Survey time: Should a guy pay on a first date?



  • MichaeltheMarine
    MichaeltheMarine Posts: 889 Member
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 682 Member
    Yes I would say on the first few dates the guy should pay. After that it is nice if the woman at least offers sometimes. My boyfriend still pays most of the time but I still offer. Sometimes I will pay the check while he is away from the table that way he doesn't have a choice lol
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Whoever invited the other person out on the date should offer to pay. If I ask a guy out, I'd offer to pay. And I wouldn't be mortified if he let me pay for him---the date was my idea!

    If he asks me out on the date, he should pay. I ALWAYS offer to split the bill (although I know most women probably wouldn't on the first date--just the way I am), but I've never actually had a guy let me pay for my half on our first date.

    The first time I went out with my bf he asked me out, he paid for dinner. I suggested we go to this other place and grab drinks after, so I offered to pay for our drinks (he didn't let me, but I still offered). I think it's rude to invite somebody out on a date and then expect them to pay for you. That's like inviting your friend to to movies and then expecting them to buy your ticket...

    Now that we've been together for 3 1/2 years, my bf and I pretty much always split the bill when we go on dates (unless it's like special occasion, I take him out for his birthday, he's taking me on a date this weekend as part of a Mother's Day present, etc). I figure we both have jobs, we both have money, why should only one of us foot the bill?
  • WelcomeToWonderland

    I was told "You're a backminded foreigner who doesn't think women are capable for doing anything on their own. Maybe in your country women will take that but not in America!". This was said to me after I offered to help this tiny petite girl I knew with lifting up this heavy TV. I woulda done the same for any male too.

    Conclusion: I give up on understanding women

    To which you should have replied "Pardon me, I thought you were a lady..."
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    YES! There is no reason for a guy to not pay on the first date.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
  • BBiggsjr
    BBiggsjr Posts: 1
    That depends on who did the inviting. If he invites, then he pays. Pretty simple. If you invite, assuming you are female, then you pay or offer to pay. If he is worth his salt, he will pay anyway. It is also wise to settle the question whenever the date is made - such as saying that you expect to go "Dutch" or that you will pay. That way there are no hurt feelings or expectations.
  • Greensherbert
    Greensherbert Posts: 15 Member
    I think if the guy asked then they should pay --
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I never expect or assume the man will pay. I always offer to pay for my dinner.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When I was dating if i asked him out I offer to pay the whole thing, if he asks me out my wallet wouldn't even get unholstered unless he said something. if we agreed to split the bill before hand, I'd go 50/50. From my calculation, on $75 bill if the service was excellent I'd expect to leave a 20% tip bringing the total to $90. When the change came I'd say, "oh, and so the tip should be $15 so do we need to ask for change to get our 5's or do you already have one to give me?"
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    I was told "You're a backminded foreigner who doesn't think women are capable for doing anything on their own. Maybe in your country women will take that but not in America!". This was said to me after I offered to help this tiny petite girl I knew with lifting up this heavy TV. I woulda done the same for any male too.

    Conclusion: I give up on understanding women

    To which you should have replied "Pardon me, I thought you were a lady..."

    That woman clearly had some kind of independent woman complex...I would be offended if somebody DIDN'T offer to help me lift some huge TV or something lol
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    If he is IN to the girl, yes. Like, he is the one who asked her out, chased her, etc.

    If it is a blind date type deal, or something like that and you do not plan on taking her out again...I think the tab should be split.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Split. If I don't know him, he doesn't owe me any favors and shouldn't feel obligated to pay.

    However, everyone should always offer.
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    If he asked the girl out, then yes, absolutely.
  • ninaquelinda
    ninaquelinda Posts: 136
    I take my babe to Aldi's and let her get whatever she wants with my foodstamp card. I'll take it home and cook for her.

    And if that goes well do you upgrade to Giant Eagle for the second date? :tongue: :laugh:
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    yep they should, my boyfriend (now husband ) always paid in the beginning. When we got a little more comfortable together I would pay every once in a while so that I wouldn't feel like I was taking advantage.Even now after 7 years, he will say "I got this" and wink at me ( it is funny cause we have a joint account)
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    IMHO, if you have to ask you shouldn't be going on the date in the first place.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    If I asked the girl out, then I would pay. If she asked me out, the I would offer to pay, or at least pay half.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    i'd offer to pay half, but if he wanted to pay i would let him. I certainly would not expect him to though! Equal rights and all that... it's what we always ask for, then some people don't like it, when that's what we get imo. x
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    whoever asked the other on a date should pay.