

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Vicki: 50 lbs! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: How wonderful! :happy: You must be doing something right to achieve that!!!! :wink:
    I also had “Ticker problems’ but it seems as if it takes time for them to change. Mine took a while but now it’s OK.

    Heather: Leslie Sansone DVD, good for you! Is she the one who did the 1 mile then 3 mile walk videos? I’d like to get something to play while I do my treadmill, but I have it in the basement with and old TV and a VCR! I don’t think they even sell videos anymore!

    As far as those punching moves….save them for a day that you’re real angry about something, then punch away!!! It may be therapeutic!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Just watch the back or you won’t be doing anything!

    Alice: I have Asthma and also run my AC to breathe better because of the humidity as opposed to the dryness. But you should see my electric bill!!!! WOW:noway: :noway:
    Maybe I should just use my inhaler more!!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day ladies! Back to work.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I've been waiting for the tickers to show up:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, wow, 50 pounds lost
    doesn't 50 sound a lot bigger than 45

    :flowerforyou: Birdie---wow, 10 pounds lost, now you're in double digits----now the sky is the limit.

    Isn't is frustrating to update your weight and then have to wait so long for the new ticker number to show up. I guess we'll have continued opportunities to learn patience.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I'm trying to get new contacts but the people at my doctor's office are incompetent. First they gave me someone else's contacts. Then they gave me mine. But both prescriptions are wrong. The first one was okay in the right eye, but horrible in the left and the new ones are great in the left and horrible in the right.

    My workout schedule is all messed up this week. Didn't work out Sunday so did my bike ride on Monday. But it wasn't a hard enough one (was riding with a group and didn't pick the route). Then yesterday I slept in for my AM workout and was actually in the parking lot for my PM one when I got the call from the eye doctor and another one from the car buying place and both wanted me to come in RIGHT THEN. I had to for the car because some incentive was expiring yesterday.

    Got today's AM workout in and hopefully will get in tonight's swim. Don't know how I'm going to get in a second swim this week though. Well, at least I'm getting my new car today. Assuming something else doesn't go wrong.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I'm impressed with the variety of workouts you do! I can't imagine that missing one or two is going to stop YOU! You sound very focused! And the eye doctors sounds like they need new glasses themselves :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'd make sure I have the right prescription before driving that new car :wink: Good luck to you and stay safe:happy:
    :bigsmile: BirdieM
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I had a red sweater when I was 18. It had a big apple knited on it and I thought I was so hot.

    I think I will have a goal of a cute red sweater when i lose another 50. Course I think I'll skip the apple.

    Went for my walk, worked on my book, took the kid to piano, make breakfast cookies for tomorrow for their morning snack and now I'm hitt'n the sack.

    Anyways, I am in California. I got no idea what it would feel like to have it turn cold. It's been running in the 90s and that's not what I signed up for here in Northern California. Doesn't get cool until the end of October, maybe even November. Nighty night. kc

    Hi kc-

    Dumb question, your profile says you are in Alabama...so did you move? If so, that would be quite an adjustment in terms of weather, particularly the humidity. Just curous...

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Regarding missing ticker after update:

    Don't fret. It does take a few minutes to show up. If it has been more than 10, what I do is right click on the little red "x" that shows in the corner of where the ticker image ought to be and choose !! "show picture" ir "show image with full quality" and it the database is finished updating, the ticker will return. I find that if there is lots of activity on the website, ie posting, it seems to take a little longer to update.

    Remember, we didn't GAIN the weight in 5 minutes (despite what I used to say about looking at PICTURES of food!!:laugh: ) so if it takes 10 minutes to show it gone, you just have time to anticipate and appreciate it that much more!!!

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Afternoon ladies,

    My profile says alabama? eegads, I've never even been there. I gott fix that. I grew up in Oklahoma and bounced from there to Ca and back all my life. My adult years have been here in the bay area. I still got family though.

    Great job for the pds losts. I told you I am afraid to weigh and i'm even afraid to think about it so I'm not but I sure wish I could posts numbers and get all excited. But I will do what you do Barbie and put on a new pic next month.

    To all you new people, I am having problem remembering all too. Actually I get so little time to run in here for a few minutes, but stick with me. I'll get it sooner or later.

    My food is going great. I cleaned up my Chapter Fourteen and Fifteen of my book yesterday and am working on Seventeen. It's called the Adventures of Jo and Pulga. -- No Crybabies Allowed!

    I have so much fun writing for kids and this is a 8-12 year old middle grade reader. It has a girl and her best friend Pulga who teaches her Spanish thru code words as they solve mysteries in their small town. be blessed, kc
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to our new folks. :wink: :smile: :happy: This is a great support group and I look forward to getting to know you all.

    I have been doing ok even though the scale is slower than I would like it. I am enjoying my new pedometer that tells me everything and more about my daily exercise. I am up to 10,000 steps a day though my goal is 8000-10000. My knee is doing great though the other one now has surgery envy and is talking to me a little louder than before. :grumble: My plan is to wait a year and then have the same fix for the other knee. We'll see how my plan goes. I am so happy with my fixed right knee so I am full of hope. For now all is well and I am grateful for my long walks with my dogs and getting to the gym. I am sticking to my 1200 calorie of healthy clean food and Isagenix products. It's working for me so I think I'll keep doing what I have been doing and be patient with my self.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I love :heart: :heart: the red sweater pictures. What a difference 50 pounds makes. Wow now that is inspiration to stay focused on just today and the tomorrows will take care of themselves. I am doing just that.

    :flowerforyou: KCwriter-I am in Northern California too. Fieldbrook north of Eureka

    Well onto the rest of my calorically responsible day. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Drinking water as I go.....:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hey Lianne,

    Wow, that's quite a ways up there. I am about 20 minutes from San Fransisco. It's a small suburb or at least it used to be. Lots of hills and country. But they have built houses all around as most places. I love living here because I got the coast in 1 hr, the mountains in 3, the desert in 2 and the delta in 1. I can go from the heat to the snow to inbetween. I bike ride along the bay trails and watch the ferries.

    Well, enough geography. gotta get something done. kc
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: You know, I'm sooo close to 200 that I decided not to be content with just 1 pound a week but make a goal of losing 4 pounds by the end of this month and 4 pounds by the end of October. That will put me well BELOW 200 by December! Now that's something to be excited about!! I know what I need to do and I appreciate all of you on MFP who are an encourgement every day!! Let's drink to more pounds lost!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (Water, that is...):flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Salute!!!! Good luck, you can do it!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    This promises to be a challenging day for me for planning meals:sad: ……I planned my day perfectly including fixing a nice lunch for company (baked chicken, salad, green beans, and winter squash, and homegrown plums for dessert). Our guests are the girls who groom our dogs. Some of you know the story that these girls are in the poodle breeding family where we got our dogs. The oldest sister died in June of complications related to cystic fibrosis. Mom and Dad are getting a divorce and today is the day of the settlement conference. We offered to have the girls spend the day with us so they wouldn’t have to be alone on such an emotional day. They are home schooled so they brought their school work with them and primarily entertained themselves. The fact that the girls are still here at 4:30 after having been dropped off at 7:30 AM says that the settlement has not been an easy process. So..... dear, sweet Jake decided that we should take the girls and Mom out to dinner. We’ll probably go to our favorite Chinese restaurant. I know how to plan for one major meal in a day, but two will be a challenge. We don’t know what time we’ll be going (we usually eat supper at five) and I sure don’t want to use up my limited remaining calories on a snack so………OK,:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I can hear you telling me stop whining and count my blessings. If you read my food diary, you saw that I could have something decent and still have my cereal at bedtime and still have a few exercise calories left.

    The really fun part of the day was driving the girls home midday so they could let their dogs out to do their business. They have sixteen poodles including Brandy’s mom and dad and several litter mates, and Sasha’s mom and several litter mates. It was a beautiful sight seeing all those dogs running around.

    So I’m going to remember to count my blessings and drink my water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • l_mahloy
    Hello Ladies,

    Hope you all have had a great day. I worked out really hard today had boot camp it was great but I am so tired tonight and have a tennis match in the a.m.

    Birdie way to go two pounds keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    Congrats Vickie and Heather keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    Well I am off to watch the US open I am rooting for Oudin she is a local from Atlanta.:smokin:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • babysteps
    Here I am posting late again ~ I haven't been feeling well since Monday and my routine has been turned upside down. I'm starting to feel myself this evening so hopefully by tomorrow, I'll be able to tackle some much needed chores. Laundry heads up the top of my list! My DH has been so supportive since I've been ill and has been picking up my DD after work and driving her home from school. This is usually my role, but I've been sleeping away most of the afternoons. He also has been putting together meals for himself (good thing for leftovers).

    I hope everyone's day went as planned and let's look forward to tomorrow and another day of smart choices for our eating plans! I really need to drink more water again. :drinker:

    Have a great evening and TTYT!

