

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I read your reaction Barbie about the woman who starved and then hit McD's and you are so good. Wow, if I blow it please bring me a reality check any time. I want to look like you. What an inspiration. And your response is straight to the point but very caring. Thanks for being you.! kc
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I got a very good start this morning. I woke up early and went straight to the gym. I stayed for 90 min. did treadmill, weights, ellipitcal and then more treadmill. forgot my HRM at home so had to use machine calories. Trying to decide what I want for breakfast. Had a protein bar before workout to give me little energy. I hope all of you ladies have a great weekend. Not sure what my weekend holds yet. Will play by ear. Hubby is still offshore. Not sure when he is coming home. I missed his call while at gym today so hope to hear from him later.
    Vicki M
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    September is starting off pretty good. The weather is cooling down a little, so my diet buddy at work and I can start walking for our breaks again. We have absolutely no shade at our office and it was getting to 100 degrees before 10AM. Our walking goal for the fall is to get to 3 loops around the parking/building complex in 15 minutes. We are just went from 2 to 2.5 loops last week.

    On eating out- we don't do a lot of it, but I have found out that I can do OK, if I check out the menus in advance online. The other really, really important thing that has helped me tremendously is that I pre-enter my day's food on what I am planning. It really makes it clear in the morning what my calorie day will look like if I eat what I planned to. Then if I need to adjust breakfast or lunch to make up for eating out, I know it before and can adjust things.

    Have a great day today!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Well, my weekend of OT work is not quite what I was expecting. Although I didn't mention it in last night's post, on Friday, somebody killed off our dialer's connection with the server that operates it, so it was going to be down for the rest of the night. That meant those who were scheduled to be there would have to suffer through the dreaded "manual time"--which means they have to go through the files manually and call customers, rather than having accounts fed to them and dialed automatically. Fortunately, those of us on OT don't have to do this, so we all left 2 hours after we started, which cost me 3 hours of time and half, right off the bat.

    Today, Saturday, I went in at 6a. Things were going fine for the first 2 hours, talked to lots of customers. Then they switch files, and we ended up in the "don't answer, or pickup/hangup file." That is MY name for it, anyway:laugh: So the policy is, if you don't feel you are being productive, you can leave, and so after not talking to anyone for an hour, that is what I did. Instead of the 10 hours of OT I was hoping for between the two days, I ended up with 5.5 hours. At this rate, I might force myself to go in for a while on Sunday.

    It rained cats and dogs this morning--actually had to dust off the umbrella to walk the doggies when I got home. I laid down for a nap, and when I woke, I could see the sun shining--made me wonder if I slept through to next Tuesday, when our better weather is forecast to return!!:noway: :laugh: It was actually only about an hour and a half later, just a little break in the rain. Now Mai Li has the idea we need to go out again, so she is staring out my sliding glass door, and since some kids just ran through the common area beyond my fence, that has her quite agitated, as well.

    When I looked at my progress for last month, I noticed that my weight seemed to start coming off faster within a week of taking the Acai supplement that I bought at Walmart. I am continuing on it, so in another couple of weeks, I should have a better idea if this was a fluke or if we are on to something. All those detox and cleanse combinations that they are advertising online I figured were hype,--plus they are just trying to get you to sign up for the "free" trial so they can charge your credit card vast sums of $$, but Acai, itself, does have anti oxidant properties, so I figured it couldn't hurt to try it.

    Well, I still have things to do this afternoon, so have a good day, everyone, and for those on the road, stay safe!!:flowerforyou:

  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i think i want to join you ladies it looks like a good site to do well my weight goals for sept is to drink my eight glasses of water and to walk a mile every other day and to lose ten pounds 232-222
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone:flowerforyou: and a happy Labor Day weekend :smile:
    I have already blown one of my goals for September:grumble: Due to a very busy schedule I was not able to ride my bike this week:frown: I did however do Leslie Sansone's WATP 4 times and took my Grandson for a few walks ( I walk he rides in his "Little Tykes" car).:happy: My husband and I are leaving early in the morning to take a 6 hour drive to W. VA. (just to ride, no specific destination) so I don't think I will get very much exercise tomorrow. I am planning on taking salad, fruit, and lots of bottles of water with us. Not sure if we are coming home or spending the night somewhere.:smooched: :embarassed: :smooched: :embarassed: So if I don't get to check in everyone have a safe holiday and remember to :drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink that water
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I woke up this morning to terrible wind. Bernie, the cat, kept going in and out hoping that the weather would change and be more to his liking. :laugh: He was right, just about the time I'd given up on going for a walk, the weather cleared and Jake and I were able to walk for 70 minutes under sunny skies. Part of the route was a familiar one and then we added a new leg that we hadn't traveled before. Later it rained, and then cleared up by mid afternoon so I could take the dogs to the dog park for 40 minutes. Later I'll get on the exercise bike.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I hope everyone remembers to consult you about going to restaurants. You sound like you have a bunch of experience and have been able to lose weight in spite of the challenge. :bigsmile: Enjoy your weekend no matter what happens.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, you continue to stay focused. Your exercise plan is awesome. and , of course, you are the water drinking champ. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Have a wonderful holiday trip.

    :flowerforyou: Alice, you sound really focused, too. you're bound to succeed with your attitude and effort. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, it looks like you got the rain we were promised. What a bummer about your lost overtime hours. :sad: Your green pepper and rice dinner sounds yummy. I keep meaning to try some sort of stuffed pepper meal. Your dogs are so great. :heart: Keep those stories coming. I love them.

    :flowerforyou: kc, thank you for the kind words. when I started on MFP I was inspired by the ladies who had lost a bunch of weight and learned so much from them. This site is all about us helping each other.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, how great that you have a buddy at work that you can walk with. Your hot temperatures sound like such a challenge.

    :flowerforyou: Lizzys, welcome to the group. these women have changed my life. they are so supportive and have so much good information to share. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    :flowerforyou: Lianne, I hope that nasty migraine is gone and will never come back. I hope you and your dogs and cats have a wonderful weekend.

    This holiday weekend doesn't make much difference to us except that we have to remember that the bank and the post office are closed on Monday. :laugh: :laugh: Line dance class will go on as usual on Monday.

    Hugs and happy weekend to all, :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello again,
    Barbiecat likes doggie stories, shaggy or otherwise, so here is one from another post. I am giving you the actual story from the website below:
    "By CBC News, cbc.ca, Updated: September 5, 2009 5:27 PMB.C. toddler lost in Yukon gets to keep dog he followed

    A two-year-old boy lost in the Yukon bush overnight after wandering away from his family's campsite will get to keep the dog he followed.

    The toddler, identified only as Kale, wandered away from a campsite north of Ross River, Yukon, on Thursday.

    The boy, from Kamloops, B.C., apparently trailed after a dog, which stayed with him throughout his 25-hour adventure.

    Mike Bondarchuk was among many searchers, including Mounties, search-and-rescue experts and volunteers from the nearby community of Ross River.

    He said a helicopter pilot, using infrared technology, spotted Kale.

    "I guess he had spotted some kind of heat. So he got one of the crews … to go over and check and they did a walk and, sure enough, there was the little boy standing there and the dog was with him."

    Bondarchuk said the boy seemed to be doing well.

    "He just wanted some juice. He was pretty dehydrated there. I guess this dog took pretty good care of him."

    Police say it's likely the boy survived by cuddling up with the dog, Koda, to keep warm through the night.

    Koda's owner, Kim Dolan, said it's amazing the two made it out safe and sound.

    "From what the parents have said, they're just total outdoors people and he was in his element, the little guy … with a guardian angel of course."

    Dolan said she was happy to let the boy keep the dog.

    "We gave Koda to them because he, obviously, helped play a big part in making sure the baby survived."

    Dolan said her own kids weren't immediately keen on the idea of giving their dog away.

    "I have two children, two boys of my own, that were kind of upset about my decision [to give the dog away] until they met the family … and understood the situation a little better," she said.

    "I think they feel very happy that the dog will have a lovely home. I'm sure he'll be spoiled completely and live a long, happy life."

    The family was believed to be resting in a hotel in Ross River on Saturday.

