What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • JusticeGirl25
    JusticeGirl25 Posts: 703 Member
    I'd have to say eating fair food. Lots and lots of deep fried foods. For the first time in my life, I actually felt fat when I got home.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    was at Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ years ago...got on a ride, lap bars came down and I was like "whew"...then they popped back up...operator said "ok, pull your lap bars down again"..so we all did...seconds later they popped back up. The operator went to the control panel to see what the problem was...looked at me and told me i need to get off because the lap bars couldn't securely close...i had to get off in front of all the people on the ride and all the people waiting in line....how embarassing.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    Running on the track outside in gym class in 7th grade and being in front of a bunch of boys my age and overhearing them saying "Look at the girl with the fat *kitten*!! Hahahaha!" and they did NOT mean it in a nice way. I let them pass me and walked the whole rest of the way and never wore shorts to gym class again. That was when I first realized that I was a lot chubbier than some of the other girls my age and started hating my body.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Realizing that the reason the arm rest between the seats on the airplane wouldn't go all the way down was because of my fat hips. Now I have enough room in my seat to put my purse right next to me.
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member
    i hated being asked by people if i was pregnant. i can remember the first time it happened like it was yesterday. I went into a gas station to buy cigarettes and the man said "you shouldn't be smoking if you're expecting" i was like whatttttttt and he was like "you're pregnant"... i cried so much that day.

    i also think it's super embarrassing getting stuck in clothes that are too small..
  • greeshu_89
    greeshu_89 Posts: 136 Member
    I flew to Florida to visit family, it was only the second time I had flown and been at least 15 years and 130 larger. The plane was small, and I kept bumping people trying to find my seat as I was one of the last to board. I finally get to the seat, and couldn't get my bag to fit overhead, had to head back down the isle bumping into everyone again. Then I make it back to the seat and squeeze into the seat next to a really sweet 19 year old who became my friend over the next hour. I wish I could tell his mother what a wonderful young man he was... he gladly switched seats (I had the window side) and helped me get settled... then I realized the seat belt wouldn't go around me. I was mortified.... I was scared because it had been so long since I had flown, but now not only scared, I was just dying of embarrassment. I had to flag down the flight attendant to let her know my belt wouldn't fit. Again, the plane was so small everyone knew my seat belt didn't fit. She brought me an extender, all the while holding up the flight which was already late. I was getting flustered, and my face was red...the kind young man beside me was trying to calm me down... he made me miss my girls who would have done the very same thing he was. I am glad that I didn't have to stay on that plane for long, and was soon on a larger plane headed to FL, and didn't need an extender on that plane, but I had charlie horses in my legs the entire flight... i was a nervous wreck by the time I got to Tampa. I will have to say my second flight back home was much better, but I vowed I was losing weight, enough is enough.

    Then of course there is the time I stood on my new kitchen chair to reach something in the cabinet and it broke...crumbled underneath me... in all the years I've been climbing on my chairs as ladders... only family there, but it hurt my pride, and I always check weight limits now. LOL

    I've just started this journey here with fitnesspal, but prior to finding this last week, I lost 20lbs over the last two months, and looking forward to using the site... so far I love it. :)

    Its really sad how many such experiences each one of us have. Our only mistake being over weight.
    I too had a broken chair experience. But it was even worse because i was only 16 that time. The chair i was sitting on broke that too in front of all my classmates. they had a laughed heartily. Even the teacher was barely able to hide his smile. All I could do was try to hold back my tears and run out of the class. That was some 8 years back. Even today I feel the same pain when I think about that moment. The worst moment of course!
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    My grandma introducing me to relatives for the first time as "the chubby one"

    A girl I was showing how to weight train asked me, "Do you think you'll ever be as skinny as me? Is that like, your goal"

    Or my sister-in-law laughing at me when I liked a shirt in Maraposa, "Oh, Jen, that store isn't for fat girls like you, it's only for skinny girls like me! NOTHING in there will fit you! hahahaha"

    Or when I made her maternity pajama pants and she exclaimed, "Oh Jen, those are HUGE! they would alllllmost fit YOU"

    Or someone having a friend to introduce me to because, "You are both fat, you'll have sooooo much in common!"

    Or when I went to get a dress for my honeymoon and the woman "helping" me looked at my chest and was like OOOOOhhhhh you have BIG... you need extra, extra, extra, extra large. (yes... that many extras)

    shall I go on? *rolls eyes*

    your sister in law is a mean b*tch. u don't have to put up with her stupid comments. have u told your brother about that?

    you shouldn't have to put up with that. :flowerforyou:
  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    your sister in law is a mean b*tch. u don't have to put up with her stupid comments. have u told your brother about that?

    you shouldn't have to put up with that. :flowerforyou:

    Awwwwww....... thanks! She's been pretty nasty about my weight because she's like a size 4 and gets all of her self esteem from that fact that to her skinny = hot. That's just a smaaaall sample of her comments, lol, trust me. I did tell my husband, but he was of the mind that it's just ___ she doesn't know what she's saying. Until we went to visit again a few years ago when I was expecting my youngest. When we told hubby's folks she was like, "Oh, Jen... you look so GOOD!" then when everyone else left the room she looked at me and said, "Jen, wow, you've really gotten fat! You are only two months pregnant and I wasn't even that huge when I went into labour!" We went for a walk and I didn't bring shorts (guess why, lol) she said she had a pair that miiiiiiiiiiiiiiight fit me because, "I tried them on when I was pregnant and they just fell right off they were so huge. Then she gave me that "look" and said, "They miiiight fit you, Jen" I use to get hurt and p*ssed off. Now? I just feel sorry for her that she doesn't have confidence in herself and that she needs some loser boyfriend who says she's Hot/Skinny just so that she feels worthwhile as a human being. Plus I think she's got a hate on for me because 1) I'm "Fat" and yet happy and 2) her then husband cheated on her with a "fat" girl that's like me: a non-size 4 tomboy.... ;) p.s. it's her friend that still lives here that has continued her, "Jen's fat" thread... I've managed to finally take HER comments and use them as inspiration for what I don't want in my girls' heads. All that "don't eat" "drink gallons of green tea" or when someone comes over and is like, "Jen you should be drinking apple cider vinegar.... it'll help you not be so faaaat" or "You walk THAT far to work? How are you still fat?" LOL People be CRAZY!

    Let 'em. More fuel for the fire that powers my weight lifting... and my illustrious career as a basement MMA fighter-chick.... lol
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    When I asked a fat girl when she was due when she wasnt even pregnant. Lesson learned.

    Mine is similar - when someone asked ME if I was pregnant!
    You stole my answer :) only made it worse that my 6 month old was in the cart :(

    This except my 10 month old was on my hip. An old family friend asked me when My baby was due. I just looked at her and looked at my son and said this is my baby...