    Take care,
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Evening all:smile: Another wet and dreary day in Delaware:grumble: No bike ride for me today. :cry: I did manage to get in my 15 minute walk at alunch time though.
    I am getting ready to do Leslie Sansone two mile before I go to bed. My daughter and I went to get our nails done. She's pregnant and had a craving for Pizza Hut.:frown: I had the Salad bar, I thought this was my best bet. But they really didn't have a big selection of things to go on it. I made a big mistake of putting shredded cheese on it combined with hard boiled egg, the dressing and a small piece of cheesy garlic bread:noway: I went over my calories for the day by about 246 calories. Thus I am exercising at 9pm. When will I ever learn.:noway: For all of your encouragement and kind words I thank you.:smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart: I
    :heart: Doobie, I love your new picture. I know how you feel bout that 200 mark. Keep up the good work, you can do it.
    :heart: Barbie, you are such a good friend. Those girls are so lucky to have you in their life. I would loved to have seen all those poodles running around.
    :heart: Birdie, you are indeed a welcome addition to the thread. Thank you for your encouragement.
    :heart: Lynn, I love the picture on your ticker. What a beautiful family.
    Just had to take a break from writing. My 18 year old decided to come in and cop an attitude with me:noway: because there was no dinner waiting for him,:ohwell: my husband is in bed trying to sleep ( we have a very small house and the bedroom is right off the kitchen)and I was trying to keep James (my son) from waking up his father, to make it even worse he did it in front of his girlfriend........... Now I know why animals eat their young:laugh: It is one of those frustrating times when I want to go clean out the fridge. Think I'll go exercise instead. All have a good night. Thanks for letting me vent.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rosemary
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I'm also rooting for the young tennis player from Marietta, GA.
    I think it's safe to say though that she gets way more exericise than I do!:laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Vickie - Congrats on 50 pounds! Isn't that a wonderful feeling? Once I hit 50, I knew that I could win this race.
    Had a very busy day, with little time to eat. I actually have over 700 calories left, and it is bedtime. Guess I will have to be bad and indulge in bedtime eating, because I think it is better for me to eat a little more today. When it's late like this, I always have trouble thinking of what to eat. Oh, well, I guess I'd better head to the fridge. Maybe some fruit and nuts. Good night, and have a tremendous Thursday tomorrow! Mary
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Hello All

    Here I am ending late again, I have a couple more little jobs to do and then I am calling it a day.
    I ran down my driveway today 1/4 mile, and power walked 1/4 and jogged 1/4 and power walked 1/4.
    I am not sure it was a good idea as my bad heel is not happy.
    Come to think of it, it wasn't happy earlier either. I have been jogging between buildings on the farm as I go through my day. Did three miles with Leslie and lots of squats with 10 pounds added weight.
    Curls and lunges with weights. Drank all my water 15 cups. I may be up all night.

    I recieved a little blessing in my day. They come to us from time to time in the most unusual ways.
    One of my pups was barking in the backyard. I went to check on him as he sounded very excited.
    He was jumping at a little bird that was sitting on the fence. He jumped forward and the bird pecked his nose. He backed up barked and repeated the process, until I told him to stop. I lowered my hand and the bird climbed right onto my palm. A beautiful little Cedar Waxwing chick, fledged but not quite ready for major flight. The tips of his tail feathers were a beautiful brilliant yellow and his wings were just beginning to show red. He considered me quite throughly turning his head right and left and then climbed up my arm onto my shoulder. He rode around the yard on my shoulder while I looked for his Mom in the trees. He called to her from his perch every little while. I came in for my lunch salad with my little companion, who sat on my shoulder all the while. He was with me for about an hour. I placed him in several different trees and watched for Mom. I placed him in a tall pine in the front yard and walked away and he flew and landed on my head. From this perch he called for Mom, while I set up my sprinklers, and she answered. He flew back to the pine tree and both parents flew down to him. They both tried to get him to fly all the way acrost our yard which he could not do. They finally gave up and joined him in the group of trees. The last time I saw him he was being coaxed to a higher branch by Mom. What a wonderful gift to have such tiny perfection in my day.

    Good Night All Alice
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you for the welcome(s)...I look forward to being in this forum. I can only say how truly inspired I am when I see tickers that say 61 pounds lost!! How great must that feel? At this point, I can only dream about it.

    Took mother-in-law to eye doctor this morning, mother-in-law fell, spent the rest of the day in the emergency room and hospital. The good news is I didn't overeat today!!!! :-)

    Good night all. And thanks again for the welcome