~ Clean Eaters Thread ~



  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member

    That is great! My dh is the same way. Some things I can't change about him (I have to buy him regular Jif Extra Crunchy PB, Hellman's real mayo, and a few other things). But he eats a lot healthier, he works out with me, and... he's lost 25#!!!!!! So, that just goes to show you that your changes can make a big difference in the people around you and your family too. :bigsmile:

    I am so jealous of you gals w/ the significant others who get so involved. My boyfriend is supportive of me and has changed some of his eating habits but he still doesn't work out and he will drink beer while I drink water or eat a big burger while I eat a salad etc. I used to use those things as excuses to not eat healthy either but now it has become easy for me to eat healthy and it doesn't bother me, in terms of my own progress and sticking to eating clean, whether he does or not. While I am doing this for my own sake and not his, and I know that no one can change anyone else, I often wish he would do it with me for his own health's sake. He is 8 years older than me and we are young but I still start to worry about health issues down the line.

    My boyfriend is very lucky in that he is in good shape naturally -- he doesn't work out and he likes things like Chicago pizza and hot dogs (he's from Chicago), green chile burgers and french fries, New Mexican burritos with white rice and refried beans, etc., as well as drinking. But he doesn't have the beer belly or extra pounds like almost all his friends do. He is on his feet a lot at work and he is often active at home, like doing yard work and handyman projects around the house and cleaning the garage etc. so I guess he has a good metabolism and stays active in those ways. (I, on the other hand, have always had a slow metabolism and my hobbies are much more sedentary -- reading, writing, watching movies, etc., so I have to run miles and miles to burn off my food. :laugh:)

    I often wish he could have healthier eating habits and, of course it wouldn't hurt for him to work out with me and get cut. :wink: I love him as he is but I know that if he were to do these things, he would feel even better and his health would be good over the long haul.

    I've noticed it's a huge lifestyle change that only comes when someone is really ready and for their own personal reasons... that's definitely how it happened for me anyway. I know he is inspired by my healthy eating and he gets pleased with himself when he has something healthy with me, like when we roast a turkey together or make grilled chicken wraps, etc... so I think he is slowly coming around and maybe one day he will get it for himself too. And, unlike my sister or friends, he doesn't ever pressure me to eat badly or drink -- in fact he supports my efforts 100% and tells me he is proud of me and that it must be hard to be the only one not drinking or eating sugar etc.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    happyy Friday Clean Eaters! :bigsmile:

    jess your oatmeal w/coffee is soundin kinda gourmet there! :bigsmile: mmmmm! :tongue:

    finally finished JM Master Metabolism book. still going to reference it a lot...and i have the most current Clean Eating mag. very helpful and some de-lish recipes! yum! this whole make-over is so eye opening. i am doing pretty good with breakfast, snacks, and lunch. dinner needs to improve, but i feel so much better already! unbelievable! what the world would have been had there never ever been processed!????? :noway: so very glad and thankful i found htis thread! i'm lovin it!

    will be cleaning my house and ME today! have a great weekend!! :flowerforyou:

    Awesome job, Kelly, it does feel great, doesn't it! Keep up the good work.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Something that happens with both my boyfriend and my parents is that they'll think they're eating healthy when they're really not. Does anyone else notice this? Like, my mom will be proud of herself for eating yogurt but it is the flavored kind where the second ingredient is sugar. Or "wheat" bread that isn't 100% whole wheat and has HFCS. Or Life cereal. Or those Special K Bars and the like.

    In these situations I usually stay quiet because I don't want to sound preachy. Plus, in my mom's case, those things are still more healthy than other things she usually eats, so it's an improvement I guess. (She will eat blueberries, but with sugar and caramel syrup stuff on them, and she'll make green beans, but cook them in butter and oil and add a lot of cheese, etc. In those circumstances she knows she is taking something naturally healthy and then covering it up with a bunch of unhealthy, unnatural stuff. But when she eats products like cereal and yogurt and bread that are basically sugar and chemicals, she actually thinks she's eating healthy.)

