Black Team Week 11



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew, my dear-- look at that ticker-- look at your photos-- if you're a failure, then I'm Lola Falana. (and if you say who?, I'm going to hit you with my cane.)

    A triathlon is a major feat, and you need ample time to train for it. I can't advise you either way-- you know your body.

    But, if you decide it best to wait for the "Tri" and do the "Du" you're still a hero in the books of everyone here, and you know darned well in the eyes of your honey in Massachusetts, and those adorable sons.

    What you've accomplished, the changes you've implemented, the friends you've made who love you dearly and who have gained so much encouragment from you, is simply beyond words.

    So, my friend, do as your heart leads. But, don't be using words like "failure" or I'm gonna have to come up there and do some moose whuppin'.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Andrew, my dear-- look at that ticker-- look at your photos-- if you're a failure, then I'm Lola Falana. (and if you say who?, I'm going to hit you with my cane.)

    Who? :huh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew, my dear-- look at that ticker-- look at your photos-- if you're a failure, then I'm Lola Falana. (and if you say who?, I'm going to hit you with my cane.)

    Who? :huh:

    Lola Falana-- singer/dancer/actress of the 70s-- back in the day when entertainers actually were trained to, and had actual talent toactually entertain...actually.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning team

    I just got done doing my 5 mile run/walk I am proud to say that I think I actually ran more then I walked. I am proud of myself, Monday is usually the hardest for me to run because after working sunday my legs are beat!!!!!! But I did a 5 mile run and 100 crunches in 1 hour 3 minutes, I think that is fabulous!!! TOOT TOOT TOOT I was tooting my own horn

    Andrew- Only do what your body will let you dont push it as you will hurty yourself more!! You know this as much as I do.

    Beth-enjoy your family functions

    Marla- you always keep me laughing

    Everyone hope you have a great day getting into Jade ( my 4 year olds ) room and cleaning it today fun fun fun.

    Tomorrow is my 11 year olds room even funner- at least he doesnt have very many toys!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Andrew, my dear-- look at that ticker-- look at your photos-- if you're a failure, then I'm Lola Falana. (and if you say who?, I'm going to hit you with my cane.)

    Who? :huh:

    Glad you asked..... I wasn't about to!

    Just got back from a 3 mile walk with DH. It's hotter than blue blazes out there. We are leaving tomorrow for Pennsylvania. Again.

    I decided to go back to the basics this week. Back in the day (like last fall) when I used to lose weight easily (yes I know I was bigger then- shhhh) I cut calories and walked. Since getting to the gym is impossible on the road, I'm going to try some of my 'old school' stuff and see if it does a durn thing.

    I know I can't cut calories too drastically when I'm at the gym hitting it hard, but if I'm on my butt in the car, I can. Then when I get back I'm going to my eat maintenance and kick it at the gym. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing? Hey, I'm used to that, so it's no biggie.

    I'm feeling positive today, I have a plan and I've reminded myself some thing aren't worth stressing over. Like the scale changing daily. Yes, my friends, 2 days from now when my hormones are singing a different tune, so will I.... but for today, it's all good.

    Plans to do some packing, get a pedicure, go to the store, sweep out the car, give the dog a bath- busy day.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Good morning team

    I just got done doing my 5 mile run/walk I am proud to say that I think I actually ran more then I walked. I am proud of myself, Monday is usually the hardest for me to run because after working sunday my legs are beat!!!!!! But I did a 5 mile run and 100 crunches in 1 hour 3 minutes, I think that is fabulous!!! TOOT TOOT TOOT I was tooting my own horn

    Andrew- Only do what your body will let you dont push it as you will hurty yourself more!! You know this as much as I do.

    Beth-enjoy your family functions

    Marla- you always keep me laughing

    Everyone hope you have a great day getting into Jade ( my 4 year olds ) room and cleaning it today fun fun fun.

    Tomorrow is my 11 year olds room even funner- at least he doesnt have very many toys!!!!

    5 miles in 1 hour is awesome! I prefer to clean my kids rooms when they are gone. Stuff (junk) can disappear much easier. :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Good morning team

    I just got done doing my 5 mile run/walk I am proud to say that I think I actually ran more then I walked. I am proud of myself, Monday is usually the hardest for me to run because after working sunday my legs are beat!!!!!! But I did a 5 mile run and 100 crunches in 1 hour 3 minutes, I think that is fabulous!!! TOOT TOOT TOOT I was tooting my own horn

    Andrew- Only do what your body will let you dont push it as you will hurty yourself more!! You know this as much as I do.

    Beth-enjoy your family functions

    Marla- you always keep me laughing

    Everyone hope you have a great day getting into Jade ( my 4 year olds ) room and cleaning it today fun fun fun.

    Tomorrow is my 11 year olds room even funner- at least he doesnt have very many toys!!!!

