

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Wow Rosemary, it sounds like we had the same mother. When I was in my bedroom getting ready to go out, my parents were in the living room telling my friend that I used to have a horse but I lost it cause I got too fat. I was about 5'5 and weighed 135 pds.

    Dear Lord, let this memory and the pain go away and be replaced with forgiveness.

    Well, I finally got to do what I wanted to dofor two weeks now. I took Jacob to his new class, went to the park and walked and then came home and worked on my book. I feel so good having done the responsiblities I needed to get done. Now I gotta go pick up the kids from school. Another day of good food. I have finally found what works for me. Thank you, Jesus! kc
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Wow! I just read the posts for the last few days and didn’t realize how behind you can get by skipping that amount of time!!:embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Rosemary & KC: It breaks my heart to hear about how you were treated by your parents. You are both beautiful! :smooched: Always remember that! God danced on the day that you were born, regardless of what anyone has or will ever say about you! You are champions to go forward with a positive plan. Whatever the scale says does not change who you are! You are winners!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Fabulocity: it seems as if you know that too. The winners are the ones who keep getting up not the ones who never fell! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Vicky: The same to you as you are a winner! I’m glad your husband is back home. I don’t follow football but GO RED SOX!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: (Can’t help myself I’m from NE):embarassed:

    :heart: Lizzy : Welcome! Join the party! I am new too and have already reaped so much from the gals on this thread! Water drinking still good????:wink:

    :heart: Grammymax (Esther) I’ll have to go to that website and read the reviews! :flowerforyou: My daughter has been trying to get a children’s book published but it’s on the back burner as they are looking to buy a house:huh:
    The Oregon State Fair is worlds from me but sound like great fun!:happy:

    :heart: Barbie: You always have such great advice! I can’t wait to see a picture of you in that red sweater today!:smile:

    :heart: Alice: Fresh stewed tomatoes are good anytime even when you’re not sick!!:wink:

    :heart: Mary: Those peach preserves sound so yummy!! Can I be on your Christmas list! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Deborah: Good luck with the elliptical trainer. I use a treadmill but that elliptical sounds really great!

    :heart: Barb: Boy you’ve been busy! Sorry about the OT. I know what it’s like to count on it! Loved the dog story…how precious! Glad you found your keys….the groceries….etc. God does draw straight with crooked lines doesn’t He???:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Wishful: My hat goes off to anyone who has the patience to be a teacher! You must have the patience of a saint!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Suzzy- It’s a good thing that I’m not doing the gardening!! I love flowers and plants but have a black thumb!!! OMG I even ruined a dried plant once! Can you believe that!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: ChantBien: Good Luck!! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: LillyRose: Great idea about the BD cake. I am usually the one to pick in the leftovers, so I do the same thing! Hope your throat gets better!

    :heart: Jeannie: Sounds like Taco heaven! Did you get the dogs in…..in time???:noway:

    :heart: KC I’ve never had grilled Brussels sprouts! I wonder if that’s something that you can get in RI? :huh: BTW Glad you found a plan that’s working for you!!! :flowerforyou:

    Glad I caught up with all of you! Have a great "Rest of the day" :smooched:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies:

    This is the last day of the Oregon State Fair so this afternoon I'm going to go down and 'hang out' with my hubby on his last day of the Author's Table. IF you are interested I'll post a link to an interview that they did with the authors. My hubby is one of them - the one with the children's book that our daughter-in-law did the illustrations for.
    If you go to the bottom you can watch it rather than read the interview. I think it's pretty much the same thing either way. I didn't read it all but watched it instead:ohwell:

    Esther: How wonderful! I just watched the video! "God's Little Messengers" what a great idea for a book.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I teach Cathechism at our church and I always tell the kids that they are some of the most influential people in the world today. Children who do good and holy things are an example to other children far more than adults are. So I salute your husband for his accomplishments. :flowerforyou: My daughters book has a similar message about a little boy who doesn't think he's special but after doing some kind acts realizes that he is a super hero, in his own way. Kids really need to know how special they are!!!
    :heart: Birdie
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Well, I bought a rotissere chicken after work today, so I only had to add peas and pear halves to make a delicious supper. Having supper ready in just a few minutes kept me from snacking beforehand. I'm usually hungry the minute I walk in the door. I had to guess the calories for the chicken though. I didn't weigh the meat.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    One of the things I do to keep me from being famished the minute I walk in from work, is to have a fruit about an hour before I leave work with a glass of water. :drinker: This way when I come in, I'm in control. Sounds like you had a good plan:smile: (I love those chickens:tongue: )
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, really gloomy and rainy here in Delaware. I was feeling a little tired :yawn: and fell asleep tonight so I didn't exercise, overdid it a bit on calories had a really tasty dinner 4 oz broiled flounder 2 cups steamed brocolli and would have been ok in calories except I ate a cup of Kraft cheesy poatoes instead of half a cup. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow and can double up on my exercise. I hope everyone has a good evening, I'm going to bed. I will catch up tomorrow, Rosemary:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    I'm new to blogging. Couldn't help wanting to join this group though as I am 50+ and can use some moral support too.

    SW 188
    weight at joining 182
    LW 169
    CW 170

    Goals for September: strength train 2x/week; treadmill 5x/wk
    Lose 5 pounds
    Don't get depressed and don't give up

    That's about it!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • l_mahloy
    Hello everyone,

    Glad to be back to my routine. I am such a routine oriented person or do you call that, anal retentive hmm not sure. Today was trainer then 2 ½ hrs of tennis lessons the weather was great and I burnt tons of calories heart monitor said 1400 of course that may not be as accurate so I will log around 1050 for cardio.

    Birdie I also love hummus I get it from Sam’s club or Costco it is cheaper in bulk. It is great with carrots and celery as well as pita bread and crackers. When I eat that for a snack I feel so healthy.

    Ester hummus is protein made with chickpeas garlic, olive oil, and Tahiti which is sesame paste it is Greek and wonderful. I have a recipe but found that Sam’s club and Costco is good price and saves precious time.

    Rosemary and KC I agree with Birdie God sees us thru his son’s eyes and Jesus sees us thru his blood that he shed for us so he sees perfection because of his sacrifice what a glorious picture that can be for all of us. We are truly blessed...

    I am with all the ladies on the site I am so thankful to have found this site I tell everyone about it that mentions weight loss. This Saturday my mom will be 80 years old, how awesome as many of you know a few months ago we didn’t think she would be here. God is good and praise God for the Superior medical procedures that are available today.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    In a rush right now. I will try to catch up on the posts tomorrow.

    I made the salsa chicken recipe in the slow cooker that is going around the recipe forum. It was delicious! We made chicken tacos out of it. Everyone loved it.

    Just throw chicken breast in the crockpot with a jar of salsa. You can leave it whole and serve it with rice or shred it with forks like I did. Just put in on low and leave it.

    The best part of all was I just threw the frozen chicken breast in the crockpot this morning and came home to dinner ready in as long as it took me to get the other stuff to make tacos together.

    Anyway, just thought I'd share this quick recipe with all you busy ladies.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Rosemary, I wouldn’t’ worry about not doing the exercise if you were tired. Sometimes we need to listen to our body and follow its lead. Hope you feel more energized tomorrow but I wouldn’t overdo it just because you skipped today. Just do your best. That’s all any of us can do and it seems like that’s what you’re doing!:flowerforyou:

    Heartrw sounds like you’ve set up some great goals for this month. The depression thing can be a real stumbling block to success, :grumble: so keep your chin up. I have been treated in the past, and still take medication for depression, so I understand how debilitating it can be. Stay POSITIVE!:happy:

    Lynn, I know what you mean about being routine oriented. That’s the way I am. I just have to make sure I’m in a GOOD routine or I get in a rut :laugh: :laugh:
    I’ll have to check Sam’s Club for the hummus. I didn’t know they sold it there. Thanks for the info!
    Glad your mom is around for her 80th! My mom is 85 and she is the greatest! :love: I, also, am blessed!

    Well it’s bedtime so I will say goodnight! Bon Soir!

    Talk to you all tomorrow:smooched:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We're having cool weather right now so I started wearing the wool sweater I knit two winters ago. There's a picture on my profile of me in the sweater right after I knit it (at least 50 pounds heavier). the picture you see on my post is what I look like in the sweater today. This winter I am going to love wearing it.

    I found out about hummus from someone on "Senior Golden Sneakers" and now I keep it tn the frig all the time (Athenos Spicy Three Pepper is my favorite). I eat it with Wasa oat crackers or cucumber slices or red pepper strips. I'd love to make my own, but I don't want to do that much work:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: heartrw, welcome to the group. MFP and especially the women on this thread have changed my life. I hope you will stick with us and reap the rewards of walking this journey with supportive friends.

    My step counter says that I've walked over 17,000 steps so it must be almost bedtime.:bigsmile:
    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    heartrw: Welcome. Hope you visit often. It's a great thread.

    Goodnight everyone. Catch you all tomorrow.:yawn:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Glad to be back to my routine. I am such a routine oriented person or do you call that, anal retentive hmm not sure.

    Talk about routine oriented - I tell people that I am OCD, but I call it CDO because that way the letters are in alphabetical order like they should be . . .

    Barbie - I love the picture in the same place as the previous one! You look awesome, girl! Congrats!

