Survey time: Should a guy pay on a first date?



  • brandi22479
    brandi22479 Posts: 81 Member
    C'mon, this isn't even a debate, honestly. If a man asks a woman out, of course he should pay. Why would it be any other way? What kind of man asks a woman out on a date and then looks to her to pay the check??? If SHE asks HIM, SHE should pay.

    Men need to still be gentlemen in this country.

    While you're at it, please open the car door for her. It doesn't lessen a man to be gentlemanly, it makes him more of a man.

    2nd, 3rd, 4th date....? Figure it out, split it, whatever... But the first? IF YOU ASK, YOU PAY!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    If he asked me out I would expect him to pay, I may leave the tip or pay for drinks or something else we may do. That dude should have paid for the meal. If a man is having money problems and I suggest the date, I would tell him "I got you, no problem".

    ^ This
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I'd say split it...

    My wife and I split the first date. But she gets all the money now. It was a good plan. ;)
  • vixmonsta
    vixmonsta Posts: 27 Member
    i usually assume whoever asked the other on the date is the one organising the date and should therefore pay.. however on a first date if the man has done the asking - if it's gone well i will try and offer to go halves but then if he insists on paying i then say "ok as long as you let me pay next time"... which usually works :-)

    equally if it's not gone well and he's organised it i'll offer to pay halves and if he agrees pay and if not let him pay
    and the same if i organised it and it's not gone well - if he offers to go halves i'll accept that but go prepared to pay the whole thing
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Just wanting to know everyone's view on who should pay on a frist date. I know equal right and all that but if I guy does not pay for me on the first date I just assume he is a tight a*rse and he not getting a second date.

    Sunday night, first date, dinner came to $75 I gave him $50 and he took it and did not offer any change, hmm nice!

    How much did your meal come to? If it didn't come to 50 then he should of gave you back change.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    If they ask you out and pick the place, they pay. It goes both ways, but I think the man should pay until you are going out more than twice a month or so. Then it should be split.
  • mpalczew
    mpalczew Posts: 4 Member
    Of course a guy should pay. Women don't know the first thing about money.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I guess I'm old fashion I think he should always pay
  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    I am old fashioned so yeah, I would pay on first date and next and so on.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
  • Alice_Liddell
    I hate that women are so RAWR FEMINIST about most things, but this is one of those where they are still pretty backwards. The number of women who say they wouldn't go on a second date with a guy who didn't pay on the first astounds me.

    I DO believe that the person who asks should pay. HOWEVER, I asked my husband on our first date, and he refused to let me pay. He actually wouldn't let me pay for the first several, even though I always initiated. Eventually we got into a pattern of me paying dinner, him paying movie, and the next week we'd switch, but he refused at first, even though I was insistent. He's just more stubborn than I am, and there was no reason we should argue over the check for twenty minutes.

    In summary: The asker should pay, or the askee should suggest going Dutch (and meaning it. They shouldn't suggest it and then get mad if the asker agrees).
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    Yes....that's all.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member

    No...he pays. You are paying with your time.

    Because your time is that much more important than his?
    Yup. most women spend more time turning down dates than actually going on them. Men seem to ask everyone out for some reason. I dont go on a date with every single guy so the ones I do go out with I do expect them to value the time i'm giving them.
    So in order for us to "value" our time together we have to put a price tag on it?

    If you'd rather go out for dinner, it usually isnt free so yeah obviously. Dont forget that a man can always plan a cheaper option. He can go to a museum on a date which happens to be free.
    And this is another great reason why I never do dinner on the first date, usually just drinks or coffee.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member

    No...he pays. You are paying with your time.

    Because your time is that much more important than his?

    YES :):)

    Morgans mom knows best!
    Another great reason we shouldn't look to our parents for dating advice. Times are different now, women can vote and everything.

    As crazy as it sounds, most gentlemen would pay. Back then and today.
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    i agree as long as he's the guy that asked for the date. if you asked for it, then i'd be willing to go dutch. but it's always a bonus if they pay on those dates too (and they usually do). :)

    So, if he asks he should pay for both but if you ask then you only pay half? That seems.. wrong.

    I like the idea of the first date being "dutch" (each person pays for their own). Simplifies things. If he insists he pays, great - if she insists she pays, great. I don't think one person is more 'deserving' or 'required' to pay because of what their gender may happen to be.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Yeah, in my world, the guy not only pays for the first date, but all dates thereafter. My father was old school and so I guess it's sad that men don't take pride in taking a lady out.

    If you are low on money, be inventive and take the lady to a free venue.
  • alicepoppyh
    alicepoppyh Posts: 88
    Whoever asks for the date pays generally, or it can go halves. I would generally offer half anyway even if I was the one who had been asked out.

    I just don't *get* what the basis is for the man in a hetero situation always having to pay.
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    yuck I hate this. Why should men pay for the first date? I understand that its a tradition or whatever, but think about what it symbolizes! IMO he can only pay if I pay the next time. Or its my birthday. If women want to be treated like equals than how can we expect to use sexist practices when they suite our needs? Watch and think about it! (I know you love Jenna Marbles )
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Just wanting to know everyone's view on who should pay on a frist date. I know equal right and all that but if I guy does not pay for me on the first date I just assume he is a tight a*rse and he not getting a second date.

    Sunday night, first date, dinner came to $75 I gave him $50 and he took it and did not offer any change, hmm nice!

    Did the guy invite you on the date? I think whoever gives the invitation should pay. And, that is very cheap, but it's possible he's broke. Better to talk about this stuff up front I guess.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I get asked on a lot of dates and I only go on the ones with the guys that I really like. To me it honestly just seem like its a numbers game to guys. If they ask out a bunch of girls eventually one will say yes.

    Of course it is a numbers game.

    What else do you expect them to do? Sit at home, crying, hoping that women will ask him out?