I don't care about "losing pounds"... Male v Female?



  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Hes a fighter, we got a real badass over here.

    Don't worry @Phrak- you're safe -- he only cares about shirtless men. Pant-less is okay .

    phew, i was worried.

    @ sidesteal, well i lunge with the cake to my couch, then i bicep curl the cake to my mouth. thats about it.

    I :heart: you! LOL

    did someone say cake?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hes a fighter, we got a real badass over here.

    Don't worry @Phrak- you're safe -- he only cares about shirtless men. Pant-less is okay .

    phew, i was worried.

    @ sidesteal, well i lunge with the cake to my couch, then i bicep curl the cake to my mouth. thats about it.

    I :heart: you! LOL

    did someone say cake?

  • april_beth
    april_beth Posts: 617 Member
    gchutson...you lonely?

    Did some dude on MFP with a shirtless picture take your lady or something?

    I am glad to know that a grown azz man at the age of 37, can still come on a fitness website and act like a 7 year old internet thug...

    I can careless what picture anyone on here posts....I don't care about your picture of you puckering up to the camera in your green undershirt...


    Which one of these are you?

    Cause right now you acting real girly coming on here making weak complaints....

    Man the F up homie!

    *drools over homer's man boobs*

    this is yet just another example of someone needing to have something to say/argue about -- who the *kitten* cares what MY goals are. youre not working on MY goal so your point would be?! now you just look like a d i c k...yay you!
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Can we get back on topic here? I'm here to learn something, not listen to people rant because dude said something insulting. We all have our opinions and ranting about it isn't doing anybody any good now is it? I couldn't give 2 F$&ks about anybody's pic's. Why? Because it's not me, it has nothing to do with my goals. If people can get so insulted over such stupid crap maybe you all need to grow a pair and work on your self-worth.

    You started off by asking for everyone to get back on topic, but then you continued with many words doing exactly what we're all doing. Irony.

    No, I described what I see here, which is a bunch of idiots trying to entertain themselves with drama--oh ya and a bunch of shallow women
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    Lol, everyone is so mad here. OP has been fairly polite about his unpopular opinion.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Lol, everyone is so mad here. OP has been fairly polite about his unpopular opinion.

    I'm trying to be polite. Though, it's tough.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Can we get back on topic here? I'm here to learn something, not listen to people rant because dude said something insulting. We all have our opinions and ranting about it isn't doing anybody any good now is it? I couldn't give 2 F$&ks about anybody's pic's. Why? Because it's not me, it has nothing to do with my goals. If people can get so insulted over such stupid crap maybe you all need to grow a pair and work on your self-worth.

    You started off by asking for everyone to get back on topic, but then you continued with many words doing exactly what we're all doing. Irony.

    No, I described what I see here, which is a bunch of idiots trying to entertain themselves with drama

    In fairness, it is quite entertaining.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Lol, everyone is so mad here. OP has been fairly polite about his unpopular opinion.

    I'm trying to be polite. Though, it's tough.

    I became angry...trying not to let Ms. Hyde out right now...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    First, Brett - I can't help if that's my first impression. Unfortunately, there are others who make it far too easy to come to that conclusion. Do not take it personally - there are others who are ranting with their "broscience" and peer reviewed studies that only view one side and can just as easily be proved wrong by other peer reviewed studies.... and they spout all their information like it is the gospel truth when in reality when it comes to metabolism, the endocrine system, and weight loss we know practically nothing.

    I'm sorry you took it personally - I honestly do not know you, so I can't come to any conclusion, other than your abs aren't going to impress me. I'm sorry... I like brains better.

    There are so many different things I could chime in about on this thread, but I'm going to stick with this one.

    Brett's brain is just as, if not more, impressive than his abs. And that goes for several of the guys on my FL who DESERVE to show off their hard work. It isn't about just vanity, it's about saying Yes, you CAN do it, just like I did.


    I've been friends with Brett for a long time, and I've watched his dedication to getting fitter grow over time. He has quite literally worked his *kitten* off to be where he is now (take a look at his ticker if you needs some help figuring out how far he's come). He's only recently had the confidence to show himself shirtless, and people like you go around making comments like the one you made on a previous page referring to shirtless guys on here who discuss nutrition as "*kitten*." You sit here and pass judgment on people you don't even know whose stories you don't know like it's just some "reaction" that you can't control. While you may not be able to control your thoughts, you can certainly control what you write on a public forum. Your "*kitten*" comment was unbelievably rude, and your comments to Brett were mean, thoughtless, and beyond judgmental. Your comments only serve to make you look classless, obnoxious, and bitter. I urge you to think twice before you make comments like that int he future on this site. There are a lot of men on here just like Brett who have worked very hard to get where they are, continually provide positive and thoughtful comments to others, and who deserve more respect than your half-assed judgements give them.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    No, I described what I see here, which is a bunch of idiots trying to entertain themselves with drama--oh ya and a bunch of shallow women

    "Bunch of idiots"??? This is a fitness site. The OP has ridiculed men showing progress pics of themselves and we spoke up about that. So, now we're idiots and shallow? The progress pics are far more "motivating" than this guy's post in "help" section.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    Lol, everyone is so mad here. OP has been fairly polite about his unpopular opinion.