    I hate to jinx it by saying it too soon, but my pain in my hip seemed less today, and I pray that I am now on a fast road to recovery after a month . . .
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm new to blogging. Couldn't help wanting to join this group though as I am 50+ and can use some moral support too.

    SW 188
    weight at joining 182
    LW 169
    CW 170

    Goals for September: strength train 2x/week; treadmill 5x/wk
    Lose 5 pounds
    Don't get depressed and don't give up

    That's about it!!

    Welcome, welcome, welcome! Those are great goals, and we are here to help you, as your biggest (no pun intended) cheerleaders!! You go, girl!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I had a red sweater when I was 18. It had a big apple knited on it and I thought I was so hot.

    I think I will have a goal of a cute red sweater when i lose another 50. Course I think I'll skip the apple.

    Went for my walk, worked on my book, took the kid to piano, make breakfast cookies for tomorrow for their morning snack and now I'm hitt'n the sack.

    Anyways, I am in California. I got no idea what it would feel like to have it turn cold. It's been running in the 90s and that's not what I signed up for here in Northern California. Doesn't get cool until the end of October, maybe even November. Nighty night. kc
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A quick hi to all. I lost another 2 lbs! t:love::love: That's 10 lbs since 8/14/09 and I've been eating all my calories! It seems like I've lost my ticker though. :frown: I changed the measurment progress on the ticker, saved it, then all I see is the change, not the ticker. Maybe it takes time?
    Also, in my goal I want to lose 2 lbs a week and everytime I go into change goal and put 2 lbs a week, the plan comes up for 1 lb a week.:angry: Oh Well:ohwell:
    Got to go exercise before work so have a great one. I'll try to check back later and read the new posts since last night.
    Birdie :smooched:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I still cannot even try to address each one of you. I will learn it one day maybe. Anyway, welcome to new ladies. you will LOVE this site. Keep blogging and you will do great. Sometimes we need to rest our bodies so we can do better the next day. i used to hate when I would skip exercise but now i let my body tell me and the next day I am on fire. I am so glad to hear that you ladies still have your moms and really love and appreciate them. I lost mine to death about 8 years ago very suddenly and I still miss her each and every day. We were close and I loved her very much, but I did not always appreciate her. Enjoy them while you have them. I am sorry for those whose parents make a big deal of their weight. I really do not know how to handle that. My support is with you though and you can get all the support you need on this site.
    After 3 weeks my ticker finally moved to the right. 186.4 today. Cant wait to see my ticker. i believe that is 50 pounds lost or very close to it. Just a couple pounds to make my goal of below hubbys weight. Thanks ladeis for all of your help and support. I dont get discouraged or give up any longer with those setbacks because of you.
    Have a great day.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    okay my ticker did not show up. I guess it is still making changes.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome Heartrw.
    You will love it here. I have been around for quite a while but am not a regular at
    posting. Everyone is very supportive, and helpful.

    I am amazed at how complete all your posts are, it's a little intimidating.

    Barbie, You look great in your loose red sweater. Beautiful knitting. Did you say you knit
    two of them?

    Lynn, I will be happy to send you the hot sauce recipe, as soon as I locate it, a
    neverending remodel has caused some things to be in unusual places.

    Susan, How wonderful that you have been able to devote your time to your garden
    project. I envy you! The tree frog in my profile photo is so peacefully snuggled
    in a large yellow lily. What a perfect place to rest.

    Vicki, Glad to hear you can cool down again. We are still running the air here most days
    more I think because of the allergens than the temps. It is very dry here, and the
    dust is thick. Thank you for your encouragement and help. Congratulations on
    the ticker move.

    It breaks my heart to read the posts from the women who were berated for their
    weight as children. I hope that you will find peace for yourselves and be able to
    leave all that negativity behind you. This site is a great place to look for positive
    reinforcement and support.

    I have been drinking my water and enjoying it, and staying within my calories.
    I was down on my exercise time yesterday but had a very active weekend and
    was just fatigued. Hopefully I will pick it up today.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Morning Ladies

    Cloudy here today. I hope my kids don't get drenched. My son is too 'cool' to bring a jacket along. My daughter is more sensible and carries a bulging backpack holding everything she could possibly need throughout the day.

    Last night after work I only had about 45 minutes before having to take my son for a hair cut and I popped in a new Leslie Sansome dvd and worked out for 30 of those minutes. Proof positive that no matter how crazy things get, I will always be able to fit in 30 minutes.
    The dvd is called Walk and Kick It is 30 minutes long including warm up and cool down and is a combination of her four basic walking steps, and kick boxing. Kind of cool but the punching motion is something I'll have to work on because the twisting hurt my lower back. But Yay for me - one day down 19 to go!!:drinker:

    I had people over at 7:30 for a late dinner of greek salad, mini pitas, hummus with raw veggies Yummy!

    Work is calling me now

    Have a great day
