do you get jealous



  • jessicae1aine
    My wife likes Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Sean Connery. I just have to wait them out. They'll all die of old age soon.

    Smart thinking!

    Hell, I've got to admit Sam Elliot is pretty hot... and I'm not even 30.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    Not at all. My hubs has a thing for Nick Minaj. Doesn't bother me a bit.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    My wife likes Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Sean Connery. I just have to wait them out. They'll all die of old age soon.
    Damn Sean Connery...:laugh:
    Your wife and mine like REAL MEN!
    That's why I never was troubled, because I knew I made the cut.
    If she was all into the toy boy types....that might bother me....
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    My wife likes Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Sean Connery. I just have to wait them out. They'll all die of old age soon.

    Your wife has pretty darn good taste in men. ;)
  • efarrar13
    efarrar13 Posts: 78
    Maybe it isn't the celeb thing as much as she doesn't react that way with you?
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    No. I'd have a feeling if I knew he had a real life crush!
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    ...Yes. My bf loves Sofia Vergara and I know I'll never be able to measure up to her. The woman is perfection. :(

    If it makes you feel any better, the chick is a HUGE *****! We've shot State Farm commercials with her and she's not a pleasant person! She may be "perfect" in terms of physical appearance, but she's annoying, demanding and *****y to all Hell!

    damn girl, spill that tea!
  • Alluring72
    Alluring72 Posts: 50 Member
    No jealousy - we talk about all sorts of body shapes - male and female and our reactions to them. He and I and an additional player (male or female) - now that would be fun!
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    Not at all. We each have our list of five that if we meet we are allowed (by eachother) to go as far as we want with them.

    We even share some of the same people.

    It's all good.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    I don't, but my fiance does of my devotion to Alec Baldwin as Jack Donaghy on 30 Rock. ; )
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    This is no lie.....if there is a hot girl on t.v. my husband looks away.....i think he thinks it is disrespectful....hell i am looking why shouldnt he!!!!!
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I appreciate your insights and I agree professional help is needed if the "jealousy" was an uncrontrollable infatuation. In fact, years ago I did seek and I have since found a new way of handling these remuninations. My post is more for curiosity sake to see how others feel on the subject. Sure, I feel a little insecure with it but it's nothing serious that would jepordize our relationship.
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    Not anymore. That ship sailed a long time ago.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I hate how girls get the "psycho" label just for being insecure and a tiny bit jealous. Have you ever considered that there's a reason a lot of us are insecure? I've dated 4 men so far and got cheated on by 2 of them. I think that would shatter a lot of girls' confidence, especially since I didn't have much to begin with. I'm not insane, I just want to know whether I can trust him or not and if I measure up. When you come from a broken home and being told constantly that you aren't good enough, of course you're going to be insecure and jealous. Not everyone is given a good foundation for a healthy body image and self esteem so it's a lot harder for some of us. Glad to know that I'm a psycho. :/

    I don't think he was referring to your post.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    Nope, I seem to lack the chemicals or whatever to make me jealous of anything, to the point where it annoyed my other half. He used to get upset that girls would hit on him and I didn't mind, personally i believe if someone is going to play away no amount of jealousy or possessiveness will prevent it so why bother?
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    From the two of us..... I am the one with a "celebrity" crush... a few of them, actually..... I never tell and he doesn't know... I think. He may get jealous and I don't like it when he feels insecure. Part of the fun of the crush is that the probability of an encounter is highly unlikely.... meeting them always results in disappointment....(shrug).

    If my Sweetie thinks a celeb is cute/beautiful/sexy, usually it is because she reminds him of me somehow.... Penelope Cruz' huge brown eyes.... Salma Hayek's frame..... that both have dark hair and olive skin.... so how can I possibly be jealous?
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    My husband is in love with Sade. I am not jealous. She is banging for her age and I just hope I look half as good then.

    He on the other hand gets very jealous of my love for Joe Manganiello and does not ever want to hear about it again... which makes life difficult since Magic Mike comes out on Friday.

    this is where I'm at too. She's pumped to see Magic Mike. I want her to go see it and have fun with her friends. I just have a difficult time seeing how excited she is to see it becuase of who is in it. Ugh! What's wrong with me!?

    Nothing is wrong with you. And if it bothers you to hear about it, she ought to be a little more considerate (and maybe grow up).

    She's actually quite considerate of my feelings. She's not the issue. It's just some overlapping insecure feelings I have. Now, there are other girls from past relationship that I think this would totally apply to. lol
  • efarrar13
    efarrar13 Posts: 78
    Maybe it isn't the celeb thing as much as she doesn't react that way with you?

    Meant to hit quote and not reply...this was for the guy who said he got jealous of his wife.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I hate how girls get the "psycho" label just for being insecure and a tiny bit jealous. Have you ever considered that there's a reason a lot of us are insecure? I've dated 4 men so far and got cheated on by 2 of them. I think that would shatter a lot of girls' confidence, especially since I didn't have much to begin with. I'm not insane, I just want to know whether I can trust him or not and if I measure up. When you come from a broken home and being told constantly that you aren't good enough, of course you're going to be insecure and jealous. Not everyone is given a good foundation for a healthy body image and self esteem so it's a lot harder for some of us. Glad to know that I'm a psycho. :/

    Girl, I come from a broken home (mom cheated on my dad) and I've been cheated on by 5 of the 6 boyfriends I've ever had in my life---and I think it's ridiculous to be insecure or jealous when it comes to a CELEBRITY crush. There is a difference in general insecurity that many of us have, and just flat out ridiculousness. It's human nature to find other people attractive, especially when they're being presented to us on TV in a "look how incredibly sexy I am" way. It's not like he's gonna magically jump into the TV/magazine and bone whatever celeb he's ogling.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I hate how girls get the "psycho" label just for being insecure and a tiny bit jealous. Have you ever considered that there's a reason a lot of us are insecure? I've dated 4 men so far and got cheated on by 2 of them. I think that would shatter a lot of girls' confidence, especially since I didn't have much to begin with. I'm not insane, I just want to know whether I can trust him or not and if I measure up. When you come from a broken home and being told constantly that you aren't good enough, of course you're going to be insecure and jealous. Not everyone is given a good foundation for a healthy body image and self esteem so it's a lot harder for some of us. Glad to know that I'm a psycho. :/

    My ex-wife was definitely a "psycho" in every sense of the word. From your posts I've seen, you've only said it bothers you "slightly". I would hardly place that into anything resembling psychotic behavior. I just think it's ridiculous to be jealous (and some to the point of rage/anger) because your SO (married or not) thinks someone else on TV is attractive! ANYONE, and I do mean anyone... who thinks for a second that they are the only person their SO has or ever will think of as attractive is in extreme denial. We are all human. There are about 200 million or more of each sex just here in the U.S. I understand jealousy for the right reasons... and when there is a good and valid reason for it. Someone on TV... not so much.