do you get jealous



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Hey man as long as it's my name he calls in bed I could care less.

    But seriously no. I'd be more concerned if he had a crush on an obtainable person, not some star that doesn't know he exists. Now if I end up compared to them, then we have a problem. Daydreams are nice, but keep them in your head.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    Heck no. His is Zooey Deschanel (whose isn't?) and I think I'd be just as happy with a roll in the hay with her as he would.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    nope doesn't bother me
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Honestly, I have no idea who my bf's celeb crush is. He's never mentioned one, even though I've asked him several times. Hell, I point out hot female celebs all the time and he never says anything! I don't see any point in being jealous of celeb crushes though. He knows how I pine for Adam Levine, and he's ok with it lol...

    A couple football seasons ago we went to a Cowboys game (right after Miles Austin was moved to starter) for his birthday and I kept going on and on about how cute he was so he had his friend get me a pink Miles Austin jersey...I think he has a good sense of humor about it!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    ...Yes. My bf loves Sofia Vergara and I know I'll never be able to measure up to her. The woman is perfection. :(
    If it makes you feel any better, the chick is a HUGE *****! We've shot State Farm commercials with her and she's not a pleasant person! She may be "perfect" in terms of physical appearance, but she's annoying, demanding and *****y to all Hell!
    Wow, you're a real professional.

    Call it like I see it.

    You're still supposed to be professional, but whatever.

    Professional on a weight loss website? Seriously?? Lighten up dude.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Heck no. His is Zooey Deschanel (whose isn't?) and I think I'd be just as happy with a roll in the hay with her as he would.

    I love her too ! She is
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    ...Yes. My bf loves Sofia Vergara and I know I'll never be able to measure up to her. The woman is perfection. :(
    If it makes you feel any better, the chick is a HUGE *****! We've shot State Farm commercials with her and she's not a pleasant person! She may be "perfect" in terms of physical appearance, but she's annoying, demanding and *****y to all Hell!
    Wow, you're a real professional.

    Call it like I see it.

    You're still supposed to be professional, but whatever.

    Professional on a weight loss website? Seriously?? Lighten up dude.

    yea, how would we ever have TMZ and every other gossip blog out there if it weren't for the unprofessional stories we all love?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. just tells me what kind of outfit I need to buy.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    ...Yes. My bf loves Sofia Vergara and I know I'll never be able to measure up to her. The woman is perfection. :(
    If it makes you feel any better, the chick is a HUGE *****! We've shot State Farm commercials with her and she's not a pleasant person! She may be "perfect" in terms of physical appearance, but she's annoying, demanding and *****y to all Hell!
    Wow, you're a real professional.

    Call it like I see it.

    You're still supposed to be professional, but whatever.

    Professional on a weight loss website? Seriously?? Lighten up dude.

    yea, how would we ever have TMZ and every other gossip blog out there if it weren't for the unprofessional stories we all love?

    I guess I thought we were all supposed to be professional, regardless of where or when.

  • BeachBobbie
    My husband is in love with many women he sees on television and in magazines. I on the other hand I am not allowed to even smirk when I see some of the men I think are hot.

    that double standard crap. he can look at maxim magazine and I am a jerk for looking at Adam Levine in the nude! (google it...prostate cancer shoot with adam levine) Hot HOT HOOOOOT!!!!!
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Nope...and if given the chance, I'd say go for it! As long as I can do the same if my celeb crush comes my way! :wink:
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Nope. My husband and I's celebrity crushes are Brad Pitt & Jennifer Aniston. We call them our "freebies"
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Heck no. His is Zooey Deschanel (whose isn't?) and I think I'd be just as happy with a roll in the hay with her as he would.

    I donot dig Zooey. For some reason she comes off as very vague and phoney to me. Not that I'm dissing anyone who likes her
  • kaymarie78
    kaymarie78 Posts: 104
    Not at all! A little fantasy never hurt anyone! I have my celebrity crushes, so it's only right he should have his too! And one of his is Reba McEntire, so it's hard to be jealous of her lol.
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    No, I don't even know who my bf has a celebrity crush on.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i bet she thinks about her celebrity crush when we "do it"..i don't care.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    ...Yes. My bf loves Sofia Vergara and I know I'll never be able to measure up to her. The woman is perfection. :(

    I love Sofia too, and I'm straight. Can't blame him lol!

    Same here. She's funny and beautiful, I can see why he'd like her. I'd need to lose like 7 inches in my waist to be anywhere near her size but still.
  • jessicae1aine
    I don't get jealous of any crush my SOs have. It's human nature to look, and I'm not their keeper.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!
  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member

    Id say can I join?
