

  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning everyone i am sending a flower for all its a cloudy rraining day and i love the look of flowers bright and cheery.. today was weigh in and i went up a few dots. 211.9 but that is still good. did some late night snacking this week i have learn that is not good for me. i will need some extra walking this weekend. so many new people how wonderful our group is going will fall is upon us how is everyone thinking for indoor exercise this season. i love walking with all the fall colors are out i am going to the video store and rent some excercis tapes to see what i might by for the cooler snowing days that are coming dos anyone do dancing tapes i want to learn line dancing and i thought i would look for some tapes of that. ok steven my grandson is here and we are going to play the match up game everyone have a nice day love debbie and famly
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    our internet was down yesterday :sad: :sad: :sad: and the trouble shooting person will be here to fix it this afternoon. we must be getting wifi on the latptop from some network in our neighborhood and I don't know how long it will last so I'm doing some quickie stuff before heading for line dance.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kathy, I have missed you so much. I'm so glad you're back.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Fabulocity----your weight loss is awesome......stay with us....we need you

    I'm staying active but somehow did neither the exercise bike nor the hand weights yesterday......I'm doing a crunch challenge with another thread and I did manage to get the dogs to stop licking my face while I was doing crunches :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I went to line dance and to the dog park and Jake and I walked for an hour in the afternoon before going to a very long meeting for our business last night.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie you asked about dance exercise so I'll mention Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies". They are such great workouts because they don't assume that you are already fit. Many of the participants in the video are older or heavier, not just a bunch of 20 something athletic types like on some workout DVDs

    :flowerforyou: Heather congratulations on being soda pop free. I gave up pop a few years ago and in January Jake kicked his 6-12 Diet Pepsi's a day habit. we are so glad to be without it. I wish you continued success,

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, it is awesome that you could be so principled in the face of adversity and avoid eating yourself into oblivion.

    To all of us in the USA
    this is a day of serious reflection and a time for gratitude. Our flag is at half staff and I'll be wearing my USA t shirt and red white and blue socks to line dance.

    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    To all of us in the USA
    this is a day of serious reflection and a time for gratitude. Our flag is at half staff and I'll be wearing my USA t shirt and red white and blue socks to line dance.

    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Amen to that! I think everyone remembers where we were on that terrifying day. :brokenheart: May God keep our country free from any such horror again.:cry: And may God give peace to those who suffered such terrible loses.:ohwell:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I put a new picture on my profile. My niece (godchild) just got engaged and is getting married in April. I was at Dress Barn yesterday looking for blouses and my daughter said I needed to try on dressy dress to see what I like for wedding. So I tried this one. It was a little big and did nto have smaller size so I will wait til closer since I know I will be smaller. Just wanted you to see how it looked on me.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Very nice! You can really see the difference in your weight when you compare that to the other ones. Isn't it nice:blushing:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: My daughter's dog was killed a few hours go. We've never had pets much, so my question is: what do you do for someone who has lost a pet that would make a difference to them? My daughter lives alone and DG was her pal and protector. Do you do flowers, or ??? Thanks for your ideas.:flowerforyou:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Thank you birdiem. Yes it is nice. It is nice to go shopping and things fit and look nice for a change.
    Doobie Do I cannot help you. Dont really have animals and do not know what is appropriate.
    Vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Friday! I'm off to a football game, and tomorrow taking my grandsons to a zoo for grandparents day.
    Remember to pray for our country today. And - if you have grandchildren, I'm wishing you a joyous grandparent's day Sunday in advance!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: My daughter's dog was killed a few hours go. We've never had pets much, so my question is: what do you do for someone who has lost a pet that would make a difference to them? My daughter lives alone and DG was her pal and protector. Do you do flowers, or ??? Thanks for your ideas.:flowerforyou:

    I'm so sorry to hear that. Although I never had a pet, I know how important it is to those who do. If it were me, I would do whatever I would normally do for someone who has had something tragic happen to them. If you would send flowers, then I would do that. It certainly can;t hurt:frown: One thing I know for sure, is never underestimate the trauma. I know it's real and should never be minimized in any way. That dog was, in a sense, a member of her family. Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: My daughter's dog was killed a few hours go. We've never had pets much, so my question is: what do you do for someone who has lost a pet that would make a difference to them? My daughter lives alone and DG was her pal and protector. Do you do flowers, or ??? Thanks for your ideas.:flowerforyou:

    I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's dog.:sad: :brokenheart:
    Our dogs are like our children and when our old dog died a few years ago we grieved her for a long time. Her ashes and her photo are still on the mantle.

    If you treat your daughter with the same love and concern as you would if she had lost a child, then you would be doing the right thing. There are loss of pet sympathy cards in the card stores. Flowers would be nice. Calling her often and listening to her share her sadness would be especially good.
    hugs to you and your daughter :heart:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, I'm getting ready to build an ark:laugh: BirdieM: "We could sing a duet "Singing in the rain, I'm just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling........." It did manage to stop long enough for me to get a 15 min power walk in at lunch time.:happy: I love walking at noon it energizes me for the rest of the work day.:love: Very sad for Bobbi Jo's last day:frown:I took a picture of her with my cell phone and told her I was going to print it and paste it to the wall so whenever I needed to talk to her she'd always be there. She just laughed :happy:
    I managed not to cry until I shut the door to her office for the last time:sad:

    :smooched: Thank you to everyone for all the support and kind words on my bad situation yesterday.

    Doobie: I am so sorry about your daughters dog. I lost my beloved German Shephard almost 2 years ago to cancer. I still miss her. As others have said it is like losing a child or family member. Just try to be there when she needs to talk. Do you have pictures of her dog? Pictures of the two of them together or with other family members. You could surprise her with a memory book.

    :wink: Going to spend the night at my daughters and leaving for Manchester (3 hour drive) as soon as she gets home from work tomorrow. I am going to family reunion (I think I already told this story) but anyway I am taking fruit and salad and LOTS of bottled water. I am going to TRY to eat right or at least to not overindulge :noway:
    I am wishing everyone a happy and safe weekend.
    :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water, Rosemary
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good morning! Wishing all a happy, successful weekend!:flowerforyou:
    I'm going to try to get back to healthy eating over this weekend. Having the right food in the house is HARD!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :wink: Rosemary have a nice time with your daughter.

    :wink: Bonnie, you can have a good weekend if you want it bad enough and I know you do:happy: So have a great One!!!!

    I had a sloppy day, going over my calories about 150 yesterday. :frown: It's because I had a few drinks, which I planned but when it came time to take some meds that I take at night, I got a little nervous about the interaction so I had come crackers:angry: I was going to exercise a little more today but my back doesn't feel right so I'm going to cool it and drink a lot. (of water):laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I picked up some GNC Lean Shakes, just a few, to try them. They're a protein meal replacement. I was looking for another brand that I've heard about from some of you but couldn't remember the name. I'll see how they work, but I'm going to try them on the weekend and not during the week when I have to go to work, just in case there are some side effects :embarassed: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a great day!:happy:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am hoping that my son will be able to fix my computer. He is looking at it now. I have noticed that without my computer and therefore have not been logging in my foods, I am not eating well. I need to get back on track.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    BirdieM and VickiM- I'm glad that you both had such a great time shopping with your new selves. Remember the thrill next time your feeling down.

    Doobie- My heart goes out to your daughter. I've only had one dog killed and that was in 1982. It was very, very painful. I was renting at the time and had no place to bury my beloved Sadie dog. A friend let me bury her in their backyard and we planted a flowering bush over the grave. So, I'd say flowers are appropriate.