    But then they'll see me eating Greek yogurt or buying plain nonfat yogurt etc. and they'll be like, "We already have yogurt in the fridge, what's wrong with that?" And then I'll say that the second ingredient is sugar, or that this kind has no fat and more protein etc. I don't mean to be super picky or "preachy" but to eat clean I find that I usually have to go buy my own stuff and then they ask questions.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member

    You go girl! I'm training for a half too...it's the week before yours. Good luck! And way to go on that pace!

    Thanks Satellite! :wink: I've been training for this harder than anything in the past I think. I've run marathons before and have definitely done *longer* training runs, but at a slow pace. Which half marathon are you running? My dad (who lives in Pennsylvania) is running the Scranton marathon a week before my half marathon; he's trying to qualify for Boston. But I don't think the Scranton has a half so I doubt that's the one you're running!

    I'm training for the Baltimore half on Oct. 10. It's my first one, so I am really nervous but also excited. My pace is around 12 minute miles, which is not lightning speed by any means...but I'm really proud of myself for even trying.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I feel the same way. I've noticed that with clean eating I am naturally full/satisfied and then naturally hungry, but never "starving" or stuffed full like I used to be. So I just make sure to eat every 2 - 3 hours, *try* to make sure I get a lean protein and veggies and/or fruit with each meal, eat when I'm hungry (which is every 2-3 hours... so the only time I have problems is when I don't have any clean food on me and I'm really hungry!), and until I'm not hungry any more. This usually means I don't take in all my exercise calories on the days I work out a lot (otherwise I feel I would be stuffing myself full with stuff just for the calorie count and not because I'm naturally hungry), and eating more than my 1200 "net" calorie goal on the days I don't work out (otherwise I am hungry). I figure it all balances out and I've also realized that I naturally eat around 1700-1800 calories on days I work out and around 1400 on days I don't work out, and I think that's fine, definitely not starvation mode. It feels like the right amount for me and in the past I was always questioning everything I did because I didn't know my own body well enough. So I think you should just go with what feels natural but if it feels like you need more "good" calories then yes, protein powder is an excellent way to get it (130 calories or so in a scoop) and so are nuts, avocados, natural peanut butter, even an extra banana has 110 calories!, olive oil, seeds. Good luck.

    I also eat every 3 hrs or so or else I get too hungry!! It works great for me. I've had a few times (I try not to, but once in a while if I'm out or something) I've waited about 5 hrs to eat. I get kinda shaky and feel horrible! (I also have a slight hypoglycemia/ low blood pressure thing) So it really helps to keep those smaller meals fueling your body!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm training for the Baltimore half on Oct. 10. It's my first one, so I am really nervous but also excited. My pace is around 12 minute miles, which is not lightning speed by any means...but I'm really proud of myself for even trying.

    And we're proud of you too!!!! It's not about speed, it's about the accomplishment of finishing!! That was my goal for my 1st one also. Then I got serious about improving each time! :bigsmile:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Something that happens with both my boyfriend and my parents is that they'll think they're eating healthy when they're really not. Does anyone else notice this? Like, my mom will be proud of herself for eating yogurt but it is the flavored kind where the second ingredient is sugar. Or "wheat" bread that isn't 100% whole wheat and has HFCS. Or Life cereal. Or those Special K Bars and the like.

    In these situations I usually stay quiet because I don't want to sound preachy. Plus, in my mom's case, those things are still more healthy than other things she usually eats, so it's an improvement I guess. (She will eat blueberries, but with sugar and caramel syrup stuff on them, and she'll make green beans, but cook them in butter and oil and add a lot of cheese, etc. In those circumstances she knows she is taking something naturally healthy and then covering it up with a bunch of unhealthy, unnatural stuff. But when she eats products like cereal and yogurt and bread that are basically sugar and chemicals, she actually thinks she's eating healthy.)

    But then they'll see me eating Greek yogurt or buying plain nonfat yogurt etc. and they'll be like, "We already have yogurt in the fridge, what's wrong with that?" And then I'll say that the second ingredient is sugar, or that this kind has no fat and more protein etc. I don't mean to be super picky or "preachy" but to eat clean I find that I usually have to go buy my own stuff and then they ask questions.

