

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Susan, it is great to hear from you again and especially great to hear that you've lost weight and gotten under 180.:flowerforyou: We're all dancing for joy with you.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. How lucky he is to have you.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, what a great attitude you have.....congratulations on not letting comfort eating take over.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, I loved hearing about your German Shepherd. I love big dogs but we were lucky to get smaller big dogs that can be picked up if necessary. I used to think I'd want a small dog but now I'm a big dog fan. I never thought of getting in the tub with the dog. It sounds like fun.:bigsmile: Poor Jake is far from "par" but he is being a good sport about doing all the things the chiropractor told him to do. I'm the one being a whiner about all the dog walking, chores, and fetching that I have to do:sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I treated myself to an extra big peanut butter and wasa cracker snack this evening then had to ride the exercise bike for a long time to burn enough calories to make it up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, we use peanut butter for hiding pills and our dogs gobble it up so fast they have no idea what was hidden inside. People are always telling me to relax occasionally so I'm going to tell you the same thing. Between your walks, your job, what you do for your friends and your parents and your dogs, you deserve a break. Get some rest and you'll be a new woman in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, Jake and I have been talking about not buying peanut butter any more because it's just too much of a temptation and too easy to overdo. I'm glad you could eat some ice cream and then get back to your sane and healthy habits. Guilt is a waste of time and energy.

    I have to work at the Isagenix booth at the health fair all day tomorrow. Jake was supposed to do it with me filling in for a few hours, but with his back so bad, he's going to stay home. there will be three other people working with me but I'm still a little nervous about it.

    Time for bed here in the west :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    :flowerforyou: You're all doing so good! :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: being more active
    :flowerforyou: setting new goals
    :flowerforyou: finding good incentives
    :flowerforyou: using good strategies to help keep on track
    :flowerforyou: drinking more water :drinker:
    I hope all those who are under the weather feel better soon.
    We're looking forward to a lazy weekend. I didn't bring any work home to do. :bigsmile:
    But I need to shop for something new for my 35th high school class reunion next weekend. I'm hoping to find an encouraging size. :wink:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I wish I still floated! :laugh:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    What I have learned this last week is that I can be well within my calories but if I don't eat the raw fruits and veggies I don't loose!! Well, I'm going to see if that's it. I need to make sure and have a salad for dinner - I'm hoping that will help. Yesterday I was within all my limits(fat, fiber, carbs, calories) and I feel bloated so I am going to rethink what I eat and go for more fresh produce. I'll let you know if it is the answer.

    Going to help friends move today so there is my workout for today. My back is already hurting, my hubby is also feeling it in his back.. Hope we make it through the day and that we'll still be walking at the end!

    Have a great day,
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    :flowerforyou: Barb, we use peanut butter for hiding pills and our dogs gobble it up so fast they have no idea what was hidden inside. People are always telling me to relax occasionally so I'm going to tell you the same thing. Between your walks, your job, what you do for your friends and your parents and your dogs, you deserve a break. Get some rest and you'll be a new woman in the morning.


    This is not the first time I have heard of using peanut butter, but both of my babies have absolutely no interest in it. They ignore peanut butter flavored dog treats as well. When Dreyfus was alive, he had a love affair with instant mashed potatoes, so I would pulverize the pill and mix it with potatoes and it was like that movie about stealing cars--"Gone in 60 Seconds":laugh: :laugh: I have also used thin slices of chicken lunch meat to hide the pill, but Mai Li is too suspicious for that to work every time!:laugh:

    BTW, Barbie, your advice about taking it easy must have been so good I followed it before reading it this morning !:noway: :laugh: After my post of last night, I did go out to the grocery store to replenish my yogurt and banana reserves. I try to avoid grocery stores on Saturday because too many other people don't!:laugh: I also needed to get a couple of things for Linda and drop off some other stuff for her. Then I visited my mom and dad and shared some "YUM derful" (of COURSE it's a word--I just made it up!!:laugh: ) peaches, ala Costco. There are a dozen nice big ones in a box for $5.99 and after about 2 days of sitting on the counter they are PERFECT!! The best part is that a large peach, only has about 60 calories, per MFP database. :drinker: :drinker:

