A New Me - Let's get started!



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Stormie: did you quit cold turkey or have some aide to help you quit???

    I am not a fan of pain :noway: , so I had every possible crutch ready to use, if I needed it. Patches, gum, hard candy, tic tacs, and fake cigarettes. I scheduled my quit day around a vacation/long weekend so I get all foggy, discombobulated and cranky by myself. The first 3 days were the roughest. I went through a container or two of tic tacs, ate some hard candy, and carried a fake cigarette with me at all times. I never did chew the gum or use the patch though. A couple of weeks later, I took my savings money and joined a gym and MFP and have never looked back :).
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    :happy: Good job Stormie!!! That's awesome. I had easy, I got pregnant and stopped cold turkey. Nothing like a baby to make you quit.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Congrats Stormie!!

    @Lisa, I feel your party pain! I had my parents over last weekend for my dad's bday, and I tried my best, but I still faltered.

    I had chicken w/ skin, and an oversized piece of cake....but all is well. I just went back to my normal ways and tried to just put it behind me.

    We are on vacation again next week, and I know I will reward myself with some sweets and treats, but I will still try to make good choices.

    everything in moderation! Do the best you can, and if you mess up, it's nothing that can't be fixed with just going back on the wagon!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    That's great Silver!

    Stormie - I think it's great that you decided to take charge of your life and live healthier and happier! I quit smoking back in March right before I had to have an emergency surgery. I never went back and now the smell of a cigarette is disgusting to me.

    I just got back from a 1/2 hour walk with a co-worker. She and I went for a walk yesterday too. We never take breaks and we eat at our desks while we work, so why the heck not get out and do something good for ourselves?! I'm kicking butt with all this exercise right now! :bigsmile:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    You are so right Debbie. I'm going to go into the party with a plan and if I can't stick to it then I'm going to move on. Such is life! :wink:
  • velvetkist
    It's such a great motivation to see everyone's successes! It's almost a shame that we don't live closer so we could buddy up and train together. At least we can keep each other updated. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa....I'm pulling for you that you can fight the urge to splurge, but if you do don't beat yourself up for it. Sometimes denying yourself a little indulgence could lead to a binge. Just add a little extra exercise to make up for the calories and just remember that this is all a lifestyle change and gonna take time to become habit.

    Stormie...WTG girl! :wink:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Stormie: i quit cold turkey for 3 months and then was going thru an ugly divorce went back to smoking and havent stopped yet but i really want too ......i smoke 1/2 a cig put it out and then go back an hour or so later and smoke the other 1/2.... i am not smoking as much but want to kick the habit ...
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I am so excited that we are all chatting so much! I think that this is going to be great for us to "bond" and help each other through the rough times ahead, because I'm sure it's coming.

    I'm going to have to find a new "method" during RIU tonight. Last night it was screaming at the tv - "screw you Debbie, you're an animal"; "how many more f'in more (fill in the blank) do you want us to do?!" "AGHH - can't we stop..." :laugh:

    Can't talk like that tonight with a 6 year old running around "working out" herself. :smile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Lisa i agree about the "bonding" thing ... and no screaming at the TV tonight :laugh:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Dang it - you're not supposed to be taking my fun away Megan :laugh: If you think I'm bad, you should hear the sounds coming out of hubby! :noway:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hehehehe Lisa ..... and not sure I want to hear your hubby LOL LOL
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    lol...probably not - it's on the verge of scary. :grumble: ...lol
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Name: Judie
    A little bit about me: I am 32 years old mother of 4 and 2 step children, I am married to a very supportive husband the only down side he is the best cook in the world. Other than my husband not to many people support me when it comes to my wanting to loose weight so I am so happy I found MFP.

    Current Weight: 235
    Starting Weight: 242
    Goal: 140

    Program: Jillian Michaels work outs I know I have to mix it up but my time is so limited and I can do this at home.

    Short Term Goal and Reward: My Short term goal is to hit 230 by Aug 28th and I might be there but I have been trying to stay off the scale.

    Good luck to all
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Hi Judie!
    I admire your determination to stay off the scale...I personally am addicted and have been for years!
    I'm glad your husband is supportive! We are here for you!
    Hugs to you!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm always looking for new ways to stay motivated!

    Name: Kim
    A little bit about me: Well, I'm 25 years old, 5'3", 192 pounds, I live in North Alabama, no kids, I have a boyfriend, my fairytale ;), I met him on vacation two years ago. He recently moved to Alabama from Houston to be with me. However, we will be moving back to Houston next year to go back to school. I work in an office all day every day. I work alot of hours. My weight has yo-yo alot over the last 7 years.
    Current Weight: 192
    Starting Weight: 202
    Goal: 145
    Program: I'm doing the Body for Life Eating Lifestyle along with the exercise program all while staying under my 1200 calories.
    Short Term Goal and Reward: I'm hoping to lose 30 pounds in 90 days, after the 90 days I'm taking a trip somewhere!
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476

    Daniel - how are you doing today?

    i am fine thank you ,how about you? ;):flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    MMMMM i had a very yummy lunch :tongue: turkey, lauging cow swiss cheese, guac., spinach on a whole wheat tortilla..... cucumbers and carrots, 1/2 avacoda with cottage cheese and kiwi fruit...and lots of water
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Welcome Judie and Kim and thank you for joining in with us. Feel free to jump on in and get to know everyone!

    Awesome lunch Megan! Keep up the healthy choices!

    Daniel - I am doing great. I've been in a fabulous mood and it's been amazing to be feeling so great! I am loving the new me!

    How do you guys feel about a weekly weigh in? I think it's a great idea to keep us all on point and to make us accountable for what we are doing for the week. :noway:

    I am going to start a post with everyone's current weight that got posted yesterday. Each week - how about 1 week from yesterday when we started, making our "weigh in" day each Wednesday we can report our stats. Let me know what you guys think and if anything needs to be corrected off my list....I'll post it as fast as I can type it! If you do not want to participate either remove yourself or send me an e-mail and I will delete you from the list.

    By the way, I am stoked about the size of our group. We are up to 18 supporters! I'm so excited that we are all willing to encourage each other along.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Beginning Weigh In - Wednesday, August 19th

    Lisa - 162.4
    Kathy - 163.5
    Alanna - 182.1
    Olivia - 175
    Bri - 160
    Debbie - 195
    Christine - 200
    Daniel - 135.5 kgs
    Silver - 188
    Emily - 210
    Sabrina - 162-163
    Pam - 210
    Kitty - 180
    Megan - 217
    Katie - 150.6
    Stormie - 164
    Judie - 235
    Kim - 192

    Each week on Wednesday we can copy and paste the list (deleting the previous weeks weight and adding any newbie's) and each update our own weight. Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions for change!

    Our first weigh-in will be August 26th! Good luck everyone! We can do it!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Lisa sounds great about the weekly weigh in ... I weigh myself every wednesday......