I don't care about "losing pounds"... Male v Female?

Maybe it's me, but I couldn't care less about how many pounds I lose.

I also don't give a flying rat turd about how I look in a mirror.

Please know, I'm not saying anything bad about those who are shedding weight and/or trying to look better. It's great and I support you. However, I'm more focused on getting lean, and fighting better.

I started a string a few days ago that discussed the reasons most people are here... i.e. training for a sport, etc. 95% of the responses revolved around "running." There were a handful of other sports, and a few the said "life."

Is this a "guy thing?"


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)
    Excellent !
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Couldn't agree more.

    As the site name and app states, My fitness pal. Don't get me wrong, fitness and weight loss is encouraged but most are obsessed with weight loss instead of losing excess fat and post about binge eating, eating junk and no self control. No wonder they don't lose and body fat.

    I do watch what I eat but the intention isn't being stick thin or being able to pose in the bathroom mirror and take phone photographs (thought I was the only one who found that disturbing) but a sensible diet and exercise plan is encouraged and sadly lacking by most on here who are after a quick fix which never works.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    I am here for a mix of things

    Looking better yes, but more importantly just moving easier and quicker and to fight the bad genes of high blood pressure, high cholesterole and diabetes that run in my family .

    I dont want to be a size 4 or 6 or 8 for that matter, lol .. just healthy
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Everyone does has to start somewhere... however here are the reasons I do what I do -

    ** I am eating healthy, I am not on a diet -- both parents diabetic, high blood presure, cholesterol, and more

    **I work out to battle my depression, not to be skinny -- I refuse to go and get placed on medication for something as mental as depression, to me at least there is no better medicine than a self kick'n in the *kitten* by some weights or the high of some cardio

    ** I am doing this for myself; not to please anyone else -- being a mother, wife, employee sometimes we forget ourselves, well this is the way of me taking care of me :)

    Weight loss and looking awesome at the age of 36 are only a direct consequence of the above - I will take that consequence any day :)
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I myself WANT to lose weight as I am OVERWEIGHT. I am doing this because I want to be healthier. But to me it is all about making better choices..a lifestyle change. I don't want to just be vain and do it so I feel "hot". I want to be able to do activity without being winded..I want to be able to keep up with my kids and husband. Also, Diabetes runs in my family and I'm trying to avoid that as well. I am hoping to work myself up to running.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I have health reasons for losing weight (or inches), but I would be lying if I said vainity was not a motivating factor.

    There is more pressure put on women to be thin. Notice that they don't sell spanx to men. Look at all the sitcoms where men are "schluby" and the women are beautiful. It is just the society we live in.
  • cdcro
    cdcro Posts: 21 Member
    Notice that they don't sell spanx to men.

  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    Hahaha I totally agree too. Also I feel that many people on here are trying to loose weight whether you are male or female, but me for example I am just trying to get back into shape to run a 10k come October and build my muscle back up. I can really care less at how much weight I loose. If I loose the weight good, if I don't it has turned into muscle
  • kaji13
    kaji13 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey, nothing wrong with running. Great cardio transfers itself to MANY sports, including fighting (which as you know requires a hell of a lot of cardiovascular endurance if you want to make it past the first round). At least running trains you to run fast (which can come in handy where I live, as we have many bears and cougars around and I hike a lot). Last I checked....you can't ellipitcal away from a bear ;)

    Actually, now you can. elliptigo-8c.jpg
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Maybe it's me, but I couldn't care less about how many pounds I lose.

    I also don't give a flying rat turd about how I look in a mirror.

    Please know, I'm not saying anything bad about those who are shedding weight and/or trying to look better. It's great and I support you. However, I'm more focused on getting lean, and fighting better.

    I started a string a few days ago that discussed the reasons most people are here... i.e. training for a sport, etc. 95% of the responses revolved around "running." There were a handful of other sports, and a few the said "life."

    Is this a "guy thing?"

    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)
    For me it was all about losing weight, getting back into shape, etc. Basically me being vain. With a bad knee and a bad shoulder, I don't see a lot of fighting/sports in my future, which was sort of why I gained weight in the first place.

    And I couldn't agree more on the pictures.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I would rather look better and feel better than concerned with what I weigh. I can now touch my toes without bending my knees! I am amazed at how much better I feel MENTALLY after I work out, even if it is only spending 20 minutes with Jillian Michaels.

    As a working mom and wife, I need that 20-30 minutes to do something for ME. I can be a better person due to working out and getting fit.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I don't care about weight loss, I am more concerned with fat loss. I'm looking to get down to 15% body fat, so whatever weight I am when I get there works for me.
  • wyze
    wyze Posts: 248
    My fitness pal happens to be a place where people with various goals including putting on weight are welcomed. Guess your post just reflects that. Methinks at the end of the day it really doesnt matter as long as people are achieving their goals on here :-)
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    LMAO.. You're funny
  • LilRiver
    LilRiver Posts: 81 Member
    I care about losing pounds - but I have a lot to lose! (started with 100+)

    So, yes, I "care" about the pounds, but that's not the focus. To me the focus has always been about fitness and I knew that with fitness the pounds would fall off. When I started, I planned to do it without even stepping on a scale. It was just a measurement that I was not interested in. There were other measurements that were more important to me: my general sense of how I was feeling, my endurance, my strength, etc. As far as a size sort of measurement, i figured I'd get it from clothes (what size fit and what didn't). But then the various apps I wanted to play around with (including MFP) wanted to know my weight. So I went to a doctor's office to step on a scale (I didn't even have one!) for the first time in many many years. And then I bought a scale and became addicted to it. I love stepping on the damn thing not because I care what the specific number is but it's so much fun to watch it go down ;)
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member

    Is this a "guy thing?"

    No it's not just a guy thing. There are women here who are more focused on gaining muscle mass, increasing endurance, or lowering bf %. Great thing about a website like this, it attracts all sorts of people, who have different goals and want a way to achieve them :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Couldn't agree more.

    As the site name and app states, My fitness pal. Don't get me wrong, fitness and weight loss is encouraged but most are obsessed with weight loss instead of losing excess fat and post about binge eating, eating junk and no self control. No wonder they don't lose and body fat.

    I do watch what I eat but the intention isn't being stick thin or being able to pose in the bathroom mirror and take phone photographs (thought I was the only one who found that disturbing) but a sensible diet and exercise plan is encouraged and sadly lacking by most on here who are after a quick fix which never works.

    I don't find that true at all. Most of the people I see are trying to become healthier AND lose weight/fat. But let's be honest...for those of us who are overweight or obese, weight loss is a HUGE starting point to fitness.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Everyone has different goals. This site is for everyone trying to improve their health, one way or another. I joined to get the last 10 pounds off - as of now I got the last 13 off...I stuck around because I want to keep improving my body in other ways (making sure I get the proper nutrition per day, logging workouts so I know I'm making my goals, etc) and to keep up with friends that are doing great with their health improvement goals.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)
    Excellent !
    When a user post a reply on the message board you will see on the left hand side of the screen that user picture along with there MFP name, also you will notice a small image of a down arrow. If you click on that arrow, one of the options that comes up is "Ignore this user'. If you select this you will no longer be bother of pictures/responses from that particular user. Great function, use it all the time.

    And you'll probably need to use it on me. Because after a lifetime of being fat I have finally earned a body I'm proud of and I don't plan to hide it because it bothers you.

    13 year old girl... bite me.
This discussion has been closed.