I don't care about "losing pounds"... Male v Female?



  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I myself WANT to lose weight as I am OVERWEIGHT. I am doing this because I want to be healthier. But to me it is all about making better choices..a lifestyle change. I don't want to just be vain and do it so I feel "hot". I want to be able to do activity without being winded..I want to be able to keep up with my kids and husband. Also, Diabetes runs in my family and I'm trying to avoid that as well. I am hoping to work myself up to running.

    Same goes for me.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I just this morning was thinking about this. I look in the mirror and realize that what I really need is tone, with that tone I know the weight will come down but it's more important to me to be lean. If anybody out there could help me with some advice and motivation please add me!

    Cardio with light weights. And lots and lots and lots of water.

    I disagree. You need a caloric deficit (this can be done with diet alone, or a combo of diet and cardio). Also, you will achieve faster results using heavy weights low reps. Check out the programs starting strength, stronglifts 5x5, or new Rules of Lifting for Women (subtitled, lift like a man)
  • j77r68
    j77r68 Posts: 271 Member
    there are many ways i would like to respond to this but this is it..... every individual (meaning being on here for themselves and noone else) is here for different reasons and really shouldn't have to explain why they are on here. yes some do not know what they are doing and are still looking for a quick fix but a lot of us know this is a journey (extended period of time) depending on what we're here for.

    sorry if i got a little off track but readiing the replies got me to that response.
    also for men i think it's different for them to lose weight because in society it's a women's thing, guys don't worry about other peoples views about them. so for a number of men who are on here they might just try to blend in the background until they realize that we are all on here for initially the same goal and are here to support each other.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Hi This is my first time ever of posting-but I had to smile when I read your post about touching toes-for the first time in years I can actually see mine-next goal will be touching them!

    I'm good at motivating people to respond. I do for it a living. Though typically, most people are motivated to respond by punching me in the face.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Hey, nothing wrong with running. Great cardio transfers itself to MANY sports, including fighting (which as you know requires a hell of a lot of cardiovascular endurance if you want to make it past the first round). At least running trains you to run fast (which can come in handy where I live, as we have many bears and cougars around and I hike a lot). Last I checked....you can't ellipitcal away from a bear ;)

    I think this is what is would take for me to start running cougars and bears :laugh:

    Yes the scale is important to me, However I love being able to get into the next size down in clothing makes me all smiley:smile:
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    I think this post needs more shirtless guys so I came to help out.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member

    Thank you! I am the same way - shirtless muscle pics = *kitten* that probably thinks he knows everything and is going to try to convince people on MFP of such, but really has no idea how little he knows.

    And once again I've been made to feel horrible about myself for getting in shape ON A FITNESS WEBSITE!

    :grumble: I tell ya this place and some of the people on it...
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657

    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    You really don't want to go on the 'chit chat' forums then! It's full of shirtless men and women on heat!


    Bahaha, I don't so much mind the pics on here, I'm guilty of taking pics of myself in the bathroom mirror in a bikini as well! BUT only for this site, when I see it on my fb feed, I immediately think "*kitten*" with the exception of a couple friends of mine who are documenting weight loss/muscle gains on fb.

    Thank you! I am the same way - shirtless muscle pics = *kitten* that probably thinks he knows everything and is going to try to convince people on MFP of such, but really has no idea how little he knows.

    I don't view it as "douchey." I view it as "Nice abs dude. How long have you had ovaries?"
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)
    Excellent !
    When a user post a reply on the message board you will see on the left hand side of the screen that user picture along with there MFP name, also you will notice a small image of a down arrow. If you click on that arrow, one of the options that comes up is "Ignore this user'. If you select this you will no longer be bother of pictures/responses from that particular user. Great function, use it all the time.

    13 year old girl... bite me.

    yeah! dont kill my joy...i like those pictures...they make me happy.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I don't think it's a male v. female thing where women care only about the pounds and men don't care about those numbers at all, though I do find that women seem more susceptible to the notion that there is one EXACT number that you must hit and maintain. It has more to do with what that person is dealing with. For me, at 5' tall and 80 pounds overweight, losing those pounds is the first priority. Those pounds are dangerous and if I'm not getting rid of those first, then there's really no chance of being able to measure fitness in some other way.

    The more I lose, the more able I am to try new activities and see progress in new ways. But I would be doing myself a disservice if I stopped thinking about the 40 extra pounds I still have hanging on my body. So I think about the pounds. But I don't put a lot of meaning into the scale numbers and I'm not worried about ending up at a weight different than the goal weight I have in mind.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I think this post needs more shirtless guys so I came to help out.

    Ah Brett. You need a hug.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    OP, i wouldnt mind seeing some mirror pics of you.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think this post needs more shirtless guys so I came to help out.

    Ah Brett. You need a hug.

    That's not me.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    I love those pics, then make me tingle.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Everyone does has to start somewhere... however here are the reasons I do what I do -

    ** I am eating healthy, I am not on a diet -- both parents diabetic, high blood presure, cholesterol, and more

    **I work out to battle my depression, not to be skinny -- I refuse to go and get placed on medication for something as mental as depression, to me at least there is no better medicine than a self kick'n in the *kitten* by some weights or the high of some cardio

    ** I am doing this for myself; not to please anyone else -- being a mother, wife, employee sometimes we forget ourselves, well this is the way of me taking care of me :)

    Weight loss and looking awesome at the age of 36 are only a direct consequence of the above - I will take that consequence any day :)

    Agreed. For me, weight loss, if there is any, is a byproduct of being healthy. Not the goal.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I just this morning was thinking about this. I look in the mirror and realize that what I really need is tone, with that tone I know the weight will come down but it's more important to me to be lean. If anybody out there could help me with some advice and motivation please add me!

    Cardio with light weights. And lots and lots and lots of water.

    I disagree. You need a caloric deficit (this can be done with diet alone, or a combo of diet and cardio). Also, you will achieve faster results using heavy weights low reps. Check out the programs starting strength, stronglifts 5x5, or new Rules of Lifting for Women (subtitled, lift like a man)

    I have been running, and yes water is always a good idea, especially where I live! I have been told that lifting weights without doing any cardio first will cause me to build muscle under a layer of fat and actually cause me to get bigger. So this is why I run. I also kayak and play tennis, go for walks, swim with my daughter. Trying to stay active for the most part. Also doing a lot of serious weights is kind of impossible right now.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    <-- Thirteen year old girl reporting for duty :tongue:

    I have been cutting for a bit and this is the best way to show progress.

    Well yay for shirtless guys in the bathroom mirror haha I personally have zero issues with this :P and I think whatever the reason we're here, the one thing we all need is support. We're all moving in the main direction of being healthy in whatever way we choose. Kudos to everyone who made it to MFP and are making their health a priority :flowerforyou: and yes i'm here to lose weight, get strong, be strong, maintain strong lol and recapture whatever happens to be left of my health after abusing my poor body for years.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    OP, i wouldnt mind seeing some mirror pics of you.

    Thanks. I think.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I don't view it as "douchey." I view it as "Nice abs dude. How long have you had ovaries?"

    So, a guy who has busted his @ss to lose weight and get in shape is less of a man because he shows progress pics???? And you claim to be a motivator?
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I myself WANT to lose weight as I am OVERWEIGHT. I am doing this because I want to be healthier. But to me it is all about making better choices..a lifestyle change. I don't want to just be vain and do it so I feel "hot". I want to be able to do activity without being winded..I want to be able to keep up with my kids and husband. Also, Diabetes runs in my family and I'm trying to avoid that as well. I am hoping to work myself up to running.

    Here's my point... You could lose 100+ pounds by tomorrow. Simply cut off both legs with a chainsaw. That doesn't mean you're any healthier.

    Be healthier. F**k what the scale says.
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