Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 May / June



  • pinkvanilla
    pinkvanilla Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! i'm going to start Ripped in 30 on monday! till the end of June. am really excited to doing it with you guys! Hope everyone's been doing great. Let's Go!! :))

    (p.s you can add me as a friend if you want to as well! :) )
  • Valley83
    Valley83 Posts: 78 Member
    At valley thats great =] are you taking anything to help you recover faster and help your muscles?

    No I haven't taken anything, I just found that by day 5 or so they stopped hurting as much. Now I'm on week 2 and now it's different muscles hurting.
  • soubrette
    soubrette Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, I started Ripped in 30 on May 22 too! I just finished 30 Day Shred last week and am really loving Ripped in 30. 30 DS made such a difference in my body, I am hoping R in 30 will take me to the next level. Just finished Day 4 of Week 1 and it feels great! I am challenged, but not overwhelmed. I often do Jillian's Kickboxing Fast Fix afterwards. Love Jillian, she is the best!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    OMG I totally feel like she is watching me too! It's like if I don't give it my all she will jump out of the tv and kick my butt!

    I feel kind of silly now as I have been using 3 and 5lb weights :O I guess that maybe it's time to buy some 7.5 or 8lb'ers eh?!

    I was also wondering the same thing about what you enter the JM workouts in as for "exercise" on MFP. I don't use the site to track calories or exercise, but I wanted an idea of how many calories I'm burning so I can keep track in my trusty little notebook :)

    So I read a couple people are using the "circuit training" does anyone use anything else? I was thinking aerobics, general just because I sweat so much lol (that was kind of serious and kind of a joke all wrapped in one hehe)

    I did week 2 again this morning....man do those plank-janks, mountain climbers and squat jumps (i think that's what she calls them) kick my butt all over the place! Does anyone else feel like they are going to die when doing those plank type cardio moves?!
  • Eat_Me_I_Taste_Like_Candy
    OMG I totally feel like she is watching me too! It's like if I don't give it my all she will jump out of the tv and kick my butt!

    I feel kind of silly now as I have been using 3 and 5lb weights :O I guess that maybe it's time to buy some 7.5 or 8lb'ers eh?!

    I was also wondering the same thing about what you enter the JM workouts in as for "exercise" on MFP. I don't use the site to track calories or exercise, but I wanted an idea of how many calories I'm burning so I can keep track in my trusty little notebook :)

    So I read a couple people are using the "circuit training" does anyone use anything else? I was thinking aerobics, general just because I sweat so much lol (that was kind of serious and kind of a joke all wrapped in one hehe)

    I did week 2 again this morning....man do those plank-janks, mountain climbers and squat jumps (i think that's what she calls them) kick my butt all over the place! Does anyone else feel like they are going to die when doing those plank type cardio moves?!

    Lol i think week 2 & 4 and the real killers since im going backwards starting at week4 omg i sweat a lot so hopefully weeks 3 would be easy for me lol to be honest I love planking my husband is in the military and that one thing they do a lot so i will do it with him lol
  • Eat_Me_I_Taste_Like_Candy
    Ladies, just wanted to say im sooooo proud that everyone is doing the best to there ability =] remember support is a big key to help each other out to reach our individual goals..Dont be shy to ask any kind of question even if you think its dumb we are here to support & encourage you & NOT judge =]
  • Valley83
    Valley83 Posts: 78 Member
    At valley thats great =] are you taking anything to help you recover faster and help your muscles?

    Should i be taking something to help my muscles, if so what?

    Just finished week 2 day 2, my shoulders and wrists are killing me from all the planks. I found that I didn't get as good of a workout today because I was so sore, I found the same thing with week 1, day 2 so I know it will get better. I still can't figure out how to do the ab lift into a chair ( I think that's what she calls it).
  • AmandaDutra
    AmandaDutra Posts: 38
    I've noticed a lot of talk about how great these video's are. Im looking into buying some (since p90x is so exp. and takes FOREVER) videos. Which one's would you recommend? I've just recently started working out (Week 2!) so I am still a bit of a newbie when it comes to this stuff. I found some at walmart for like $7, Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred? Is that the one you guys will be doing? Thanks in advance for any advice!
  • Eat_Me_I_Taste_Like_Candy
    At valley thats great =] are you taking anything to help you recover faster and help your muscles?

    Should i be taking something to help my muscles, if so what?

    Just finished week 2 day 2, my shoulders and wrists are killing me from all the planks. I found that I didn't get as good of a workout today because I was so sore, I found the same thing with week 1, day 2 so I know it will get better. I still can't figure out how to do the ab lift into a chair ( I think that's what she calls it).

    Ive been taking jillian michaels whey protein i bought it walmart for $10 it works for after workout im not as sore and it helps you to get lean muscels =]
  • Eat_Me_I_Taste_Like_Candy
    I've noticed a lot of talk about how great these video's are. Im looking into buying some (since p90x is so exp. and takes FOREVER) videos. Which one's would you recommend? I've just recently started working out (Week 2!) so I am still a bit of a newbie when it comes to this stuff. I found some at walmart for like $7, Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred? Is that the one you guys will be doing? Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Im doing RI30 right now ..I had asked people which is a better workout dvd between Ripped and 30 DS and people said ripped is a harder workout so I guess ripped is better if you want a challenge =]
  • AmandaDutra
    AmandaDutra Posts: 38
    Awesome! Thanks for the advice!
  • awisegirl84
    awisegirl84 Posts: 82 Member
    I've noticed a lot of talk about how great these video's are. Im looking into buying some (since p90x is so exp. and takes FOREVER) videos. Which one's would you recommend? I've just recently started working out (Week 2!) so I am still a bit of a newbie when it comes to this stuff. I found some at walmart for like $7, Jillian Michaels: 30 Day Shred? Is that the one you guys will be doing? Thanks in advance for any advice!

    I started The 30 Day Shred a couple years ago and it did awesome things for my body. After falling off the wagon due to some health issues (being sick and the resulting depression really got in the way of me taking care of myself) I'm back and really excited.

    I started the 30 Day Shred again on May 1st with the intention of doing 30 straight days...not so much. BUT I've been fairly consistent with 4 days a week. I just got Jillian's Kickbox Fast Fix and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. It's a total of 50 minutes (including a 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cool-down) without any extras necessary (weights and such). It is pretty challenging and I definitely couldn't do all of the exercises (mountain climbers and burpees...WHAT?! I don't think my body will ever be able to do those no matter how little or fit I am) but I can already see improvements from where I was less than 30 days ago starting with The Shred.

    I still love The Shred and will definitely keep it in my rotation. I think it's a good place to start. You will need some hand weights (I still only use 3lb weights) and a towel or mat...and water...and a fan 'cause you're gonna get HOT (pun intended :wink: )

    There's my speech for the night :)

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Hi all you Jillian Michaels fans! Just wondering if anyone has done her FastFix Kickbox video. I think I want to add that into my rotation also. Do you use weights in that one or is it just cardio and body weight moves??

    Also, have any of you noticed knee pain?? My knees are so sore right now. I really noticed it the other day when I was doing the warm up for RI30 on level 1. They were ok during the workout, but the next day I was having a hard time walking. Could be the one legged mountain climbers in Extreme Shed and Shred causing the pain. I am not a big fan those, or the burpees with side jumps.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I haven't been disappointed with any of her videos yet! I would say that you will get results with any of them!

    I currently do Ripped in 30 which I love because there are 4 levels (supposed to do 1 level/week) all with beginner modifications as well as advanced modifications so really that one can last for a long time without getting bored!

    I also have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and that is another awesome workout! As another poster mentioned, it's 50 minutes start to finish and wow are you sweating by the end! I like that you can also choose the segments to make it into a shorter workout. The other morning I didn't have 50 minutes, so I tailored it for a 35 minute workout, 25 min + warm up and cool down.

    Kickbox Fastfix is killer! It's fast and effective for the 20 minutes each segment lasts. It does take a little time to get the hang of it though as it's super fast, but there is a tutorial available which I highly recommend although honestly, I still get lost every now and again lol

    I'm starting to think about getting Extreme Shed & Shred. Do any of you have that one in your rotation? What do you think?

    As for the sore knees, I don't know......1 legged mountain climbers could do it but also, how is your positioning when doing squats/lunges? I know I have to be really careful with those ones. Those plank cardio moves kill me everytime, like I seriously think I'm going to die lol
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    I love and hate Extreme Shed and Shred, lol. It has 2 levels, she says to do both, but it's a really long workout, 75 min. start to finish. It has all different types of moves, yoga, kickboxing, weights, plyometrics, isometrics, cardio, and etc. I broke it down and did level 1 for a week or so and am currently doing Level 2. Some of the moves are crazy, I do the modifier on a few of them, just because the harder version makes me dizzy. I can't go upside down easily anymore.

    I love the results I'm seeing from it. I did do both levels at one time, felt like I was dying, and then decided to split it up. I had been working out for a while before I got it. Hope that helps. I definitely recommend it, just be prepared. You will probably end up screaming at her!!lol
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Kickbox Fastfix is killer! It's fast and effective for the 20 minutes each segment lasts. It does take a little time to get the hang of it though as it's super fast, but there is a tutorial available which I highly recommend although honestly, I still get lost every now and again lol

    I'm starting to think about getting Extreme Shed & Shred. Do any of you have that one in your rotation? What do you think?

    As for the sore knees, I don't know......1 legged mountain climbers could do it but also, how is your positioning when doing squats/lunges? I know I have to be really careful with those ones. Those plank cardio moves kill me everytime, like I seriously think I'm going to die lol
    Thanks, I think I'm going to try it. As for my squats and lunges, I am pretty good with those. I hate lunges, but burpees and mountain climbers are not a favorite of mine now either.
  • hwillia1
    hwillia1 Posts: 26 Member
    I was planning to start ripped in 30 in June. I have just finished 30 day shred last week. Did this just before I fell pregnant, was a lot harder second time round as had not done any exercise for nearly a year. I lost 8 pounds in total doing the shred. At the mo I am alternating 6 week 6 pack and killer buns and thighs. I love these workouts too. I hope to get the same results with ripped in 30 and if I have the time might add in another Jillian workout.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks for the info on Extreme Shed & Shred! I wonder if it is similar to Banish Fat Boost Metabolism? I'm worried that I will buy more of her DVDs but that they will become repetitive. Does anyone have numerous....say like 5 or more of her videos that can speak to that?

    I was considering getting her Body Revolution as well, but I'm concerned about the repetitiveness with that one as well. Has anyone done Body Revolution?

    I'm still doing tons of the beginner moves! I do push myself....but I find especially with the plank cardio and stuff I can usually do it for the first minute then have to go to modified for the 2nd lol I'm find with the weights but abs are another one that I have a tough time with. Years of not working them combined with having a CS when my daughter was born make for very weak abs......I'm getting there though, it will just take some time :)
  • Eat_Me_I_Taste_Like_Candy
    Well I did 30DS for two days now and the only place that im sore is my arms =] I made a home made calender showing all my workouts ill be doing and oohh man it looks like a lot lol
  • kuyabiye
    kuyabiye Posts: 14
    I'm also in!! I have 3 more days to finish 30 ds and than I will be able to post before after pics. I'm planning to take a few days off and will start ripped in 30 next monday.