I became a vegetarian) and both the server and my friends ALWAYS look at me and tell me that meat is an important part to a diet too! Well yes it is I'll admit that! However, a burger/or any meat from those restaurants will not be healthy because of the way they cook it! Also, if I get sick to my stomach every time I eat meat than it's not exactly the type of thing I want to order is it?!

    Than my family looks at me funny when I pick up a roll or the occasional cookie like I'm a baby deer and they don't want to scare me away from the food so they stand really still!

    Okay Okay the family one kind of makes me laugh sometimes but still! It use to make me feel like they were wondering why I was eating it because I was so fat now I've learned it's just because they want me to eat it and I think it makes them proud that I'm finally allowing myself the occasional treat.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    back in the day when I was rail thin a friend of mine complained that she didn't ever want to hear another man tell her that she had a beautiful face. To her it indicated that the rest of her was unremarkable. One of the key significant days that awoke me to the reality that I was gaining too much weight was when a man told me that I had a beautiful face and that he was a "face man". I truly laughed out loud.
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    I hear quite the opposite.

    "Uh, you need to put on weight" or "You're so skinny I can play my favorite Black Eye Peas song on your ribs."

    I diet simply because I have to control my fat intake - OMG I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND KLONDIKE HEATH BARS SO MUCH YEAH BOY!
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    "We're ordering out for lunch BUT I BET YOU PACKED!!" -as if it's a bad thing?? I'm saving money AND eating healthier!
  • wantasmallbummum
    wantasmallbummum Posts: 45 Member
    A bit of chocolate isn't gonna make a difference is it????
  • sunshinedazed
    back in the day when I was rail thin a friend of mine complained that she didn't ever want to hear another man tell her that she had a beautiful face. To her it indicated that the rest of her was unremarkable. One of the key significant days that awoke me to the reality that I was gaining too much weight was when a man told me that I had a beautiful face and that he was a "face man". I truly laughed out loud.

    It really is a horrible compliment. You feel bad because you know they're trying to be nice, but on the inside, your fat girl just wants to punch them in their nose. :D
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    I have a bin with some really cute summer clothes. Small summer clothes. I told my friend that I was sick of being over weight and unhealthy and showed her the cute clothes in my bin(my motivation) and she said really? Thats an awful big task! Are you sure you should shoot for such a high goal? REALLY! A little support would have been much better! OK maybe it fueled my FIRE..... So far since that conversation in January I have lost over 40 LBS. When I feel low or tired or un motivated I just look at my bin and remeber Why Im doing this.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    I always get this wide-eyed look that looks like I'm joining a cult.

    It usually means:

    1) Like some fad diet?
    2) Yeah, good LUCK with that....

    And if I explain I'm just changing my eating habits, taking care of myself and exercising, it gets brushed off like "Oh, its just a phase." or "We'll see how long that lasts."