What's wrong w/ wantin 2 b a size 0 or 2?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think size 0 and size 2 look beautiful. People seem to think being that skinny is unhealthy but so is being over weight

    A lot of ppl who are 0 or 2 aren't even 'skinny', they're fit & lowered their BF%

    How can you have a low BF% and not be skinny? Or is just semantics and a negative connotation of the word "skinny"? I always considered low BF% as the definition of skinny.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I think part of it depends on your height. My daughter is 5'4" and wears a 2 or a 4. She is thin, but curvy for her age. I would not want to see her any thinner than she is. So, if a person is about that tall, or a little shorter, then a size 0 or 2 would be doable. But, if you are any taller, you just might be risking your health.

    I can assure you I'm not risking my health at a size 2, 5'5", nor will I be at a size 0 (to compete). If anything, I've never been more healthy. I've dropped unecessary body fat.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member

    I also have to remember that you and a few of the other girls are only in your early twenties. Your brain isn't finished developing and you have no life experience. I was a big clueless dummy at that age too!!!!

    You have got to be f*cking kidding me?
    Because being 40-something years old, makes you sooo superior.

    Just report insulting posts instead of replying with an insult yourself.

    Calling a thinner person a string bean and calling a larger person a cow can be equally insulting. Both have the ability to de-humanize by stigmitizing a person's body type. If the person takes it as an insult, for whatever reason, then apologize and move on.

    I don't report people. I deal with issues. And this has been an ongoing one.
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to be a size 2. I do think its odd that companies size their clothing this way though. It just seems like a size zero should be non existent. I wish their was a better way for them all to size clothing with the same guidelines. I can wear a size 2 at the gap, but at other stores I am a 9/10. Its a personal preference and it shouldn't matter what other people think. if you are healthy then i think its excellent if you can fit into the size you want. I just want to wear things that flatter my body, no matter what size it is.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to be a size 2. I do think its odd that companies size their clothing this way though. It just seems like a size zero should be non existent. I wish their was a better way for them all to size clothing with the same guidelines. I can wear a size 2 at the gap, but at other stores I am a 9/10. Its a personal preference and it shouldn't matter what other people think. if you are healthy then i think its excellent if you can fit into the size you want. I just want to wear things that flatter my body, no matter what size it is.

    Sizes really should just be in inches.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    there is NOTHING at ALL wrong with wanting to be or being a size 2. I'm a size 2 and perfectly happy. When its all said and done and time to compete, I'll probably be in a size 0 again. Just to compete, but still. I'm more healthy now than I EVER have been. I am only in a size 2, because I lost 6% body fat. I was 24% and am now roughly 18%, looking to get down to 15% to compete. And, best part is, now I have curves!!!

    Inspiration!!! I want to b 17% BF! You look great! What's ur height & weight?

    Thanks! I'm 5'5" and 130 pounds.

    Ur my height! I'm 138 right now, but still pretty chubby. In my pictures I have a recent full body shot. I don't think 130 will do cuz of my frame. Do you think 125 or 120 would b good? I'm about to start CHalean extreme. So with that weight lifting & toning program, I'm going to pair it up w/ intense cardio program, Turbo Fire. I sure do hope I can get where I'm goin w/ tht. I'm not sure what my BF% is cuz I dont have calipers yet.

    if I go by my frame, as I don't know yours, I'd say at our height, 120 -125 is a good weight. I plan on 115 - 120 during competition season. The rest of the year 125 - 130 is good for me.

  • I also have to remember that you and a few of the other girls are only in your early twenties. Your brain isn't finished developing and you have no life experience. I was a big clueless dummy at that age too!!!!

    You have got to be f*cking kidding me?
    Because being 40-something years old, makes you sooo superior.

    Just report insulting posts instead of replying with an insult yourself.

    Calling a thinner person a string bean and calling a larger person a cow can be equally insulting. Both have the ability to de-humanize by stigmitizing a person's body type. If the person takes it as an insult, for whatever reason, then apologize and move on.

    I don't report people. I deal with issues. And this has been an ongoing one.

    I agree and it is ridiculous. Holocaust... really?!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I think size 0 and size 2 look beautiful. People seem to think being that skinny is unhealthy but so is being over weight

    A lot of ppl who are 0 or 2 aren't even 'skinny', they're fit & lowered their BF%

    How can you have a low BF% and not be skinny? Or is just semantics and a negative connotation of the word "skinny"? I always considered low BF% as the definition of skinny.

    you can be curvy and athletic and strong. Skinny to me means no shape, like I used to be....
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    I don't want to be a size 0 or 2, but I agree that no one should be knocking others who do want to be. I personally want to be around a size 5 :smile: Everyone is different.. we all come in different shapes and sizes and that is part of what makes us unique in our own ways. We should all push to reach our goals, whatever they may be to make us happy, even if its a size 0 or a size 12. :flowerforyou:

    perfect answer.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member

    I also have to remember that you and a few of the other girls are only in your early twenties. Your brain isn't finished developing and you have no life experience. I was a big clueless dummy at that age too!!!!