    Oh yeah, this happens to me ALL of the time. People will tell me that they're *dieting* (and I hate the word diet!!!!!) and then they say yeah, I ate a Special K bar for breakfast (really? 100 cals of sugar? Should have almost had a donut! :noway: ) And they have *no* idea what is in the *frankenfood* that they're eating. I'm the same way, if someone asks me then I will tell them. But I won't just go up and make a comment to someone. I wait for them to approach me. I usually buy my own stuff and (like this weekend) plan ahead and bring my own foods to my inlaws or other places where I know there won't be healthy options!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member

    I am so jealous of you gals w/ the significant others who get so involved. My boyfriend is supportive of me and has changed some of his eating habits but he still doesn't work out and he will drink beer while I drink water or eat a big burger while I eat a salad etc. I used to use those things as excuses to not eat healthy either but now it has become easy for me to eat healthy and it doesn't bother me, in terms of my own progress and sticking to eating clean, whether he does or not. While I am doing this for my own sake and not his, and I know that no one can change anyone else, I often wish he would do it with me for his own health's sake. He is 8 years older than me and we are young but I still start to worry about health issues down the line.

    I've noticed it's a huge lifestyle change that only comes when someone is really ready and for their own personal reasons... that's definitely how it happened for me anyway. I know he is inspired by my healthy eating and he gets pleased with himself when he has something healthy with me, like when we roast a turkey together or make grilled chicken wraps, etc... so I think he is slowly coming around and maybe one day he will get it for himself too. And, unlike my sister or friends, he doesn't ever pressure me to eat badly or drink -- in fact he supports my efforts 100% and tells me he is proud of me and that it must be hard to be the only one not drinking or eating sugar etc.

    That is *so* true. Change only comes when that person is ready to change. It took me a good 3 years of working out at home for my dh to join me!!!!! I never thought it would happen either! Then one day, he said he'd do P90X with me. And now he's working out and paying a LOT more attention to his health. He's 35 and started having high blood pressure issues when he was 25 (family history also). He's finally off his BP meds!! We also want to be good examples to our 3 girls and teach them the proper habits that will stick with them for life!

    Glad that he is supportive and is proud of you!! :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    It does get easier as you go and I too have noticed that people just assume I always "eat healthy" now. Do you ever have any cake/cookie/ice cream? I used to have such a sweet tooth and I occasionally have ice cream and chocolate, my two faves. But now they are definitely rare treats where they used to be commonplace. And people do notice and comment.

    Honestly, no. I rarely ever eat ice cream/ cookies/ cake. It really doesn't appeal to me. I see how *tiny* a serving (1/2 cup) of ice cream is, and I could eat a whole cup of plain yogurt w/ blueberries for around 160 cals that is much more satisfying and cures my sweet tooth. I never have liked cake (guess that's a good thing!) but used to adore PB or choc. chip cookies. My *treat* might be my homemade cream cheese banana bread once in a while (usually on a day after a long run or something!). But otherwise... I just don't do it.

    On my bday, we went to Cold Stone Creamery and I had the sinless ice cream (which is also made w/ splenda, so now I probably wouldn't even get that!) w/ frozen berries.

    I do eat Dove Dark chocolates or square of very dark chocolate if I need it. I find my chocolate cravings are taken care of w/ my choc. protein powder in my oatmeal. :bigsmile: And natural PB is awesome too!
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Hi Cleanies!

    I got my Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook in the mail yesterday, and some of the recipes look really yummy. Luckily, my boyfriend will eat pretty much whatever I cook...so we'll be trying quite a few of the meals. I notice that a lot of things call for stuff like ground flax and flax seeds. Where can I find that? We have a Trader Joes, would it be in a place like that?

    And what about this whey protein you ladies use?

    Please forgive all my questions, this is totally new territory for me. :blushing:

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:


    Hey that's great, I love cookbooks! I have been using Whole Foods vanilla flavored soy protein in my morning smoothies--it's really helped me maintain that 40-30-30 ratio. I was having trouble getting enough protein before the powder (and the beef jerky :happy: ).

    If you have a little coffee grinder (I have one designated just for spices and flax--well I don't drink coffee anyway) it's better to buy whole flaxseed and grind a little at a time, b/c it does go rancid quickly. Like jess said, keep it in the fridge. I put the flax in my morning smoothie. but lots of people put it on just about everything.

    Have fun experimenting with the new book and recipes--I hope your husband gets hooked too. It's easier to have that support. :bigsmile:

    Yes, my sweetie is very supportive about that...plus, I made it clear a long time ago that I will not cook separate meals...if he wants junk food, he can buy or make it himself. :laugh:

    I will look for the flax seed and protein powder the next time I go shopping. Maybe that will help add some cals. I've had a little trouble eating all my maintenance cals, plus exercise cals since eating cleaner...I feel like I'm eating costantly, but am too full to eat more since I'm filling up on good stuff.

    Trader Joe's has flax seed and flax seed meal, and hemp proteing powder (as well as other protein powders) plus a whole lotta other good stuff! If you have a Fresh & Easy, as well as Whole Foods, you're set!

    All the best on your journey!

    Susie :flowerforyou:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I feel the same way. I've noticed that with clean eating I am naturally full/satisfied and then naturally hungry, but never "starving" or stuffed full like I used to be. So I just make sure to eat every 2 - 3 hours, *try* to make sure I get a lean protein and veggies and/or fruit with each meal, eat when I'm hungry (which is every 2-3 hours... so the only time I have problems is when I don't have any clean food on me and I'm really hungry!), and until I'm not hungry any more. This usually means I don't take in all my exercise calories on the days I work out a lot (otherwise I feel I would be stuffing myself full with stuff just for the calorie count and not because I'm naturally hungry), and eating more than my 1200 "net" calorie goal on the days I don't work out (otherwise I am hungry). I figure it all balances out and I've also realized that I naturally eat around 1700-1800 calories on days I work out and around 1400 on days I don't work out, and I think that's fine, definitely not starvation mode. It feels like the right amount for me and in the past I was always questioning everything I did because I didn't know my own body well enough. So I think you should just go with what feels natural but if it feels like you need more "good" calories then yes, protein powder is an excellent way to get it (130 calories or so in a scoop) and so are nuts, avocados, natural peanut butter, even an extra banana has 110 calories!, olive oil, seeds. Good luck.

    I also eat every 3 hrs or so or else I get too hungry!! It works great for me. I've had a few times (I try not to, but once in a while if I'm out or something) I've waited about 5 hrs to eat. I get kinda shaky and feel horrible! (I also have a slight hypoglycemia/ low blood pressure thing) So it really helps to keep those smaller meals fueling your body!!

    I've really noticed how "nature" is taking over too as I'm adapting my lifestyle to clean eating. I don't seem to be getting the cravings (mine was always for salty) like I used to. Much easier to stay motivated, I've been really focused for about 3 weeks now and definitely noticing change. Love it!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    1/2 c. old fashioned oatmeal + 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder +
    1/2 c. blueberries + 1/2 c. cottage cheese (much prefer chocolate, thought I'd change it up. :roll: )
    Medium banana (99 cals, I weigh my fruit!)

    Post workout Snack: (Insanity Max Interval Circuit)
    1 c. plain yogurt + 1/2 c. blueberries
    Large fuji apple (122 cals)

    Romaine, brocc, cauli, shredded carrots, mushrooms,
    3.5oz chicken breast, fresh salsa, and 2 T. avocado
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey girls! It has been awhile since I've posted on here but I do come and check to see what's up with everyone, and to see what's been posted:smile: I think I have been doing alright with the clean eating-but could a few "friends" on MFP maybe check my food diary and see what you think? Today was alright minus the little bit of 88% dark chocolate I placed in a PB wrap:blushing: ..but I guess that is still clean...right? I am just getting a little concerned with the amount of calories/carbs/fats/proteins that I should be eating..I have my settings to 50/25/25 which seems to work out-I do alot more cardio. It just seems like since I have upped my cal intake so that I have just under 200 exercise cals left, I have been nervous about my eats:embarassed: ..Just looking for some tips, maybe I am doing okay but just paranoid. I do exercise ALOT more on the weekends because I have off- usually get over 600 cal burned, and weekdays only around 200-300 so I guess I just feel that I eat wayy too much on the weekends, but I should because I exercise so much right!?? ahh..any help would be appreciated:frown:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Had my fav snack lately...

