Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Honestly, reading all these motivated me even more than the Success Stories, lmao!
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    My parents haven't really noticed that I've lost weight. Over 20lbs. I've mentioned how I feel I look better and definitely feel better, but they still don't really notice that much. To be honest, they do see me often, so that's part of it.

    So yesterday my Dad found a photo of us together not this past Christmas, but the year before, before I started doing anything, basically at my heaviest (162lbs). "Hey, you were heavier! I can see the difference!"

    Thank you! Thank you for noticing... :laugh:
  • negative187
    negative187 Posts: 23
    My boyfriend always says "but you're not fat!"
    -facepalm- I KNOW I',m not fat, I am at a healthy weight. BUT I need to get my weight down to at least 9 stone, just so I have enough room for when my weight fluctuates. I want to attend the nine week foundation course at The British Racing School, for that, my weight cannot ever go above 9 stone 7lbs.

    Another one is one I get from the people at work, even when they are talking to others about me.
    "oh, she never eats."
    Eh, I don't eat your butter and salt covered food at work, I can do without that.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    Sometimes people with little or no knowledge on what word 'DIET' mean, think I am starving myself when I tell them I'm on a diet, when in fact is the opposite. I just shortly explain that diet is nothing else than an exercise routine combined with eating habits.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    So ... that means you like don't eat right?

    Hahaha. Yeah. Right. I eat like 1500-2000 cals a day depending on exercise.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    The one that annoyed me the most came from my parents:

    (Before I started dieting)

    "See I told you if you get fat you'd become diabetic!" (quite funny considering both of my parents are obese and my dad has advanced Type 2 diabetes).

    Never had much weightloss support from them. When living at home they would always buy frozen crap and sweets. Moved out ate all fresh food and no sweets lost 56lbs! and as I was losing weight even when i was upto 30lbs lost they would come out with:

    "Well I wouldn't get too excited you've still got a long way to shift that much fat" (cheers thanks just s**t on my success will you!)

    Parents eh? :sad:
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    "Ugh, you're writing down everything you eat? There's no point in using a calorie counting website because, when you eat out, you don't know exactly what they are putting in the food."

    Well, no, but at least I can get a sense of the nutritional value of what I'm eating, and see whether I am balancing my calorie sources correctly.
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    i hate it when you tell people you're trying to get heatlhy and hitting the gym ect but as soon as you skipped gym two nights in a row OR they see you eating a bit of chocolate (GOD FORBID) they're all like UGH! THAT'S NO GOOD FOR YOU'

    then ok, i'm glad you hit the gym EVERY NIGHT after getting home late and NEVER eat sugar or chocolate!

    *kitten* sorry but they get right up my goat.
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    mine are :-
    "why are u eating so much in a day, ur suppose to be on a diet??" my answer. im eating a lot of fruit veg and protein unlike ur pasties pies and cakes

    "ur fat lump on the back of ur kneck has finaly gone"" i get that one all the time.

    "i think ur eating habbits are weird you write everything down, weigh everything and wont eat somethig u really want because it has to many calories.... ur weird."
  • nosila96
    nosila96 Posts: 25
    "You're not going to become one of those obsessed calorie-counters, are you?"

    Omg that is all I hear
  • Aquaduckie
    Aquaduckie Posts: 115
    I get people telling me I look fine and don't need to lose weight. Um, yes, I do! I am 5'2" and weigh(ed) 200 pounds! I am very overweight and I DO need to diet.
  • vmessyness
    vmessyness Posts: 49 Member
    my great grandma (who means well) always says, "eat more! you can eat as much watermelon as you want. watermelon doesn't have any calories." haha, if only.

    similarly i've heard many folks insist that fruit and vegetables have no calories (i'm a vegetarian, so obviously this isn't true. i got fat off a plant-based diet, lol).

    "wait, do you have to log that?" in reference to anything i put into my mouth. of course the answer is invariably "yes!"

    "why are you taking pictures of your food?" i keep a photo-journal of my meals because i enjoy photography, and food blogs.

    "so, how many calories is in THAT?" this is what folks tend to ask when they see me eating anything other than lettuce leafs.

    "you shouldn't eat that! _____ is so fattening!" insert, avocado, nuts, seeds, nut butters, olives, etc. apparently people still don't understand that fat grams aren't what makes you fat...
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Them: "Are you on a diet?"

    Me: "No I'm just trying to eat healthily. And no, I would not like the bread and I can happily skip the rice, thanks."
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    When they see my food " Is that a hospital food " ?
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    "just don't put it in your calorie counter."

    Because bad things in your body omly turn to fat if you count them, right?
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    not stupid. i know they're just trying to be nice. "you're already tiny" or "oh, you don't need to lose any weight".
  • Jezzakins
    Jezzakins Posts: 8 Member
    "How long will it last this time?"
  • bozzalozza
    bozzalozza Posts: 39 Member
    When a friend of mine who lost 60lbs in about a year, got down to his goal weight in the middle of his BMI, had someone come up to him and ask if he had cancer.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Here's a great quote from an article about the 8 kinds of people who sabotage your weight loss:

    "That's why when you succeed with changing one tiny habit, it can change your whole perspective. It's not this monstrous solid mountain you have to overcome, it's just a big pile of stones, and you just easily picked one up and moved it. It's not about heaving the whole thing aside with some supernatural effort, it's just about moving one stone at a time. And the first one wasn't so bad, so you're stoked to grab a couple more.

    "That's why when a "friend" says, "Ha ha, you dip****, what good is that one stone going to do you?" you want to clock them. And maybe you should, that will burn a good five calories."

  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    My personal favorites:

    "Don't lose anymore." (Uh, thanks, but EXCUSE ME?)
    "How did you do it?" [I tell them about MFP] "That doesn't sound healthy..."
    "You looked fine before."
    "Why would you want to lose weight?" (Is it not obvious?)
    "You looked BETTER before." (Made me rage. Like I care about your opinion on my body that made me unhappy)
    "Aren't you miserable logging what you eat all the time? I could never do that. I like to enjoy my food." (Yeah, you go ahead and enjoy all twenty pieces of cake and then later talk about how fat you are -.-)
    "I don't need a calorie counter. I'm just going to cut carbs out of my diet." (Okay, have fun. Come back to me when you're out of energy and aren't losing because you have no calorie deficit)