What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • MrsAFR
    MrsAFR Posts: 103 Member
    My most recent one, which sparked me trying MFP for the first time, was shopping for new work trousers and having to buy and 18 and they didn't even have any room in them! Very gutting as I came back to work (after maternity) a size 18 and that was nearly a year ago!
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I have had a few through out my life but I remember 4 months after having my son (Aug 2010) we went to the local carnival and I wanted to get on some rides with my step daughter but I knew I would not be able to fit in the seat, let alone have the latch lock easily on me (weighing around 266lbs). Last year we went back to the same carnival and I finally was able to get on the ride and it latched with no problem! Can't wait to go back this year since I am even smaller than last time :)
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    Right after I had my son 2 years ago, We were in the car. My sweet daughter (4 and a half at the time) was talking and she said Mom, why are you so fat? the other kids mom at day are are not fat like you? My Husband didnt know what to say but did his best to stop her, I just started crying. I told her that sometimes it happens to people and its harder to work off. She said, I am sorry I hurt your feelings. We wont say the F word any more ok?

    So about a month after that we were in the damn car again ( i swear she does it on purpose) and said, mom you are going to be the opp of the F word soon huh? LOL I told her I was going to see a doctor that was goign to help me get healthy again.

    She is 7 and still to this day will not say the F word.

    I have struggled on and off for the last 2 years, I was not in the right mind set then to start this journey. I sure am now and feeling so happy about it.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Being told by my bff's fiance that as long as she never looked like me, he'd love her forever.

    That's just nasty! And inaccurate, you FINE!
    Girl, I think you're stunning! I'd be blessed to look like you! :flowerforyou:

    thank you lovelies <3 this was also about 90 pounds ago... so I dont blame him.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    This one is actually something that happened to my cousin, but is just really bad...

    She split with her husband a good few years ago and has gained probably 4 dress sizes since and I think was happily ignorant of it (like most of us are at some point) until recently.

    Her husband was her childhood sweetheart, which means she has never really dated. She is in her 40's now but finds it all quite scary. She decided to go on one of these dating websites and set up a date with a guy at a local pub..

    She went into the pub, saw the guy at the bar with a drink and felt too shy to say hello so went and found a table, thinking he would come over to her when he saw her.

    What actually happened was he saw her (she saw him look at her out of the corner of her eye), downed his drink in one, walked outside and called her from the car park to tell her he couldn't make it.

    She was beyond mortified. She has now dropped nearly 20lb so far.

    Very similar thing happened to me, except he never called, or texted, or emailed, or carrier-pigeoned anything. Hilariously enough, he hit on me at a bar not too long ago. Small world. I had to fight the urge to knee him in the balls.
  • love4ransom
    love4ransom Posts: 67 Member
    When I was about 11 I went to a friends house for a slumber party. A bunch of girls came and we were all friends. I left to go to the bathroom and when I came back into the room the other girls had gone through my clothes bag and took out my underwear and was throwing them back and forth across the room saying my underwear was like a big sling shot. I realized then they weren't really my friends. But after that when ever I went to a friends house for a sleep over I made sure to bury my underwear in the very bottom of my bag.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    This one is actually something that happened to my cousin, but is just really bad...

    She split with her husband a good few years ago and has gained probably 4 dress sizes since and I think was happily ignorant of it (like most of us are at some point) until recently.

    Her husband was her childhood sweetheart, which means she has never really dated. She is in her 40's now but finds it all quite scary. She decided to go on one of these dating websites and set up a date with a guy at a local pub..

    She went into the pub, saw the guy at the bar with a drink and felt too shy to say hello so went and found a table, thinking he would come over to her when he saw her.

    What actually happened was he saw her (she saw him look at her out of the corner of her eye), downed his drink in one, walked outside and called her from the car park to tell her he couldn't make it.

    She was beyond mortified. She has now dropped nearly 20lb so far.

    Very similar thing happened to me, except he never called, or texted, or emailed, or carrier-pigeoned anything. Hilariously enough, he hit on me at a bar not too long ago. Small world. I had to fight the urge to knee him in the balls.

    :laugh: I would have!!!!
  • burnedalive4you
    I as given a pair of expensive jeans by a friend.at the time I was a size zero and they were size threes.i was doubtfull they would fit but tried them on anyways ...and they fit.i was shocked they fit and when I showed her she smiled and said "I knew they would fit YOU".
    I cried for so long after that because I though I was fat.It Hurt because at the time I was struggling with an eating disorder but had gotten bigger.now I look back and wish I had stayed that way because I cant fit in those jeans anymore.
    I still feel completely traumatized by that experience to this day even though it was just a really stupid remark.
    You really never know how much of what you say could hurt someone.
    I'm sorry for anyone who has gone through stupid taunts that people say.
    Karma will get them.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    One Of my most embarassing fat moments was when I agreed to play a game our town was doing for a special event. Fish tossing, yes its as gross as it sounds.

    We were given some fishing gear to put on, and then we had to get in a huge fish tub, and catch fish.

    WEll I didnt fit into the fishing pants, they only came to my knees, so when I went to get in the tub, I couldnt raise my legs enough to get in. I ended up having to get help from people to push me up and over into the tub.

    There were so many people watching, it was so embarrassing :'[
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'll come back to this..
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    Despite the fact I was 260lbs and at my heaviest, I still managed to play netball well enough in school to play for the top team. But one time, we were in the middle of match against one school we all hated in particular, partly because they were all a bunch of no good cheating asshats, partly because they were all just MEAN. (No grudges, clearly...) Anyway, it was an intense one, so much running about and chasing others and yada yada, all the usual stuff. Then at one point, one of the girls from the other school barged in front of me and I stood on her foot when I was running and she started screaming bloody murder. Now, it was quite obviously not broke or anything 'cause she walked on it straight after. But she drama-tised the whole thing, sat on the floor and cradled her foot, flipping words I didn't even know the meaning of at that point - thankfully.

    Meanwhile, I went flying onto the tarmac, grazing all the way up legs and cheek in the process and having my stomach flap over my shorts in that really unflattering way. Basically, with a splat. Then what happens? The coach from the other school comes over to the girl, doesn't even check her over but turns to me anyway and says "Jesus, you need to watch where you're going you stupid blimp! You've really hurt her." She didn't even seem to register I was bleeding and that the girl had got up and walked off. Everyone just laughed. AND we had to get a coach home with them to top it off.

    It was genuinely mortifying. I actually quit the team after that, in all honesty. I still cringe thinking about it now.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I was at my mother's house using her wifi and I heard like a creak sound. I ignored it and went back to talk to my mother then the chair just burst and I fell to the floor. Everyone was helping me up and using excuses " its an old chair, we have been meaning to get rid of it" or "don't worry it was a weak chair, should have been in the yard." I know only family was around but I was so embarrassed.
  • Dedee36
    Dedee36 Posts: 29 Member
    We were at church and after services we hang around a socialize. It was late fall and chilly I was wearing a turtle neck, a fleece jacket and jeans. Since my jeans don't button all the way I had a hair tie holding it togther. Well my shirt was tight and riding up. I picked up the baby and YAY! everyone got a good view of my big old fat jelly belly with my hair tie holding my jeans together.

    We all laghed it off and blamed it on the baby but I often thought about it in the weeks after while getting ready to go to services. I now make sure I have enough to cover me completely.
  • kayish
    kayish Posts: 39 Member
    Mine wasn't too long ago. Last year sometime. At work a lady who volunteers stopped me and asked when my baby was due. -.- And if that wasn't bad enough after I embarrassingly mumbled out that I wasn't pregnant she said "oh well you must get that a lot." (when in fact it had never happened before) Um, I kinda wanted to slap her right then and there. Who says that?! Rude *kitten* people that's who. jeez. Had I not been at work I would have some choice words for her. Instead I just went to the bathroom and cried. :/

    *This is my most embarrassing as an adult. I have too many moments from when I was a kid to list.
  • kayish
    kayish Posts: 39 Member
    I hate those little spinning counter things that are at fairs,amusement parks, etc.....i have to turn sideways, then go on my tippy toes so my butt lifts above them so i can actually go through.

    omg me too! I go to concerts a lot and most places have them. I could barely fit through last time I went. Hopefully by my next concert it won't be such a problem.
  • ichellebereel
    ichellebereel Posts: 55 Member
    When my so to be ex husband after 15 years of marriage told me I was to heavy to do the grown folks stuff. :brokenheart: Now when he comes over, he's calling everyone telling them how good I look. Hell my looks never change it's was my size. I never change from being the faithful, supportive wife. I always knew that I could lose weight did it so many times after having my babies, but on the other hand, he has lost his hair, teeth, and look old and I have gain so much more, self confidence (I GOT IT BACK...I think a little too much and I just started losing).
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109

    The most recent was getting out of someone's pool, and I snapped the step and cut my foot open. While I was told not to worry about it, it was getting old, a bunch of people had gotten out of the pool just fine without it snapping on them. It may not have been my weight, but it just happened to happen to the fattest person there. How could I have not been humiliated?

    I was at the beach and going on this ride on the boardwalk, and was the only one who had trouble getting the protection bars to come down. I blamed my boobs at the time, because once I adjusted a little bit, I was fine (for the most part), but I know my weight was one of the issues. I spent the rest of the night wanting to cry. A bunch of people, including my boyfriend, had to watch as the ride guy had to fight with the bars.

    And, of course, multiple times I've had to fight with protection bars and seatbelts on rides. You never feel huge until you get in a tiny seat and have to get stuff to click. Then the rest of the ride, you panic because your bar clicked only once.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    my worst was recently. i was at a dear friends house for poker night. my husband and his friend were in another room and i was crouched down looking at his kids little drum set. i tried to get up from that position and could not get my feet in front of me, so i toddled back and back until i finally landed on my butt, pushing a shredder into the wall where it broke the wall in a perfect circle. i was so embarrassed.. it was horrid. good thing they're good friends..

    my face still gets red thinking about it..
  • KDCrocker
    KDCrocker Posts: 12 Member
    I wasn't even present for the moment... My husband actually kicked a customer out of the bar we own for making comments about how fat I was after having our baby. He is too sweet to have told me about it, but one of our friends let it slip. I don't want him to ever have to defend me like that again!
  • heartnurse2012
    I was putting on my favorite pair off jeans to go out, doing the wiggle dance to get in them & not realizing how much I was truly wiggling and once I finally pulled them over my fat @$$ they ripped.

    All I could do was laugh bc it was kinda funny, and sad. But it was a wake up call to put the fork down !