What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    I've never really had any embarrassing 'fat' moments. Worst I've had is someone calling me a fat *kitten* at school. That stung for a while. :(
  • Cortnizzle
    Cortnizzle Posts: 26
    My five year old nephew was amazed that the number 110 even exists so I asked him "what do you think there could be 110 of?" and his answer was "mosquitoes. then they could all get on you and you could be skinny." Kinda stung a little bit, but still kinda funny because I secretly wish for that too lol.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    I have been heavy all my life...so I have had the "I didn't fit in the ride...got stuck in the outfit...called names in school" but the most memorable and degrating moment was in Middle school and semi-skinny chick, whom was more of an aquaintance, used to sing the "1-800-95-Jenny" song to me as I walked by...at the end of the year she signed my year book "Remember this summer...1-800-95-Jenny" She also wrote something similar on a shirt I passed around to have my "friends" sign.
    I was mortified.

    My family used to go boating a lot and we would swim in deep water, jumping off the boat. Once as a teen, I jumped in and swam but when it was time to get back in the boat I couldn't huff myself back ontot he platform! My Dad had to drag me back up onto the boat like a freaking whale!

    As an adult the most embarassing moment was when I broke my ankle because a yard swing came crashing down on it and the paramedics had to try and help me up to the gourney. I was over 300 lbs...they struggled!

    And yup all the crazy fat pics of FB is what finally made me change my life style!
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    Ah yes...I forgot the comments from my kids...."I don't wanna be big like you , mom".".why are all the other moms skinny?"
    I was just plain tired of being the biggest in the room all the time!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    My worst story is too sad to tell, unfortunately, but here's a less depressing one.

    I'd taken my son sledging at a place where you could hire skiwear. It was a few years ago when my weight was going up, and I couldn't fit into my own skiwear, so I asked to hire some in a size 20. I got the outfit, and really struggled to squeeze into it. It was stretched tight. I mean, I could hardly move. I felt as if I was upholstered, rather than dressed.

    I'm pretty sure that was also the time I hired wellies. I have no idea why I even bothered because I didn't fit into wellies even when I was much slimmer (a combination of big calves and little feet!). So there I was, in wellies which only pulled up to just above the ankle, so they were concertinaed up and trying to ping off at every step.

    I was so scared that I was going to just burst that outfit right open. Thankfully, through careful, robotic movements, I managed to avoid doing that. But when I handed it in, I found out that it was a size 16, and that that was the biggest size they had. I wish they'd just said.
  • sarahbethrn18
    sarahbethrn18 Posts: 127 Member
    I have literally cried reading some of these. At the cruelty of it all.

    Last night my almost three year old was was lifting up his shirt and pointing to his belly, everyone thought it was cute. Then he walked up to me and tried to lift up my shirt to see my belly. There was a consensus of "NO!" all around the room. So there's that...

    And I feel terrible when I am talking to people and I see their eyes stray down to my stomach. I know it's big, I know there's a roll there, I'm working on it!!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    it was when people started saying to me....oh my Karen, you look just like your Mum......

    My Mum was fat, and all my life people told me i looked like my Dad, I didn't LOOK like my Dad, what they meant was he was the thin one, and so was I, and when I put on weight people started to say I looked like my Mum, they meant I was fat...

    and when I was going to a Wedding with my Husband, I couldn't find anything to wear, and had to go into the 'fat' shop that my Mum used to use as it was the only place I could get something to fit....I cried in the changing room.

    And please don't think I didn't love my Mum, I did, but she was hugely overweight and in the end it led to her early death and spoiled the quality of the final stages of her life
  • colpol1
    colpol1 Posts: 59 Member
    I dont think I have a really embarrassing ones, but whenever I leave the house I feel embarrassed of myself, so yeah just being outside is a huge embarrassment for me because of how much I dislike my figure..plus I am quite paranoid so probably seriously over think things that everyone is staring and judging =\
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    A few years back I had bought a dress online to wear to church at Christmas time. I was a sized 20 at the time, I loved the dress and thought it looked and it felt great on me. Then a friend of mine saw me in the dress and made some rude remarks. She said my arms look humongous and you can see you fat rolls and back fat as well. Then said I should burn the dress cause it's so unflattering on me. This is me in the dress. Yes I'm fat but I felt good in this dress until she started running her mouth, I was mortified!


    ps....I look nothing like this now, this was in 2006. I'm no longer friends with the person mentioned either. Just want to slap the b*tch, she never had anything good to say about me and kept trying to do anything and everything possible to split me and my husband up.

    This ^^^^^^^
    You look beautiful in the dress. I love the style of that dress, especially the way it is cut under the bosom area.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member

    And I feel terrible when I am talking to people and I see their eyes stray down to my stomach. I know it's big, I know there's a roll there, I'm working on it!!

    ^^^^ This! I also have had a couple people's eyes stray to my stomach!! I hated it! I was starting to get the fat hang down stomach that hangs over the legs...oh my!! Thank goodness it is gone...I still have a pooch but it's not hanging down anymore! I was mortified at that!
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I was at one of those "Home Interior" parties sitting in a living room full of woman when I adjusted myself in the chair and it broke. I fell to the floor and I was going to laugh it off, but when I looked up I saw that absolutely no one was laughing and then I realized what they were all thinking of me. :/
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    A few years back I had bought a dress online to wear to church at Christmas time. I was a sized 20 at the time, I loved the dress and thought it looked and it felt great on me. Then a friend of mine saw me in the dress and made some rude remarks. She said my arms look humongous and you can see you fat rolls and back fat as well. Then said I should burn the dress cause it's so unflattering on me. This is me in the dress. Yes I'm fat but I felt good in this dress until she started running her mouth, I was mortified!


    ps....I look nothing like this now, this was in 2006. I'm no longer friends with the person mentioned either. Just want to slap the b*tch, she never had anything good to say about me and kept trying to do anything and everything possible to split me and my husband up.

    This ^^^^^^^
    You look beautiful in the dress. I love the style of that dress, especially the way it is cut under the bosom area.

    Thank-you, I loved it! The top half is made of metal thread and it was real cool feeling. I hated that someone who was supposed to be a friend told me to burn it and its ugly. I never wore it again I was too self conscious after that because I believed her opinion over mine
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Every time I have to suck it up and tiptoe carefully between seats to get to my seat in a crowded classroom. I'm so concerned I'm going to knock someones stuff down.
    I can't wait for when I don't need to be so cautious!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    I tried on jeans that didn't fit anymore and late last year or early this year, can't remember, I saw 140 on the scale and was disgusted. Ugh
  • stepherzzzzz
    stepherzzzzz Posts: 469 Member
    A customer at work asked me "will this be your first?" and I had no idea what she was talking about so I was just like "first what?" and she said "your first baby." I'm sure I must have turned blood red cause I could feel heat coming off my cheeks. I wasn't even very big. I'm 5'4.5" and I only weighed around 125-128 pounds at the time.
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    When my ex-husband and I were in Wal-Mart shopping for clothes for my 3-month-old daughter.... I was going to go down an aisle but saw it was blocked... so, I started backing up to get back out of the aisle. He started saying "beep beep beep" (that noise that big trucks make when they back up) and then yelled "watch out, shoppers, wide load coming through". There were tons of people everywhere and they all started laughing. I was mortified.

    Needless to say, the *kitten* and I are no longer married. My current husband would never act like that.

    What the hell kind of husband says something like that in front of everyone to his own wife? What a prick! Im so sorry!
  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member
    Bump to read later
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    When my mom gave me her old fat clothes -.-

    even worse.. my now ex husbands aunt brought in clothes from chicago AND said "but they still might be too small for YOU"

    UGH... and they were butt ugly to boot
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
  • Dreamerryu27
    Dreamerryu27 Posts: 281 Member
    I was swimming in the pool at my gym and my bathing suit top was too small. Well yeah my boob popped out and I had no clue why people were staring OOPPSSS LMAO!!!!!!!!!! I laugh now but I was really embarrassed then.