

  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
  • Changeisgonnacome
    OMG! This group is a blast. I'm so glad I found it, HOWEVER... I turned my computer off at 4 yesterday afternoon and didn't turn it back on until this morning... I missed so much and it seemed like forever to read to the end! But HILARIOUS!!
    You can clean my house too, but it would be a long drive since I'm in Ontario!! LMAO
    I didn't eat pasta yesterday but I went to Green Day concert and I had a couple beers... BAD GIRL I know! :ohwell: But they were going down so nicely.... and I don't drink often at all... now I'm just making excuses!! I will drink extra water today to TRY to flush it out of me...IF that even works!!! LOL

    Where in Ontario? I'm on my way there on the 29th. I'm originally from Ottawa| :tongue:

    LOVE the shoes|||
  • Changeisgonnacome
    I did great on the no pasta challenge yesterday. So here's to water today....

    I am going on vacation next week so my posts will be far and few...just in case you miss me....

    :grumble: I am still waiting on my house to be cleaned....:tongue::laugh: :bigsmile:

    No really - I've got to get it together finish laundry pack, etc....heading to the beach....great thing is I won't look like a cow in my bathing suit this year:wink::laugh: Last year I weighed 75 pounds more than this year-great feeling of pride with that!

    Believe me, you will be missed. I'll be on vacation as of the 29th...

    LOVE the shoes as your avatar! Those your dream shoes?
  • Changeisgonnacome
    does the water from an apple count as an ounce?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    well if an apple is an ounce - watermelon should be 1/2 water right so if I eat a cup of watermelon that's 1/2 cup water right ---it's half water half melon right?!:laugh: :bigsmile: :wink:

    Agreed! I have 2 cups of watermelon for lunch, a cup of honeydew melon and an apple. So a cup and a half? :laugh: Actually, I don't have any trouble drinking that much water. I have 2 coffees (cinnamon Lattes) for breakfast and drink only water the rest of the day. Usually, at least 2 litres if not 3.

    Good luck to those who don't. :flowerforyou:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    So I've cheated my red high heals pictured are pink....will you still keep me????

    ABSOLUTELY! (Mine are grey you'll notice... but they are Louboutin, so I figured they counted. If not I can take a picture in my red shoes.)
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    OMG! This group is a blast. I'm so glad I found it, HOWEVER... I turned my computer off at 4 yesterday afternoon and didn't turn it back on until this morning... I missed so much and it seemed like forever to read to the end! But HILARIOUS!!
    You can clean my house too, but it would be a long drive since I'm in Ontario!! LMAO
    I didn't eat pasta yesterday but I went to Green Day concert and I had a couple beers... BAD GIRL I know! :ohwell: But they were going down so nicely.... and I don't drink often at all... now I'm just making excuses!! I will drink extra water today to TRY to flush it out of me...IF that even works!!! LOL

    Where in Ontario? I'm on my way there on the 29th. I'm originally from Ottawa| :tongue:

    LOVE the shoes|||

    A really small town, that if you blink you miss I will just say 20 minutes south of Hamilton.

    I thought the shoes were cute... looking for some more. lol :flowerforyou:
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    So I have found my red high heels. I like them.
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    AHHH you girls crack me up!!! If we counted fruit as part water, I'd be in good shape!!!! Shame we STILL haven't gone grocery shopping yet, the only fruit I have left to eat is a kiwi and a fruit cup. Oh and a huge bowl of watermelon soaked in vodka my hubby made for the fight last week. It wasn't very good so it's still sitting there:laugh: WHY he used straight vodka is beyond me, when we have such a huge stock of liquor in our bar, it's not like he didn't have a good selection!! :wink:

    Drinking all the water isn't really a challenge for me luckily, I usually get about 8 in everday, give or take some days. Drinking ONLY water will be a tad harder!!

    As for all the house cleaning, I've still got my own house to do this weekend as my mother in law flying in on Monday, and since we haven't met yet, I want her to see our house freakin' SPARKLING so she sees that I'm not a lazy unemployed wifey :laugh: and that her baby boy married an amazing house keeper lol!! But I really am excited to meet her, we talk on the phone and text and all that, and she really is a sweetheart!! We've got big plans for pedicures and lounging on the beach (and staying my happy butt out of the water!!!! lol!!!!) Sooo, I'll be flying around the country week after next to clean all your houses! :wink: :laugh:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Ha Ha Ha.... I like lima beans. And brussels sprouts. And just about anything you throw at me. I think the only thing I don't like is pineapple. As a kid, we had a rule that if we ate something and said "yuck" or made a face, you had to have another helping.... Pineapple makes me make a face. Kinda like a just sucked a lemon face. I don't know how many times I had to eat pineapple til I threw up.

    Maybe an idea for challenges next week.... Add a new fruit or vegetable one day. Something you've either never had before or something you didn't like as a kid but might like now.

    Another idea for a challenge is to add a new exercise, whether it's a new weight machine, or a new stretch, or something... What do you guys think?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    talking of plaid i want to wear this
    when i get to my goal weight lol i have no idea how to post pictures or make links clickable

    OOOOOO girlie you'll look HOT in that!!!!
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Ha Ha Ha.... I like lima beans. And brussels sprouts. And just about anything you throw at me. I think the only thing I don't like is pineapple. As a kid, we had a rule that if we ate something and said "yuck" or made a face, you had to have another helping.... Pineapple makes me make a face. Kinda like a just sucked a lemon face. I don't know how many times I had to eat pineapple til I threw up.

    Maybe an idea for challenges next week.... Add a new fruit or vegetable one day. Something you've either never had before or something you didn't like as a kid but might like now.

    Another idea for a challenge is to add a new exercise, whether it's a new weight machine, or a new stretch, or something... What do you guys think?

    Brussel sprouts, YUCK!!!!! :wink: My mom had a similar rule when I was little...if it was on my plate and I didn't like it, I had to take one (or two) "no-thank you bites" Well it worked, and to this day I still am picky as ever!!!:laugh: Love the challenge ideas, by the way!!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    I like those challenges... I don't know what I could possibly add though lol.

    Katie - my house is in need of a really good "going over"... I hope you're up for it! LMAO

    I swear I have the world's smallest bladder!! I have no problem drinking all my water and then some, my problem is I'm in the bathroom all the time!! At least that's how it seems. One of these days I'm going to actually keep track of how my times I go pee.... :blushing: hehehehe
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    As you get used to drinking more water, you have to run to the bathroom less and less. I drink 3 quarts to a gallon a day, and I don't think I excessively have to go. Maybe once every 3 or 4 hours. Some days are worse than others, but then again, I think some days I go to the bathroom more, just because I'm bored and need something to do... lol
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Ok so I haven't had a chance to read through. I just got up and I'm going to breakfast and the movies with my bf. Just wanted to check it and say hi. Good luck on your water!:drinker:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol
  • chels0
    chels0 Posts: 25 Member
    Chelsea here.

    Start Weight 170
    Current weight 160
    Goal Weight 150

    Created by
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:
  • sarahkatie28
    Just got a chance to check in, work has been busy and my boss is away so I'm doing my job and her job :grumble:

    But anyways, you gals crack me up! :laugh: I finally got through all the posts! I'm ready for the water challenge!!
    I'm doing a cleanse this weekend so wish me luck I will be drinkin lost of water! :happy:

    Hope everyone has a happy Friday!