for anyone considering the Couch to 5K...



  • AlyssasMommy

    Also I need to rant. My hubby used my Ipod and left it in his pants. He put it through the washer AND the dryer. It will never be the same again!!!:explode: :explode: :explode: Ok, I am done...I feel a little better.

    Is your hubby related to my son? He used to wash his phone all the time until I finally stopped buying new phones for him. Miraculously he never washes his phone now that he has to buy his own. :huh:

    Exactly! He only breaks my stuff. I think men hold secret meetings and talk about how to piss us off.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I ran 40 minutes without even meaning to the other day, but then today, could only make it 15 until it was time for a short walk break. What's up with that?

    Some days are like that! A little while back I was doing 30 minutes straight, now I take a water break at about the 15 minute mark.

    As for me, today I ran 5K on the treadmill! I did stop for a minute twice, but I did it!!!!! I was doing week 9, which was a 30 minute run. I started out feeling 15 minutes I took a water break for a minute. When I got to about 30 minutes, I realized I was a mile away from 3.2 miles (the 5 minute warmup was .3 miles) I was like "Another mile? I got this!" And after another minute water break, I did it. It was about 52 minutes altogether...I got my HRM today, strapped it on, and burned 679 calories. And when I was done, I felt great! No side stitches, no leg pain, was awesome!

    Thanks for the feedback. Guess it's really NOT a big deal to take a short walk break if / when I need it - i need to get over the mental perception that I'm "not doing good enough" if I have to break. You are an example of exactly why - 679 calories!!! That is AMAZING! Good for you!!!!!!

    What kind of HRM do you have, and would you recommend it?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member

    Jprice- how's the motivation? Is there anything we can do to offer extra support, cheers and encouragement? If it helps, your comments have been encouraging to me as I've taken on this journey.

    Happy to report I'm back on track. I run again tomorrow or Saturday for W9D3! I'm going for the whole 3.1 (excluding a .3m warm-up walk) I'll report back on how long it takes... I'll be off the treadmill and onto the street for the next week through my 5k on the 17th. I may even post a new pic after that :-)

    Good to hear it! Enjoy the transition from indoors to out - would love to know how it goes....
    I skipped today (it was supposed to be a run day) b/c I felt like a "failure" the last time I ran. :( I told myself, "take an extra day, rest and refuel, and you'll KICK BUTT tomorrow!" I intend for that plan to work. I'll log in after the run and let you all know. (I need some accountability factor, apparently).
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Wk9D3 - new goal .... DISTANCE and intervals for increasing speed. So, I mapped out a route long enough to compensate for my .6 worth of warm up/cool-down walks and include 3.1 miles of running, walking, jogging, crawling, dragging, skipping, hopping... whatever it takes to get the distance. I put on week 4 for the outward bound run and week 3 for the inward bound run with the idea of using intervals of slower running with faster running to get the job done. Probably should have reversed the order... ended up having to walk some from working it a little too hard on the outbound leg. I changed the outbound route slightly from what I mapped, so I ended up with just shy of 4 miles total walk/run in 56 minutes of podcast time. I got my DISTANCE!

    Next outing I'll shorten it back to the planned 3.1 + .6 for warm-up; cool-down and start with wk 3 on the outward bound.

    I'm also switching to running in the morning since the race is a week from today starting at 8 am.

    During the process, I wasn't sure I could get ready for this race in a week, but now that I'm done and see that instead of 3.7 miles in that time I did 3.98, I'm more encouraged about it! My goal is to finish 3.1 in 45 minutes or less. (I'd love to be one of those people who finishes the program and can run a 5k in 34 minutes, but... we'll see)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member

    My running route this morning.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I skipped today (it was supposed to be a run day) b/c I felt like a "failure" the last time I ran. :( I told myself, "take an extra day, rest and refuel, and you'll KICK BUTT tomorrow!" I intend for that plan to work. I'll log in after the run and let you all know. (I need some accountability factor, apparently).

    FAILURE???? NO WAY!!! Excellent plan to rest and refuel, and throw that whipping stick away!!! You're doing awesome. Don't quit!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I ran 40 minutes without even meaning to the other day, but then today, could only make it 15 until it was time for a short walk break. What's up with that?

    Some days are like that! A little while back I was doing 30 minutes straight, now I take a water break at about the 15 minute mark.

    As for me, today I ran 5K on the treadmill! I did stop for a minute twice, but I did it!!!!! I was doing week 9, which was a 30 minute run. I started out feeling 15 minutes I took a water break for a minute. When I got to about 30 minutes, I realized I was a mile away from 3.2 miles (the 5 minute warmup was .3 miles) I was like "Another mile? I got this!" And after another minute water break, I did it. It was about 52 minutes altogether...I got my HRM today, strapped it on, and burned 679 calories. And when I was done, I felt great! No side stitches, no leg pain, was awesome!

    Thanks for the feedback. Guess it's really NOT a big deal to take a short walk break if / when I need it - i need to get over the mental perception that I'm "not doing good enough" if I have to break. You are an example of exactly why - 679 calories!!! That is AMAZING! Good for you!!!!!!

    What kind of HRM do you have, and would you recommend it?

    I have a Pro-Form Precision HRM by Reebok. You might be able to find it on where I got it, it was on sale for $20. For $20 it's worth it...I don't know if I'd pay the regular price of $90 for it!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I love my polar F7 heart rate monitor. it makes the work out so much more exciting because you g et to see EVERY TIME you burn calories (can you tell Im a geek hehehe)

    I ran again yesterday and I keep having calf problems. My calfs seem tender all the time now. At first I thought it was becuase I had a charlie horse a few weeks ago, but its turned into both legs. They ache almost allthe time, especially when I have to stand up after sitting for a little bit.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Im not sure that its Im pushing myself to hard because it never seems to hurt when I run (well a little bit, but more like a muscle building pain as oppossed to a nasty pain) and I stretch afterwards but it seems to hit me more and more now. i go to get up off the couch or move from my desk and its this moderate pain that just lingers there until I sit back down or remain standing in one position.

    Sorry to ramble, I was just wondering if you guys ever experienced anythign like this. I've been told to up my calcium, potassium, and Vitamin D but other than that does anyone have any suggstions?

    thanks everyone :smile:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I love my polar F7 heart rate monitor. it makes the work out so much more exciting because you g et to see EVERY TIME you burn calories (can you tell Im a geek hehehe)

    I ran again yesterday and I keep having calf problems. My calfs seem tender all the time now. At first I thought it was becuase I had a charlie horse a few weeks ago, but its turned into both legs. They ache almost allthe time, especially when I have to stand up after sitting for a little bit.

    Does anyone else have this problem? Im not sure that its Im pushing myself to hard because it never seems to hurt when I run (well a little bit, but more like a muscle building pain as oppossed to a nasty pain) and I stretch afterwards but it seems to hit me more and more now. i go to get up off the couch or move from my desk and its this moderate pain that just lingers there until I sit back down or remain standing in one position.

    Sorry to ramble, I was just wondering if you guys ever experienced anythign like this. I've been told to up my calcium, potassium, and Vitamin D but other than that does anyone have any suggstions?

    thanks everyone :smile:

    I think I know what you're it like a dull ache just below the knee? That's been bothering me for a little while now. I've tried icing it, but so far it's not gone away. It's not excruciating, but it is bothersome.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    So...I talked to my cousin who is a doctor (she specializes in babies but shes still a doc lol) and she said that its most likely a lactic acid build up. She says that sometiimes that lactic acid builds up and actually crystalizes and can cause some major pain.

    she said that the best thing to do is to have someone massage it and try and heat up and break up the acid and get it moving again.

    We then endulged in thanksgiving dinner (becuase Im a canadian girl freezing her butt off up here)
    but I definately ran it off this morning. Im feeling the build up in my muscles now though....12hrs after the run!
  • AlyssasMommy
    I ran for 20 minutes last night. I feel really good about it. :happy:

    I had no idea my gym closed at 11 pm. I normally don't work out that late but I hate trouble getting the baby to sleep last night. I was about 6 minutes into my run and the security guard kicked me out. Instead of stopping, I ran out of there and continued running around my apartment complex. It was really hard because it was so humid out but I still did it.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I ran for 20 minutes last night. I feel really good about it. :happy:

    I had no idea my gym closed at 11 pm. I normally don't work out that late but I hate trouble getting the baby to sleep last night. I was about 6 minutes into my run and the security guard kicked me out. Instead of stopping, I ran out of there and continued running around my apartment complex. It was really hard because it was so humid out but I still did it.

    Excellent! Keep it up!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Amy and I had to move indoors because it's getting dark earlier and there's no safe place to run after work. The place we're going to now only has two treadmills and no inside track and last night we had to wait for the treadmills. :grumble: I'm going to have to find somewhere else we can go but last night I did my 5K run on the treadmill. It took a couple times running on a treadmill to find the right speed but I got it now. Last Saturday I had set the speed too high at 5.5. Last night I started at 3.6 or 3.4 or something like that and gradually increased to I think 4.0 or something at the fastest then gradually back down again. I still like running outside better though.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    momma that sucks about the safe places to run. Is there no subdivisions or anythign like that. Maybe a place in town that has lights along the run? I usually run at 5:30 in the morning and its really dark so I usually run with my dog Apollo as a safety precaution!

    I am hitting a brick wall myself today but its not a running issue...well kind of. I woke up with a sinus infection yesterday morning so I went to the clinic and got some anti-biotics to get rid of it, but my first race is Sunday nd I can barely breath through my nose and my throat is sosore from breathing through my mouth that running seems out of the question. I went out today and tried to do the 30 minute run and managed 8 minutes and then another 3 minutes and couldnt do any more becuase I started coughing up my lung...not literally of course!

    I really hope it gets better tomorrow so I can run again on Friday. when i was running today my shins felt like the did the first couple weekis....big pain, but Im wondering if it is only because my body is sore all over....any suggestions?

    keep up the great running everyone :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Still going! Yesterday I used Robert Ullrey's podcast (week 9) to have something new and different to listen to on the 30 min run. It was great! Found I liked the trance-y kind of music - more than songs with lyrics. Sometimes I get sick of hearing the same old thing!

    Has anyone else listened to audiobooks while running? I've done that - feel like I'm learning AND getting healthier at the same time. Only thing is, for me it's only good to run to the first time through - after that, my mind wanders and won't listen to it.

    Just thought I'd chime in...... glad we're all sticking with it. Maddie - hope you're feeling better soon!
    And Momma - wow - I have no idea what my speed would be on a treadmill, but I think being able to run on it must be a major skill - since we can speed up or slow down as we need to on the open road.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Today I officially graduate from Couch to 5k with the completion of my 5k run in 41 minutes 7 seconds! My goal was 45 minutes. I didn't walk at all during the entire race. That's my fastest - If I did the math right it came out to 4.5 MPH. Wahooo!
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Today I officially graduate from Couch to 5k with the completion of my 5k run in 41 minutes 7 seconds! My goal was 45 minutes. I didn't walk at all during the entire race. That's my fastest - If I did the math right it came out to 4.5 MPH. Wahooo!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Today I officially graduate from Couch to 5k with the completion of my 5k run in 41 minutes 7 seconds! My goal was 45 minutes. I didn't walk at all during the entire race. That's my fastest - If I did the math right it came out to 4.5 MPH. Wahooo!

    Fantastic!!! Congratulations - great time too!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Great job Jan!!!!! :):):) AWESOME!!!!!!! Keep on keepin on!!!

    I just went out for my run today - it ended up not being the run I had planned for. I ran over a mile in 10 minutes (quicker pace than normal) and then slowed to walk for a few, but had trouble ever regaining my momentum. I ended up running only about 17 minutes total (though at a quicker speed) - latetly I've been doing at least 30, so in a way, it was disappointing.

    On the other hand - maybe it was good to do shorter "bursts" at quicker speeds -maybe I can build up speed that way. Anyhooo.... just wanted to check in. I soooooo appreciate having a forum to report to, keeps me going and motivated! Thanks!
  • AlyssasMommy
    Today I officially graduate from Couch to 5k with the completion of my 5k run in 41 minutes 7 seconds! My goal was 45 minutes. I didn't walk at all during the entire race. That's my fastest - If I did the math right it came out to 4.5 MPH. Wahooo!

    Congrats!!!! I bet you feel so great. I can't wait until graduation. What's next for you? Longer time? Faster running? What's your next goal?

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: