

  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    You can have some of mine:laugh: I WANT to lose some of mine!! I have been a D since I was 13 and went up to a DD when I was at my top weight. :sad:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    LMAO!!! Yes we do hope!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    You can have some of mine:laugh: I WANT to lose some of mine!! I have been a D since I was 13 and went up to a DD when I was at my top weight. :sad:
    lol well i got up to a DD after my second son lol i'm in a D now...But i'm proud of my tatas haha :laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    LMAO!!! Yes we do hope!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    You can have some of mine:laugh: I WANT to lose some of mine!! I have been a D since I was 13 and went up to a DD when I was at my top weight. :sad:
    lol well i got up to a DD after my second son lol i'm in a D now...But i'm proud of my tatas haha :laugh:

    I'm proud of mine too, I just really want to find a button up shirt that fits me. :wink: Besides I think my BF would bawl like a baby if mine went away.:laugh:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:
    congrats on beating the cancer!! hey the pink shoes fit u perfectly then :bigsmile: and hoorayyyy for big boobs lol....
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    *sits on her bum and day dreams about pretty shoes and having sexy legs and a itty bitty waste and hopefully some boobs left* :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: dangit lol i wish losing weight was nice and easy

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My husband said to me last night ' I'm scared....I'm scared your boobs will disappear. You're just melting away...' . So yeah, It's my fear too.
    :laugh: :laugh: but it should all equal out tho right? because if our waist and hips go down along with our tits atleast we''ll be smaller everywhere so technically our boobs will be the same size? :laugh: i just confused myself lol

    You can have some of mine:laugh: I WANT to lose some of mine!! I have been a D since I was 13 and went up to a DD when I was at my top weight. :sad:
    lol well i got up to a DD after my second son lol i'm in a D now...But i'm proud of my tatas haha :laugh:

    I'm proud of mine too, I just really want to find a button up shirt that fits me. :wink: Besides I think my BF would bawl like a baby if mine went away.:laugh:
    lol and for that reason i dont own button up shirts :laugh: :laugh: they always pop open on that button perfectly lined with the ladies lol
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?

    holy boobs batman - did you say G????? WOW - yeah how's the back?
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?

    :noway: :noway: :noway: I formally take back any complaining I have ever done about my Ds...*formally bowing*
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    So our topics today
    Brussel Sprouts
    Lima Beans
    G Boobs!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    So our topics today
    Brussel Sprouts
    Lima Beans
    G Boobs!

    Train of thought theatre... :bigsmile:
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    As you get used to drinking more water, you have to run to the bathroom less and less. I drink 3 quarts to a gallon a day, and I don't think I excessively have to go. Maybe once every 3 or 4 hours. Some days are worse than others, but then again, I think some days I go to the bathroom more, just because I'm bored and need something to do... lol

    I really wish this to be true for me. I have been drinking a minimum of 8 glasses a day for at least 3 months... nothing has changed! :huh: Whenever I go anywhere, and I do mean ANYWHERE (as close as my parents' house, 2km down the road LMAO), as soon as I get there I have to go! It's an ongoing joke with my bf and I. But some days ARE worse then others! :grumble:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    When I was at Wal-mart, Lee Riders now puts out shirts in the "Instantly Slims You line. I bought a pretty green one, and it's got the princess seams (so it's roomier on top), as well as 3 closely spaced buttons in the ta-ta area. No gaps! Not that I have bigguns anyways, I'm only a B, even at a my high weight. But, it's a nice shirt anyways. Perhaps something like that for you big boobied ladies?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    Holy moly, Nickytoo, you poor thing!!! Chrissyh, congrats on beating cancer!! My grandmother also beat breast cancer a few years ago, and I've been a BIG supporter of Save The Tatas ever since :bigsmile: My favorite workout shirt says "Lucky Irish Tatas" and I've got Save the Tatas stickers all over my truck lol!!! How did you get the logo on your ticker? I've been dying to change mine to something similar since I saw yours! :wink:

    Ah, boobs, I LOVE mine!!! I've always been on the big side too, it's a family curse/blessing. So I'm not too worried about losing them. By the time I was 14 my mom had me in a C cup, I was devistated!! I've been in bras since about the 3rd grade lol...was not happy about it. As I've gotten older though I've come to love my tatas very much!!! :heart: My friends always tell me I need to share some, that one boob would be enough for 2 girls lol!! Oddly enough, despite the fact that I've lost weight, my bras are becoming too SMALL!! I'm needing to move up to a DD now, how WEIRD IS THAT?!?!?!

    Anyone else with big boobies have hell finding sports bras?? I have to double up it sucks!!!
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?

    holy boobs batman - did you say G????? WOW - yeah how's the back?

    OMG!! "G"????? Thank God my bf isn't a boob man... he's happy with my "B" size!!!! I couldn't even imagine! Right after having my 2nd, I went up to a C but that was short lived... LOL
  • denitchy
    denitchy Posts: 445
    So our topics today
    Brussel Sprouts
    Lima Beans
    G Boobs!

    Train of thought theatre... :bigsmile:

    TOO FUNNY! :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?

    No it doesn't I pay a fortune for bras, Prima Donna are the best. and I have pretty broad shoulders so it helps I guess. LOL
  • Changeisgonnacome
    Hey there's always the wonder bra!!!! Mine don't shrink cause they're fake (cancer) - so now they were built for the fat me so I have the biggest boobs I've ever had!! :laugh: :laugh: Hubby likes it I must say:smooched:

    LOL... not on the cancer part of course. Glad you beat it! But on the biggest boobs and your man loving it. Every time I gain I gain there too but I don't lose there, except for band size. But that said, I haven't been below 180 in a LONG time and last time I was, the cup size didn't shrink at all. This time I'm losing a bit differently and I'm starting to think they might very well shrink if I get to 160 especially if I get to 150 but that said, it might be good. I'm as of last week a 34G but the bra expert has determined I'm likely going to go down to F. Not a huge change...TMI I know :laugh:
    :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: a G!!!????!?!?!? lolllll :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that is awesome!! but does ur back hurt?

    :noway: :noway: :noway: I formally take back any complaining I have ever done about my Ds...*formally bowing*

    LOL... thank you!!! I'll see about getting updated pictures soon. It's not like I am ALL boobs... they're not monstruous or anything... at least I don't think so...:laugh: I'm not Dolly Parton-like at all. She is very petite for her chest.