    You have got to be f*cking kidding me?
    Because being 40-something years old, makes you sooo superior.

    Just report insulting posts instead of replying with an insult yourself.

    Calling a thinner person a string bean and calling a larger person a cow can be equally insulting. Both have the ability to de-humanize by stigmitizing a person's body type. If the person takes it as an insult, for whatever reason, then apologize and move on.

    I don't report people. I deal with issues. And this has been an ongoing one.

    I agree and it is ridiculous. Holocaust... really?!

    That comment blew my mind.
  • Flaming_Reef
    Flaming_Reef Posts: 34 Member
    You report the post, not the person. And dealing with issues should never resort to insults and belittling others. At that point moderation is needed.

    Back to the topic at hand:
    I would never want to be a size 2. But that's because all my clothes are a size 4 so being a size 2 would be problematic :laugh:
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Back to the topic at hand:
    I would never want to be a size 2. But that's because all my clothes are a size 4 so being a size 2 would be problematic :laugh:

    This is cute.
  • azwildcatfan94
    azwildcatfan94 Posts: 314 Member
    I think part of it depends on your height. My daughter is 5'4" and wears a 2 or a 4. She is thin, but curvy for her age. I would not want to see her any thinner than she is. So, if a person is about that tall, or a little shorter, then a size 0 or 2 would be doable. But, if you are any taller, you just might be risking your health.

    I can assure you I'm not risking my health at a size 2, 5'5", nor will I be at a size 0 (to compete). If anything, I've never been more healthy. I've dropped unecessary body fat.
    OK, no biggie. In my mind, I wasn't really trying to compare ANY tiny bit over 5'4" as for sure being unhealthy. Just using my daughter's height as my point of reference. In my mind, I was thinking I was expressing that a 5'9" person (my height) trying to be a 0 would be risking their health. But, didn't want to specifically state a number, so that someone who was say 5'8" wouldn't immediately think they were fine trying to be a 0. Probably shouldn't have used a lower number either...
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Sizes really should just be in inches.

    Agreed. Men's sizes make sense. Women's sizes appeal to vanity.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Lowering BF does not always mean being more healthy. Actually, if one were already healthy the only way to get more healthy would be to get rid of a risk factor for some disease, which is technically not more healthy but it does increase the likelihood of remaining healthy. But if a woman drops her BF% too low it increases the risk of illness.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think size 0 and size 2 look beautiful. People seem to think being that skinny is unhealthy but so is being over weight

    A lot of ppl who are 0 or 2 aren't even 'skinny', they're fit & lowered their BF%

    How can you have a low BF% and not be skinny? Or is just semantics and a negative connotation of the word "skinny"? I always considered low BF% as the definition of skinny.

    There is a diff between skinny and fit to me. There is nothing wrong w/ either. Skinny ppl are just small & slim. Some people are naturally that way, especially if they have high metabolisms. Fit people have definition & tone. Know what I mean? Smaller example- A flat belly makes u skinny, abs make u toned. Refer to pic.
    http://www.clubfym.com/members/images/Project2 400x305.jpg
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Lowering BF does not always mean being more healthy. Actually, if one were already healthy the only way to get more healthy would be to get rid of a risk factor for some disease, which is technically not more healthy but it does increase the likelihood of remaining healthy. But if a woman drops her BF% too low it increases the risk of illness.

    agreed. Some risk factors though can not be changed due to genetics.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I think part of it depends on your height. My daughter is 5'4" and wears a 2 or a 4. She is thin, but curvy for her age. I would not want to see her any thinner than she is. So, if a person is about that tall, or a little shorter, then a size 0 or 2 would be doable. But, if you are any taller, you just might be risking your health.

    I can assure you I'm not risking my health at a size 2, 5'5", nor will I be at a size 0 (to compete). If anything, I've never been more healthy. I've dropped unecessary body fat.
    OK, no biggie. In my mind, I wasn't really trying to compare ANY tiny bit over 5'4" as for sure being unhealthy. Just using my daughter's height as my point of reference. In my mind, I was thinking I was expressing that a 5'9" person (my height) trying to be a 0 would be risking their health. But, didn't want to specifically state a number, so that someone who was say 5'8" wouldn't immediately think they were fine trying to be a 0. Probably shouldn't have used a lower number either...

    There are plenty of tall women with small frames as well. Just as there are plenty of shorter women with large frames.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    To each their own. I don't want to be a size 0 or 2. That's the same exact size as my oldest daughter and I would look downright sickly that small. I'm happy and content with where I am - which is a size 10. I don't particularly care what size someone else wants to be, as I said.. to each their own.

    My one problem? Assuming that because I'm a size 10 that I am not healthy and physically fit. Fitness is not always measured by the number on the scale, so don't assume you're in better shape at a size 2 than someone else is at a size 10.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I was a size 0 and 97 pounds I am 4'11. I was very thin (fit) but very thin. I personally didnt like it, for me it wasnt the size of jean but how I feel. A jean size of 5 was perfect.:bigsmile:
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