Black Team Week 11



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    YAY my beans is back!!

    Had our anniversary dinner last night and lets just say that I might not get back to that under 170 before we go to NY.

    We also went to the movies and I was very disappointed. Sorry Beth or Shuntae if you liked tht harry potter movie but I sure didn't.

    Looks like my mom is moving back in with us for awhile. Fun stuff. That is always stressfull. Lets see how long this lasts.:ohwell:


    On a positive! Packed our food bag and the girls suitcase are packed. our overnight bag is packed and all we have to do is wait. :ohwell: :ohwell:

    I enjoyed the IMAX and 3D but I was definitely disappointed with the movie. Didn't hate it, but definitely not as good as the last two. Because I need to have the whole set, however, I am going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Damn I missed a lot while I was gone! At least I got my super cute is my birthday/100 pounds lost present to myself.

    As far as the itch goes, sometimes I have it...then I go out in public and see bad-*kitten* kids running wild and it goes away. I know it's all about the parenting, but DAMN. Sometimes, it really is nice to be able to give them back. :laugh:

    Sara- YAY! Glad to see you back over here!

    Sam- Happy anniversary! Hope you enjoyed your dinner as much as I enjoyed mine. Damn scale.

    Andrew- Good luck on your race tomorrow!

    Everyone else- Hello!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    uh-oh. I said *kitten*. :laugh:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    It all started with me freezing my gym membership. :grumble: Then, FOUR birthdays in July. Blah blah blah. Gotta get a move on. I have a 5 mile race to train for! :bigsmile:

    One thing leads to another and before you know you it become MIA and we have to send out a search party for you. Funny this is I was thining about sending you a PM today to see what's been up. Knew you were still alive from facebook.

    My ticker shall remain MIA for awhile, though. The scale & I are going through some stuff. :grumble:

    Thanks, Lori! :smooched:

    Probably the four cakes and peanut butter pie-- that kinda stuff?

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good luck at your 5k tomorrow, Andrew! :flowerforyou:
    Thanks sara, it's so good to see your smiling face back on the thread! Glad to have you back. I am looking forward to the 5k tommorow. First time I have run in my home town and I am sooooo excited to have some family coming out. I am however beginning to freak out about my triathlon at the end of the month. lol

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    How fun! I'm sure you'll do awesome tomorrow & even more awesome at the tri! :drinker:

    And thanks! Like I said, I'm shocked that after 11 months I let myself get so far behind again. Nonsense, really. :drinker:

    We don't mind sara. we look at it as job security. It's nice to feel needed and we are always here to pick each other up off the floor. Got your back woman, now get your *kitten* in gear.

    oh crap I said *kitten*.......<Looks around for Marla> oh good looks like she might not have heard me.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good luck tomorrow Andrew.

    Sara- you gonna get your *kitten* in trouble!

    My *kitten* is sooooo gonna be grass! :laugh:

    And Marla is the lawnmower!

    Call me John Deere.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Yay, Shuntae got her purse! You are allowed to have the itch, you haven't scratched it yet.

    Sam- none of us like the scale, you fit in well. Remember how I was desperate to get below 150 before I went to PA to visit family? In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't. It would have been sort lived and I would have been PO'ed that it lasted for such a short time. So my dear, what I'm saying is, who cares what it says before you leave! :laugh: Enjoy your time away from home. Those few pounds don't matter a hill of beans. You have all the time in the world to get under 170 when you get home!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey gang-- heading out to run MINUS the dog--

    The ol' hip has really been hurting today, but I think I can run-- we'll see.

    just had a teensy-weensy ice cream cone with the kids, so now really need to get out there.

    I've been watching the added sugars, carbs all that kinda crap-- white breads, white flour-- lo and behold, I actually weigh what my ticker says after a 3.5 to 4 pound gain-- I'm down 4 pounds since last week.

    The wolf knows his ****-- oops-- my bad. naughty.gif:wink:

    Later my friends-- next time you have a flippin' party, make sure I'm home!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Good luck tomorrow Andrew.

    Sara- you gonna get your *kitten* in trouble!

    My *kitten* is sooooo gonna be grass! :laugh:

    And Marla is the lawnmower!

    Call me John Deere.


    Run Sara, run! I'll get her attention.... strawberry salad... gym membership....Olive Garden.....
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good luck tomorrow Andrew.

    Sara- you gonna get your *kitten* in trouble!

    My *kitten* is sooooo gonna be grass! :laugh:

    And Marla is the lawnmower!

    Call me John Deere.


    Run Sara, run! I'll get her attention.... strawberry salad... gym membership....Olive Garden.....