    Oh wait, I did say that I followed your advice, didn't I? Well after doing all that, I DID come home, crawl in bed with doggies and watch what we call at our house the "SNEWS" ("snooze") because that is usually what I am doing before it has finished. Whoever put a sleep timer in TV's was a very SMART person. I use mine every night!! My only alternative would be to teach the doggies to turn off the TV, but since they are usually asleep before I am, that would NOT work very well!:laugh:

    I didn't exactly wake up feeling like a "new woman" but at least a well-rested one. My "alarm clock" was Pepper, standing with his front feet on the bed pawing the covers. He was afraid to jump on me, but still wanted up. Walking to the other side of the bed is not a concept he grasps. After all, he is where he is and there is someone in the road!:bigsmile: So I relocated him and went back to sleep.

    I was feeling a little unhappy when I only registered a 1/2 lb. loss today, but then I looked at my recorded weights and realized I have already lost 5 lbs. so far in September, and 9 since the beginning of August, so I feel a little better about things.

    Here is a funny for Barbie, Jake and anyone else who is into "RV'ing. Yesterday, I walked into a credit union office to do some business and there was a very funny poster. It said "Become a 20,000 pound Social Butterfly" and was an ad for their RV loans. The interesting part was the butterfly, which has distorted images of RV's as the "wings." The ad also appears within their website. A description doesn't do it justice, and the image doesn't seem to want to copy and paste, so here is the link to the page--check it out:


    Well, I have doggies who want to go outside. This is a good time as the rain they threatened us with for today:grumble: has not materialized.

    Not sure if I will be back on here today or not, as I am taking off to drive up the Gorge in a few hours to see Dave and Jenna--Pepper's "mom and dad"

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.:flowerforyou:

  • ellens292
    Hi, Ellen here,

    Did you all miss me? [actually we've been away so much plus lots of company the last 5 months that most of you newer ones won't even know me].

    This last time out in the RV was mostly down our valley visiting some wonderful camp grounds, even had quite a bit of company coming out the the camps to spend time with us. Such fun but time to call it fall and get down to business again. That is, in the weight loss business as well as everyday stuff.

    Looks like I did some damage this last 2 weeks. That along with the couple of pounds from earlier this summer means I have some back tracking to do. 6lbs to RElose. Help! It's hard to settle down. What to do?

    1 - start again to write down every bit of food everyday.
    2 - as someone said on one of the posts recently, eat the veggies and fruits.
    3 - cut back on other carbs
    I did get lots of walking in so keep up with that.
    Any other suggestions?

    Skimmed through the last few pages here, sounds like most of you are doing well.
    Have a good weekend all.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    What I have learned this last week is that I can be well within my calories but if I don't eat the raw fruits and veggies I don't loose!! Well, I'm going to see if that's it. I need to make sure and have a salad for dinner - I'm hoping that will help. Yesterday I was within all my limits(fat, fiber, carbs, calories) and I feel bloated so I am going to rethink what I eat and go for more fresh produce. I'll let you know if it is the answer.
    Have a great day,

    I can always tell when we're out of salad & raw veggies. I feel so much better when I eat more produce. And veggies fill me up more than fruit - which has other benefits! :blushing:
  • l_mahloy

    Did well with food today did not do any exercise today was my day off my body needed a break will do cardio Sunday.

    Congratulations Suezzeque I hate plateaus but you have broken yours keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    Way to go Birdie getting on the tread mill and burning up your dressing!:glasses:

    Vickie way to enjoy your ice cream with out guilt it is ok to have a treat as long as we do not over do it and you did it right.

    Check back in Sunday,

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: After I recorded my last 2 pounds I got a message that I should re-evaluate my calorie level. Based on what I put in it re-set my calories to 1200/day. I guess that's okay, but I continually have beween 200 and 400 calories left over at the end of the day. Why should I go ahead and eat those calories when I am finished with my eating for the day? I'm sure sometimes I could have something I don't necessarily need, but why should I? Any thoughts? Thanks! :drinker:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Doobiedo: Too low of calories will cause your body to hold on to all your calories. I would go ahead and eat the 1200 and I think you'll be surprised.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening Ladies:smile: Alice I hope you are feeling better soon. :huh: I'm still not feeling good.:sick: I hurt from the neck up. Now my eyes are watering, sore throat, my neck hurts and pressure around my eyes and nose. I was feeling better this morning and hubby and I took Starr (our german sheperd) for a walk. She is starting to show her age and we are getting worried about her hips. Vet had told us, when Starrs mother first got sick, that walking them builds up muscle and helps with hip displasia. We walked about 45 minutes. :smile: Then this evening the weather was so beautiful I harrassed my hubby into another walk and we took Starr with us. :noway: Hope no one else comes down with this mess. Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend.:wink: Going to bed now, Rosemary
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I worked from 9:30 to 3:00 at the health fair. I talked to a lot of people about weight loss and the Isagenix progam that I'm using and heard so many excuses about why it wouldn't work. Lots of people avoided even looking at us because we were a weight loss program. I learned a lot and had a great time. I didn't get as many steps on my step counter as I would have liked but I found time to take the dogs to the dog park and ride the exercise bike. there were lots of health screenings but the only one I went to was blood glucose
    I had it done twice by two different blood draw methods and got good scores on both of them.

    I couldn't believe at the health fair how many vendors had bowls of candy on their tables to lure people to come closer and see their products.

    good night and big hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: and drink more water:drinker: :drinker:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    So nice to hear from all of you. I did okay on food on Friday and Saturday but did not work out. Just felt lazy. I still feel that way today but will get it done. I am going to mow the lawn and work on the pool. then later I will go to gym. I am telling you ladies this so when I post later I am accountable. We went to look at the plantation where my niece wants to get married. REally nice and pricey. We also went to look at dresses. She found her dress at the first place we went. She only tried on about 6 dresses. It is so beautiful on her. it is truly HER dress. We also found the bridemaids dresses and tux's. We did pretty good for one afternoon. Hubby comes home today. I was waiting for him to call. He just did. Now I can go mow the lawn. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Dad is doing OK after his fall. Thanks for all your thoughts about it. It is still sore and stiffens up overnight. So, I'm putting the heating pad on it before it's time for him to get up.

    I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but my 14 year old daughter hurt her hip almost 2 years ago. Our insurance company refused to do any tests and has just been sending us to PT (over and over again). Last spring she started limping by the end of the school day and was in constant pain. Finally, we got a referral to an Orthopeadic specialist! It turns out she has a hole in her hip joint that has probably just been getting bigger since the original injury. Now, it has to be fixed. It is so big she is not allowed to run, jump or do any impact activities at all.

    It's looking like the surgery will not be able to get scheduled until January or February 2010. Until then she is suppose to do core upper body workouts, ride a bike and swim to get her in shape for the surgery. It will be a 6-9 month recovery and she will end up with 2 screws in her hip.

    If it is successful, she will be able to do what ever she wants to do sports activity wise.

    Hopefully, we will be able to find a gym and pool she can use for free at the University where I work. Children under 17 aren't allowed in the workout rooms, but I think if I go with her and they see the doctor's orders, they will let her in.

    The only really good news is that skiing is not considered an impact sport, so she will at least still be able to go skiing.

    Sorry for the long post.

    Happy Sunday all!

    Here's to good choices:drinker:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Rosemary- I'm sorry you're not feeling well. take care.
    Barbie- The candy dishes floored me! What on earth are they thinking?! Can you tell us about your program?
    Vickie- What a nice weekend you're having! And I'll tell you right now that while hubby is watching the football game I'm going to ride the bike. There. I wrote it out loud!
    jam- Sorry about your dad's fall & daughter's hip. It's terrible that she's been suffering all this time.
    I'm having a nice lazy day. We'll go out to lunch & then hubby will watch football & I'll get in some much needed exercise. Yesterday we went shopping & I finally found an outfit for my class reunion next weekend. Friday night I saw someone I graduated with & I just hope I don't look as old as he does! :noway:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I did an hour of mowing. Not quite done but hot outside. will finish later. Hubby is a little over an hour away from home so waiting for him. If he is not too tired we will go to gym later.
    Vicki M
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans

    I lost 1.2 pounds this week.
    Exercised 4 times - Cardio 4 times and Weights 2 times
    Water - about 4 glasses per day.

    I did 30 minutes of exercise today - 10 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the treadmill.

    September goals:
    Lose 8 pounds
    Cardio 4-5 times per week
    Weights 2-3 times per week
    Drink 8 glasses water daily

    3.2 pounds to date
    4 times this week
    2 times this week
    4 times/day this week :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    My goal this week is to increase my water to 8 glasses daily
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but my 14 year old daughter hurt her hip almost 2 years ago. Our insurance company refused to do any tests and has just been sending us to PT (over and over again). Last spring she started limping by the end of the school day and was in constant pain. Finally, we got a referral to an Orthopeadic specialist! It turns out she has a hole in her hip joint that has probably just been getting bigger since the original injury. Now, it has to be fixed. It is so big she is not allowed to run, jump or do any impact activities at all.

    It's looking like the surgery will not be able to get scheduled until January or February 2010. Until then she is suppose to do core upper body workouts, ride a bike and swim to get her in shape for the surgery. It will be a 6-9 month recovery and she will end up with 2 screws in her hip.
    Happy Sunday all!

    Here's to good choices:drinker:

    Anyone who still hasn't figured out why we need healthcare reform in this country needs to hear about the story of your daughter. TWO years of misery because of a boneheaded insurance company is inexcusable. :explode: I wonder if all the money they "SAVED" by refusing to do tests will offset the cost of the surgery that is now necessary?:mad:

    I am not an attorney, but finding one who specializes in medical issues might not be a bad idea. It is possible you can hold your insurance company accountable by suing their pants off. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery.

    We had the "canine summit" today and there was nothing but sniffing and wagging tales, so Bradley the Yorkie will join us in the first or second week of October. I am waiting to take him until after I have taken the trip to Seattle that is planned in the next couple of weeks.

    Saturday, I took a nice drive up the Gorge and had dinner with the friends mention in my last post. The restaurant had a menu "for lighter appetites" so I had a single boneless chicken breast, salad, and the baked potato with goodies on the side. The hubby in the couple that was with me had a huge slice of prime rib, which I had a couple of bites of, but I still liked my chicken more. Also had a Yoplait cherry cobbler yogurt for dessert a little later in the evening, while my friends ate coconut cream pie.:noway:

    The best thing happened this morning, when I got weighed and hadn't gained anything!!:drinker:

    I am trying to do all the things I avoided all weekend, so this will be a "quickie" post.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi everyone

    Seems like forever since I last checked in on here. We have travelled from home through Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Saskatchewan for a wonderful week long visit with family and are presently camping in Billings Montana:smile: We have seen some very beautiful sights:bigsmile: Our camping experiences have been absolutely terrific so far.

    Unfortunately I my knee is really acting up and I am not getting any extra exercise in:grumble: for that reason the scale is not moving in a downwards fashion, but I am not fretting over it because I do not want to ruin this wonderful trip for I know that I will have plenty of time to get myself back in workout form when I get my knee fixed up. My food choices have been mostly very good so that is helping the cause:happy:

    Glad to see some new members...the more the merrier...although since not having internet access for the last 2 weeks I have not had the chance to catch up on this thread.

    Keep up the great work everyone. I will try and check in again at some point in the future.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick post, got on the scale and wooooohoooooo 2 more pounds. I weigh now what I weighed when I finished battle of the bulge 3 years ago. :cry:
    :flowerforyou: Marie- I hope your knee is feeling better soon.
    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity- Congrats on the weight loss
    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I mowed my daughters yard yesterday for about an hour. I wore my sweats and they really earned their name:laugh: :laugh: I was drenched to my drawers:laugh:
    :smooched: Thank you Georg for the "get well wishes"
    :noway: Jam seems like you and your family are going through a "Health Care" crisis all your own. I am sending hugs and prayers for speedy recoveries.:flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart:
    :drinker: Everyone have a great Monday: I am 'cause my Matthew is coming home today:smooched: :smooched: flowerforyou:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Rosemary