

  • 4everhealthy
    Hello All, A new month and i'm workin on my exercises this month, I've got my tracking okay and calories in range. Doing one step at a time. Breaking habits is my goal! And getting healthly and fir. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :smile:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Wow! Where did August go?
    I can't remember my goals, but I have continued to lose pounds slowly. My water drinking is kaput, though.

    Lose 3 pounds.
    Get back to exercising daily. (Flab really returns in a hurry!)
    Drink at least some water daily.

    :happy: :happy:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wishful- I agree on the water drinking. I've tried so many different things and still barely drink 2-3 glasses a day. I guess I just like fresh well water right out of the tap.

    Marie- Glad to hear your packed for success for travelling. Hopefully, the hotels will have weight rooms and pools. Also, check their cables stations for excercise shows. That always helped me when I travelled to break things up a little.

    To everyone- please be careful where you go and be aware of your surroundings. I do reports for an abuse clinic at the medical center I work at and I'm sorry to say that violent crimes are on the rise and it seems due to all the economic problems the world is having. Sorry to have to say anything so serious on a forum that's about motivation. The numbers the last several months have been going up for several of the crime related clinics. Staff are all being encouraged to take safety measures when working outside normal work hours.

    Now, to try and end on a positive note- Good luck to all of us with our choices for tomorrow.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    GOOD EVENING EVERYONE:flowerforyou: First I'll address August goals:happy:
     find exercises to get rid of the wiggly flab I'm getting.
     eat more veggies and fruits.
     get into a size 14
    I found doing standing crunches have helped tighten up the belly a little. :happy:
    I have managed to eat more fruits and veggies. :happy:
    I'm very comfortable in a size 16:wink: Heading to a 14:huh: was a tight 18:explode:
    I was dragged to the buffet 2 times:ohwell: (kicking and screaming):tongue:
    I guess 2 and a half ain't bad:laugh:
    Now for today:embarassed: The best laid plans of mice and a dieting woman don't always go as planned. :sick: To make a long story short, me + stress equals over eating to the tune of 688 calories (at least ) and toooo full and sick to exercise. I am going through a rough spot at work, trying to decide what to do about it and am stressing.:frown:
    As for the chicken packet:love: take 4 oz boneless, skinless chicken breast. place on a sheet of foil season with what ever spices you like, you can use lite italian dressing, Mrs. Dash, Herbs. whatever you like. Add about 2 to 3 cups of what ever veggies you like. Frozen brocolli, spinach, mixed veggies, mushrooms any combination you like. seal foil tightly, put on grill, in oven or toaster oven and cook app. 20 minutes. You can also use lean pork or fish. I've done the chicken breast with mushrooms, 3 kinds of peppers and brocolli and it was only about 200 calories:wink:
    Everyone have a wonderful evening:flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Yesterday I rode with Jake in the golf cart for nine holes. It was so cold that I wore a long sleeved shirt, a sweater, a windbreaker, a wool scarf, and gloves. The course was beautiful and he played well. I brought a book to read so I could make myself stay in the cart and not get out and walk around and distract him. He got lots of exercise and I got none. :sad: :sad: I did take the dogs to the dog park later and then rode the exercise bike for the 20 minutes I have as my goal. I forgot the to use the hand weights later so I’m off to a modestly good start for September.

    There are lots of great goals for the month and I’m resisting my natural impulse to think that your goals are better than mine and that I should change.

    It is great to see some new faces. I hope you post regularly so we can get to know you. Each day can be a new beginning so if you mess up, just get back on the wagon again and make a new start. None of us would be doing this at age 50+ if we had done it perfectly the first time we decided to make a change.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I hope your September trip is the greatest. You brought a great supply of healthy living tools along with your great attitude. I know you’ll do well and drop a few pounds even while on the road. I hope you’ll be able to check in with us sometimes.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on your weight loss.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, it’s good to have you back and good to hear that your mom is doing better.

    :flowerforyou: 4everhealthy, I like your idea about breaking habits. I don’t think I realized how many bad habits I had (like bringing the bag of chips to the computer and munching mindlessly the whole time until the bag was empty)

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary---thanks for the repeat of the chicken packet recipe and about the stress at work, “don’t let the bozos get you down.” :laugh:

    Hugs to all:heart::love: :heart:
  • babysteps
    Since I'm till new here, I will keep reading the posts and jump in when I'm a bit more comfortable with who's who and what's what! :smile:

    Congratulations to those of you who have had losses ~ keep up the good work! My WI is on Friday and I will post here with my results, one way or the other. I'm hoping for a small loss or at least to STS but what will be will be. Meanwhile, I'll stay OP and drink all my water.

    Take care,
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Evening everyone that is still up. I had pretty good day. A little rocky at dinner as the one I made everyone else looked fantastic. and I'm so so good a cook. Well, so so.

