Black Team Week 11



  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening my team,

    Bobbi-Thanks for the advice dear. I knew I could count on my favorite swimming pal to give me some solid advice. Thanks so much dear.

    Shuntae-When I was younger I was the same way with Racoons and Penguins. Had way to many of both. lol

    Tamara and Marla-I knew mom's were evil! That's where all my stuff went.

    Sam-Love when kids do that. Can't tell you how many times one of our boys do that to us. I am excited for you on the family thing. They will all be so impressed with you fearless leader!

    So before I get to my positives, let me start with the one not so positive. The duathalon is full so it's swim or stay home. So here is the plan. I am going hit the pool repeatedly from now until the big day. It's gonna be a race day decision. I'll keep you all posted.

    Postives for the day are that my eating was great and I ran and rode today so the excerise was dang good too. The other positive is actually from yesterday and I had completely forgotten about. I attended a baptism for my best friends daughter yesterday and needed to get a new shirt so I shot over to the store and took a look. They had a shirt that I really liked but only had it in a medium. Gave a shot and holy crap. It fit NICE. Friggin MEDIUM....are you kidding me. Feeling good about that one.


  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Evening All! Just dropping in to say Hey before I go to bed. Been working my 12 hour day and now am wore out. I ate pretty good today so hopefully it will stay with me the rest of the week.

    Andrew-Whatever choice you decide Good Luck to you!! You can do whatever you set your mind to!

    Hey to everyone else! All ya'll going on vacation Have Fun and Be Careful!!!

    Goodnight Everyone!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Checking in quick to catch up. What a busy day. I'm whooped. I still have to pack tomorrow and get a ton of stuff together and take care of a few last minute things. Good thing we aren't leaving until noon. I'll need every second I have!

    Positive- productive day, I actually didn't count my calories, but only ate breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I can't imagine I went over- in fact I'm probably under. Hmmm, I wonder, I'm hungry. Heading to log now!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,934 Member
    Happy "Last Chance Workout" Team! Everyone must be so busy with their workouts. Not sure I've ever seen it this quiet here.

    Positive: Stayed within my calories yesterday.
    Positive: As long as I don't side step today, I'll be within my calories and that includes the jello cake.
    Positive: Did 20 minutes on the elliptical today. Thought I'd die or fall off, but I did it and so thankful I did.
    Positive: Get to leave work at 3 today. (Having to drive 35 mins to get the kiddos, 35 mins back to the doctor for their physicals, then 45 back home is not so positive. But, I won't mention that.)

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I did my 7 mile walk this morning which was fabulous I couldnt run most of it my hip was hurting possibly from the day befores run oh well thats ok I burned 700 calories between my walk and crunches so I will take it.

    My positive for the day: Is I am having turkey tacos for lunch rather then 3 oz of chicken and 2 tbs stubbs bbq sauce, I have been eating chicken and stubbs for a month of sundays!!!! My turkey taco was fabulous. I also ate 3 cups of mixed veggies with it I thought I am gonna be hungry this afternoon but to tell you the truth I am stuffed!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Kati-That is some great positives! Great work on the elliptical! And getting out of work early rules!!!!

    Tamara-Turkey taco's-that sounds GOOD. I'll be having a turkey meatloaf sandwich with oven baked fries tonight. There are no veggies in the house! see what happens when the wife is out of town. lol

    Positives for the day- Gonna be nicely within my calories and got out for a ride even though I really didnt feel like it and was mega tired from work. and as usual. Once I got out there I have a blast and was so glad I went.

    Anyway, I'll check in a bit later. Gonna hit the hay early tonight gotta be up at 4:30 to get to work on time tommorow.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I did it!! I got up early and went to the gym, only to be beaten up by a big old trainer ( :blushing: 5'1" and 120 pounds:blushing: )

    It felt good to get it over with 1st thing. I hope I remember that when the alarm goes off at 5 am on Thursday:laugh: :laugh:

    Do not send your trainer a text at 10 pm when you are feeling fat and old, telling her you want a tight tummy and to be able to do 10 military push ups in a row. She WILL remember.:cry:

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I did it!! I got up early and went to the gym, only to be beaten up by a big old trainer ( :blushing: 5'1" and 120 pounds:blushing: )

    It felt good to get it over with 1st thing. I hope I remember that when the alarm goes off at 5 am on Thursday:laugh: :laugh:

    Do not send your trainer a text at 10 pm when you are feeling fat and old, telling her you want a tight tummy and to be able to do 10 military push ups in a row. She WILL remember.:cry:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie-- what were you thinking?

    Congrats on keeping the early morning appointment--

    Feeling low tonight :ohwell: -- heading out to run. It always helps--

    Later, peeps.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I did it!! I got up early and went to the gym, only to be beaten up by a big old trainer ( :blushing: 5'1" and 120 pounds:blushing: )

    It felt good to get it over with 1st thing. I hope I remember that when the alarm goes off at 5 am on Thursday:laugh: :laugh:

    Do not send your trainer a text at 10 pm when you are feeling fat and old, telling her you want a tight tummy and to be able to do 10 military push ups in a row. She WILL remember.:cry:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie-- what were you thinking?

    Congrats on keeping the early morning appointment--

    Feeling low tonight :ohwell: -- heading out to run. It always helps--

    Later, peeps.

    Marla, I would blame it on the drink, but I don't partake,so no excuse, ya know?:sick:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Good evening Fellow Teammates! I hope you are all doing great! I worked another loooong 12 hour day today and thought it would never end. Positive for today: My work day finally ended! Thank goodness! DD was in rare form this evening and going wide open. Then went from that to fussy and pitching a tantrum in about 15 minutes! WTH?? Well that caused her to go to bed a few minutes earlier. Peace and quiet for me. Isn't that awful?

    Jeannie-I am proud of you for making your early appointment and sounds like you did great except for the late night text! LMAO!! That was funny!

    Good Luck to everyone on the weigh in. And hope everyone has great last chance workouts! I'm going to head to bed here soon. Good night!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Sam-- I hope you don't mind me being presumptious-- but I got the next week's challenge and thread going--

    Actually, I think we're on week 13, 'cause we didn't do a new thread last week-- but, oh well--

    Here you be, folks--
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: