

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good Evening all:flowerforyou: Well we did get home after all.:smile: We drove about 500 miles round trip.:drinker: ( I managed to drink 2 bottles of water during the trip and 2 so far, since I've been home.) Hubby did all the driving:noway: We drove from Delaware to Great Cacapon, West Virginia, On the way back we took a detour and drove through our old neighborhood in Brooklyn Park, Maryland. The weather was wonderful, temperature was perfect, the view was beautiful. :heart: I love the mountains. :happy: We left at (8:47am) this morning and got back just in time (6:50pm) to order "Clam Bake for Two" from the seafood place around the corner. The clam bake consist of 2 lobsters, a dozen steamed clams, a pound of extra large shrimp, 2 ears of corn, a pound of steamed baby red potatoes, melted butter, garlic butter, and cocktail sauce, it is all served up on a big tray and they even give you a "Hefty" Garbage Bag to put the shells in, we also ordered a dozen "Crab Balls" which are little crab cakes about the size of a melon ball. I was really good. I ate half a lobster tail, about 6 shrimp, 3 potatoes and 6 crab balls. About 486 calories total for dinner. For breakfast I had leftover salad from last night dinner. :drinker: For lunch we stopped at McDonalds near Gettysburgh, I ordered a fish sandwhich no cheese and a non-fat Cafe Latte, for a grand total of 1217 calories for the day AND I got home in time to take a one hour walk. What a great Sunday :happy: I only have my grandson 1 day next week so I am riding my bike at least 25 miles. Hope everyone has a Wonderful Labor Day, Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    On the subject of canning, many years ago my parents and I canned tuna including making jars of the less desirable parts for cat food. We would go down to the docks in Eureka, California and buy the tuna right off the fishing boats. About five years ago I canned green beans and tomatoes. When we grew squash and pumpkins we’d bake them, puree them, and freeze the meat in quart bags. Now that we don’t grow anything we buy squash and pumpkin and freeze it for the winter. I’ve also made applesauce to freeze from home grown and farmers’ market apples.

    I had a huge lapse in judgment this afternoon and headed for the dog park when it was sprinkling. We’d been there for less than five minutes when it started pouring. :laugh: We stood under a tree for a few minutes hoping the rain would go away and finally came home. I was soaked through a windbreaker and two long sleeved shirts.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I love the dog story. …once again proving that dogs are the greatest. There was a rumor of coyotes in our neighborhood a few days ago so we kept the cats in the house……they were very cranky. :mad: :mad: The dogs are always on a leash with us so they are safer. Your story about your car anti theft device reminded me that when we had an alarm system in our house, they only time it every got set off was by us or one of our house :laugh: :cry: guests.

    :flowerforyou: Kc…..your planned meals sound great. Having a plan worked for me. There was a motivational speaker at my friend’s TOPS meeting who had lost over 200 pounds and she said, “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I’m glad your husband got home even if he had to work. My husband has one Washington Huskies shirt and a big throw rug in the hall so I guess we’re not quite as big fans of our team as you are of yours.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, I’m glad you’re enjoying your good weather.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, congrats on eating out successfully. Your peach jam sounds delicious.

    :flowerforyou: Alice, I wrote a note to myself to take a picture of me in the red sweater so when I do, I’ll post it. I knit two wool sweaters to wear during the winter because we keep the temperature low in our house. I’m planning to wear them no matter how much too big they are.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you certainly had a feast for your allotted calories. I’m glad your trip was so successful. Once again, good planning results in good eat:bigsmile: ing.

    It’s time to get back on the exercise bike. Happy Labor Day to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I went to my picnic in the park with friends tonight with 799 calories left for the day. I just logged what I ate there, and it came to 798 calories, so I have one to spare! Maybe I'll go walk past the peanut butter jar on my way to bed - that ought to be about one calorie's worth! :)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I went to dinner at my parents' tonight. We had New York steak, brussel sprouts, fried red potatoes(my dad's request) salad, and a square of Ghiradellie 60% cacao dark chocolate for dessert.:heart: I also snacked on a couple of things while I was helping prepare dinner, but thanks to planning, although the dinner was a little over 700 calories, I was still under for the day. I won't be eating my exercise calories tonight as I am not hungry and it is too late, plus, it sort of evens out, since I snacked on some soy and flax tortilla chips with a little seafood dip late last night, so went a little over yesterday.

