

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    I am new to this site and would love to join your group. I am a 56 year old woman who wants to lose 50 lbs, and until the past couple of years, never had a weight problem. In the past, I would allow myself a 5-10 lb. weight gain and then diet. Never had a problem with motivation until recently. I am hoping to get support here. I also joined another site run by an "exercise guru" and one of the members told me about this site. Had I encountered this site first, I would have never paid for the other since I like this so much better. It is extremely user-friendly, and the food diary is the best I have ever encountered.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, we are so glad to have you with us. We need all the help we can get. I found MFP and these great 50+ women in February and they have changed my life. We share our successes and slumps with each other. We laugh and cry together and we share amazing good tips about food and exercise. I hope we'll hear from you every day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening all:smile: I am at my brothers house in Wesminster, Maryland. Yes I did eat a little more than I should have And I had a coffee liquer, BUT I exercised ALOT I did Leslie Sansone 2 mile and 3 mile, with 3lb weights and I did the 10 min ab exercises. My brother has a 4 wheeling track that I am going to walk tomorrow. I am going to walk 3 miles before breakfast. We shall see what the scale says on Monday. :wink: All have a safe and dry Sunday, and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water. Rosemary
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    PESCHUNTZ - Welcome! Glad to have you with us, and hope to hear from you often!

    Well, my grandparent trip to the zoo didn't go quite as planned, as when we got up it was raining all over the state. But not to despair - instead we drove a different direction, and went to the Sternberg Natural History Museum and saw dinosaurs. It was really cool, and I had never been there before. It was cool and cloudy, but the rain held off for a while, we still managed to picnic at a park for lunch, and a good time was had by all. Now I have to get my Sunday School lesson for tomorrow. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! Mary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Good Evening to all, :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I was without the internet for awhile and when the nice technician came to fix it, he noticed that the internet plug to the modem was plugged into the wrong place. He was nice enough to not laugh and he didn't charge us. I missed checking in with you so I'm glad it was fixed quickly. Maybe the best part was that the appointment was scheduled for sometime between one and five and he was here and gone by 1:45 so Jake got to play golf and I got to take the dogs to the dog park.

    Jake left at noon today for a three day business trip. :sad: :sad: :sad: The first few hours were heavenly. I watched something on TV that I liked and nobody told me to sit down and stop making so much noise. Now that the novelty has worn off, I'm ready for him to come home.

    I went to a meeting today where a meal was served and I brought my own food (four ounces of cold chicken, two cups of steamed, chilled green beans, and a tomato and cucumber salad). I'm glad I did because the served meal was processed deli meat and cheese with bread,etc, for making sandwiches, pasta salad, potato salad, chips, and a dozen different desserts.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congratulations on your continued success.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, I know you will do a great job eating healthy and smart at the family reunion.

    :flowerforyou: Bonnie, glad you are back on track

    Birdie, the Isagenix protein shakes that I eat are the top of the line in nutrition but they aren't available in stores.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I'm so glad to hear from you. I've missed you. Having your computer not work or not be available is terrible. When I can't get to the computer, I make lists of what I eat, how much exercise I do and how much water I drink and then put the information in when I can.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, how wonderful that you still have your mom around at age 91. Where I live there are a lot of older people and I've noticed how nice store clerks can be to them.

    :flowerforyou: Georg, enjoy your family this weekend----I know you'll be smart about your eating and keep those pounds from finding you again.
    Alice, I'll be thinking of you working this weekend and wishing you the best.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, it's good to hear from you. I always miss you when you're not around. How exciting to fit into smaller clothes. Don't buy too many because you'll be getting rid of them soon in favor of something even smaller. I love your computer tech support question story. I know the tech support people have to be so diplomatic. Our friend who works on computer stuff for us, says he specializes in "computer support for little old ladies" (he's not talking about me:laugh: ----the little old ladies are his paying customers) and he is so patient and kind.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, glad you found something fun to do with the grandkids. Rain and children is such a tricky combination.

    The dogs don't know yet that they are going to get to sleep with me tonight since Jake is gone. It's time for water and a little snack and off to bed.

    hugs to all, :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I am looking out of my window and the Sun is shining. Yeah. My granddaughters 3rd birthday is today and we were hoping for NO rain. We have not see the sun in forever. Hope it lasts. I just finished cutting up all of the fruit for the party. I have decided to bring my lunch since it starts at 11 am. I am bringing peanut butter on my whole wheat and my no fat chips and water and I will load up on fruit. She is all into princesses and we are having a princess party. I hope we have no drama. We just found out this week that her paternal grandfather and grandmother are split. Another woman I believe and we are hoping he does not show up as he was asked not to. Oh the things people do to themselves. I will never understand it. Anyway you guys sound like you are doing so great. Keep up the good work. We can do this as long as we have each other. Have a great Sunday. Eat right, exercise and drink drink drink water that is.
    Vicki M
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good morning to all welcome to our new family members and prayers going out to all were need be. i just brought a small fruit because to a friend who lost their famjily cat. she was with them for 20 years. and so we gave them a card and the basket to let them know we were thinking about them.. we went to some prayer gathering for 9/11 this weekend.. and gave thanks many times over.. it has been a weekend for refecltions... will i am off to set up for our tag sale.. we have had a raining few days so we were holding out to the lawn drys lots.. i think its ok now the sun has been coming out.. beautiful fall colors are blooming around this is my favorite time of year. everyone have a blessed an safe sunday love debbie and family
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Vicki M...I hope that your granddaughter's birthday party goes well. And that the weather cooperates.:heart: Give her lots of love. Would there be a problem due to the other woman, if your granddaughter's grandfather shows up? I hope that this situation doesn't hurt your granddaughter's relationship with him.

    :flowerforyou: momof10...so sorry about your friend's cat. I know how they feel. I would be devastated if my cat died. She is also 20. I just made my main picture one of her.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning to all:flowerforyou:

    Just enough time before Mass to post a quick "WOO HOO!! When my ticker puts in its re appearance, you will see I have lost two more pounds!!!::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: This means I have lost the equivalent of e "Peppers" plus another lb. of "interest." Regardless of what it equates to, I'll take it.

    I am now within 9 lbs of the land of the "ONE derful Ones"--that place where the first number in front of your weight is NO LONGER a TWO!!--a place I have not been since 1997!!

    I look forward to the day I can call up my ex, and, without lying, tell him I weigh LESS than when we got married. That should happen between Thanksgiving and Christmas if I can stay on schedule.

    Everyone have a good Sunday. More later.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    So far the weekend eating is more in line with what it should be, but there's certainly room for improvement! A trip to the grocery store is what's needed.
    If you haven't used the reports tab at the top, it's a great motivator when you've been slack.:grumble:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just checking in on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.:happy:

    :bigsmile: Wishful, there is ALWAYS room for improvement so pat yourself on the back for going in the right direction:flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: Jeannie and Barb: You both had me laughing silly. Just imagining your mother, Jeannie, of 91 on one of those store carts was hillarious, something you might see on a comedy show:laugh: :laugh:
    And Barb between the "electicity off" story and the comment about you ex husband...I was rolling over!
    Congrats on the T- shirt.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Peschientz (not sure if I spelt it right:blushing: ) WELCOME!!! As we always said in my big family....there's always room for one more! Good luck!

    :flowerforyou: Roasemarie: YOU CAN DO IT!

    :happy: Mary: Sounds like you and I have similar schedules. My grandchildren are coming over today and when they leave I have to get my CCD (Cathechism class) ready for tomorrow night. Grandchildren....and God....those are great and wonderful things!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Vicki: Good luck at Princess Grandaughter's BD Party. If she's a princess....does this make you some kind of a Queen? :laugh: :laugh:
    Awkward is the only word for some of these family breakups. My brother's wife left him after Christmas and she showed up at a wedding shower (per the brides request) the month after. :grumble: We all made out fine. The princess will be OK probably just confused:huh: It's the grown up, who really get what's going on, that feel "awkward". It will be a great party because YOU are there!!!:love:

    :smile: Momof10: I also love the fall in NE! Good luck on your tag sale!!!
    :wink: BirdieM
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Good morning to all:flowerforyou:

    Just enough time before Mass to post a quick "WOO HOO!! When my ticker puts in its re appearance, you will see I have lost two more pounds!!!::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: This means I have lost the equivalent of e "Peppers" plus another lb. of "interest." Regardless of what it equates to, I'll take it.

    I am now within 9 lbs of the land of the "ONE derful Ones"--that place where the first number in front of your weight is NO LONGER a TWO!!--a place I have not been since 1997!!

    I look forward to the day I can call up my ex, and, without lying, tell him I weigh LESS than when we got married. That should happen between Thanksgiving and Christmas if I can stay on schedule.

    Everyone have a good Sunday. More later.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Congratulations to the weight loss!
    I am happy to report that I did 1 hour of weights, 30 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of cardio today!
    I did go over yesterday.
    I am off to a wedding this afternoon and I have banked enough calories to have a healthy meal and a little bit of wine.
    Tonite is a monumental day for me.
    This will be the first time I will wear a dress (maxi dress) in a large group setting in a long time----about 10 years. So, this marks a wonderful era in my life and I am excited.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Warm regards,

  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans

    Whoops! don't think I did my post correctly. Well there's always next time!:huh: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning to all:flowerforyou:

    Just enough time before Mass to post a quick "WOO HOO!! When my ticker puts in its re appearance, you will see I have lost two more pounds!!!::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: This means I have lost the equivalent of e "Peppers" plus another lb. of "interest." Regardless of what it equates to, I'll take it.

    I am now within 9 lbs of the land of the "ONE derful Ones"--that place where the first number in front of your weight is NO LONGER a TWO!!--a place I have not been since 1997!!

    I look forward to the day I can call up my ex, and, without lying, tell him I weigh LESS than when we got married. That should happen between Thanksgiving and Christmas if I can stay on schedule.

    Everyone have a good Sunday. More later.


    To clarify, that sentence is supposed to read "...the equivalent of TWO "Peppers" plus another lb. of "interest." ..." I was hurrying to post so I could leave for church and my proofreading skills suffered.

    My ex has actually always been quite supportive of my weight loss efforts-as supportive as someone who can eat whatever they please and not gain can be.:grumble: :laugh: :laugh:

    I haven't seen him lately, so I plan to "engineer" a reason to drop in to his workplace (a retail setting) and wait for him to fall over, since he doesn't know what I have been up to. I last saw him at the end of May and I was only down about 13 lbs. at that point, and would have looked about the same as I always did.

    I have learned this weekend that if I am not careful, I could end up with a third doggie--a 13 year old Yorkshire terrier named "Bradley."

    A good friend of mine lost her former mother in law, who was terminally ill, and then about 6 weeks later , the son, who had been her caregiver, died without warning. He was only in his 40's. Between the two of them were 3 yorkies. All three of them have the same parent's as my friend's Yorkie, Sadie, but all are over 10 years old.

    Sandie has two of them, besides her own, and the third one went to another home as an intended pet for the pre-teen daughter. Mom and the daughter love the dog, but he does respond to them, but has not done well in a home where he is all alone with no other dogs. Sandie just can't deal with four little doggies, so it looks like I will be arranging a doggie playdate soon and we will see if my two will hit it off with this one.

    He is very active and sounds like he could make a good playmate for Pepper, who I know gets frustrated with old "stick in the mud" Mai Li, aka "Diva Girl"--who would not play with another dog if her life depended upon it :laugh: :laugh:

    I figure if two take up all my time, how can one more take any more?? And since I am already broke, what is one more baby to love? Remind me I said that the next time I get woke up at 3 am by somebody (canine) who is hungry!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good afternoon. I have to get off the computer and get something done today or the whole weekend will be shot.:grumble:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I am new to this site and would love to join your group. I am a 56 year old woman who wants to lose 50 lbs, and until the past couple of years, never had a weight problem. In the past, I would allow myself a 5-10 lb. weight gain and then diet. Never had a problem with motivation until recently. I am hoping to get support here. I also joined another site run by an "exercise guru" and one of the members told me about this site. Had I encountered this site first, I would have never paid for the other since I like this so much better. It is extremely user-friendly, and the food diary is the best I have ever encountered.
    Welcome. Glad you found us. This is an awesome thread filled with women who are where we are! We're here for you.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I am still alive and well:laugh: I have been busy and have read the posts but have not posted for a few days. Looks like a lot of you are totally on track - congratulations. And to those who are slipping, don't let that stop you from posting. This thread is a great source of encouragement.

    Fabulocity - GREAT JOB! :flowerforyou: Wow, 98 lbs!

    Alice: How cool that you were able to witness that young bird learning how to fly!

    Barb: You CAN stay on schedule - you WILL do it! I love your stories. That one about "no connection" is classic! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have done well this last week staying on target. I have managed to clear some 'eating hurdles' and felt good afterward. So much of our socializing includes eating and it's no often healthy foods. I have been able to slip in my foods so that I can stay on track.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • l_mahloy
    Hello all hope you are having a wonderful weekend. My mom turned 80 Saturday I am very thankful she is here to celebrate it after the last 6 months we have had. She is in the rehab center now regaining her strength after the surgery.

    My son turns 31 Monday :noway: where does the time go? Was he not in diapers toddling around the other day?

    Heather 8 day’s soda free can’t even imagine. Were you a diet soda or regular soda drinker and what changes have you noticed?

    Kathy welcome back we missed you very much.

    Vickie that is the best feeling trying on a dress that is a little big and knowing that it will be swimming on you before you know it. Keep up the work and post a picture of you at the wedding with the new slimmer you!:flowerforyou:

    Dobbiedo flowers or a card would be great it is a great loss to her. I love my dog so much very close to how I love my kids even though it is different.

    Jeannie what a funny story about you and your mom I am glad you were met with kindness I get aggravated when people are rude to the elderly. Our society has lost the respect that we once had to our elders. Of course I guess I really notice it more as I am becoming one of them.

    Peschuntz welcome this is a great site very encouraging.

    Thanks for everyone’s support.:happy:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hello all hope you are having a wonderful weekend. My mom turned 80 Saturday I am very thankful she is here to celebrate it after the last 6 months we have had. She is in the rehab center now regaining her strength after the surgery.

    My son turns 31 Monday :noway: where does the time go? Was he not in diapers toddling around the other day?

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Lynn: you and I must have some things in common. I had an eightieth birthday party for my mom last April, and my oldest daughter turns 31 on Tuesday. Where does the time go???? I keep telling her I am sure I changed her diaper last week!

    I am very busy getting ready for next weekend. I will work for four days this week, then it is off on Thursday evening to stay with my mother and spend the days at the Walnut Valley Music Festival at Winfield, Kansas for the long weekend. We have spent the third weekend of September there every year since 1976 (except of course, the weekend that my oldest daughter was born!) I always carry in all of our food for the weekend and don't buy any there, so am busy preparing in advance. I will be feeding 9 on Friday and Sunday and 18 on Saturday. It will be great fun, as all the kids and families are making it this year. Anyway, it is a big event. They are expecting attendance of about 14,000, which is amazing since the state fair is also going on at the same time. I will come back as always, exhausted but floating on the memories.
    Better go get busy cooking!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Ok, so I am still on the computer. So sue me.:laugh: Actually, I am on a DIFFERENT computer than my last post, which I sent from my parent's house. Now I am home, and I HAD to log my lunch, and of course it wouldn't be polite not to check the posts, so here I am again. Housework, what's that???:laugh: :laugh:

    Since everyone enjoyed my tech support story, can you stand another one?--Even if you can't here it is anyway:

    I once took a call from a man who described in excruciating detail everything he had done so far to figure out his mysterious intermittent connectivity problem. I finally got a word in edgewise and asked the basic question, "What are the lights doing on your modem?" His description indicated the modem was in standby mode, (which means you can't connect) so I asked him to push the appropriate button, and it came back up and he was connected.

    He said he was sure he hadn't pushed that button before to put it in standby, and he lived alone, except for his cat--a big fat cat who was at that moment sitting on the windowsill next to the computer desk. I jokingly asked if the cat like to play with the modem, and of course he said "no."

    He had some other questions, and as we were talking, he suddenly said "well I'll be darned!" When I asked what was wrong, he started laughing and said, "the cat did it" so now I am wondering if he is sipping martinis while surfing the net or smoking something funny? After he could talk, he explained, "I was just sitting here and my cat jumped off the windowsill, and since the modem is underneath the window, he jumped onto it on the way down and hit the standby button!!":noway:

    So it just goes to show you, never trust your cat!!:laugh: :laugh: Or, if you have a modem with a standby button, be careful where you place it. I also recall another situation where a teenager with big feet kept hitting the modem standby button because the modem was on the floor underneath the computer desk.

    BTW Barbiecat, sorry Jake is away. If you keep busy walking doggies, drinking water, doing line dancing and all the other things you do, the 3 days will fly by in no time. Hang in there.

    That is all for now. I have doggies demanding to be walked.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Congrats to all who have lost weight this week.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barb, the original problem that I had with my computer was due to my cat knocking it to the floor. They can cause such problems. But we love them anyway.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    "I am very busy getting ready for next weekend. I will work for four days this week, then it is off on Thursday evening to stay with my mother and spend the days at the Walnut Valley Music Festival at Winfield, Kansas for the long weekend. We have spent the third weekend of September there every year since 1976 (except of course, the weekend that my oldest daughter was born!) I always carry in all of our food for the weekend and don't buy any there, so am busy preparing in advance. I will be feeding 9 on Friday and Sunday and 18 on Saturday. It will be great fun, as all the kids and families are making it this year. Anyway, it is a big event. They are expecting attendance of about 14,000, which is amazing since the state fair is also going on at the same time. I will come back as always, exhausted but floating on the memories.
    Better go get busy cooking!

    Mary it sounds like an awsome weekend! We are all singer / musicians in my family. WE LOVE MUSIC!!! What a great thing to look forward to every year! 14,000 people? WOW that's big! Don't get lost:laugh: :laugh: 33 years of going! Have a glorious time! Feeding all those people will be a chore but at least you're in control of what type of food is going to be served :laugh: :laugh: