The most annoying 'compliment'?



  • samanthasky
    samanthasky Posts: 114 Member
    Someone actually told my mom "You look less bloated now! Before you used to look like Santa Claus' wife!"

    I usually don't get annoying compliments because most people are usually really nice.. but one friend actually said to me after I told him I was going to lose weight during the summer he said "No you won't. You'll come back the same fat *kitten* that we know and love" I told him he was an inconsiderate jerk, and he said "No, actually it's bittersweet."
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    mine was "you dont look too bad considering youve had a child..."

    I hate that!!! Ive had 4 kids and its no excuse to look bad, but then after my last I got severe hypothyroidism ( hashimoto's disease) so actually it has kind of prevented me to lose the way I used to , but Im looking better slowly!
    "you dont need to lose weight you look good, remember you just had a baby!" I say yeah a year ago!

    My mother-in -law was like " you need to get off that crazy diet your on"- I guess being vegetarian , eating fruits, veggies, and basically healthy is "Crazy"?? sometimes Ill eat Pizza so its not like Im being extreme
  • jhayes28
    jhayes28 Posts: 28 Member
    I don't get too many compliments that actually offend me. I am just trying to figure out how to deal with the coworker/friend who constantly tries to sabotage my weight loss. She will come into the office first thing in the A.M. and set a McDonalds sandwich on my desk and tell me she brought me breakfast!! Or she will order pizza to the office and set a slice right by my keyboard. She knows I am watching what I put in my mouth! Anyone ever deal with a similar situation? How did you get them to back off?
  • lil_bear0811
    "All my other girlfriends were blonde and skinny. But you have such a big heart!"
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    "You got small!'re boobs are gone!"

    Because that's what everyone girl wants to hear. It's not like I lost weight around my stomach, thighs or arms...ALL 20 something pounds fell right off my boobs!

    hahaha! I've gotten that one and the person proceeded to stare at my boobs and almost reached out to grab them. I was like seriously I have lost my boobs, but I've gained some muscle don't make me put them to good use, by kickin' your *kitten*. ;)

    I have a few passive/agressive people in my life sometimes I'm blunt with them and say "I'm really not sure why my weight loss is important to you" and sometimes I just smile, nod my head, turn around and roll my eyes. In the long run who really cares.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    you are losing weight.. you must be planning on having a baby. cause every time i lose weight i have a baby LOLOLOLOLOL
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    OH MY SWEET GHERKINS! Yall are right that is the WORST! "wow you've lost weight so quickly" No...I really haven't I've changed my lifestyle and have worked my *kitten* off for 7 months. It wasn't and isnt easy lets not pretend it is.
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    "You're going to become a stick"
    "You're too small"
    "You're going to blow away in the wind"

    I'm smaller yes but I'm still kinda on the higher side of my healthy bmi. I just want to lose some fat. I eat enough and I don't ever want to be underweight. If anything I want to gain some muscle later.
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    Yup definitely had many try to sabotage me! I babysat a friends child for a few weeks and she had NO "real" food in the house. Then came home with pizza, and tried to force some huge cookie on me, then it was chips, then it was donuts and timbits...this literally started the day after I told her I'm watching what I eat, and continued everyday after that, and still now when I hang out with her...I don't understand why because even after losing some weight I still got about 20-30 pounds on her!
  • Maperu
    Maperu Posts: 3
    "You look good for your age." Or "You look good for having had three kids." Just leave it at "You look good." period. Thanks.
  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    Everyone always tells me "wow, you look great after having 5 kids" but I always wonder, so I'm SUPPOSED to be really fat after having 5 children? LOL
    I accept all compliments gratefully but it does annoy me when people tell me to just eat crap food or that a little of something 'won't hurt'. Yes, I splurge and have yummy foods quite often but unless I have prepared for it (ie-exercised a lot that day, limited my calories beforehand etc) then I am NOT going to eat it even if you think that it 'won't hurt'. This is MY body, not yours! thankyouverymuch
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    "You got small!'re boobs are gone!"

    Because that's what everyone girl wants to hear. It's not like I lost weight around my stomach, thighs or arms...ALL 20 something pounds fell right off my boobs!

    hahaha! I've gotten that one and the person proceeded to stare at my boobs and almost reached out to grab them. I was like seriously I have lost my boobs, but I've gained some muscle don't make me put them to good use, by kickin' your *kitten*. ;)

    I have a few passive/agressive people in my life sometimes I'm blunt with them and say "I'm really not sure why my weight loss is important to you" and sometimes I just smile, nod my head, turn around and roll my eyes. In the long run who really cares.

    Hahaha when it happened to me the girl reached out and poked one! And the sad thing is I've only gone from a 36D to a 34D...they still exist haha
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Your boobs are bigger than your stomach now!! Looking good!!.. :grumble: ... ummmm ok..

    O my fav was an old uncle who goes wow, you used to be ((( this big))) <<<< he used open wide arms to signify how big I was.. gotta love the "impressions" of you...
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I had a baby in December and I still have people come up to me and say....."you look a lot different since the last time I seen you" I am left hanging wondering if the last time they seen me I was pregnant or if the last time they seen me I was just post partum and fatter. I guess I am suppose to guess and ask if I was pregnant or just fatter the last time they seen me?

    Then I start thinking I never had anyone say that with my first which I only gained 30 pounds with and on this one I gained nearly 50 pounds with. So then I realize I must have been the talk of the town on how fat I got.

    One that I like at first but not so much now......I started to get carded ALL the time when I buy alcohol. I am 32 and at first and was flattering but now it is really annoying. I have had my 6 year old girl with me before and they have still carded me. I hate it!
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    I've been getting this a lot at work..."You're doing so good. I just can't do it because I love food too much."

    Hello, I'm not starving myself. I LOVE food too, otherwise, I wouldn't have to change my habits in the first place. I'm just making healthier choices with what I'm eating.

    My all-time most annoying however was this..."You look good. I didn't notice you from behind."
    :noway: Really! Did I look that bad from behind before I started to lose weight that I was easily recognizable??
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    you are losing weight.. you must be planning on having a baby. cause every time i lose weight i have a baby LOLOLOLOLOL

    It never failed... in my other life, every time I'd loose weight, within a year I'd be preggers again :explode:
    So glad that's done and over with:bigsmile:

    Now I get the inevitable, "Wow! You look great even for someone who has 4 kids :grumble:
    Puh-lease... I'm at the prime of my life and fittest/smallest I've been in 35 years. Chances are I can outrun and outlast most of those giving me these two edge sword compliments :laugh:
  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    People need to really think about how they would feel to be on the receiving end of their "compliments" ! Give us some respect and encouragement for our hard work !
  • Brittonloves
    I've been surrounded by naturally thin, GORGEOUS girlfriends my entire life. I have always always always been known to my face (which makes me assume that it was probably worse behind my back) as some variation of "the fun chubby chick" or "the fat feminist one" or "the big girl with tattoos and glasses" or my absolute favorite of all time-- "the fat twin". Since I'm a twin, people like to play the "let's spot the differences between you two" game when they first meet us. There were COUNTLESS comments from people who were practically strangers that went like this, "Well she's taller and you're uh... well your face is rounder."
    So all the compliments I've been getting lately, even the backhanded ones... they don't bother me too much. The only ones that do are the ones that imply I didn't work really hard to lose the weight... any comment that implies I just woke up one morning and dropped 40 lbs cause I felt like it definitely irks me a little.
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    "You're going to fade away on us." No. I promise you that I will NOT fade away. I am a substantial person with lots of things to say and do. I am not FADING; I am growing (on the inside - and a little bit on the outside with some muscles) .
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I hate being called skinny. HATE it. To me it sounds unhealthy, lie i am starving myself.