Tattoo's on women



  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    whenever anyone is about to get a tattoo say this. In 20 years from now, will it still have the same value to me as it does now. keep that in mind, because once you get one, your plan is to keep it for life. And once it is done, you may be able to add to it, but for the most part, what's done is done. so think of your 20 years from now self. Too many people regret what they have done... I have 5, one happens to be my girlfriends name on my left hand, very visible. I know that if we were to part ways, I will not regret it because she defined me to be a better man.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Girls with tattoos are hot!
  • nathan72
    nathan72 Posts: 91 Member
    Just wondering what you all think off tattoos on women ? Large tattoos especially.
    Im hoping to get a biggish one on the top of my thigh soon but I dont want to look unfeminine. What do you all think? Please feel free share any nice ink you have too ;)
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    A tattoo is your personal choice only you should decide if you want it. I have 14 so slightly biased but just make sure you will still love it in 10 20 30 years cause it is there for life.
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    whenever anyone is about to get a tattoo say this. In 20 years from now, will it still have the same value to me as it does now. keep that in mind, because once you get one, your plan is to keep it for life. And once it is done, you may be able to add to it, but for the most part, what's done is done. so think of your 20 years from now self. Too many people regret what they have done... I have 5, one happens to be my girlfriends name on my left hand, very visible. I know that if we were to part ways, I will not regret it because she defined me to be a better man.

    very true words spoken here!
  • Dietexpert
    Dietexpert Posts: 34
    Nice when you're young. Nasty when you're old.
  • kennodogs
    kennodogs Posts: 29 Member
    Not a fan. If you want a permanent reminder of a phase in your life, take a photo. But it seems I'm in the minority.
  • Emmabulliemum
    Emmabulliemum Posts: 294 Member
    And bear in mind when people say 'you'll regret being the only person in the old people's home with one' actually you'll probably be the odd one out if you don't have one LOL!!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    There is also a wide market now for tattoo cover make-up :) If we have time to pop on make-up in the morning then there is enough time to cover a visible one before work too :)

    This is what I used to do for work! this isnt as covered as usual but I use general make-up for a cover up!
    there is proper stuff available that completely conceals it though! Many people didnt even realise I had this tattoo :) x
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I obviously like them. That's my back. And this is my right leg...
    It goes from about 2 inches above my ankle halfway up my calf. It's decent-sized as well.

    It's a personal decision. Everyone has their own opinion and you'll hear plenty more if you choose to get it. :drinker:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i have a small heart on my arm at the mo when i have finished losing the weight,so by next summer i plan to get a few art works done! :bigsmile:
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Sunbathing and using sunbeds can lead to ruined skin as well, so can unforseen accidents or surgery, none will have a perfect and blemish free body in their old age and everyone will have a certain something they regret. Plus lazer tattoo removal has advanced a lot in recent years, they may be less permanent in years to come.
  • Aes37850
    Aes37850 Posts: 48
    I think it definitely depends on the tattoo. Guys who I've dated/talked to were kinda 'eh I don't like them on girls blah blah' at first. Then I'd get a tattoo (cause it's my body not theirs or anyone else's, meaning mom too) and show them the product and they liked it and would joke about it. And my tattoos are on my upper back (above the bra, below the neck) one saying "Love" in cursive and my latest one with a quote from my favorite band "All is lost again, but I'm not giving in" around the band's symbol. I've gotten loads of compliments from women and a few from men saying it's 'cool'. Just make yours look good, own it, love it. Make it be what you want it to be and someone will definitely find your confidence and tattoo sexy as hell.
  • mum2paris
    mum2paris Posts: 25
    I think it's definately a matter of finding something you are completely happy with and will be happy with when you look in the mirror a decade from now.. It took 5 years for me to completely find the right one that I wanted for me, to depict my 2 children and our one that was more a form of healing for me I think. Originally I wanted one with 2 butterflies and a chrysalis (for the one that never quite got it's wings) however was told that the chrysalis would look wrong by a tattooist.. have since found lots of ones that look completely fine if done well, but am glad that I have what I have and it's perfect for me. I got mine on my shoulder and upper back and clothing hides it well for my job as a nurse, however I am looking forward to being able to show it off when warmer weather comes. If you're happy with it then that's all that matters.

    Tried to post pics but they won't work sorry.. will try again tomorrow
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Sunbathing and using sunbeds can lead to ruined skin as well, so can unforseen accidents or surgery, none will have a perfect and blemish free body in their old age and everyone will have a certain something they regret. Plus lazer tattoo removal has advanced a lot in recent years, they may be less permanent in years to come.

    :) true. You wouldnt get discriminated for a birth mark, or a mole or damaged skin :) As long as it isnt offensive it should be ok I think. I had 3 jobs that accepted mine after saying there is NO EXCEPTIONS but i was told " theyre ok as theyre not all skulls and reapers n stuff"
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I don't like tattoos on women....but I do appreciate the art work. If you you want one go for it...
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Just wondering what you all think off tattoos on women ? Large tattoos especially.
    Im hoping to get a biggish one on the top of my thigh soon but I dont want to look unfeminine. What do you all think? Please feel free share any nice ink you have too ;)

    get the feeling you aren't getting a tattoo for YOU but to please others. i always thought people who permanently mark themselves in this way couldn't care less what others think..if in doubt, don't do it..or do it if peer pressure on this forum says you should.
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503

  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I obviously like them. That's my back. And this is my right leg...
    It goes from about 2 inches above my ankle halfway up my calf. It's decent-sized as well.

    It's a personal decision. Everyone has their own opinion and you'll hear plenty more if you choose to get it. :drinker:

    NICE back piece!!
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I think tattoos on women are sexy and colorful. It certainly is not a deal breaker either way.