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey my friends--

    Well, the run was interesting-- hip hurt, so I started babying it which made everything else hurt. I ran 1.5 miles and then walked 1/2 mile home-- let the emotions out from this very stressful week-- hell, very stressful life.

    Between kid issues, everpresent finances, ailing mother-in-law, normal bull****-- the emotional cup runneth over, and out my eyes on my way home-- quite cleansing, actually-- one of the things I love about my solo runs-- get things straightened out up in the ol' attic.

    Oh well-- later, my good team-- :ohwell:

    Don't worry, be happy-- right? :wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Marla- Just think of all the weight you left outta the brain...... Sometimes we need it.

    My brain is pinging and I just woke up. I am dealing with the ‘how much to eat battle’. Go figure. I did calculations yesterday, I researched it online, I thought about it, I dreamed about it. Seriously, I did. Bare with me, I’ve got to say this out loud to people who are doing this too. I’ve been talking out loud to my husband, the dog seems to care more. :laugh:

    Most research agrees if you work out you need to eat more. Simple fact. Most do not figure how much more by eating every blasted calorie you work off through exercise, they are not that extreme and obsessive in their calculations.

    If I got with MPF’s recommendation, I would eat roughly 1300 calories a day, plus exercise calories. On days I burn 1000+ I’d be eating 2300 calories, which, call me crazy, seems a bit extreme. (Do any of you eat that much and have success?)

    So I used various websites, did a billion calculations and came up with 1800 calories being my ‘maintenance calories’ if I’m sedentary, which, I’m not. SOOOOO, scientifically speaking, if I eat maintenance and work out, I should lose whatever I burn through exercise- right? Most weeks I burn 3500-5000 calories through exercise, which translates to a pound or a pound and a half, scientifically speaking of course. We all know science is shi!t when it comes to human bodies, especially hormonal females, but I’m going to find out if this works. Wish me luck.

    That’s all. Now my brain feels lighter like Marla's. :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello John, the new av!! keep us kids on the straight and narrow....but monkey see monkey do and I think I am a monkey just like YOU:laugh:


    Lori-dont you hate the just not knowing?? I wish I had a person who would say this, do this, and you shall lose 1 pound a week!

    I have tried all form of calories and still am at a standstill. I hired a trainer, then injured my knee...well more over worked my knees and they are better now.

    I just know that someone out their is STARTED at 136.5 and dropping 5 pounds THIS week and that pisses me off:angry: . KWIM>>

    Btw Lori you are beauitful...........truly radiant.

    Andrew- I hope your run goes well and I am so happy you get your cheering section on a nice summers day!!

    Beth-keep up the good work!!

    Sam-ARGH on the anniversary WAY I am eating chicken and salad for that baby!! You will be work really hard, and it shows!!

    Family GIRL- LOVE the AV you look HOT:love: So proud of your accomplishements here HUGS

    Lynnie-:love::heart: :love: (:frown: ):happy: :happy:

    Shuntae!!!! That is all!!
    NO really......I was thinking when I lost the last 10 in 1987 I was so happy I scratched that itch and VIOLA Kelly-Anne!!:heart:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Jeannie is all sunshine this AM. :glasses:

    :flowerforyou: You are great! If I could tell you how much to eat and when, I would, I promise!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    Probably the four cakes and peanut butter pie-- that kinda stuff?


    I licked the spatula too much. :grumble:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lori - :laugh: I'm glad you feel better. That was a lot of sciency stuff to read! :noway:

    Howdy, all! Thanks for th welcome back! :smooched:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning my team

    I walked/ran (I ran as much as i could with 4 yr old riding bike) 6 miles and took her to get a treat after since she hardly complained for doing 6 miles.

    I think I am gonna rematch her to bowling today!!! We shall see how that goes
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Lori - :laugh: I'm glad you feel better. That was a lot of sciency stuff to read! :noway:

    Howdy, all! Thanks for th welcome back! :smooched:

    I don't really feel better... my shorts feel tight :grumble: and I've been STARVING this week :huh: ... my mind is lighter though. :ohwell:

    We missed you, glad you are back!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Yes I have learned that having small get togethers with as few as possible for birthdays are the best! We had a great time with no hassle except for my daughter getting a little tired and worn out and we had bought a small cake just for us and that way we don't have a lot to eat or a lot of people to feed or whatever. I actually think birthday parties are sooooo overrated!! Too much of a dang hassle! Just go with it and don't worry about it all!

    Hope you are all doing good. I'm in the middle of cleaning but wanted to stop in and say hey so HEY!!! Have a great Saturday!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Probably the four cakes and peanut butter pie-- that kinda stuff?


    I licked the spatula too much. :grumble:

    I hate when that happens.:wink: