I did the ultimate food sin..*gulp* ugh...



  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    whoa whoa WHOA child!!! Calm down!! Popcorn isn't TOO bad for you and if you don't have butter (HAHAH yeah right...) it can be a great snack! But as I am sure 7 pages worth of people before me ahve said 3500 on top of your regular calories = a lb
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Based on the pic, the name, and the post, I'm just going to ask what everyone else is thinking but won't say...

    is this chick for real?

    Thank you. I mean the head does not match. I use different pics, but you can see "me" on my profile.

    The head doesn't match? Really?

    Hey Sandy-what do you do with your real head when you meet people IRL.

    Yeah. I've met Sandy face to face. That gorgeous head is really her!

    *AND!!!! What's more--she has a twin that is just as gorgeous!
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    What are you talking about?! It takes 3500 calories to put on a pound... over and above your TDEE, which is definitely over 1200 calories. You're just retaining water and it will be gone in a few days. Just log the calories and keep going.

  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    Can we have one post where some1 doesn't behave like a total butt hole? You're fine honey! Just flush your system with water.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Me thinks jealousy runs a muck in these parts, Sandy. ;)
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    i just want to get to my fitness goals like everyone else..i'm currently a healthy 117lbs and 5'2..far from anorexic

    I am 5'2 and even when I was 108 lbs, I didn't look anywhere near anorexic. Thanks for posting this little factoid, this should help some of the people who think you are anorexic. 117 is a pretty healthy weight for my height I should think. But still, one bad meal won't hurt you, just so you know...overeating every now and then I've heard helps the metabolism...
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member

    I'm here because it keeps me focused on my fitness. Not really sure how that has anything to do with the food I choose to eat....but go on with your sweeping generalizations. I'll be over here eating cheesecake flavored popcorn.

    This also wasnt' really you:
    "Enjoy your food. We aren't meant to eat perfectly all the time. As long as you eat reasonably most of the time, you're fine. It's not an all or nothing type of situation with eating. I eat plenty of fattening high calorie foods all the time...yet I stick to my fitness routine and don't eat more than I burn most days...so I stay nice and lean. "

    Because you wouldnt' know how much you eat because it has nothing to do with how much you eat. like. at all.
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    Based on the pic, the name, and the post, I'm just going to ask what everyone else is thinking but won't say...

    is this chick for real?

    Thank you. I mean the head does not match. I use different pics, but you can see "me" on my profile.

    The head doesn't match? Really?
    Good to know. bad lighting.

    Hey Sandy-what do you do with your real head when you meet people IRL.

    Yeah. I've met Sandy face to face. That gorgeous head is really her!

    *AND!!!! What's more--she has a twin that is just as gorgeous!
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    bad lighting. you are a good friend.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    I'm a b*tch. haha. But don't lie to me in a forum, especially when you other posts are so easy to find! I wasn't trying to say everyone here was previously obese or previously ED. Just that if we are here, it has something to do with our relationship to food. I'm sure there are exceptions. I accept that point. But i don't accept that you are one of them :)

    And i'm out!
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I'm a b*tch. haha. But don't lie to me in a forum, especially when you other posts are so easy to find! I wasn't trying to say everyone here was previously obese or previously ED. Just that if we are here, it has something to do with our relationship to food. I'm sure there are exceptions. I accept that point. But i don't accept that you are one of them :)

    And i'm out!

    haha! :drinker:
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member

    ah man... I totally had popcorn today. but I eat popcorn a LOT.

    That's probably part of why I'm here... amongst other things that I used to sit and eat A LOT of.
  • amylynn96
    amylynn96 Posts: 114 Member
    I really do feel badly for all the rudeness. She doesnt deserve that. What because shes flippin gorgeous and she feels bad about eating something its a joke and shes not allowed to be upset or concerned over it??? Shes a human being just like everyone else on here and we've all been there when we just wanna pretend every little damn thing we eat doesnt effect us and try to enjoy our life once in awhile instead of obsessing over food constantly. OP would you eat that popcorn everyday? No im sure you wouldnt. Your beautiful and seem like a responsible dedicated person, some ppl are just haters the end. Keep your chin up and keep going.:wink:
  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    Do you have to be a certain age to be on this site? Seems like a bunch of children around here! Keep your head up girl and don't worry about the popcorn, hope the movie was good :flowerforyou:
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    Uh wow...i cant believe some of the responses i just received..aren't we ALL on here for the same reason?! a lot of us need help with weight loss and staying fit and have tons of questions..i have as much as a right as anyone else on here to ask them..not to be made fun of...i was asking an honest question,due to false information i was given before..but i don't deserve rude comments..

    Don't listen to the rude comments, your questions were valid. Ignore the nasty-grams on here, we are all (or at least I like to think) on here for sound advice and support form others like ourselves.

    The 3500 calories = 1lbs was a little bit of a shocker when I found out last year as well.
    Popcorn isn't really that bad for you though. As long as it's not drenched in butter. :wink: I have to be careful with it personally because it will clog me up! But yeah, if I were you, eat clean today and extra water. :drinker: The 2 hours of cardio I feel is probably over excessive. I was told my a personal trainer at the gym I go to that more than an hour is usually too much of your body. You really only need 30-45min. Although I tend do a full hour myself. :wink:

    Good luck and aren't you glad it wasn't as big a deal as you though?! :happy:
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I'm a b*tch. haha. But don't lie to me in a forum, especially when you other posts are so easy to find! I wasn't trying to say everyone here was previously obese or previously ED. Just that if we are here, it has something to do with our relationship to food. I'm sure there are exceptions. I accept that point. But i don't accept that you are one of them :)

    And i'm out!

    People like you are what we need more of on this site. Love it!
  • FitBarbie2986
    FitBarbie2986 Posts: 202 Member
    Based on the pic, the name, and the post, I'm just going to ask what everyone else is thinking but won't say...

    is this chick for real?

    Thank you. I mean the head does not match. I use different pics, but you can see "me" on my profile.

    The head doesn't match? Really?

    Hey Sandy-what do you do with your real head when you meet people IRL.

    Yeah. I've met Sandy face to face. That gorgeous head is really her!

    *AND!!!! What's more--she has a twin that is just as gorgeous!

    this actually made me LOL..literally...:laugh: ...

    i wish everyone would quit reading my first initial post and read what i posted after when i was later informed AND taught by fellow members that everything was ok,and that 3500 calories equals a pound,i'm on here learning too..giving me a freaking break..seriously..im only human..just because i lost 15lbs and look healthy doesnt mean i KNOW EVERYTHING..ugh..:grumble:
  • Milette812
    Milette812 Posts: 32
    From the look of your picture alone, you are insanely gorgeous and have the hair, body, clothes, and features most of these women would kill for. By that alone and reading some of these comments, I can see how your success and beauty has reflected back on them and they have posted some rude, inconsiderate, nasty, condensending, and completely uncalled for comments due to their feeling extremely threatened by you.

    One of my biggest fears is putting back on even one ounce I have lost. I too feel a guilty twinge when I even slightly endulge, and believe me I am a lot worse than you, my endulgences are usually no more than 80 calories and sugar free. Unless one of these commentators have a PhD and have evaluated you, then their opinion or comment is null and void and does not need entertaining. Don't take offense by hurtful things others may say. It's only because they are threatened by you and scared because they don't see themselves as they see you and wish so badly they did. Your appearance stirs up feelings about themselves that they don't wish to address and they will always scapegoat another for something they shouldn't even feel about themselves.

    There are no stupid questions, only stupid people: but the part not usually said to that saying is that the stupid people are usually the ones who scoff at a quest for knowledge by someone brave enough to admit they don't have the answer and are willing to seek it out.

    Continue to be you and continue to look absolutely stunning. You have worked hard to have what you have and should never feel ashamed because someone else is jealous of you.

    And no, don't feel guilty about an indulgence. I plan on having one myself one day after I have lost all of my wieght, ran 5 miles that day, and have been dragged kicking and screaming by my husband to the restaurant. ;)

    By the way, I am not anorexic either.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Jeeze. The number of asstastic people on these boards just doesn't cease to amaze or surprise me...

    Sandy-I repeat: ignore the aholes. I'm sorry there are so many ahole comments to weed through to get to the good ones...

    Asstastic? Hmmm...I think my ultimate goal is to be asstastic.

    I am totally ASSTASTIC, as referenced by both my behaviour in this thread and the fact that despite being a size 18/20 pear, my bum is firm and perky still. Win, win. (And for Milette...I am not threatened in the least as I have no interest in looking like the OP. I simply mistakenly thought this was MUD.)

    OP...if you are happy with how you look, then great. Popcorn is good now and then. I hope you enjoyed it. Good luck in all your future endeavors!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wow. This post is like alley fight scene from Anchorman. "Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast." "Brick killed a guy". "Did you throw a trident?"

    For All: Movie popcorn is terrible. It's cooked in oil, covered in salt, and the "butter" adds 100's of calories from oily fat.

    For the Original Poster: It's probably just water weight from the huge sodium shock to your system. I'd ignore it and stick to my normal routine.

    For All, part II: MFP isn't the place to start flame wars. If you truly believe a poster is trolling, JUST IGNORE THE POST. There are hundreds of posts created every day that you can make helpful, encouraging comments on. Click thru, find one, and offer someone your support. Even if you're 90% positive about whatever you think of a poster, keep it to yourself. Everyone on MFP, including me, has their own issues to deal with. How would you feel if people on MFP mocked your goals, mocked your photo, called you a fake, anorexic, trivial, etc? There are plenty of places on the net to mock people, support forums on weight loss sights are not one of them.

    For All, part III: The fight scene from Anchorman. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/TvY51HF3tNA