    I took eggplant and cut it 1 1/2 inch thick, dipped it in bread crumbs and cooked it in a little canola oil. Then I did the same with small fingers of chicken breast. I lay the slices of eggplant in a casserole dish, placed the fried chicken fingers on top, ladled some cooked spagetti sauce on top and topped with fat free cheese. Baked it for 15 minutes then served. It was really pretty. Even the 6 year old ate most of it. (he was kinda starving anyways).:laugh:
    I ate my frozen dinner then three slices of the eggplant I'd fried. Really good. I had to give up my popcorn and dressing so it all worked out. Well, I am still up for the challenge and praying for a 20 pds loss for my B-Day in November. kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    :smile: Hi Lillyrose,
    I'm glad your on MFP. I was on for a few months but mostly doing Jillian Michaels and exercising like crazy. I lost 25 pds and 3 sizes and then kind got stuck and gained back ten. Finally, I started praying for God to change me because I just couldn't get motivated again. It's only been 3 days but I am feeling so much better. I am walking 20 minutes and working in my 6 year old's class for 3 hours. I am staying off the scales and going to way in in one week. Well, welcome. I love this site. It is the only support I have. I look forward everyday writing and connecting. Hope you do too. kc
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    GOOOOD Morning everyone:flowerforyou: today is a new day and I am praying God gives me the strength to make good choices and stick to the plan:happy: All that rich food yesterday wiped me out:noway: I went to bed at 9:30n and slept til the alarm went off at 5am.:noway: I hardly ever sleep more than 5 hours.:yawn: I am praying this morning for God to help me find my way in regards to my job. I really feel like I am being taken for granted.:angry: I was given a new title and promised an
    increase in salary. But all I've gotten is an increase in work and responsilbility.:grumble: So here's to all the Bosses and their promises:drinker:
    :flowerforyou: Alice I love the picture of your Yorkie
    :flowerforyou: Barbie thank you : as always you are our biggest cheerleader and shoulder to lean on.
    :flowerforyou: Jeanie; I know what you mean about crime. There was a police officer shot and killed and his partner wounded in their cruiser, as they were getting ready to pursue a suspect on foot. It happened several mile from my home.
    :flowerforyou: 4ever heaalthy; Do you live in Delaware? You are the spitting image of my husbands cousin.
    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity: your picture is "fabulous":happy:
    :flowerforyou: Yeah Birdie, keep up the good work:happy:
    :drinker: Esther; I wish I had time to do Curves. It sounds like alot of fun:happy:
    Well gotta get to work:grumble:
    Everyone have a wonderful day and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water, Rosemary
  • ellens292
    Well, I am going to jump in here.

    Have been AWOL most of Aug. And haven't lost at all, in fact have found a few pounds I thought I had lost for good. But, as Barbie said, it's a new day - and a new month even. Ready for a new start.

    Goals for Sept
    . - exercise 30 plus minutes a day, [I do mostly walking with a little strength training] 5 to 6 days a week.
    - eat healthy, diabetic diet cutting back on carbs to 5 to 6 per day [ This is the toughest for me]
    - not setting a weight loss goal this month but concentrating on the these 2 and see where it takes me.
    - and I will try not to be weighing myself every day, aim for once or twice a week.

    Seems like lots of new people since I was here last - all the best to each of you.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Bright and sunny here again today. Figures that the weather would get nice once the kids are back in school.

    I consider yesterday a success because I only went over my planned calories by 200:tongue: Today I will stay within my alotted amount - even if I have to go to bed when I get home from work:laugh:
    I need to try harder to push past the obstacles preventing me from exercising at night because every day there is something. Be it tasks to do for my MIL, company dropping by, homework (my least favourite thing but my daughter is just starting out in high school and requires a bit of help). Because of these factors beyond my control, it makes much more sense to get my butt up at 5:30 and do some form of exercise before my day gets started. I have tried before but I was too lazy and rolling over for a little more sleep won out every time. I had to change my ticker the wrong way and it was extremely painful to do so I am recommitting for the zillionth time and I will do it!!!!!

    So this month I have decided to heed Barbiecat's advise to set goals within my power to achieve:

    I will exercise for a minimum of 3 hrs per week
    I will re-quit diet soda
    I will drink 70 oz of water a day
    I will re-quit sweets
    I will start each day with the best of intentions to nourish my body in a healthy way
    I will weigh in on Fridays (and hope like heck for a 2lb/wk loss:wink: )

    I will continue to post, journal my food and exercise and chart my progress - not my lack thereof!!

    Thanks for being here for me:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    So this month I have decided to heed Barbiecat's advise to set goals within my power to achieve:

    I will exercise for a minimum of 3 hrs per week
    I will re-quit diet soda
    I will drink 70 oz of water a day
    I will re-quit sweets
    I will start each day with the best of intentions to nourish my body in a healthy way
    I will weigh in on Fridays (and hope like heck for a 2lb/wk loss:wink: )

    I will continue to post, journal my food and exercise and chart my progress - not my lack thereof!!

