whats the worst "food myth" you have heard?



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Broken biscuits don't count, because they aren't whole biscuits.
    Biscuits that you eat in the dark don't count, because you can't see them.
    Really thin biscuits don't count if you eat them side-on, I guess because they are really thin and therefore you kind-of can't see them either...

    Anyone seeing a recurring theme here?!

    I also read on here somewhere the other day - if you eat too much fat your liver turns it into insulin so that will make your insulin resistance worse.

    Also I feel a need to comment on some other things I've seen, though I haven't read the whole way through this thread.
    Fruits are full of sugar which is bad, IF you eat a lot of them IF you are, for example, diabetic. High blood sugar is not conducive to weight loss.
    Dietary fat clogs your arteries. Someone said this is one of those myths. If not from your diet, where do you think that circulating fat comes from? Why do you think things like the Atkins diet that encourage people to eat more fat result in statistically higher rates of heart disease and atherosclerosis? It is absorbed from your gut, metabolised by your liver and packaged into lipoproteins to be transported around your body for storage. Too many lipoproteins of a certain kind get eaten up by other cells and sit in the walls of your blood vessels. Ergo, fat clogging arteries.

    Actually, just to clarify, high blood sugar makes you lose weight. Low blood sugar causes you to gain weight. High blood sugar is really bad for you and has negative long term effects, but it does not stop weight loss.

    High blood sugar leads to more insulin release which leads to more uptake of glucose into cells where it is converted into storage carbohydrates, which stay in your body. Low blood glucose leads to glucagon release which leads to glycogen store breakdown to give you glucose to fuel your cells.

    Erm ... insulin resistance DECREASES uptake of glucose into cells, where it belongs, and leaves it sitting in the blood, where it causes high blood sugars and all of the problems diabetics encounter.
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    The carbs you eat after going to the gym don't count....Huh?!

    Well they are less likely to be stored as fat, but instead get stored as glycogen in your muscles, as you presumably have depleted that after the gym
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    "fruits are bad because they are full of sugar"
    Are you sure that wasn't just a homophobic rant?

    This made me LOL!

  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    Spunk is a good protein source

    ...Isn't it? :O

    Yes dear, ignore that previous statement ;)

    spunk is not a significant source of protein..... but is an awesome source of iron! Honest... they had nutritional breakdown in Maxim magazine years ago :drinker: drink up!
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    I swear, everytime I pull a banana out my purse (yes, I keep fruit in my purse...ya know, for fruit emergencies), atleast one person I'm with will say "Aren't you dieting? Bananas make you fat." or something along those lines *eye roll*

    I'm not saying that "bananas make you fat" is straight up truthful, especially if you eat them in moderation and along with a normal, healthy balanced diet...however, bananas ARE high in calories, carbs and sugar, and are in fact used to help people gain weight extremely quickly. And yes, you will gain weight if you eat an excessive amount of naners.

    A banana has about 100 calories. I think most of us can fit that into our diet. I eat one every day.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    From my MIL (who has also repeated many of the others here): eggs would be good for you if you could eat them raw. Frying them hydrogenates the oils, that's why they get hard/solid.

    (And here I was believing my biology prof when she told us cooking things like eggs denatures the proteins, which causes them to turn white and become solid)
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    Today my housemate told Me that diet coke makes you gain weight. I don't drink diet coke but am now going to drink an entire carton of diet coke in aweek just to prove that I won't gain weight. She's buying them so how could I refuse. I love being right

    There is research that suggests that artificial sweeteners lead to an insulin response (depends which one you use - google it) and thus it is likely. .
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    Today my housemate told Me that diet coke makes you gain weight. I don't drink diet coke but am now going to drink an entire carton of diet coke in aweek just to prove that I won't gain weight. She's buying them so how could I refuse. I love being right

    There is research that suggests that artificial sweeteners lead to an insulin response (depends which one you use - google it) and thus it is likely. .
    maybe im wrong but im pretty sure you can only gain with a calorie surplus (not taking into account some sort of medical issue)
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    my mother in law used to swear that thick cut chips( fries) were ok and better than thin ones, because when you fried them they didn't absorb so much fat. :noway:
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    cold water burns calories because your body has to warm it up to use it...if that were true wouldn't ice cream be the same?