    Despite that, I was still down 1/2 a lb. this morning:drinker: . Tomorrow is weigh day for Labor Day. Obviously, I didn't make my 45 lbs. gone goal, but I would like to be WITHIN 10 lbs, so we shall see.

    Rosemarie, your trip sounds wonderful. I haven't done that kind of a trip since I became a single about 5 years ago. Congratulations on staying within your calories and still having a wonderful meal.

    I have to "labor" on Labor Day, so I am calling it a night :yawn:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    About to turn in for the night ladies but just wanted to share with you. Did not get workout in today cause was busy and when hubby came home he seemed tired so we ate supper and watched movie. I had cooked a large pot of beans today so AC was working extra hard. I turned it off for a while to catch up. When hubby got home turned back on but we discovered was not working properly. So about 9:30 pm he says want to go work out. So we did. Cause the gym has AC. What a way to get us to go work out. Have the fans on now. Will wait to try it in the morning. Hopefully it is working. dont know if I can get repairman to come on Labor Day. Good night ladies.
    Vicki M
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's kind of late and some of you are probably in bed as I should be but...

    Guess what I did? I got ticked off at Jose and went in my room and slept from about 1 p.m. to about 5 pm. Not straight through cause the kids woke me from time to time but I had a pretty good couple of hours. I never do this. I mean never.

    I fixed myself a salad with salmon and then got the idea to go for a long walk out by the bay and watch the sun set. What an awesome day!

    And my food was great. Actually not enough calories which seems to be my problem lately but I will get it worked out.

    Good evening and here is to a great Labor Day. I promise to stick to my plan tomorrow no matter what we end up doing. By the grace of God that is.

    Thanks for all of you being on this site. I am on a very fixed income and writing to all of you and reading your stuff is a big help as to feeling connected. be blessed, each one, kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member

    On the subject of the scale. Maybe you can help. I haven't weighed all week. Tomorrow is the big day. I know I'v e lost but it will not be what I want. I swear if it 2 then I will be unhappy. If it 10 then I will be unhappy.

    And what'll happen then is I say, get over it. It's okay. But it isn't and I'll throw my diet in the toilet for days. No matter what I do, I will not be able to keep my sanity.

    Soo, I don't think I should weigh. maybe for a month, maybe for six. Last time I did this I lost 3 sizes. What do you think? I mean at 54, I don't think I'm gonna be changing soon. kc
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member

    On the subject of the scale. Maybe you can help. I haven't weighed all week. Tomorrow is the big day. I know I'v e lost but it will not be what I want. I swear if it 2 then I will be unhappy. If it 10 then I will be unhappy.

    And what'll happen then is I say, get over it. It's okay. But it isn't and I'll throw my diet in the toilet for days. No matter what I do, I will not be able to keep my sanity.

    Soo, I don't think I should weigh. maybe for a month, maybe for six. Last time I did this I lost 3 sizes. What do you think? I mean at 54, I don't think I'm gonna be changing soon. kc

    Good morning all,:flowerforyou: Took my measurements:happy: (first time since I started) I have lost an inch in my neck, two in my waist and 3 in my hips) Got on the scale this morning:happy: down another pound WOO HOO.
    :flowerforyou: kc :noway: what do you mean at 54 you don't think you can change:wink: I am 54 and am changing slowly but surely repeat after me:happy: WE CAN DO IT.....:wink: WE CAN DO IT.....:wink: WE CAN DO IT.....:wink: WE CAN DO IT.....:wink: Today is a new day. If it was not for MFP, logging in and all the support here I probably would say I can't do it. BUT we can.:happy: I have had set backs I gained 3 lbs in 1 week.:huh: As of this morning, I have taken off the 3 lbs I gained and I am throwing them in the lost (never to be found again (I hope) pile) :drinker:
    You just have to take the next day as your starting point and PUSH on. Check my profile and see the "old" me:frown: I will never be as thin and cute as Barbie (love ya Gal):smooched: :love: cause of the way I am built (Big chest, no butt, skinny legs and a hump on my back) but I will be healthy and that is the goal. We are here for you:flowerforyou: WE CAN DO IT:flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Cookout (if the rain holds off) with the family today. I am planning a big salad with lots of veggies and grilled chicken strips for me(That's the plan any way) Potato Salad, Deviled eggs, hot dogs, hamburgers and steak for them. I am hoping to get my 5 miles in today on the bike:wink:
    Everyone have a peaceful and joyous Labor Day, Rosemary:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Nanpoodle
    Nanpoodle Posts: 41 Member
    Hello Women 50+ Well, August was not so great for me - as I wanted to reach my goal by Sept. 15 and certainly won't be close. At this point, often people give up when half way with no pounds dropping off for awhile, BUT, I am determined this time to reach my goal, so let's just say I am starting over yesterday!!!
    I did not splurge more than 2 times in the past month, just had weird things going on with my body and that 50's stuff - you know! SO....NEVER GIVE UP!!!! For Sept. my goal is to lose 5 more pounds.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Great job Rosemary, Keep up the good work. KC I understand your frustration. I lost weight once by not weighing in. If you really think no matter what that it will get you off the wagon then NO dont weigh in. Just keep on doing good things. Log your food and exercise and talk to us daily. Then in a month, 2 months, whenever you have lost several sizes weigh yourself. Until you come to the point where the scale is not everything it will frustrate you. My husband weighs himself each day several times. A few of the ladies on this site do that also. I cannot do that. I weigh weekly now and sometimes that gets me discouraged. But this time I am not giving up. I will just keep going. You can do it. We will help you do it.
    ChanteBien keep up that good attitude. You can do it.
    Have a great day ladies. I have to go call the AC repairman.
    Vicki M
  • babysteps
    Good morning all!

    I've had a very busy weekend and haven't had time to do my posting. On Friday evening we had dinner out with my DS and his significant other. Then on Saturday, we had breakfast out before going on an all day Murder Mystery train ride ~ what fun! I could have had a chance to be one of the finalists but I just HAD to keep expanding on my answer to the point where it started making no sense! :ohwell: There was a roast beef buffet that we enjoyed as well.

    Yesterday we celebrated my DD's 23rd birthday with our family over for cake and coffee. I usually buy a large cake so family can each take a piece home for later, but I purposely ordered a smaller one that gave everyone just one piece this time!

    I have to WI once a week because I belong to WW, but once I reach goal where I only have to WI once a month I will still stick to the weekly WI. I find that I need to do this to stay focused on my weight loss plan. It took me a long time before I realized that small losses were the best losses.

    I'm feeling a sore throat coming on ~ it kept waking me up all night, so today I will drink plenty of warm tea with honey and dig out my Cold FX since I have a dental appointment first thing Tuesday morning. Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday Monday!

    Take care,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    My comments about the scale and weighing in.
    *years ago I was part of some weight loss program that advocated weighing only once a month because of all the possible emotional reactions to weighing
    * one of my favorite cartoons is a picture of a small boy showing the bathroom scale to his friend and saying "I don't know what it is, but it sure makes my mom mad"
    *I weigh myself twice a day---the last thing before bed and first thing in the morning after "emptying my tanks"
    I write the weight on a chart I keep in the bathroom and use the information to watch for trends and to remind me that my weight is not what it used to be and not yet what I want
    I do not readjust my eating plan no matter what the scale says

    The most important thing is to find out what works for you----weigh often, weigh rarely, weigh never----this is all about finding things that work and sticking to them

    and :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: never, never, never give up

    have a great day, especially if this is a holiday for you :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,
    After saying I hardly ever eat out, we ate out 2 days in a row. Luckily, this time of year is when Mexican restaurants around here have a special called the Navajo (or Indian) Taco. It is very filling and just under 500 calories for the meal. That is what I had both days. It is usually made with beef, but the place we went serves it with chicken also. One day I had it one way, the next the other.

    Basically, it's a fry bread base piled with slow cooked meat, beans and chili topped with diced lettuce, tomatoes, onions and shredded cheese. Kind of like a taco salad on a flat plate.

    Wow! The garbage truck just pulled up on a holiday morning, better go get the dogs in.

  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    I have had a bumpy first week.
    Didn't track everything--felt like giving up. BUT it's a new week!
    So, I am still going to stick with my goals and keep pressing ahead.

    Goals for September:
    Lose 8 pounds
    Cardio 4-5 times per week
    Weights 2-3 times per week
    Drink 8 glasses of water/day
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Fabulocity! It took me a few weeks to get into the habit of recording calories and keeping up with exercise and water, but it will grow on you and you will want to do all of the things you should do because you will see results. Even when you "mess up" you will find it easier to get back into step. We are all in the same boat and need each other's encouragement.
    Ihave been happy to lose a pound per week, but I know I can do more. I haven't been exercising or drinking water like I should and that will make a difference. Have a good and safe Labor Day. :flowerforyou:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Welcome to the new ladies. :drinker:

    Everyone seems so focused. Guess cooler weather is inspiring us all to work out more.

    I'm still living outside trying to get my flowerbeds and lawn planted to my liking. When you buy a fixer-upper there is just so much to do! I haven't done a workout DVD or hit the treadmill in weeks. I figure all the digging and raking, not to mention bending and lifting is plenty of exercise cuz I'm beat by the end of the day.

    Last night hubby tilled my now weed and grass free flowerbed and this morning I planted grass seed in all the bare spots in the lawn. Its so exciting to go from eyesore to ready to plant at last.:flowerforyou: Now its off to buy shrubs and bedding plants. Lord willing, by the end of the week this project will be finished!
  • babysteps
    I have had a bumpy first week.
    Didn't track everything--felt like giving up. BUT it's a new week!
    So, I am still going to stick with my goals and keep pressing ahead.

    Goals for September:
    Lose 8 pounds
    Cardio 4-5 times per week
    Weights 2-3 times per week
    Drink 8 glasses of water/day

    I'm so glad you're not giving up ~ what awesome determination! Something a WW leader once told us: If you take a carton of eggs from the fridge and drop one, does that mean you should just throw all the rest on the floor too? I think of that every time I have lose control with my eating plan for the day ~ it is ONLY one day!

    Take care,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Love the quote about the eggs. I will be using that!
    Never give up!
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning ladies:

    This is the last day of the Oregon State Fair so this afternoon I'm going to go down and 'hang out' with my hubby on his last day of the Author's Table. IF you are interested I'll post a link to an interview that they did with the authors. My hubby is one of them - the one with the children's book that our daughter-in-law did the illustrations for.
    If you go to the bottom you can watch it rather than read the interview. I think it's pretty much the same thing either way. I didn't read it all but watched it instead:ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome lizzys. This is an awesome site to get encouragement. Hope you join us often.

    Kc: You did awesome at the Italian restaurant. :flowerforyou: Good job!

    Alice: I do a little bit of canning but with just the two of us home it’s a lot of work compared to doing it for our family of 7 when everyone was home! I do make tomato salsa each year that never seems to last the whole year but I use the tomatoes out of our garden and I DO NOT want to plant more tomato plants! 6 is enough!:wink:

    Barb: You have done awesome with your weight loss! It seems hard to accomplish weight loss with such a hectic schedule. What a story about your keys! Good thing you found the set before moving your car :happy:

    Wishful: Could you pack something in your bag for that afternoon snack before going home so you can focus on preparing a healthy dinner rather than “eating everything in sight” beforehand?

    Rosemary: Good choices. :flowerforyou: I guess I didn’t know McD’s had a fish sandwich that was within my calories - does it happen to be grilled? My downfall is I love the tartar sauce!

    Mary: Awesome girl. Wow - 1 calorie left for the day. Can’t get much closer than that! Well, I guess one more calorie would do it:laugh:

    Vicki: Bummer on the AC. Hope it gets fixed soon.

    Chante: Hang in there. Don’t give up. You can do it! We’re here for you.

    Fabulocity: You are such a lovely lady. Don’t give up - stick with your great goals. You can do it.

    Susan: You work so hard in your yard. (How can you help but to loose weight) I would love to see what you have done to it. Yardwork is such a good therapy for me. However, the rain has been keeping me inside the last couple of weeks!

    Deborah: I like your quote about the eggs! I’ll have to remember that!

    Hope you all have a great Holiday.

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: :glasses: good afternoon ... wow i just read the first page of sept hope to catch up today.. we have another comp i am so happy to be back.. i have done lots of paper jounals during my comp crisis welcome to all new friends how is everyone weekend been i am happy to say i have started this mth done in 211.. wow .... i feel it tool forever for my ticker to start moving.. it took awhile to change my old habits.. ok its fleamarket time ok so i need to go back outside.. love debbie and family