    Thanks for being here for me:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day


    I like your "re-quit" goals. We all have those 're-quits"! We're here for you!

    Yesterday was good for me as well as far as my eating. So...the new beginning was a good beginning :wink:

    Hope you all have a great day,
  • babysteps
    Morning everyone! Do you ever have one of those days when everything works out just the way you want it to? Me neither ~ except for today! Except for a tiny spat with my DD while driving her to school and my DGKs to daycare, everything has come together well. My new elliptical trainer just arrived and I will be assembling it after my WI today. I usually WI on Fridays, but I feel a bit thinner than normal so maybe I will lose a bit. :laugh:

    I'll post later and let you know how my WI went and whether or not I was able to put together my new machine! Hope everyone has a super day and things for you go as planned!

    Take care,
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Deborah: Where do you weigh in? I will be weighing in next monday or tuesday to being a 4 week "Biggest Loser" competition at Curves. We'll see how well I do! :laugh: Hope you are able to get your eliptical trainer put together and not have any pieces left over! :laugh: :laugh:
  • thechurchlady
    HI all...here's a good question! but let's start with a story..

    I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I did not each lunch at work to save time since I had to leave early...BIG mistake!:sad:

    I was really hungry, so I stopped by Mcdonald's on the way home, before heading to my appointment...:huh: I know, I know,,,DUMB move!!! :huh: ...and ended up eating over a 1000 calories....

    now, that's destroyed the rest of my day:mad:

    here's the question part...should I just not eat the rest of the day :noway: , or just allow myself to go over my limits today! :frown:

    I don't like either choice! :grumble:

    oh, btw, I am diabetic....went over carbs too! extra insulin required...:mad:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    here's the question part...should I just not eat the rest of the day :noway: , or just allow myself to go over my limits today! :frown:

    I don't like either choice! :grumble:

    oh, btw, I am diabetic....went over carbs too! extra insulin required...:mad:

    You will do your body no favors by starving it. This is a chance to challenge yourself to planning a nourishing low calorie dinner
    4 ounces of chicken or fish, salad with a tiny bit of non-creamy dressing, and a big serving of a veggie like green beans or broccoli. yes, you will go over your calories. Can you add a 30 minute walk this afternoon or evening to burn some calories?

    Call this a valuable life lesson, learn the lesson, and plan better next time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    and never,never,never give up
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    here's the question part...should I just not eat the rest of the day :noway: , or just allow myself to go over my limits today! :frown:

    I don't like either choice! :grumble:

    oh, btw, I am diabetic....went over carbs too! extra insulin required...:mad:

    You will do your body no favors by starving it. This is a chance to challenge yourself to planning a nourishing low calorie dinner
    4 ounces of chicken or fish, salad with a tiny bit of non-creamy dressing, and a big serving of a veggie like green beans or broccoli. yes, you will go over your calories. Can you add a 30 minute walk this afternoon or evening to burn some calories?

    Call this a valuable life lesson, learn the lesson, and plan better next time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    and never,never,never give up

    Yes, I agree with Barbie. Don't starve your body but DO eat only healthy foods for dinner. In fact, Barbie's dinner sounds so good wish I had some chicken on hand! Shopping day tomorrow. Anyway, heed her advice.:happy: By the way - did your doctor's visit go well?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick WOO HOO !!

    I hit the big THREE FIVE DOWN today!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Gotta leave for work now....more hopefully tonight.

  • l_mahloy
    I always keep a pure protein bar in my purse at least it will hold me over until I can get something to eat. I will also stop by MickyD's at times but I just get a hamburger and small fry not that good for you but not over the calories. Today was another good day and I hope to end it with a good dinner and a walk or run for at least 45 minutes.

    :drinker: ::drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Good luck everyone,
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    First chance to check in this month... been living outside working on my flowerbeds. My August goal was to lose a pound a week - I lost 4 instead of 5 and to drink all my water, which has pretty much become a habit. The other new habit I have formed is exercising EVERY day (I was taking weekends off) strength training twice a week and aerobics the other days. I'm also down 2" in my belly. Was shooting for more, but am just glad to see progress. Best part of all is my anti-diet SiL has asked me what I am doing to "lose all that weight." Everyone seems ot think I have lost more than 20 pounds.

    In September, I want to continue to whittle my belly until I fit into a size 12. Right now 14s are too big and 12s are too little. I'm not so concerned with what I weigh as I am how big around I am.

    Apple cider vinegar is my new best friend. I can't say it is a fat burner but it has sure kicked my carb cravings in the head. Its SO much easier to stay under 1200 calories when I don't want bread or sweets.