A New Me - Let's get started!



  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm a scale stalker - I think I jump on that thing daily. I know I shouldn't, but to each their own. I may tell you guys how I'm doing more often than weekly, but I love the idea of being held accountable to letting you all know how I'm doing each Wednesday! :smile:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I like to be a weekly weigh in ... that way i can get really excited over 1 or 2 pounds :tongue:
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    I'm a scale stalker - I think I jump on that thing daily. I know I shouldn't, but to each their own. I may tell you guys how I'm doing more often than weekly, but I love the idea of being held accountable to letting you all know how I'm doing each Wednesday! :smile:
    i am a scale stalker too, i use it every morning after a brief visit to the WC and so :)
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Great Lisa I did not realize the group started yesterday but I have no problems weighing in on Wednesday.

    Ok guys I saw the wt chart. So as of today I am the biggest person in the group so I am really glad I found you guys everyone's support is greatly appreciated.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Judie: Glad we have found you .... keep up the good work .. and dont get discouraged that your the biggest one so far ..... at least you are doing something about it and 7 pounds lost is great
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I like the idea of a weekly weigh in. Though my weekly weigh is gonna be on a friday this week. Since I"m going to the Dr's tomorrow morning for depression. I would probably be doing better if I wasn't dating the guy I"m dating....Long story, no one wants to know it. He's part of the reason I'm trying to lose weight, I"m tired of his comments about my weight and how I used to look so much better. I'm really depressed over the way he makes me feel. But at the same time I love him. I wish I could break myself of that habit. But I've always loved him in the back of my mind since I was 16. *sigh* :sad: It makes me feel so bad about myself that someone will almost daily tell me I should get back to the way I used to look. I dont' want to feel that way anymore, so I decided to join this site, prove him wrong and when I walk away the better looking person, well then Haha on him! Because he'll of had his chance. :bigsmile:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Now Silver - I have to correct your statement. People do care and want to know about you. WE care and want to know anything that you want to share with us! That is the entire point of this group! We each have our own baggage and story that we will always have with us. We all deal with it in different ways. Feel free to share anything you'd like with us! :flowerforyou: I think you should put the guy you are dating aside, it is what it is and he should not treat you that way. You take charge of your life FOR YOU and your child! Things with you and that guy will work out however things are meant to be in the end. You need to think about yourself first right now! Are you taking anything for the depression?

    Judie - I would not think twice about where you compare to the others. It doesn't matter, we are all here to improve our health and we are happy to have you with us just the way you are (but you're going to get skinner over time, that's our group goal!) :happy:

    Daniel - maybe I'm just being truly blonde right now, but what is WC?

    Dinner update from me: I am so proud, I made Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken and Vegetable Fried Rice (if anyone has access to a Trader Joe's it was an AWESOME dinner!). I measured my portions and started eating dinner paying close attention to when I was satisfied, not full, satisfied. I probably only ate 1/2 my rice and I ate about 3/4 of the chicken. I am SO PROUD. I do not know the last time that I walked away from food - but I did tonight! :blushing: :bigsmile: :laugh: :wink: :tongue:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Congrats Lisa .... I too am very proud of you :smile:
  • LFlynnOC
    LFlynnOC Posts: 23 Member
    Hello to everyone. I think this is a good thing and hope it helps a lot of people.

    Name: Lisa
    A little bit about me: I joined MFP about a month ago and did really well logging my food and exercise but got discouraged when what I thought I was eating wasn't too bad and then realized I was eating well over 1500 cal/day (when I should be around 1200-1300). I just got back from Oregon for my nieces wedding and thought what better time to get back into this. I live in Orange Co. , CA. I have been married for almost 20 years and have two teenage boys (14 & 17). I am 45 years old and 5' 7" tall. I work in the retail industry (sitting on my butt all day!), but love what I do.
    Current Weight: 158
    Starting Weight: 156
    Goal: 130
    Program: (if you have one) I bought a dvd exercise program (30 min interval training) and really like it, but I pulled a muscle in my back the first week I started and haven't gone back to it because my back is still a bit sore. I try to walk for 30 min 3 days/week and recently bought a heart rate monitor to make sure I was at my correct level.
    Short Term Goal and Reward: I'd like to get to 145 by Thanksgiving at which time, I'd like to get a full body massage and facial!
  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476

    Daniel - maybe I'm just being truly blonde right now, but what is WC?

    the water closet, the toilets, the jon, the trone etc etc
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Welcome Lisa!

    Meagan that lunch sounded sooo yummy, I will have to try it!

    To the "other" Lisa, weigh-in Wednesday sounds good to me :)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    lol @ water closet:tongue:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    It was very good mamakat ... and yes you should try it :tongue:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    dinner menu : Indian chicken salad pita pocket.... 1/2 of cup of wheat pasta with pesto sauce ....spinach salad with cucumbers carrots celery feta cheese and a light balsamic vinegarette dressing ............the indian chicken salad in a pita is very delicious ....if anyone wants the recipe let me know
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    a helpful hint: start and end every meal with a glass of water. If you're too full at the end of the meal to drink the water, you know that you've eaten to much
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    Hello everyone! Hoping this will help keep me motivated!

    Name: Sarah
    A little bit about me: I'm 22. I live with my fiancee who I have been with since I was 17, he is soo supportive! We also have three cats and a jack russell puppy. I'm starting university in September for the first time studying psychology! I have bipolar disorder and take antipsychotic medication which was a big part of my weight gain as it makes me very hungry all the time! I joined weight watchers last December and lost 16 lbs but then put it all back on again :(
    Current Weight: 208
    Starting Weight: 211
    Goal: 140
    Program: I eat healthily and exercise. I do cycling, walking, play the wii, skip and do exercise dvds. When I start uni in another month I am going to join the university gym, it has exercise classes, a swimming pool and a climbing wall as well as the gym so should be fun!
    Short Term Goal and Reward: to get to 196 lbs. There is a beautiful coat that I want for my winter coat this year, I want to be able to buy it in a smaller size!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome Sarah glad to have you aboard
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Welcome Sarah.

    I'm on several different medications actually. I"m bi-polar, ADHD, Anxiety disorder, migraines, and now depression. Ben (the guy I"m seeing), well I cheated on him. Several times. Well it was his idea to start seeing each other again, as F***** buddies. I agreed. Thinking I just got out of a relationship, I don't want anything serious. Plus I've always liked Ben. Well, we started hanging out and doing the things F***** buddies do and my feelings started to change. But see here's the rub of the arrangement, he can sleep with other women, but I can't do to my past indescretions. I"m pretty much willing to let that go, because I"ve screwed him over so many times. I'm not that person any more though. I got back on medication and changed myself. I'm better. But he knew me when I was a better thinner me. And he's kind of superficial.

    But that's basically my story.
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    well i attempted to go to the gym this morning (im in the UK so its morning for me now) i got half way and turned around and came home, it was raining really heavy and by the time i got half way my trainers and socks were waterlogged, and my gym pants where soaked from my hips down, my change of clothes where also soaked even though they where in my rucksack.
    so ive done my sit-ups and reverse sit ups at home, and im gonna go on the treadmill at home and although i cant run on it (its a magnetic one and really bad for running - you can only run if you hold on) its a workout all the same, so will put that on whilst watching the biggest loser

    hope you all have a good day

  • Saken
    Saken Posts: 476
    good morning girls and boys
    yesterday i finally reached the 134 mark, felt very nice to see that number :D but i cant wait to see the 129 mark ;)