    5 miles in 1 hour is awesome! I prefer to clean my kids rooms when they are gone. Stuff (junk) can disappear much easier. :laugh:
    Aaaaaaaaabsolutely-- "what stuffed monkey?"
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member

    Tomorrow is my 11 year olds room even funner- at least he doesnt have very many toys!!!!

    5 miles in 1 hour is awesome! I prefer to clean my kids rooms when they are gone. Stuff (junk) can disappear much easier. :laugh:
    Aaaaaaaaabsolutely-- "what stuffed monkey?"

    Many things have disappeared that I claim to have never seen...... A lot of times things go unnoticed but on that rare occasion when it is- I plead ignorance. Huh?
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    Tomorrow is my 11 year olds room even funner- at least he doesnt have very many toys!!!!

    5 miles in 1 hour is awesome! I prefer to clean my kids rooms when they are gone. Stuff (junk) can disappear much easier. :laugh:
    Aaaaaaaaabsolutely-- "what stuffed monkey?"

    Many things have disappeared that I claim to have never seen...... A lot of times things go unnoticed but on that rare occasion when it is- I plead ignorance. Huh?

    My mom used to do that to us. You parents thinking you are funny. Mmmm hmmm. :grumble:
    *hangs head in shame* I am so going to be just like her.

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, seriously -- I'd issued a moratorium on stuffed animals years ago-- the house was overrun. And they wouldn't get rid of any of 'em, and they started stinking and were dusty. And more kept coming into the house as gifts-- so little by little over the years they have gone off to that little stuffed animal kingdom in the sky-- with the ratty coloring books, broken crayons, Happy Meal toys--

    It's what moms do, Shuntae-- :ohwell:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Well, seriously -- I'd issued a moratorium on stuffed animals years ago-- the house was overrun. And they wouldn't get rid of any of 'em, and they started stinking and were dusty. And more kept coming into the house as gifts-- so little by little over the years they have gone off to that little stuffed animal kingdom in the sky-- with the ratty coloring books, broken crayons, Happy Meal toys--

    It's what moms do, Shuntae-- :ohwell:

    Totally understand. I had a bunch of stuffed frogs I'd collected over the last few years (frogs are my fav. animal, so people would always give them to me as gifts) and finally gave them away when I moved in with the boyfriend. It was way past excessive, and some kids could enjoy them more than I would if they were in storage. I chose a couple of the nicer glass ones to keep around our place for decoration. :bigsmile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I agree while she was here watching me clean her room she would say no mom dont throw that away I play with it and in my head I am saying when, my friend called and said hey can Jade come to lunch with us, I said absouletly that was a great idea, now I am starting bag number three for trash ( I mean toys) So eating my luch now and fixin to get back to cleaning before she comes home

    We have to get on the school schedule this week we start back next monday and she is used to going to bed 10-11 and she has to start getting up at 6 right now she gets up at 8-9 so we shall see how this goes for her first year of school. Maybe with me cleaning her room it was be like a brand new day with new routines, (AM CROSSING MY FINGERS, BUT NOT HOLDING MY BREATH, NOT WITH THE DAY WE STARTED OFF WITH TODAY!!!!)

    Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, seriously -- I'd issued a moratorium on stuffed animals years ago-- the house was overrun. And they wouldn't get rid of any of 'em, and they started stinking and were dusty. And more kept coming into the house as gifts-- so little by little over the years they have gone off to that little stuffed animal kingdom in the sky-- with the ratty coloring books, broken crayons, Happy Meal toys--

    It's what moms do, Shuntae-- :ohwell:

    Totally understand. I had a bunch of stuffed frogs I'd collected over the last few years (frogs are my fav. animal, so people would always give them to me as gifts) and finally gave them away when I moved in with the boyfriend. It was way past excessive, and some kids could enjoy them more than I would if they were in storage. I chose a couple of the nicer glass ones to keep around our place for decoration. :bigsmile:

    For you, Shuntae--

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I agree while she was here watching me clean her room she would say no mom dont throw that away I play with it and in my head I am saying when, my friend called and said hey can Jade come to lunch with us, I said absouletly that was a great idea, now I am starting bag number three for trash ( I mean toys) So eating my luch now and fixin to get back to cleaning before she comes home

    We have to get on the school schedule this week we start back next monday and she is used to going to bed 10-11 and she has to start getting up at 6 right now she gets up at 8-9 so we shall see how this goes for her first year of school. Maybe with me cleaning her room it was be like a brand new day with new routines, (AM CROSSING MY FINGERS, BUT NOT HOLDING MY BREATH, NOT WITH THE DAY WE STARTED OFF WITH TODAY!!!!)

    Well I hope everyone has a great day!!!

    You go back early-- New Jersey doesn't start until Labor Day.

