If you have an amazing body you are clearly OBSESSED



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Let me clarify what I meant.

    I'm almost 35 years old. When I was younger, 15-ish or so, I attempted to build muscle, and I remained skinny and uncut no matter what I did. The guys my age who were built offered no help or advice but to taunt and eff with me constantly. Does that still leave a bad taste in my mouth 20 years later? Yes, although I know it shouldn't.

    At other points in my life, it was always those types of guys at work who gave off this air of thinking they were better than me, and, the ones that usually bragged about cheating on their wives.

    this proves that 15 year old dudes are doucherockets, not ripped guys.
    also at that age, how are they supposed to know that half the reason they are bigger is genetics and puberty stages?
    at that age they just wanna be the blessed ones that cant explain why they're awesome.

    In my opinion, the ripped guys are the ones with the best problem solving skills, the most willing to help other people out- whether its a physical job or a logic problem, the ones that stick to their manners most often, who clean up their area in the gym, always try really hard to act goofy and play down their brains because theyve been beaten down to think that they dont have a right to be gorgeous, funny AND smart- cause girls will just label them *kitten*, when the real truth is that if a girl is together with some super ripped guy, and she isnt pretty much evenly matched with her own body obsession- she's probably gonna feel like she cant keep him.

    That doesnt make him a *kitten* - that makes her someone who judges a book by its cover because she knows she cant have someone she cant keep up with.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    NFL. teams have the top nutritionists in the country planning out each of their players diet, macro's and even how many meals per day they need to eat. And not just to keep them under a certain weight,to get maxium performance out of each player, and also add and keep weight on certain players.

    I seriously doubt any of the players are staying under certain weights (with the exception of severely overweight linemen who would have to cut for health reasons).
    Performance improves when you have excess calories to recover and rebuild.
    Wide receivers aren't trying to lose weight bro.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Let me clarify what I meant.

    I'm almost 35 years old. When I was younger, 15-ish or so, I attempted to build muscle, and I remained skinny and uncut no matter what I did. The guys my age who were built offered no help or advice but to taunt and eff with me constantly. Does that still leave a bad taste in my mouth 20 years later? Yes, although I know it shouldn't.

    At other points in my life, it was always those types of guys at work who gave off this air of thinking they were better than me, and, the ones that usually bragged about cheating on their wives.

    this proves that 15 year old dudes are doucherockets, not ripped guys.
    also at that age, how are they supposed to know that half the reason they are bigger is genetics and puberty stages?
    at that age they just wanna be the blessed ones that cant explain why they're awesome.

    In my opinion, the ripped guys are the ones with the best problem solving skills, the most willing to help other people out- whether its a physical job or a logic problem, the ones that stick to their manners most often, who clean up their area in the gym, always try really hard to act goofy and play down their brains because theyve been beaten down to think that they dont have a right to be gorgeous, funny AND smart- cause girls will just label them *kitten*, when the real truth is that if a girl is together with some super ripped guy, and she isnt pretty much evenly matched with her own body obsession- she's probably gonna feel like she cant keep him.

    That doesnt make him a *kitten* - that makes her someone who judges a book by its cover because she knows she cant have someone she cant keep up with.

    Good point.

    I'm a guy by the way, not sure if you caught that.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Let me clarify what I meant.

    I'm almost 35 years old. When I was younger, 15-ish or so, I attempted to build muscle, and I remained skinny and uncut no matter what I did. The guys my age who were built offered no help or advice but to taunt and eff with me constantly. Does that still leave a bad taste in my mouth 20 years later? Yes, although I know it shouldn't.

    At other points in my life, it was always those types of guys at work who gave off this air of thinking they were better than me, and, the ones that usually bragged about cheating on their wives.

    this proves that 15 year old dudes are doucherockets, not ripped guys.
    also at that age, how are they supposed to know that half the reason they are bigger is genetics and puberty stages?
    at that age they just wanna be the blessed ones that cant explain why they're awesome.

    In my opinion, the ripped guys are the ones with the best problem solving skills, the most willing to help other people out- whether its a physical job or a logic problem, the ones that stick to their manners most often, who clean up their area in the gym, always try really hard to act goofy and play down their brains because theyve been beaten down to think that they dont have a right to be gorgeous, funny AND smart- cause girls will just label them *kitten*, when the real truth is that if a girl is together with some super ripped guy, and she isnt pretty much evenly matched with her own body obsession- she's probably gonna feel like she cant keep him.

    That doesnt make him a *kitten* - that makes her someone who judges a book by its cover because she knows she cant have someone she cant keep up with.

    Good point.

    I'm a guy by the way, not sure if you caught that.

    oh yeah I totally knew you were a guy- i just wanted to fuss on behalf of the guys- they get a crap snap judgement from women that just isnt fair considering they are being judged negatively for having a GOOD PHYSIQUE.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    NFL. teams have the top nutritionists in the country planning out each of their players diet, macro's and even how many meals per day they need to eat. And not just to keep them under a certain weight,to get maxium performance out of each player, and also add and keep weight on certain players.

    I seriously doubt any of the players are staying under certain weights (with the exception of severely overweight linemen who would have to cut for health reasons).
    Performance improves when you have excess calories to recover and rebuild.
    Wide receivers aren't trying to lose weight bro.
    You would be wrong, Each and every player has a playing weight that is precisley dialed in, that they maintain during the season for max. performance, speed, strength, conditioning etc. And you would also be wrong about some WR.'s not trying to lose weight.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Well in my experience, they are. Sorry bro.
    Thats like saying all obese people are lazy just because thats how I became and remained obese.

    Well, for me that was mostly true.

    I get your point, however.

    So exactly how many body builders do you know in a day to day basis.

    Utterly empty and meaning comment really. Like any section of the population, you'll have different types of people. Some will be interesting, some dull, some obsessive and some actually just like you. Everyone is different.

    To generalize thro a single person you've known or the odd one or two is plain daft.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I'm going to say most (80%) of bodybuilders and Olympians count there calories. Football players? I would say under half

    Just curious how you came up with this number on NFL players?

    When you watch a game almost half of them are fat so thats how I'm guessing he got the number.

    Oh so they're your opinions not facts....did you use the same ligic for Olympians? My former NFL playing father would like to know. he's 6'1' 220. He's happy to make the cut...

    what was his bf% when he played and did he count his calories to stay within a certain bf%. I am 6' and weighed 225 before I decided to cut my bf% so height and weight stats mean zip to me. weight and bf% give me a better idea of someones build.
  • jcomley1
    jcomley1 Posts: 133
    I was speaking to a friend about what we find attractive in a guy - in terms of body shape. I like a guy to be pretty cut and ripped. i work hard at my body, and I would love to have a guy who knows about fitness and can work out with me and keep each other motivated etc.

    She said that she would rather have an averagely built guy because guys with amazing bodies are obsessive about their bodies , diet and ultimately obsessed with themselves- because a certain degree of obsession ( i prefer the term devotion...) is necessary to get that ripped.
    What do you ladies think?? what are you observations ? Would you prefer a less awesomely built guy so you dont feel like you are competing with his gorgeous frame or pressured to look as good?

    But also just interested to know if you guys would deem yourself obsessed with your bodies? and if you think the same about girls who have amazing bodies and weigh their food, and gym all the time etc, etc. :smile:

    Well, I *am* a guy, so from my straight male perspective, I will say most "ripped" dudes are total *kitten*.

    Not sure if trolling or if being serious???
  • jaydubbayu
    jaydubbayu Posts: 456
    There's a fine line between being healthy and being obsessed. People have to find that happy medium, that's all. It does take a lot of work to be "ripped", as you said. Myself, I'm not looking to get ripped, I just want to be healthier, and weigh less than I do. I think that will take a lot less obsessing to accomplish. But that's me. Everyone's different. Just make sure that a guy isn't putting fitness over YOU!
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    im not obsesive id say, but i do care, i want to be able to fit into my clothes and look good hahaha I would love a man who eats healthy, maybe not weighing his food but definatly taking time to make delicious healthy meals. as well as a man who would go to the gym with me. he dont have to work out with me or anything but I really enjoy being healthy and having a nice body for it. Im not skinny as ever i have muscle on me, this is from years of playing soccer and volleyball. I want a man who will enjoy physical activity with me but every once in awhile would snugle up on the couch and indulge in a movie and some homemade ice cream. :) hahahhaha any takers? hahahhahahaha
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Passionate people are neat, whatever they're passionate about.

    I've never had an amazing body, but I've always been obsessed about whatever physical activity floats my boat at the time. I've also been obsessed about videogames, cooking, ferments.. any of my hobbies. My mate has the same passionate personality type, so we do well together. He's currently on learning chinese, following the way of the dao and windmill design. I'm currently on weight lifting and science fiction novels. Sometimes he works out with me, and sometimes I practice a little tai chi and don't tease him too badly about the stupid windmills.

    I will say I rather like when he's obsessed about his body, though. Whatever pheromone men release post workout is absolutely marvelous.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    For some might turn an obsession, and for others is a chosen lifestyle. Like choosing a career path. But you cannot put both in the same category of people. The same with girls. There are girls obsessed at looks, but there are other girls who just want to pursue an healthy life. I like the word devotion that you mentioned.
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    Bumpp to read later :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    big talk for someone shaped like this:

  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I am not obsessed , I just do things with the maximum efficiency.

    You mad?
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    big talk for someone shaped like this:



    It takes a lot of mental and physical dedication and commitment to get an amazing body. I don't think I'd mind being with someone like that at all.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Obsess is a word the lazy use :D... <--- love that phrase... Honestly I've been called conceited, obsessed and all that just because I refuse to go backwards and the only way to keep from going backwards is to keep moving and keep counting. I'm no where near a ripped toned body yet, but I am working hard at it. I'm called conceited because I've for once in my life love myself enough to take care of myself before anyone else besides my kids. I'm obsessed because if it isn't in my daily plan, I refuse it and people think I should let my hair down and indulge, but I have a food addiction and if I do this all the time I will be back to where I started.
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    @OP - its depends on the person, and I believe that it is related to a self esteem issue..... for me, I have never cared about appearance and trained, lifted, and excercised for MMA competitions. Recently, I have been dieting for an office competition. I have known people at the gym (male and female) that are consumed with looking good. Great bodies, but not much else to offer....
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I find it incredibly sexy for a man to work hard enough on his body to get into the single digit body fat range. It's not so much the aesthetic factor (although that is a great bonus) as the fact that he is so dedicated to SOMETHING (something beneficial, I should add). I am attracted to people who have goals and ambition and who are not satisfied with being average.

    As to whether or not I think it's obsessive, I would only consider it obsessive if it got to a point where it was majorly interfering with our relationship. For example, if we could never go out and do normal "couple" activities because he was afraid he might be pressured to eat something with sugar in it, then yeah, that's obsessive. But if it's just an issue of eating a very strict diet and having a very strict training schedule, no, I do not consider that obsessive.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Obsessed would mean that basically nothing outside of having an amazing body mattered. Family, love life, job, etc. wouldn't matter.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition