What have u THROWN???



  • JadedSouls
    JadedSouls Posts: 136 Member
    wine glasses
    picture frame
    flower vase
    coffee mugs
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    a sandwich, lol
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    The only thing I've thrown at a guy (that I can remember) is throwing my wedding ring/engagement ring at my first husband when I found out he was leaving me for another woman....

    Didn't realize it at the time, but leaving me was the best thing that guy ever did for me! :laugh:
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I threw my phone once....bounced off the wall and smashed...I was devastated!!!

    Also threw a stone and smashed a shop window...that one cost me quite a bit too - I blamed him for ducking out the way!! He should have stood there and took it like a man! Idiot.

    Anyone want to give me lessons in aiming????
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Violence against men is real :devil:

    Don't thow anything you don't want thrown back at you :tongue:

    My husband has said that to me!

    Yeah he's a smart man, you should listen haha.

    It would go like this.

    You throw something at him in anger, doesn't really hurt.

    He returns fire. Twice as hard, not his fault he's just stronger. Hits you in the face. You get black eye.

    He's gets assault charges.

    I know this a fun topic, but you ladies throwing **** in your little temper tantrums is lame as hell.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I don't think I've ever thrown anything at my husband out of anger. But we do throw stuff at eachother all the time in "fake anger" lol shoes, books, clothes, keys, whatever is close enough to grab. If it's something hard though we don't aim right at eachother. But we're an odd couple lol :laugh:
    No no, that doesn't make you odd... it makes you FUN. In all the years that I have been married we have never TRULY intended to hurt each other, but we have thrown stuff, acted out, and been all around imature in fun :happy: (a few, very few, actual fights involved throwing things but as I said, never with the intention to HURT or Injure)
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    My voice, so she would think the dog was calling her a *itch. *shakes head* it didn't work. :laugh:

    I have had a shoe, a book, a soda, bouncy ball, my shoe, a cat and purse thrown at me over the years. I learned the hard way not to laugh during an argument. :ohwell:
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Violence against men is real :devil:

    Don't thow anything you don't want thrown back at you :tongue:

    My husband has said that to me!

    Yeah he's a smart man, you should listen haha.

    It would go like this.

    You throw something at him in anger, doesn't really hurt.

    He returns fire. Twice as hard, not his fault he's just stronger. Hits you in the face. You get black eye.

    He's gets assault charges.

    I know this a fun topic, but you ladies throwing **** in your little temper tantrums is lame as hell.

    Oh, that makes me sad... I thought you were fun :cry: Now you are just mean. If only I had a shoe... :wink:
  • lhelker
    lhelker Posts: 1
    I haven't thrown anything at my boyfriend. I just tend to throw fits until I calm down. He actually hit me in the face once with a shoe at the beginning of our relationship. It was completely by accident, he was just tossing his shoes towards me to be silly and one of them made contact. I couldn't help but laugh at the look of shock and horror on his face. I guess he thought I was gonna get mad.

    There was a time when I threw a pillow at an ex-friend once. We had been watching a film and I really need to use the bathroom and I asked her to pause it. She refused at first (God knows why it was an issue) but eventually did and as I was walking back to her room I heard the movie going again. I got so mad I grabbed this furry pillow of hers and threw it at as hard as I could at her and shocked the hell out of her cause she didn't see it coming. She got pretty mad of course. It is kind of funny thing about it cause it was just a silly little pillow. She always was one of those people that needed everything her way though. Guess that's why we're not friends anymore. Good thing I didn't throw anything else at her either! :tongue:
  • jayayach
    jayayach Posts: 178 Member
    OOOh, I have another one! My ex was always one to throw something. He bought a pint of milk at a store once, and when he took the first drink, he realized it was curdled. :laugh: He was driving down the road and tried to throw it out the window. When he did, it hit the window and bounced back in the truck and sprayed rotten milk all over the inside of his truck. :sick: :laugh: It took weeks to get the smell out. :sick:

    Of course, this is the same guy who threw a vacuum cleaner at my head once. There's a reason he's the "ex".
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    My voice, so she would think the dog was calling her a *itch. *shakes head* it didn't work. :laugh:

    I have had a shoe, a book, a soda, bouncy ball, my shoe, a cat and purse thrown at me over the years. I learned the hard way not to laugh during an argument. :ohwell:

    You know what?! That (laughing) is what usually pushes my buttons just enough... your lady must be GREAT! :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've got a funny one about my mom. We were moving from a place we had been for three years (a record for my family), and my mom was under a great deal of stress. I had an oval full length mirror in my room that she had paid a good amount for money for. There was a cheaper floor length mirror in her room (I think she bought it used for like, $5 or something). Anyway, they were carrying stuff out of the house and my mirror got dropped on the ground and it was completely shattered. She got so disgusted! She said, "WHY did have to be THAT mirror?! Why couldn't it have been the cheap one?!" Then she grabbed the cheap mirror and threw it on the ground, but...wait for it...IT DIDN'T EVEN CRACK! She was like, "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" She picked it up by one end and kept smacking it on the ground while she was yelling, "YOU'RE GONNA BREAK! YOU STUPID *&!@$#...!!!!" After about six or seven tries it finally broke.

    FYI, please don't judge her based on this account. She wasn't given to fits of temper as a rule. There was just alot of unpleasantness that went on during that three years (including some abuse from my dad) to make her extremely angry...the mirror was just the final straw.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    a pecan pie on Thanksgiving day inside my truck, he made me so darn mad, I threw it and sadly it made a huge mess in my truck ....

    See, that's MY karma...

    oh I failed to mention the little edges of that pie can cut him just a smidgen on his cheek, and he wouldn't dare throw it back at me. He knew he had pissed me off because I am usually a very quiet, patient one. so Karma hit us both but later we laughed it off
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    lol, My brother got a can of olives thrown at him in a grocery store once, didn't even phase him.

    I make my wife mad from time to time, she usually just punches me and than complains that it's not fair because she really wants to hurt me but can't. she did throw a book and me once, one of those hard bound encyclopedia type books, the corner of it hit me right in the side of the head. that one hurt but she didn't mean to she just tossed it at me because I was being really sarcastic, it just hit me at the right angle to hurt.

    we laugh about it, she like having a hubby that she can hit as hard as she can with out it bothering me. she hasn't done it in anger though
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Violence against men is real :devil:

    Don't thow anything you don't want thrown back at you :tongue:

    My husband has said that to me!

    Yeah he's a smart man, you should listen haha.

    It would go like this.

    You throw something at him in anger, doesn't really hurt.

    He returns fire. Twice as hard, not his fault he's just stronger. Hits you in the face. You get black eye.

    He's gets assault charges.

    I know this a fun topic, but you ladies throwing **** in your little temper tantrums is lame as hell.

    You don't even know the background behind these stories. By the time I was throwing stuff at my ex-husband, I was tired of supporting him, our two kids, AND his drug addiction. The drugs inevitably led to me getting my *kitten* beat. Throwing the car seat at him was the moment I realized that he would never change... not even for his children! Yeah, maybe I didn't have to put myself in that situation. Maybe I didn't have to let it build up to the point that I snapped. But I did, and if my ex-husband were standing in front of me right now, I would likely pick up this computer monitor and throw it at him. I gave him the world and he gave me a big, whopping pile of bull ****!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    It wasn't a boyfriend but it was a 8th grade kid that use to pick on me because he "liked" me (how that works is beyond me). I was in 7th grade. One day in P.E., he kept trying to trip me, yank my hair, skipped me at the water fountain line, kicked dirt in my face, and at one point I had had enough. He was walking away from the water fountain after tormenting me and I grabbed a football that was laying on the ground and just cannoned a perfect spiral at the back of his head. It knocked him out :laugh:

    I was given the QB position on our class flag football team! My dad was proud. My mom, not so much! :laugh:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I hit my wife with a 7 iron once..... not out of rage or anger though.. just an accident. She was walking up the cart path behind me as I was pulling my club out of my bag and i clubbed her right in the forehead. Instant tears...... totally on accident though..

    Although later I would imply it was the best i hit my 7 iron that day..
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I've got a funny one about my mom. We were moving from a place we had been for three years (a record for my family), and my mom was under a great deal of stress. I had an oval full length mirror in my room that she had paid a good amount for money for. There was a cheaper floor length mirror in her room (I think she bought it used for like, $5 or something). Anyway, they were carrying stuff out of the house and my mirror got dropped on the ground and it was completely shattered. She got so disgusted! She said, "WHY did have to be THAT mirror?! Why couldn't it have been the cheap one?!" Then she grabbed the cheap mirror and threw it on the ground, but...wait for it...IT DIDN'T EVEN CRACK! She was like, "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" She picked it up by one end and kept smacking it on the ground while she was yelling, "YOU'RE GONNA BREAK! YOU STUPID *&!@$#...!!!!" After about six or seven tries it finally broke.

    FYI, please don't judge her based on this account. She wasn't given to fits of temper as a rule. There was just alot of unpleasantness that went on during that three years (including some abuse from my dad) to make her extremely angry...the mirror was just the final straw.

    I can soooo picture this scene! One of those things that this thread was meant for! "I did it, it wasn't right or ok by any means, but I did it" and years later it is FUNNY. :) Thanks!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I hit my wife with a 7 iron once..... not out of rage or anger though.. just an accident. She was walking up the cart path behind me as I was pulling my club out of my bag and i clubbed her right in the forehead. Instant tears...... totally on accident though..

    Although later I would imply it was the best i hit my 7 iron that day..

  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    I've thrown a bowl with cereal & milk in it, lol......not my finest moment !!