Is there anyone on here not looking to be a size 2?



  • ebbtime
    ebbtime Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'5" & in 2005 I got to my lowest ever adult weight.....128lbs! However, it was ALL due to stress from my divorce & poured off like water. That put me in a size 8. Stress went away. Weight came back & then some. So, knowing what I'd look like in an 8, YES, it's good enough for me. Would I like to know what/how I would look on the cover of Victoria's Secret? HELL YEAH! But I don't have the willpower. LOL
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    My goal is to just get out of the plus sizes!
  • cmm7303
    cmm7303 Posts: 423 Member
    ...meaning i'm 5'5 and my goal weight is along the lines on 175, maybe 170

    I'm 5'3" and my goal is 160... I know exactly what you mean. That would put me at a size 12ish.
  • bigpenguin570
    bigpenguin570 Posts: 52 Member
    Size 2! HA! I think I would roll over and do tricks for a size 12! I am 5'7 and now at 227, between womens 16 & reg 18. My weight is distributed evenly, and when people find out my weight they can't believe it. So, anything below a 14 is time to light off fireworks!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    lol, size what????????? Girl no size 2 is for 9th graders......I am a real woman!

    Oh and this is just plain offensive. Some of my tops are US size 2s. Am I not a real woman because I'm naturally quite petite?

    Obviously you're a fake women, duh.

    I must be fake too.. 5'9, 151, size 4 and slowly shinking into 2's.. Oh the horror.

    I worked damn hard for my body.. so why the hell shouldn't I be proud of it?
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I think i was a size 2 when i was like 5 lol maybe.

    My mom keeps thinking I can get back to her size , a 7 so we can share clothes again...Ummm Mom I was like 11 then...I wasn't a heavy child by any means but I was never a 7 in High school either. I think in H.S. I was a 11 and I looked good lol

    I'll be happy now to get down to a 16 or whatever size my goal weight will fit me in. I have no desire to be a 2 not at 5'8 lol I doubt I could do it anyways.

    I want to be healthier and not have my icky stomach and if that is a 14 or 16 then I'm cool with that
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    Well, I'm not looking to be a size 2' but I'm what you described. I'm 5'5" looking to get to about 145 lbs (currently 157 down from 190), but for me 145 lbs will probably be a size 10 (maaaaaybe a size 8 in the right brand). I have hips for days :)
  • Yeah! I'm a size 8 and I so wanna get bigger, if I can be a healthy size 8 or even a size 10 that'd be amazing. I'm only 5' 4'' so hopefully it won't look too odd LOL
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    I know for 100% certain that no matter what I do, I could never possibly be a size 2, lol. I'm not really even looking at losing down to a certain size or even weight, I just want to feel better in my own skin, personally. I think size 8/10 and about 135lbs is right for me.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I am actually big-boned so I will NEVER be a size 2! I'm happy when I get a flat stomach and to be a little more toned. I never wanted to be skinny skinny, just fit and healthy looking!

    I'm 5'9" and my goal weight is 150 btw. Almost there :)
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    Heck no, I think women look sexier with curvy waists and busts.

    I am looking to be around a 6/8/10 and weigh 140lbs.

    I am 5'7'' but really my goal is to be happy with what I see in the mirror, that is really what matters, I want to look and feel beautiful.
  • Tay617
    Tay617 Posts: 70 Member
    I have never been a size 2 in my entire life (somehow skipped that size while transitioning through puberty). I would be very happy to be able to get to and stay at a size 6-8 because that is a comfortable and realistic size for me as a "curvy" but short 5' woman. Everyone has their own comfort size/weight, and I don't think you should feel left out just because you don't aspire to be that small. I believe all of us are trying to attain a manageable goal, regardless of how that goal varies from person to person. For what it is worth, you have my support in your efforts to be as healthy and fit as you choose.

    Thanx :love:
  • kalynn06
    kalynn06 Posts: 368 Member
    Heck no, I think women look sexier with curvy waists and busts.

    The thing is, though, that some of us have those at size 2. The last time I was a size 2 I wore a 34C or a 32 D (depending on the brand) and had hips at least 10 inches bigger than my waist. I also had thighs bigger than 21 inches each. For petite people, size 2 looks different than those with bigger frames. At 5'5 and140 lbs, I had over 26% body fat. To get my body fat down to the low 20s is probably going to put me into a size 2. I probably won't have a perfectly flat stomach but I'll look leaner and healthy and have some curves. People carry weight differently, and saying that a certain size is "too skinny" is an unfair generalization. For a lot of people a 2 is unrealistically small. For others, it's just the size they happen to be when they get lean.
  • I am just under 5'2 and weigh 170. I started out in a size 16 and am wearing a size 12 now. I would like to be at 140-145 which should put me back into a size 8. No way would I want to be a size 2! I have large boobs and dont want to lose them.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    I never planned to be a size 2, It happened when I started strength training! Inches started dropping BUT I still have curves. A straight line has no curves. All women have curves, petite, small, medium, large, extra large etc just packaged different! !
  • Sprootles
    Sprootles Posts: 16
    Not me. I'm just looking to lose 40 (60 in total) lbs. and be a size 16. I don't know if I can get to a smaller size because I've had two c-sections and that lovely procedure wreaks havoc with toning in your abdomen.
  • tlc0815
    tlc0815 Posts: 5
    I'm starting at 240 and would like to get down to 170 because I'm 5'10" and would not look good being that small. I like some of my curves, just not all of them. :) I would love to be an 8 at some point but would be happy with a 10 too.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I was like you, just looking to be the healthiest version of myself that I could be. After several months of taking care of myself, eating good foods, getting exercise that I enjoyed and looked forward to, I wound up at a size 6. I was very happy there and didn't want to get any smaller than that.
    (Now I'm pregnant. So my goal is a healthy pregnancy, while keeping up my strength and energy.)
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    me not looking to be size 2
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Don't get all too hung up on a clothing tag. There is such a thing as vanity sizing & it exists in most of American clothing lines particularly in women's clothes. Clothing sizes just depend on the clothing manufacturer. You can be 50 pounds heavier but can have a "size 8" clothes just like the ones you always have when you were still slimmer. I'm 5'2", my vital stats is 34-26-35 & I can fit in clothes sizes 0 up to size 10. Tape measure is much more accurate than clothes sizes.