for anyone considering the Couch to 5K...



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well tonight we may be running in the rain. :tongue: I think we really need to find somewhere else to run now that the days are getting shorter and colder and rainier. I'm hoping to be able to run for the full 3.2 miles tonight. I'll post tonight with the results.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So... I've been trying to keep it up - since I finally made the 30 minute mark. I went out on Sunday for what was supposed to be 30 mins, and ran for 10, then felt I needed a break - but couldn't make myself run any further after a walk break. I was so tired I wanted to hitch a ride home. Granted, I feel like I've been catching a cold, so maybe that's what's up... less energy?

    I went yesterday (Monday) - walked about 4 miles with my little dog buddy and threw some jogging stretches in (a few were uphill) - figured its better than nothing.

    I really want to have a success and feel like I can do it again! Just deciding if I need to back off for a few days and let this darn cold do it's thang.... I'm afraid I'll lose momentum if I stop...
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm starting to feel sick myself, maybe that's why i had to break the 30 minutes into three 10 minute parts today.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    i was reading an article ina running magazine today and it said that walk breaks were optional in shorter runs but mandatory in longer runs to maintiain a good pace all the time! Apparently its best to run 10 minutes and walk 1 minute then run 10 minutes again. I dont know if that helps, but I end up taking the odd walk break too.

    I get really bad sinus infections so sometimes I find running really difficult too and makes that "runners wall" seem wayyyyyyyy taller and harder to get over too :)

    best of luck on the runs though :)
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Got my 30 minutes of running in tonight, felt really good, I have noticed that allergies and sinus drainage make it hard to breathe right, actually had to hack and spit at one point, felt like I was going to drown. Everyone is doing so great, feeling under the weather definitely makes it hard, good for all of you for continuing to run!!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well fortunately we didn't have to run in the rain after all. We forgot to take the pedometer to see how far we ran though. I had to stop and rest about half way. I was rather disappointed in myself for that. I think maybe I tired out earlier this time because of the cooler weather and wearing an extra sweater. I don't know. I'm going to strive to do better on Thursday. Hopefully.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    i was reading an article ina running magazine today and it said that walk breaks were optional in shorter runs but mandatory in longer runs to maintiain a good pace all the time! Apparently its best to run 10 minutes and walk 1 minute then run 10 minutes again. I dont know if that helps, but I end up taking the odd walk break too.

    That makes me feel better!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Well fortunately we didn't have to run in the rain after all. We forgot to take the pedometer to see how far we ran though. I had to stop and rest about half way. I was rather disappointed in myself for that. I think maybe I tired out earlier this time because of the cooler weather and wearing an extra sweater. I don't know. I'm going to strive to do better on Thursday. Hopefully.

    I find I have up and down days, no way to tell until I am out there. Best to listen to your body and do what it needs. We have all been pushing our bodies in completely new ways. If I back off one day I usually can go farther the next, so don't be disappointed, just look forward to the next run.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well fortunately we didn't have to run in the rain after all. We forgot to take the pedometer to see how far we ran though. I had to stop and rest about half way. I was rather disappointed in myself for that. I think maybe I tired out earlier this time because of the cooler weather and wearing an extra sweater. I don't know. I'm going to strive to do better on Thursday. Hopefully.

    I find I have up and down days, no way to tell until I am out there. Best to listen to your body and do what it needs. We have all been pushing our bodies in completely new ways. If I back off one day I usually can go farther the next, so don't be disappointed, just look forward to the next run.

    Thanks m2k. I'm wondering if the reason I feel like I didn't do as well as I should have is because last night Amy and I decided not the do the 5 minute warmup walk. We did our stretches then went straight to running. Should we continue to do the warmup walks?
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Well fortunately we didn't have to run in the rain after all. We forgot to take the pedometer to see how far we ran though. I had to stop and rest about half way. I was rather disappointed in myself for that. I think maybe I tired out earlier this time because of the cooler weather and wearing an extra sweater. I don't know. I'm going to strive to do better on Thursday. Hopefully.

    I find I have up and down days, no way to tell until I am out there. Best to listen to your body and do what it needs. We have all been pushing our bodies in completely new ways. If I back off one day I usually can go farther the next, so don't be disappointed, just look forward to the next run.

    Thanks m2k. I'm wondering if the reason I feel like I didn't do as well as I should have is because last night Amy and I decided not the do the 5 minute warmup walk. We did our stretches then went straight to running. Should we continue to do the warmup walks?

    From everything I've read the warm up walk is always important, it gets your body warmed up and ready to go. I don't think 5 minutes is a magic number for it, you could maybe lessen it to 2-3 minutes which would at least get your body warmed up.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ok, on Thursday I'll tell Amy we need to do a warm up walk first. We walk from my apartment to the trail which is maybe a minute or two but I think we probably should do at least a 3 walk along the trail before running. Thanks for your imput m2k.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I've heard that warming up is like lubricating your joints...the blood gets pumping and prepares your joints for exercising. Kinda like starting your car on a freezing morning, you gotta let it warm up a few minutes. :smile:

    Is there a stari program that's like C25K that anyone knows of? I've been trying tp build up endurance doing the stairmaster, and wondered if there was a program. Man, the stairmaster kicks my a**! I do a minute on level 1, a minute on level 5, then a minute on level 10, then back to 1 for 15 minutes. By the end I am soaked! It's crazy how much harder it is than running! I keep telling myself "If I can run for 30 minutes, surely can climb stairs for 15, a third of which is at the lowest level!" :laugh:
  • aeswan
    aeswan Posts: 66 Member
    Betty, I'm with you - lol!!! Did 30 mins today - non stop, again. Might have been pushing myself a little too hard ... wanting to go faster already, but did it and feel AWESOME!

    On there's an article about doubling your distance in 6-7 weeks. I'm thinking of trying either that or "Becoming a One Hour Runner" as the next step.

    Any takers for either program?

    Smiles, I'll totally do the One Hour Runner (Or OHR as I guess it's called!). Here's a link I found to it.

    It's funny, I was wondering what's coming next...I was thinking "Is that it? Do I just run now? Am I a runner?" :laugh:

    Awesome! I'll have to take a look at the article - where are you at right now? I'm finding that since I made the 30 minutes, I'm feeling a little lost.... just a little though. Having the structure and increasing goals is really motivating for me - and having you all to report back to.... Let's keep going! I'm shooting for another 30 minutes today (I do have a cold, the sniffles, but am going to do my best... I'll report back in).

    Hi there, I'd love to do the OHR with you--did C25K last fall, and was running quite a bit over the winter/spring, but slacked off over the summer. I need a new goal!
  • AlyssasMommy
    I completed week 5 day 1 tonight. Why does it seem like everyone is farther along than me? :grumble:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Not everyone is farther along than you. :smile: Just hang in there and keep going, you'll make it. You're doing a great job. :flowerforyou:
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    so I have been meaning to ask for a while, does anyone on this program run with a heart rate monitor? I am thinking of getting one and have been doing some research on them and just wanted to see if anyone on this FABULOUS thread uses them :)

    p.s. keep up the good work everyone!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    so I have been meaning to ask for a while, does anyone on this program run with a heart rate monitor? I am thinking of getting one and have been doing some research on them and just wanted to see if anyone on this FABULOUS thread uses them :)

    p.s. keep up the good work everyone!!

    I broke mine a while ago and re-ordering the same one I got. It's on sale for $20!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    If you're just starting couch 2 5k, in addition to this thread, there is a new one of people just starting this week:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well IDID IT!! I ran 3.2 miles. YAAAAY!!! And part of the time it was raining too. :tongue: But we jogged right along. Amy and I did the 5 minute walk tonight before our run and it really does make a big difference. I ran half way then took about a 5 minute rest then ran back to where we started. I'm so excited! I know I can run the 5k in November. Amy timed us and said it took us 48 minutes to run the 5k. I don't care how long it takes at this point, I just want to be able to finish the run. I know I can. :happy:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Congrats MommaRed - Doesn't it feel so good to be reaching our goals!! I've run 30 minutes twice this week, that gets me about 2.5 miles, I've going to start now upping that by 3 minutes at a time each run and see how that works.

    I was thinking last night as I was running down my favorite part of my path that it would be fun to see where everyone else is running. So I am going to try to take a picture of that part of my path this weekend and will post it. If you have a chance, all runners, take a pic of your path and post it on this thread, will be fun to see the different areas.
