do you get jealous



  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Nope, seems a silly thing to waste my energy on. Although...I did a little when he, ahem..."suggested", I work on getting a butt like her's. But I was more irritated by the comment than jealous of the girl. Does that count? LOL
  • MoveTheMountain
    My husband is in love with Sade. I am not jealous. She is banging for her age and I just hope I look half as good then.

    He on the other hand gets very jealous of my love for Joe Manganiello and does not ever want to hear about it again... which makes life difficult since Magic Mike comes out on Friday.

    this is where I'm at too. She's pumped to see Magic Mike. I want her to go see it and have fun with her friends. I just have a difficult time seeing how excited she is to see it becuase of who is in it. Ugh! What's wrong with me!?

    Nothing is wrong with you. And if it bothers you to hear about it, she ought to be a little more considerate (and maybe grow up).
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    i bet she thinks about her celebrity crush when we "do it"..i don't care.

    Smart man!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    ....of the "celebrity" crush your SO has?

    Does your SO have a "celebrity" crush? Do you get jealous?

    No - Jesus I wish he'd get one. Then maybe I would quit getting slack every time I drool over some cute celeb.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    Nope, but the BF gets bent outta shape everytime I mention Trey Songz or Jay Hernandez! Cannot help that those men are drop dead sexy!
  • lori__lynn
    lori__lynn Posts: 59
    not even sure who my SO's crush is....but I wouldn't get jealous, they'll never get him anyway. :)

    I have many celebrity crushes!
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Hell no, who the hell would! :huh:
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    I arranged for my wife to meet her celeb crush Jason Mraz. She even got a kiss!

    You are simply awesome! :drinker:

    Thanks :smile:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    My wife likes Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Sean Connery. I just have to wait them out. They'll all die of old age soon.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Not at all! But only because its Mila Kunis. I was actually EXTREMELY surprised that his celeb crush was her. He usually likes white girls with big boobs. I love Mila Kunis. She is sooo cute. I actually think she is attractive, so I approve. Normally we have completely different taste in women. I usually think the girls he thinks are hot are "Meh" or below and he feels the same way about girls I think are attractive.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    Yep. I'm the jealous type.
  • MoveTheMountain
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I'm not sure I agree... first off, who, over the age of 10, actually has a 'crush' on someone? Yes, as adults, we see people every day that we're attracted to, that we may or may not have access to or a chance with. But why would anyone blather on about how hot someone else is to or in front of their SO? Just seems a little tasteless - almost like the desire is to get a reaction out of them. Seems a little immature/toxic in and of itself...
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    No. And thankfully my hubby has no problem with mine, and has even said he can be my "freebie" and I can pretend he is him during sex if i wanted to. lol. Not that I do, I love my hubby! Those fantasies are separate. ;p
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    No, although to be fair I think my husband's celebrity crush is ugly (Kate Beckinsale). But even if I didn't think so, what's there to be jealous of? Clearly his crush extends only to the point that he finds her physically attractive, which is an uncontrolled biological response. He doesn't have a crush on her as a person, because he has not and will not ever meet her.

    If my SO was jealous of a celebrity crush, I would be ending the clearly insecure relationship with him.

    Best response I've seen yet... I think you have some pretty serious issues if you're jealous of a celeb crush and truly need to seek professional help! My ex-wife used to get jealous of women on TV all the time or pretty much any other woman for that matter... regardless of if I looked at them or not. It was completely and utterly exhausting and toxic.

    One girl said... "My SO is not ALLOWED to have one." among other things... Ummmm... BUH BYE! She screams psycho all over her post... and says her man digs jealousy. I can see the initial flattery with that... but something like that long term. Hell no!

    I hate how girls get the "psycho" label just for being insecure and a tiny bit jealous. Have you ever considered that there's a reason a lot of us are insecure? I've dated 4 men so far and got cheated on by 2 of them. I think that would shatter a lot of girls' confidence, especially since I didn't have much to begin with. I'm not insane, I just want to know whether I can trust him or not and if I measure up. When you come from a broken home and being told constantly that you aren't good enough, of course you're going to be insecure and jealous. Not everyone is given a good foundation for a healthy body image and self esteem so it's a lot harder for some of us. Glad to know that I'm a psycho. :/
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    Nope! But only because she's not in the realm of "real". Now if there was another woman that looked like her and acted like friggen' bet I'd be jealous of that crush...
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    love it!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,277 Member
    Please, not at all.
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    So funny, my husband and I have a list of 3 celebs. each that if we get the chance of meeting and xxx would not be considered cheating! So I guess no! Hahaha
  • La_Lola
    La_Lola Posts: 10
    Not at all
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    We have the same it's pretty convenient.

    I would be jealous if he got to tap that and didn't invite me though.

    Sharing is caring.