    I don't know how we're going to afford our books this year--

    Should be interesting.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,935 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Some comments from this weekends' posts. Hi Sara. The scale and I have a love/hate relationship. Right now we're in hate. Getting back to basics - eating, exercise, b-day parties, family - sounds terrific! Lola who? :wink: Chili sounds wonderful. Could have eaten that Saturday night at the lake. Brrr. Running, biking, swimming oh my! School starts here on Aug. 24. Our county is also waiting for our property tax bills to come in. The longer it takes, the better for us. Need to replenish that savings since we've had lovely doctors/hospital bills to pay. Sigh. Summer temps are heading back to us this week. So far next weekend sounds delightful! 92 on Saturday and sun. Hoping the forecast continues to like us and then we'll have a lovely, lake filled weekend. Family, friends, lake, sunbathing, s'mores, what else could I ask for?

    My positive is that I have eaten well so far today. Calories under control, as well as my sodium. Lovely weekend led to a headache, ear ache and sore throat this morning.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Marla we get out of school in May, I went to school in ca we got out in June and went back after labor day but not here I dont even think they had 3 full months off. They are ready as am I.

    My son goes to middle school for the first year he leaves the school and his baby sister enters it uuuckkk just when I thought I was almost done with that school, I was hoping we moved before she started but no such luck guess I will have to suck it up, my son had very good teachers just didnt like the principal. Oh well I only saw her once in 6 years maybe I wont have to ever see her for my daughter ( oh wait she is the meaner one of the two) guess I better prepare myself to see her more often. LOL she is not that bad ( I mean my daughter not the principal).

    Well need to get back to cleaning just thought I would check posts!!!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!!!!

    Andrew, don't drown!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could never do a triathlon for that very reason! My hat is off to you for even thinking about it!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well....just checking in for a quick "hi"....

    OHHhhhh, and when did Lola Falana join our team??? :bigsmile:

    Take care all!

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member

    The other issue is my triathlon at the end of august. I am far rustier in the swimming department than I expected. I am working on it feverently right now but am a bit concerned about whether or not I can do it. Taking into consideration the fact that failing to do it could result in drowning I am considering contacting the event coordinator and changing over to the Duathalon which subs a 2 mile run for the swim portion. If I do that I will keep working on the swimming for a later event. And to top it all off I might not be able to get that day off so it might not even matter. lol Anyway, I guess I am worried that backing out of the swim would make me feel like I failed, but then again drowning sucks. Any opinions?

    Anyhoo, Much love guys!

    Positive for the day-Watching Conan the Barbarian Rules!


    Batman, Please take it from someone who takes swimming seriously. If you are not ready to do it, don't push it. Addl two miles running is nothing to sneeze at. Failing is not trying again, there will be more and you will be ready. If you need a good lifeguard, I'm certified...or is that certifiable:happy:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    The other issue is my triathlon at the end of august. I am far rustier in the swimming department than I expected. I am working on it feverently right now but am a bit concerned about whether or not I can do it. Taking into consideration the fact that failing to do it could result in drowning I am considering contacting the event coordinator and changing over to the Duathalon which subs a 2 mile run for the swim portion. If I do that I will keep working on the swimming for a later event. And to top it all off I might not be able to get that day off so it might not even matter. lol Anyway, I guess I am worried that backing out of the swim would make me feel like I failed, but then again drowning sucks. Any opinions?

    Anyhoo, Much love guys!

    Positive for the day-Watching Conan the Barbarian Rules!


    Batman, Please take it from someone who takes swimming seriously. If you are not ready to do it, don't push it. Addl two miles running is nothing to sneeze at. Failing is not trying again, there will be more and you will be ready. If you need a good lifeguard, I'm certified...or is that certifiable:happy:

    Eh-- potato/potahto Bobbi-- ha.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Some comments from this weekends' posts. Hi Sara. The scale and I have a love/hate relationship. Right now we're in hate. Getting back to basics - eating, exercise, b-day parties, family - sounds terrific! Lola who? :wink: Chili sounds wonderful. Could have eaten that Saturday night at the lake. Brrr. Running, biking, swimming oh my! School starts here on Aug. 24. Our county is also waiting for our property tax bills to come in. The longer it takes, the better for us. Need to replenish that savings since we've had lovely doctors/hospital bills to pay. Sigh. Summer temps are heading back to us this week. So far next weekend sounds delightful! 92 on Saturday and sun. Hoping the forecast continues to like us and then we'll have a lovely, lake filled weekend. Family, friends, lake, sunbathing, s'mores, what else could I ask for?

    My positive is that I have eaten well so far today. Calories under control, as well as my sodium. Lovely weekend led to a headache, ear ache and sore throat this morning.


    August 24th is when we go back too. it used to be at the begining of august but I think it was to hot or something for kids to concentrate. we get out in may just before the month that hurricane season starts. FUN stuff. We don't get snow days we get hurricane days.

    Mostly all our stuff is packed and we are wearing close that are probably way to big for us but we don'twant to dirty any of our other close. Tomorrow is Dora live, Should be fun since she keeps telling us she doesn't want to go. :grumble: We never should have spent the money on them. Wednesday is clean up day and then we had out early thursday morning.:bigsmile: Can't wait to see MY family!!:laugh: :laugh: :wink: