What's the strangest thing that keeps you motivated?



  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Walking around the house in my underwear. If I am not comfortable, I need to work harder ;)
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    Erm...this is going to sound really bad, but my scale keeps me motivated.

    I have a fitbit scale that syncs with my account, and it keeps a neat little chart of my progress. LOL I guess I just like the visual representation of progress.
  • harrie49
    harrie49 Posts: 1
    Staying healthy as I can I was recently diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes and do not want to go on to insulin if I can avoid it. I have lost 10 kgs but am struggling with losing the last 5 or so. My motivation has gone AWOL for the moment.
  • matmismel
    matmismel Posts: 26 Member
    I have a paper chain (yes, like the kind you made in kindergarten to count down the days until Christmas) and there is a link for every pound down to my first major goal of 200lbs. Every 10lbs the color changes, and the last 10 are red (b/c they are the tougher ones). I only take links off on Sundays, and it is strangely fulfilling and motivating seeing the links slowly come off.
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    I have a paper chain (yes, like the kind you made in kindergarten to count down the days until Christmas) and there is a link for every pound down to my first major goal of 200lbs. Every 10lbs the color changes, and the last 10 are red (b/c they are the tougher ones). I only take links off on Sundays, and it is strangely fulfilling and motivating seeing the links slowly come off.

    I might steal your idea but do it in reverse and make a link for each pound. by the time I'm done, I could probably wrap a whole christmas tree.
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    I am motivated by health and and fitness and living longer and stuff but there are two things that MAKE me exercise and stick to calorie goals when I don't want to, and they have nothing to do with my health!

    1. BOOTS! I want to wear crazy high heel knee high boots.
    2. Tattoos. I already have lots but I want a whole giant back piece and I want a nice flat back to put it on. I'm saving my back for when I'm at goal plus a year of maitenance.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    My husband keeps me motivated, we both don't want to see me in the same health situation that my parents and brother are in.
  • super_jade
    super_jade Posts: 72
    When im lacking in motivation i go online and look at all the clothes i could fit by christmas if i keep up the good work. Also those reality tv shows with the pretty woman being nasty to each other. Put that on mute and imagine my head on their bodies.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    My friends....I was still the skinny one at my highest weight. lol I love them to pieces, they are great fun, but they are all obese.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    the more weight i lose the smaller my boobs get! i am a 36DD and there are NO cute bras. So i want to be able to go to target and buy a cute bra!
    I so agree. My boobs are working against me, they gone up and then got bigger again while the rest of me shrinks. I want normal bras!

    Yes! I'm 40DD, I can not wait til I can guy cute bras.
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    Yoga pants. They make a butt look good, but not so much a gut.
  • cnewlin86
    cnewlin86 Posts: 87
    I just recently got back into running and right now my motivation is how I look in my swimsuit. I am too embarrassed to take my kid to the public pool because I feel uncomfortable in my swimming suit. I see other girls that look great and I cringe inside knowing that I use to look like that. SO, since I wont wear it to the pool I have started working out in it. This way I am reminded about how I look and why I want to look better. WHen I see my belly flopping up and down it pushes me to keep going. If I stick with it, by the end of the summer I wont be working out in my swim suit, instead I'll be wearing it at the pool!! ;-)
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    my hopes of taking a stunning after pic to compare to any of the horrible before pics i have
    than and swexy time with the boo. i wanna be more confident during that time
  • ajoy1332
    ajoy1332 Posts: 55 Member
    I want that 13.1 sticker on the back of my car for running a half marathon! I'm really just in it for the sticker :)

    Me too! haha I've got a ways to go but one day I will be able to run one and get that sticker!! :laugh:
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    My BFF. Whenever I'm not feeling the motivation, she keeps me going! :)
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I was in ICU with a heart condition last year. It was no fun at all. So I run by the lake where I can see the cardiac unit and thank God every time I am not there today!

    I also like just love to run and would do it even if it were bad for me - and yeah, music, clothes, new running shoes are on the list, but nothing like see the hospital from the outside.

    BTW - I am not really a Jets fan - but I am inspired by all the Boston Bruins!
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    1st Health, my family have a history of High Blood Pressure, My Mom die from complications about her Blood Pressure, my sister have about 15 years on high blood pressure meds, i don't want that, plus when i was watchin before and after pics of success stories of P90X, my husband told me if you get to look like that (talking about one girl on the pics), i'm going to get you a new car, so that was the trigger, and now on my 6th week of P90X not exactly looking like the pictures but working on that
  • jms3533
    jms3533 Posts: 316 Member
    Motivation changes periodically with me. What currently keeps me motivated are these guys ( silver haired foxes) on the tennis court that are starting to take a second look at me when I walk my giant poodles by the court a couple times a day. Love that I'm finally getting head turns again!! Yes, and in the back of my head is that fact that my blood results are stellar right now. I never really had any bad health turns in the past, and hope to keep it that way. Glad I caught myself before I did have issues. Good luck everyone!! You are doing great by just simply signing up on MFP and keeping a diary!
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    The awesome support of strangers on the Internet (MFP)!!!!
    It's great, but kind of strange, no?

    te he, yes totally strange, thats why they're called strangers. LOL. Fantastic isn't it. Absolute brutal honest support. Cant go wrong with this one! Thanks to all my MFP mates out there too!! Cheers