    That's right, because ice cream and water have the same number of calories.
  • nancyaaa
    nancyaaa Posts: 64 Member
    this isn't a food myth, but it is truly ridiculous...

    someone on here months ago was complaining about not losing weight, eating their exercise cals, etc and the reply was, "you have to wait at least a week for your bones to shrink" and then "you'll start losing real fast"...i had to read that entry 3 or 4 times before my brain even even realized how utterly stupid it was...

    Why is that stupid? bones do shrink if you don't use them. Google osteoclasts, we all have them. If you lose a lot of weight your bones will probably shrink as they dont have to do as much weight bearing. However, I don't know why anyone would WANT their bones to shrink. That is stupid.
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    Spunk is a good protein source

    ...Isn't it? :O

    Yes dear, ignore that previous statement ;)

    spunk is not a significant source of protein..... but is an awesome source of iron! Honest... they had nutritional breakdown in Maxim magazine years ago :drinker: drink up!

    Not sure if you're serious, or not. I'm borderline anemic and I haven't seen much difference in my iron levels. But that could be because I don't generally have a "shot of iron" before I give blood or go in for bloodwork. *wink* (I might just have to test this now.)
  • eodvarka
    eodvarka Posts: 30
    Diet soda is better than regular.
    Peanut butter makes you fat.
    Starving yourself is the best way to lose weight.
    Negative calories.
    White potatoes have no nutritional value.
  • kellibenage
    kellibenage Posts: 41
    Sorry in advance but I have to dork out a little. Cheese may have sugar in it. Bacteria will "eat" the sugar (lactose) in milk in the normal cheese making process, but the bacteria doesn't necessarily eat all the sugar so there may be some left. How much sugar is left in the final cheese is very dependent on what type of cheese you are making/eating, though likely very low it might still be there. I realize this is nitpicky of me.

    Yeah, I was just thinking that my dad who is a diabetic has to watch his cheese intake because it spikes his blood sugar..... don't know if low fat is any different than regular, but it does have sugar
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    In India, they think eating cookies, cereals, fruit juice etc can make you catch a cold.
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    Fruits and vegetable calories don't count because they are "natural".

    These people have obviously never met the fat vegetarians I have.
    If they are vegetarian and fat it's likely from eating too much high-calorie dense food such as bread and pasta and cheese (if lacto-ovo). It's unlikely due to eating too many fruits and vegetables.

    And again lol...if you eat too many calories in fruits and vegetables...you will get fat.

    You can say 'unlikely' if you want, but it doesn't change the implied message in your comment.


    Have you tried to eat too many fruits and vegetables. It would be VERY difficult. For example, to hit 2000 calories, I'd have to eat over 20 apples!!
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    No eating after 7/8 pm.
  • pandasmama3
    pandasmama3 Posts: 114 Member
    if you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding. how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Fruits and vegetable calories don't count because they are "natural".

    These people have obviously never met the fat vegetarians I have.
    If they are vegetarian and fat it's likely from eating too much high-calorie dense food such as bread and pasta and cheese (if lacto-ovo). It's unlikely due to eating too many fruits and vegetables.

    And again lol...if you eat too many calories in fruits and vegetables...you will get fat.

    You can say 'unlikely' if you want, but it doesn't change the implied message in your comment.


    Have you tried to eat too many fruits and vegetables. It would be VERY difficult. For example, to hit 2000 calories, I'd have to eat over 20 apples!!

    One medium/small avacado is roughly 250cal. One apple with 4tbsp natural peanut butter is 500cal (I'm assuming vegans are allowed to eat peanut butter...I've never bothered to look into it, it seems silly to me).

    I don't feel like going through a list of high calorie fruits and vegetables...but it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility to go over 2000 calories if you're eating a healthy balance of nothing more than...fruits and vegetables.
  • kenny_johnson
    kenny_johnson Posts: 108 Member
    Diet soda is better than regular.

    Depends on your opinion of artificial sweeteners, I guess. I think diet soda is better for you than regular soda. Regular soda (which I enjoy on occasion) is sugar water. It has almost no nutritional value, yet costs you 140+ calories. At least the diet soda is nutritionally empty, but almost no calories. Both have chemicals and other crap in them.