The most annoying 'compliment'?



  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    "You're too skinny, you can stop losing weight now"
    "You're going to be so hot when you're done losing weight"
    "You have such a beautiful face BUT.."
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    I don't get too many compliments that actually offend me. I am just trying to figure out how to deal with the coworker/friend who constantly tries to sabotage my weight loss. She will come into the office first thing in the A.M. and set a McDonalds sandwich on my desk and tell me she brought me breakfast!! Or she will order pizza to the office and set a slice right by my keyboard. She knows I am watching what I put in my mouth! Anyone ever deal with a similar situation? How did you get them to back off?

    Just saw this. It's a great question. How about bringing some really healthy snacks and putting them on her desk? Maybe some carrot sticks and low fat hummus in the afternoon? As far as what she brings you, I'd give it away (although that'sno favour to the person you give it to). Or, if you're strong enough, just let it sit at your desk all day so that she can see that it's going to waste. It would bug her but probably get the point across without being confrontational.
  • LovinLife68
    When I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, some thought that I lost it through surgical intervention and just assumed that is how the weight came off because that is how most were losing. Now that I have gained most of it all back I would hear, "oh you are a BBW and you carry your weight well, you are so tall that you don't even look your weight...blah blah blah. I try not to allow the opinions of others to derail my efforts to lose weight no matter how they think I look or whether I should lose.
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    "oh i couldnt do what you do i like food too much. but if it works for you...."

    i still love food and eat it every single day believe it or not. thank you very much
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I clearly don't look to thin but I am told "You don't need to lose more weight, you are looking to thin." I have also been told to eat a hamburger cus I look like I'm wasting a way. I'm 5'3 and this morning I was 134lbs, underweight for me would be 106 and below, I have a small frame and should be between 107-124. My goal is 115-120.

    Also the "How did you do it?" I tell them and then they say "so there is nothing else? No secret?" Um no there isn't, it's called hard work! If you want it bad enough you make no excuses you only make progress. "I can't workout." Are you dead? Seriously I seen a video of a guy who couldn't walk lose weight and get in better shape who now can walk, don't give me that BS! Excuses are like butt holes, we all have one, and they all stink!
  • kidskart
    kidskart Posts: 79 Member
    I love the "you've lost a TON of weight" - I want to respond, 'yes that's it 2,000 pounds of weight gone!"

    My biggest irretant is the, "you can really tell in your face" - To that I would like to say, 'yes, my butt is still the biggest part of my body and I'm still working on it. But seriously, 50 pounds didn't all come from my face'

    The other one that gets me is "I can't beliee how pretty you are!" - To that I would like to say, 'I'm sorry you're an idiot!'

    Or how about, "Wow, what does your husband think?" - To that one, I only wish it was appropriate to say, 'you know I used to really gross him out, but we mate all the time, in fact, that's what we're headed to do now!'

    Ok, I'l stop! :)
  • bcmallwalker
    I've heard the ones like: "you're melting away!" I only wish it was that easy, it's frustrating to hear because we all know how much hard work it takes to "melt" even 1 lb.

    But the worst compliment that I have received was from my doctor, (a woman, no less!) who said: "You're doing really well, too bad you aren't losing it in your stomach." I had already lost 60+ lbs at that point and gone down about 4 sizes in clothing. I wanted to punch her in the face and I am not a violent person.

    To be fair, she has become one of my biggest cheerleaders. She says that I am one of her best patients and to keep up the good work. I've come to the conclusion that people just don't think about what they are saying and how it comes across. So I just smile and say "thank you" to every compliment I receive. At least they keep their mouths shut when I slack off and regain a few lbs. instead of saying "Wow, you were looking so good, what happened?"
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I hate being called skinny. HATE it. To me it sounds unhealthy, like I am starving myself.

    ^^THIS!!! I am not skinny~I am strong and lean!!


    You have lost weight, are you sick?

    What have you been doing~HCG, I have a friend that lost a bunch of weight that way TOO.

    You don't look like a girl that would eat chocolate.

    Are you sure you are eating enough?

    It can't just be yoga, jogging and cutting down on portions~What are you taking, what have you stopped eating?
  • limbopanto
    limbopanto Posts: 25
    Kinda different but when I was at a bmi of 13 multiple people would tell me I had 'the perfect body'...yeah not the most helpful when I was mentally at my worst and very unhealthy!
  • bcmallwalker
    I think that sometimes people in our lives are used to seeing us one way, as overweight. Those who are also overweight might feel threatened because they realize that with hard work they could lose weight too. Those who are at or close to their optimal weight feel threatened because they want to be the "thin" friend/sister/cousin/co-worker, etc. So it's fine for them to be "thin", but they want us to be heavier so they can feel good about themselves.
  • Phrenetic
    Phrenetic Posts: 15
    Sometimes, when people say things like, "you don't need to lose anymore", or when they say stuff like, "you're getting so that you're not the biggest person around here anymore" it's taken in such a way that it is more of a backhanded compliment. I'd rather not be compared to anyone else or criticized, even ever so slightly, for something that has taken me a lifetime to achieve. That's just my thoughts on the subject. I'm sure, as with most things, it's all in perception, and more often than not, tone and overall delivery play a critical role in whatever we say to someone else.

    The best thing you can do when you encounter a fat person who is less fat now than before? Just says congratulations. Or say keep up the good work. You are doing so well. Something like that. Above all else, be encouraging, and not discouraging in your remarks.
  • pattimae48
    pattimae48 Posts: 5
    People have told me I have child-bearing hips, which apparently is great for giving birth lol. When they say it they're saying it like it's such a compliment! But when I hear it, all I hear is that my hips are gigantic and that people notice.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I just wondered if anybody else had some really annoying 'compliments' that they get from people after some weight loss.

    My favourite is 'you're wasting away!' - no. I'm clearly not, am I? I don't know why, but this one really annoys me.

    The most annoying one I have had and it drives me insane is when I have reached my goal and at tea-break refuse a cake or bag or crisps or some other such crap snack, only for somebody to pipe up "oh but you don't need to watch your weight!" - I bloody well do, it was NOT watching it that caused me to put weight on and not twig until I was overweight in the first place.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Hopefully they're saying it sarcasitally and you'e not truely wasting away. Take it with a grain of salt, they're just trying to be funny or something. And some people find others' health triumphs intimidating, as if it makes their own short comings more obvious.

    Let's just worry about our own goals and measures and give others the benefit of the doubt. We'll all be happier if we try to take the most possitive interpretation.
  • roxmoar
    roxmoar Posts: 1
    I hate it when my mum says that I'm starving myself when I'm meeting the amount of calories fitness pal tells me to eat.
    But mainly what I get is "Your looking so skinny, I bet you can go back to stuffing yourself not"
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    I heard the "She's so pretty, too bad she's so fat!" comment. It was uttered by my FIL and repeated to me, God alone knows why, by my MIL. Well, by the day he died, I had gained nearly eighty pounds (his son had gained even more), so I guess I showed him! :embarassed:

    As for the well-meaning (we hope) coworker who brings in the pizza and McDonald's, I would say, firmly and calmly,"No, thank you. I am watching what I eat. Also, I don't want you wasting your money." If that failed to get the message across, I would just let it sit there. I do not have the time or patience for passive-aggresive crap.
  • anku08
    anku08 Posts: 82 Member
    mine is when people say "You look so alive... you do'nt need to lose weight" come on i have 2 big bundles on my waist.... i have flabby arms... and the clothes i wear make me look fatty becoz I am.....

    other one is "I don.t need a body guard.. i have my friend(pointing me) with her..." and my soul says twist her neck.. :P

    n now m trying to loose finding some changes in my body pretty well but people say " I do not think you are doing it correctly.. see you are not losing any weight"
    come on people can't you see more tones arms and stomach... my increased stamina.. my vanished double chin is not even visible to them...

    People are such a pain in you life when they comment in this way...
    if i control my portion so that i do not over eat.. people say you gonna starve...

    Instead of such comments they need to be supportive to people who are trying...
    Atleast I am trying and adapting healthy lifestyle.. and I am proud of myself.. :)
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    The most annoying one to me is "You look great! How did you lose so much weight?"

    As if it's some sort of secret that consuming less calories makes you lose weight..
  • pigote
    pigote Posts: 615 Member
    Not a compliment but my Mom once introduced me to her friend like this ....this is my Daughter,she didn't used to be this fat :-(
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    Most annoying comment: "Oh my god I couldn't do it!" with a grimace on their faces.

    I just want to say: "It's not even ABOUT you!"