    Wishful- I know what you mean about having the right food in the house. That is my biggest problem too. It seems on the weeks when grocery money is tight I don't do as well. Eating right seems to always cost more that eating the junk they put on salel

    My Mom is 91 years old and one of my goals with the kids in high school now and my new found freedom (I don't have to drive them to school or pick them up any more) was to spend more time with her. I brought her grocery shopping today. What a laugh! Between her cart driving skills and her not being able to hear strangers trying to help her get things and checking out two large orders I am both amazed at how nice people can be and surprised the store hasn't banned her from driving the cart. lol At least this time she didn't knot any displays over. (not necessarily her fault as some stores are just too crowded)

    Hope everyone has a nice Saturday,

  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Birdie- You're right. Shopping IS a good incentive! I'm pretty excited to be able to wear panties now that aren't from the special size rack. Just buying a 4 pack in the regular sizes is a great feeling!
    momof10- You're lucky to have fall colors. Enjoy them. We had over 100 degrees yesterday!
    barbie & swissmiss- Aren't computer problems a booger?! So annoying.
    Vickie- You're looking great! Keep it up!
    doobie- Sorry to hear about the dog. I'm not much help, but it's hard when you lose a dear pet.
    msh- Hope you're having fun at the zoo. I'm jealous.
    Bonnie - You can do it!
    jam- Enjoy your mom while you can. Every day is a gift.
    I have family here for the weekend,& I'm hoping to hold off that pound that disappeared this week.
    Happy weekend!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Evening Ladies

    Vicki congrats on the full fifty pounds!

    Doobie I am so sorry to hear about your daughters dog. Pets can be such great companions and
    it can be so hard to see them go.

    Sorry to hear about the computer problems going around. Please don't tell mine yours are ill.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I have a niece visiting from Washington state on her way to grad school in Ohio. I was at home yesterday and we had a lovely visit. Back to my weekend work schedule today. Just returned home, time to put some miles on with Leslie.

    Good night all. Alice
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Thought I better check in, lest everyone think I had vanished. As you can see, I have not.

    Just had a very busy week.
    Thomy and I also went shopping yesterday after we had lunch and I managed to score a t shirt for $5 that was a misses size 14-16 AND it FIT--in fact I am wearing it now :drinker: :drinker:

    On a more serious note DOOBIE, my heart goes out to your daughter on the loss of her dog. When I lost my beloved Dreyfus, the silver and tan Shih tzu that appears in my ticker, even though he was ill and I knew his condition was terminal, it was very hard to get over. I can only imagine how much worse it is to have the loss come without any forwarning. I am glad she has your support. I hope she can remember the good times, and know in time the loss will become less intense.

    I believe that part of going to heaven will be the process of being able to be with the furry companions we love, so in time we may see all those we have lost.

    Barbiecat, can't remember if it was on this thread or the Golden Sneakers where you stated the reason for the demise of your internet connection, but it made me laugh. When I did tech support for a cable company, I remember a call I took where the person said they had no internet connection, so I asked which lights were lit on the cable modem. They informed me they were having trouble seeing because the room was dark. So I asked the obvious question, "can you turn on a light?" The reply was that it would do no good as they electricity was off!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: I had to use every once of self control NOT to LAUGH, as I diplomatically explained that if there was no electricity, that would be the reason for "no connection":laugh: :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I am new to this site and would love to join your group. I am a 56 year old woman who wants to lose 50 lbs, and until the past couple of years, never had a weight problem. In the past, I would allow myself a 5-10 lb. weight gain and then diet. Never had a problem with motivation until recently. I am hoping to get support here. I also joined another site run by an "exercise guru" and one of the members told me about this site. Had I encountered this site first, I would have never paid for the other since I like this so much better. It is extremely user-friendly, and the food diary is the best I have ever encountered.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome Peschuntz, you will love it here. :flowerforyou: Everyone is so helpful and very supportive.
    I am the slow loser of this group, but there are many sucessful losers here, and great emphasis is put on good health and fitness over weight loss.

    Jump right in what have you got to lose?