    Afternoon snack:
    1/2 c. cottage cheese + 1/2 c. plain yogurt + chopped nectarine + 1/4 oz walnuts + cinnamon

    And had my dh take some new pics of me today. I don't like how when I post it here it only shows my midsection until you click on the picture, but guess that will keep me motivated! :laugh:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey girls! It has been awhile since I've posted on here but I do come and check to see what's up with everyone, and to see what's been posted:smile: I think I have been doing alright with the clean eating-but could a few "friends" on MFP maybe check my food diary and see what you think? Today was alright minus the little bit of 88% dark chocolate I placed in a PB wrap:blushing: ..but I guess that is still clean...right? I am just getting a little concerned with the amount of calories/carbs/fats/proteins that I should be eating..I have my settings to 50/25/25 which seems to work out-I do alot more cardio. It just seems like since I have upped my cal intake so that I have just under 200 exercise cals left, I have been nervous about my eats:embarassed: ..Just looking for some tips, maybe I am doing okay but just paranoid. I do exercise ALOT more on the weekends because I have off- usually get over 600 cal burned, and weekdays only around 200-300 so I guess I just feel that I eat wayy too much on the weekends, but I should because I exercise so much right!?? ahh..any help would be appreciated:frown:

    Looks like you're eating well. I think if you're going to splurge, going for the super dark chocolate is the way to do it!! And with natural PB... yum! I also like the 50/25/25 setting for me. I found that my baseline is around 1,580 cals (figured from a few sites I've used) and then I add back in most of my exercise cals (I use a HRM and I subtract 80 cals per hour for my resting burn). It has worked great for me!

    What are you worried about? I think you are doing great! How are you feeling? Clothes fitting better?
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey thanks Jess for the reassurance! Haha- I am glad to hear my eating looks ok- gotta keep myself on track! It's still fairly new to me! I did splurge a little with the chocolate:embarassed: -Haha! But it was very yummy! Ok so, I've been trying to leave about 100-200 exercise cals left at the end of the day so as to accommodate my resting burn, I do use a HRM also I just get confused when calculating the resting rate- So what you're saying is for every hour I exercise I should subtract about 80 cals from my exercise cals available? It's probably different for me..how do I calculate this?:huh:
    I don't know why I worry..lol I guess it just feels like I EAT ALL THE TIME! LOL! But I am ALLOWED to!?!:laugh: I am at the point where I am not really trying to lose any more weight, just tone up (with Chalean extreme, etc..been doing more running..but still doing my Turbojam also..) I would say the only area I REALLY want to shape up more is my abs-doesn't everyone? :laugh: lol...
    I feel GREAT about my body now, I started this miraculous journey in January at about 167lbs, and now am about 115lbs. Just amazed with myself:blushing: I guess I worry because I do not want to go back-EVER! heh...
    Well..enough blabbing from me..I'm off for my long run..hope it doesn't rain!:grumble: :tongue:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member

    I'm training for the Baltimore half on Oct. 10. It's my first one, so I am really nervous but also excited. My pace is around 12 minute miles, which is not lightning speed by any means...but I'm really proud of myself for even trying.

    That's great!! You'll have to let me know how you do, good luck!

    That should be a great race to run. I'm from southern PA, along the border of MD, so everytime I fly back and forth, it's through BWI and I always stay w/ my sister's friend who lives in Baltimore -- I love it there. I was just there last weekend when I went to Ocean City. :smile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member

    I also eat every 3 hrs or so or else I get too hungry!! It works great for me. I've had a few times (I try not to, but once in a while if I'm out or something) I've waited about 5 hrs to eat. I get kinda shaky and feel horrible! (I also have a slight hypoglycemia/ low blood pressure thing) So it really helps to keep those smaller meals fueling your body!!

    That's what happens to me when I don't get to eat after about 3 hours. I have always been a bit anemic and eating clean has really helped stabilize me. But the only problem is, the symptoms seem worse (totally light-headed, feel like a zombie and can't concentrate, shaky, weak feeling, etc.) when I don't stay on track. So that gives me motivation to always bring along clean food, but when I don't have it, I will eat the "cleanest" thing around rather than get to that state. On the plane over the weekend I had animal crackers... definitely not great, but they (along with an apple I had in my bookbag) really helped get me out of that funk.
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member

    I am so jealous of you gals w/ the significant others who get so involved. My boyfriend is supportive of me and has changed some of his eating habits but he still doesn't work out and he will drink beer while I drink water or eat a big burger while I eat a salad etc. I used to use those things as excuses to not eat healthy either but now it has become easy for me to eat healthy and it doesn't bother me, in terms of my own progress and sticking to eating clean, whether he does or not. While I am doing this for my own sake and not his, and I know that no one can change anyone else, I often wish he would do it with me for his own health's sake. He is 8 years older than me and we are young but I still start to worry about health issues down the line.

    I've noticed it's a huge lifestyle change that only comes when someone is really ready and for their own personal reasons... that's definitely how it happened for me anyway. I know he is inspired by my healthy eating and he gets pleased with himself when he has something healthy with me, like when we roast a turkey together or make grilled chicken wraps, etc... so I think he is slowly coming around and maybe one day he will get it for himself too. And, unlike my sister or friends, he doesn't ever pressure me to eat badly or drink -- in fact he supports my efforts 100% and tells me he is proud of me and that it must be hard to be the only one not drinking or eating sugar etc.

    That is *so* true. Change only comes when that person is ready to change. It took me a good 3 years of working out at home for my dh to join me!!!!! I never thought it would happen either! Then one day, he said he'd do P90X with me. And now he's working out and paying a LOT more attention to his health. He's 35 and started having high blood pressure issues when he was 25 (family history also). He's finally off his BP meds!! We also want to be good examples to our 3 girls and teach them the proper habits that will stick with them for life!

    Glad that he is supportive and is proud of you!! :drinker:

    I'm glad to hear that your husband eventually joined in. My boyfriend says he will start if he starts getting fat. It's sad that it might take him getting to that point to make him be motivated, but he has already started slowly but surely, so hopefully he will never get fat. 35 with three girls?? Wow. My boyfriend is 36 and we only have 4 pets. :laugh:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    It does get easier as you go and I too have noticed that people just assume I always "eat healthy" now. Do you ever have any cake/cookie/ice cream? I used to have such a sweet tooth and I occasionally have ice cream and chocolate, my two faves. But now they are definitely rare treats where they used to be commonplace. And people do notice and comment.

    Honestly, no. I rarely ever eat ice cream/ cookies/ cake. It really doesn't appeal to me. I see how *tiny* a serving (1/2 cup) of ice cream is, and I could eat a whole cup of plain yogurt w/ blueberries for around 160 cals that is much more satisfying and cures my sweet tooth. I never have liked cake (guess that's a good thing!) but used to adore PB or choc. chip cookies. My *treat* might be my homemade cream cheese banana bread once in a while (usually on a day after a long run or something!). But otherwise... I just don't do it.

    On my bday, we went to Cold Stone Creamery and I had the sinless ice cream (which is also made w/ splenda, so now I probably wouldn't even get that!) w/ frozen berries.

    I do eat Dove Dark chocolates or square of very dark chocolate if I need it. I find my chocolate cravings are taken care of w/ my choc. protein powder in my oatmeal. :bigsmile: And natural PB is awesome too!

    I would love to get to this point. (I love Cold Stone). But I was just thinking today how awesomely delicious my greek yogurt with low fat strawberry granola and blueberries taste. It's like a treat of ice cream except it's one of my "meals" for the day. :wink: What if a co-worker has a birthday and they bring in cake, do you just not partake? Today was one of my boss' birthday and they served everyone chocolate raspberry cake... I had only a tiny sliver and was proud of myself but I haven't found a way out of the birthday cake trap except to not be around when it's someone's birthday, and then I feel rude.

    It's kind of hard when we go out to lunch too... I usually get salad with chicken but yesterday we went to a deli that only had sandwiches, so I ate half a turkey sandwich with only a little bit of cheese, but when I entered it in online, it had so many more calories and sodium than my regular roast turkey or grilled chicken wraps!! I notice the same thing of course with ice cream or cookies... so many calories and such little if any nutrition.