What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I guess last night is the most recent embarrassing "fat" moment. . .I asked my husband for a bite of his burrito and he told me that I couldn't have a bite and then he told me he loves me, but he'd love me more without diabetes (*kitten*, I don't even have diabetes). I guess he saw it somewhere on TV, but it still pissed me off. Telling me I'm fat without straight out saying it. Pisses me off just thinking about it actually, lol.
  • rachey_v
    rachey_v Posts: 127 Member
    I was at work (lobby staff for Mcdonalds at the time) 4/5 years ago and a teenage boy was throwing fries around so I politely asked him to stop... his reply was

    "sit on my face- I like fat"

    It's just as well a colleague was there to hold me back but that was just mortifying!

    I'm lucky enough that it's been the only time someone's said something to me out loud though!!
  • liftandcycle
    liftandcycle Posts: 209
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    I don't know about -most- embarrassing, but...

    A somewhat passive aggressive relative of mine has been buying me clothes for birthdays the past few years, which would be incredibly sweet, but she intentionally buys unflattering clothes several sizes too big to make a point. Ie, she once bought me an actual muumuu. It was a size 40. At the time, I was an 18. She told me, "I just think bigger women should dress appropriately for their size." Sigh. I know it's from a place of love.

    A car sales woman once commented that I should consider buying a car "made to fit larger people". For the record, we bought the compact, and neither of us have ever had trouble fitting in it. Facepalm.

    Oh, and a few weeks ago I caught my five year old son poking my stomach and giggling. It was actually kind of cute, but we were in public, and a man in line behind us snickered :(.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Also everytime i see my grandfather he tells me he wishes i would loose weight. I went to visit him in the hospital and stood there for 10 minutes while my uncle explained to me why i was fat and what i needed to do to loose weight. All i was doing was visiting my grandfather. I was so embarrased i ran out crying.

    That's so hurtful :(.
  • tiki1078
    tiki1078 Posts: 19 Member
    One of my worse moments was me being a bridesmaid in a friends wedding. I ordered my dress like everyone else did according to the size I was. Well when it was time for the wedding, I had gained so much weight I couldn't fit it and didnt have enough time to lose the weight or get another dress. A seamstress had to find some fabric to match the purple dress and sew in a lil xtra on the sides of the dress so that I could get into. I was so freaking embarrassed! I spent the entire day praying no one could tell..... I don't think anyone did since I kept my arms down all day or they just didn't say anything to me.
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    I went to a crab feast at someone's home with a large group of people.

    I was sitting in a chair at the table eating and the chair fell apart underneath me. I was so embarrassed I had to leave....:blushing:
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    bump for later
  • sophie_wr
    sophie_wr Posts: 194 Member
    "When are you due, you should be so excited ?" (random people at the supermarket or so)
    "hmmm.... i'm not pregnant" (me thinking: can I disappear, now ?)

    and also, not embarassing, but making me feeling very bad, when my dad (who has always be very mean to me with my weight) offered me a scale for christmas :cry:
  • crystaltate4
    oh girl its so nice to know i was not the only one with the rollercoaster story. mine was at bushe gardens and i was 300 plus and my husband wanted to ride a new roller coaster they had. this one had the lap bars. well needless to say they couldnt get my butt to go in te seat far enough for the lap bar to click all the way down and i had to get off the ride. it was so emabarrsing.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Oh, I went skiing for the first time a few years ago. They had to find me extra wide boots, and even then I was in terrible pain the entire time because my fat getting in the way twisted my legs at an odd angle. I should have just skipped the slopes (in retrospect it was kind of dangerous), but I was embarrassed and stubborn. One of my friends invites me out to his parent's house to ski every single winter and I make up lame excuses to avoid it because I don't want to go through that again. Maybe I'll take him up on it this year?
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Being asked when I was due
  • CynthiaMayela
    when everyone ask me if I'm pregnant, and most embarrasing when they ask me in front of my husband :devil: instead of answering I want to kick their buttttt
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    I was at a retirement dinner for a good friend, infront of about 300 people, I got up to go get my food and my pants split up the back from the crotch to my belt.....infront of 300 people.....

    made me sick......
  • rocketpopsicles
    Mine was last summer - when it REALLY hit me I HAD to lose weight...

    I was at a local theme park that I always go to in the summer, and I got on my favourite ride (Which I waited in line for for OVER 2 hours!)

    Well, sure enough, I got in the seat, but when I pulled down the chest piece that holds you in, it wouldn't lock..
    The attendant said to grab another seat as it may be that seat.. so I did.. and same problem.
    Sure enough EVERYONE knew what was wrong - I was to fat to ride the ride..

    I ended up not going on anything else and just walking and watching my friends go on everything for the rest of the day.

    $65 to find out I was to fat for the rides.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I have one too many:
    Breaking a piano chair, breaking wooden chairs, and breaking a toilet
    Having to squeeze into a plane seat
    When I was at a buffett getting dessert and this guy said to me thats why youre so fat
    Not being able to get seatbelts around me in friend's cars

    Guess thats why it's time to change...
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    My first boyfriend (I believe I was twelve) broke up with me because I was "weird and fat." I don't think my feelings had ever been hurt so badly in my life. I was 12, 5' 4'' and a size 9 to 11 and had no chest. I believe after that I started losing weight. I went from a size 9 or 11 to a 2 or 4, then in high school I was an 8. The hilarious thing was that he sent me a Facebook message when I was 19 or 20 saying how hot I was and asking if he had a chance... while he was dating one of my friends.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    When I ran into someone I hadn't seen in a few years and he said, "Holy *kitten*, what happened to you!? You used to be hot!"

  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    when my daughter in the 2nd grade cried because a boy in her class told her her mommy was fat.

    I have several, but my daughter once said that she didn't want to grow up and be fat like me. And one time, her friend as her mom right in front of me, "Mommy, why her mom so BIG?" Kids say the rudest things! I wanted to smack the crap out of that little girl but I laughed it off and then cried later.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    A few years back I had bought a dress online to wear to church at Christmas time. I was a sized 20 at the time, I loved the dress and thought it looked and it felt great on me. Then a friend of mine saw me in the dress and made some rude remarks. She said my arms look humongous and you can see you fat rolls and back fat as well. Then said I should burn the dress cause it's so unflattering on me. This is me in the dress. Yes I'm fat but I felt good in this dress until she started running her mouth, I was mortified!


    ps....I look nothing like this now, this was in 2006. I'm no longer friends with the person mentioned either. Just want to slap the b*tch, she never had anything good to say about me and kept trying to do anything and everything possible to split me and my husband up.