I don't care about "losing pounds"... Male v Female?



  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    And you'll probably need to use it on me. Because after a lifetime of being fat I have finally earned a body I'm proud of and I don't plan to hide it because it bothers you.

    13 year old girl... bite me.

    So, you got healthier, lost weight, got ripped, improved your self-esteem... for others to see? Hmm.

    Nope. I did it to become a city fire fighter and save lives.

    What's your goal again? Still want to put it up against mine?

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Well I'm glad you're better than everyone else...
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    So, you got healthier, lost weight, got ripped, improved your self-esteem... for others to see? Hmm.

    Yes. Someone please love me. Validate my existence by approving of my looks.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Just dropping by the point out the hypocrisy in this thread:

    MyFITNESSpal members in here calling fit people who are interested in nutrition and work hard to get where they are "*kitten*" while trying to get fitter themselves.

    Carry on.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I'm here for all the shirtless man pics....bring 'em out, bring 'em out! You MEN inspire me to take it off in front of the mirror too. Progress photos anyone?!? YES PLEASE!

    As for DB personalities...no thanks.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member

    Thank you! I am the same way - shirtless muscle pics = *kitten* that probably thinks he knows everything and is going to try to convince people on MFP of such, but really has no idea how little he knows.

    And once again I've been made to feel horrible about myself for getting in shape ON A FITNESS WEBSITE!

    :grumble: I tell ya this place and some of the people on it...

    First, Brett - I can't help if that's my first impression. Unfortunately, there are others who make it far too easy to come to that conclusion. Do not take it personally - there are others who are ranting with their "broscience" and peer reviewed studies that only view one side and can just as easily be proved wrong by other peer reviewed studies.... and they spout all their information like it is the gospel truth when in reality when it comes to metabolism, the endocrine system, and weight loss we know practically nothing.

    I'm sorry you took it personally - I honestly do not know you, so I can't come to any conclusion, other than your abs aren't going to impress me. I'm sorry... I like brains better.

    My problem is that people who ARE doing well (perhaps you? My husband is a great example....) are constantly being told a bazillion different things based on the broscience of the shirtless know-it-alls. So instead of committing to something or being patient, things change every 60 seconds because so-and-so said this is how this works.... until someone else says something different.

    But my biggest issue with all of it is the fact that people need to find what makes THEM happy. I do not eat perfectly. I do not have a perfect body. I'm not ripped. And yeah, I'm surely not the hottest thing nekkid.

    But that said, I'm very happy with the size of clothes I wear, and the way I wear them. I am willing to give up the "perfect body" to have one that is okay but still have wine and sushi and a cheeseburger when I want. I'm not interested in having a six pack... and I'm tired of people telling me I should be.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can't let people make you feel crappy - especially me - because a) we know nothing overall, and b) YOU need to live with YOU. If you are happy with what you are doing, what you have done, where you have gotten, that is the best and only thing you can ask for! There will always be critics no matter what you look like. So shake it off and keep it up. You've lost weight - that's fantastic, and that's very admirable as far as I'm concerned.

    I am pretty sure you are giving him WAYYYY more credit to caring about what you think.

    He took the time to email me, too, just to point out how bad I made him feel - so I wanted to make sure he understood.
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member
    Hes a fighter, we got a real badass over here.

    Don't worry @Phrak- you're safe -- he only cares about shirtless men. Pant-less is okay .
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    I'd also like to add that close-up pics of men in muscle shirts with a "joe cool" expression on their faces are annoying to me.

    You look at their faces?

  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Just stopping by for the shirtless pics. Carry on.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Just dropping by the point out the hypocrisy in this thread:

    MyFITNESSpal members in here calling fit people who are interested in nutrition and work hard to get where they are "*kitten*" while trying to get fitter themselves.

    Carry on.

    Thank you
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I motivated you to respond. So, I'm gonna go with, "yes."

    Motivating me to respond to an arrogant, self-absorbed post is NOT the same as motivating people to lose weight, get fit, and be proud of their results.

    I'd also like to add that close-up pics of men in muscle shirts with a "joe cool" expression on their faces are annoying to me.

    So... I shouldn't be waiting for your friend request then? I feel so unmotivated.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    :laugh: I don't know that this bothers me, but it does amuse me in a not so funny way.

    I'd be lying if I said I didn't care at all about losing weight. I'd be telling a big whopper of a lie if I said I didn't care what I looked like in the mirror. But, here are my weight/fitness priorities.