    I'm trying to be polite. Though, it's tough.

    You did all right except for the 13yo girl part, lol.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Hes a fighter, we got a real badass over here.

    Don't worry @Phrak- you're safe -- he only cares about shirtless men. Pant-less is okay .

    phew, i was worried.

    @ sidesteal, well i lunge with the cake to my couch, then i bicep curl the cake to my mouth. thats about it.

    I :heart: you! LOL

    did someone say cake?


    call me Cake.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    First, Brett - I can't help if that's my first impression. Unfortunately, there are others who make it far too easy to come to that conclusion. Do not take it personally - there are others who are ranting with their "broscience" and peer reviewed studies that only view one side and can just as easily be proved wrong by other peer reviewed studies.... and they spout all their information like it is the gospel truth when in reality when it comes to metabolism, the endocrine system, and weight loss we know practically nothing.

    I'm sorry you took it personally - I honestly do not know you, so I can't come to any conclusion, other than your abs aren't going to impress me. I'm sorry... I like brains better.

    There are so many different things I could chime in about on this thread, but I'm going to stick with this one.

    Brett's brain is just as, if not more, impressive than his abs. And that goes for several of the guys on my FL who DESERVE to show off their hard work. It isn't about just vanity, it's about saying Yes, you CAN do it, just like I did.

    Ahhhh, yes... but if I remember correctly you are one of those who loves to post half naked pictures of herself too - in a Boobie Friday thread or something similar? Perhaps I'm wrong. I was just never impressed with the posting-pictures-of-myself-fishing-for-compliments-from-people-I-don't-know. But that's just me.... I'd rather be complimented on the type of person I am than how I look in panties. Seems a little more meaningful.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    You did all right except for the 13yo girl part, lol.

    ....and the lacking ovaries part. He's bashed guys with progress pics more than once here.
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    You did all right except for the 13yo girl part, lol.

    ....and the lacking ovaries part. He's bashed guys with progress pics more than once here.

    Ha, missed that one. I retract my polite comment.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    First, Brett - I can't help if that's my first impression. Unfortunately, there are others who make it far too easy to come to that conclusion. Do not take it personally - there are others who are ranting with their "broscience" and peer reviewed studies that only view one side and can just as easily be proved wrong by other peer reviewed studies.... and they spout all their information like it is the gospel truth when in reality when it comes to metabolism, the endocrine system, and weight loss we know practically nothing.

    I'm sorry you took it personally - I honestly do not know you, so I can't come to any conclusion, other than your abs aren't going to impress me. I'm sorry... I like brains better.

    There are so many different things I could chime in about on this thread, but I'm going to stick with this one.

    Brett's brain is just as, if not more, impressive than his abs. And that goes for several of the guys on my FL who DESERVE to show off their hard work. It isn't about just vanity, it's about saying Yes, you CAN do it, just like I did.


    I've been friends with Brett for a long time, and I've watched his dedication to getting fitter grow over time. He has quite literally worked his *kitten* off to be where he is now (take a look at his ticker if you needs some help figuring out how far he's come). He's only recently had the confidence to show himself shirtless, and people like you go around making comments like the one you made on a previous page referring to shirtless guys on here who discuss nutrition as "*kitten*." You sit here and pass judgment on people you don't even know whose stories you don't know like it's just some "reaction" that you can't control. While you may not be able to control your thoughts, you can certainly control what you write on a public forum. Your "*kitten*" comment was unbelievably rude, and your comments to Brett were mean, thoughtless, and beyond judgmental. Your comments only serve to make you look classless, obnoxious, and bitter. I urge you to think twice before you make comments like that int he future on this site. There are a lot of men on here just like Brett who have worked very hard to get where they are, continually provide positive and thoughtful comments to others, and who deserve more respect than your half-assed judgements give them.
    This x Eleventy Million
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    No, I described what I see here, which is a bunch of idiots trying to entertain themselves with drama--oh ya and a bunch of shallow women

    "Bunch of idiots"??? This is a fitness site. The OP has ridiculed men showing progress pics of themselves and we spoke up about that. So, now we're idiots and shallow? The progress pics are far more "motivating" than this guy's post in "help" section.

    I'm finished here, obviously you have nothing better to do than antagonize people and continue with the drama.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    From The OP...Maybe it's me, but I couldn't care less about how many pounds I lose.
    Then why did you take the time to add a ticker to your profile? Just asking...

    As for your comments to Brett...he is not on my FL. I have seen his posts on here quite a bit. He is very smart, obviously worked his *kitten* of and has goal!! Why so jealous? Get off the juice and move on before you start lactating.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Hi This is my first time ever of posting-but I had to smile when I read your post about touching toes-for the first time in years I can actually see mine-next goal will be touching them!

    I'm good at motivating people to respond. I do for it a living. Though typically, most people are motivated to respond by punching me in the face.

    You do that for a living? You must get paid well. I'd like to punch you in the face right now. :flowerforyou:
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    And you'll probably need to use it on me. Because after a lifetime of being fat I have finally earned a body I'm proud of and I don't plan to hide it because it bothers you.

    13 year old girl... bite me.

    I was about to agree with OP. Then I saw your new profile pic. I changed my mind.
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