    1. Stay healthy as a I age. I am a 51 yo woman so this is by far my greatest priority.
    2. Look good. Feeling good is best, but I'm as vain as the next person. I like to look good.
    3. Keeping my body toned. Besides being thin, I want to be firm. Not "muscley", just not flabby.
    4. Keeping weight in check. If 1 - 3 are true, this is bound to happen in anyway so it is my least worry.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    I'm here because I:

    Want to become a zumba intructor and possibly a personal fitness trainer.

    Want to get my deep sea diving license.

    Go spalunking and not worry about getting stuck in a tight spot.

    I want to scale a mountain someday.

    I want to run a marathon.

    I'm also here because I look in the mirror and want to see a hot mamma looking back. I think everyone is here for becoming fit and healthy, as well as improving our own vision of ourselves.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Can we get back on topic here? I'm here to learn something, not listen to people rant because dude said something insulting. We all have our opinions and ranting about it isn't doing anybody any good now is it? I couldn't give 2 F$&ks about anybody's pic's. Why? Because it's not me, it has nothing to do with my goals. If people can get so insulted over such stupid crap maybe you all need to grow a pair and work on your self-worth.

    You started off by asking for everyone to get back on topic, but then you continued with many words doing exactly what we're all doing. Irony.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    First, Brett - I can't help if that's my first impression. Unfortunately, there are others who make it far too easy to come to that conclusion. Do not take it personally - there are others who are ranting with their "broscience" and peer reviewed studies that only view one side and can just as easily be proved wrong by other peer reviewed studies.... and they spout all their information like it is the gospel truth when in reality when it comes to metabolism, the endocrine system, and weight loss we know practically nothing.

    I'm sorry you took it personally - I honestly do not know you, so I can't come to any conclusion, other than your abs aren't going to impress me. I'm sorry... I like brains better.

    There are so many different things I could chime in about on this thread, but I'm going to stick with this one.

    Brett's brain is just as, if not more, impressive than his abs. And that goes for several of the guys on my FL who DESERVE to show off their hard work. It isn't about just vanity, it's about saying Yes, you CAN do it, just like I did.
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member

    Nope. I did it to become a city fire fighter and save lives.

    What's your goal again? Still want to put it up against mine?

    PUT IT AGAINST ME!!!! :love:

    Err.. :blushing:

    took the words out of my mouth!! :smooched: :love:

    who cares why anyone else is here? Sometimes it's awesome and you meet people with similar goals and interests, other times it doesnt work out and you delete them from your friends list! you control who you interact with! I don't agree with everyone on what they do to make themselves skinnier, leaner, faster, stronger, etc. and I'm sure there are people out there who don't agree with me! and THATS OK!

    Live and let live, don't worry about what everyone else is doing!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Hes a fighter, we got a real badass over here.

    Don't worry @Phrak- you're safe -- he only cares about shirtless men. Pant-less is okay .

    phew, i was worried.

    @ sidesteal, well i lunge with the cake to my couch, then i bicep curl the cake to my mouth. thats about it.

    I :heart: you! LOL
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    I'm not training for any sort of sport. I think at first I fell into the 'watching the numbers on the scale' and 'the hell I will buy a bigger size pants' catagory. Vain? Yeah, I will admit I'm a little or at least I started that way. Heck, if it got me moving again, I consider it a good thing. It also makes me care about myself, not neccessarily in the looking good (that is a great by-product), rather the feeling good physically.

    So that is how I started, vain and disgusted that I let myself get out of shape again. Now that I'm almost 6 months into it, my progress is slow, but steady. I asked myself what is more important to me, the number I weigh or the number my BF is. I chose the BF%. I'm doing P90x. The scale hasn't changed as fast as I would like, but that is okay because my BF is dropping and my clothes are getting looser. I am weight lifting as the program pushes that alot, it's making me feel stronger and that is why I'm doing all that I'm doing.

    Getting healthy is a great feeling!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    So, you got healthier, lost weight, got ripped, improved your self-esteem... for others to see? Hmm.

    Nope. I did it to become a city fire fighter and save lives.

    What's your goal again? Still want to put it up against mine?

    Still waiting, c'mon big man, what's your goal? It must be incredibly noble since you're ready to tear down other people for theirs.

    Like I said, I'm hoping to pass the city fire fighter physical test and get a job where I can help people in desperate need.

    And you?
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member

    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    That's fine...I will be friends with all of those guys. LOL

    On another note: everyone has their own reasons for why they are here. No one person's reason is better than another. I'm happy to support any of you in what you are doing and I hope that those of you who are on my FL feel the same way about me. I know they do though because my friends rock!
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