    With files from The Canadian Press"

    web address of above story: http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/cbc-article.aspx?cp-documentid=21548726

    Isn't that amazing?:flowerforyou:

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    A lot of people stop doing what works when they get to the goal. It robs people of getting support from people who have been there. I'm really glad to look at your pic and see, Barbie how good you look.

    As for going out to dinner, my friend and I went out to Italian. I ordered a salad with grilled aspargus, zuchinni, and salmon. It had balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. Very light. Delicious. And we both ordered a side of grilled brussels sprouts. So good. And I left very proud of myself. I have been fabulous on my new eating plan for 6 days now. I love my breakfast of egg beaters, zuchini, and soyrizo, my lunch of Amy's soup and salad, and my lean cuisine's, salad.

    I finally found something that works for me. I come home, eat and then fix dinner for family and eat my salad with them. I'm not so tired. Everything is measure. :happy:

    Sorry I'm going on and on, but you don't know how frustrated I've been trying everything under the sun trying to take care of myself and this family.
    Today I woke up and felt like I'd lost 10 pds. Anyways, I weighed in on Monday so I'll will this Monday.
    God Bless all of you. kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    P.S. Barbiecat. Not that it my business, but are you 55+?

    You look 20 years old. Good for you if your not. kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member

    What kind of elliptical did you get?
    Where did you get it?
    And are they expensive? Thanks, kc
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    I managed to stay within my calories for today , just barely. My Aunt ( 93years old, bless her heart)
    came to visit the family. We had a lovely visit and brunch at my sisters new house. Sausage strata,
    fresh fruit salad, fresh sweet corn, a.........n..........d double chocolate cake. 15 calories left over for the day, WHEW!

    Drank my 12 cups of water, but did not get to exercise enough. I will have to sneak some extra in in the morning.

    You ladies are so good at keeping track of everyone. As I have said before I read all the posts although I do not always comment. I miss hearing from some of the ladies who have commented in the past I hope all are well.

    Another beautiful fall day here and a lovely cool evening with a big harvest moon overhead. Hopefully the Coyotes will not serenade us again tonight. Last night they preformed a coyote opera, the aria was truly breathtaking.

    I will start canning this week. Do any of you can? I learned from my Mom and have kept it up my whole life.

    Goodnight all, Alice
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Alice,

    I dont know where you live where there are Coyote's but sounds awesome. My mom always canned and made jelly. She passed away about 6 years ago. I can still see her in the kitchen listening for the jelly jars to pop to show that they were sealed.

    Gotta go to bed. I'm popped out. kc
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Your comment about the moon reminded me of seeing it this evening as I was driving home. We finally got a break in the weather this afternoon and evening, but we are gonna get it in spades tomorrow, wind, rain, and maybe even a thunderstorm :noway: "Happy Holidays!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I didn't know there were coyotes in Wisconsin, but I guess it isn't surprising. There are a few in my part of the world too. I recall a very eerie experience when I worked in the regional office of a cable company in my area. One night after working late, I came out to my car after dark and realized that about 15 feet from me was standing a coyote--just looking, sizing me up. I took one look at him (or her--didn't stick around to figure out which!:laugh: ) and I made a beeline for the building. When the security guard came back out with me, our visitor was long gone.

    There were two or three of them that you could see in an empty field next to the office complex. As soon as they began to build a grocery store about a block away at the other end of the field, we no longer saw any coyotes around.


    I read your profile, and you have something in common with Esther (Grammymax). Her husband, Bill is a published children's book author. In fact, I have his book. I purchased a copy, which he graciously signed, when I met the two of them last weekend at the Oregon State Fair.


    Now I have to tell a story on myself. Tonight, I came in from visiting Linda, my friend with the health issues, and I was hurrying to get the tv on to see the 10p news. A couple of minutes after arriving, I realized, my house keys were in the spot I put keys, but not the car keys.

    I have two separate rings because I have enough keys to be a jailer and it is very BAAAD to have a heavy load of keys hanging from your ignition when you drive. It can result in the ignition actually failing from the strain of the weight (an expensive lesson I learned from personal experience with an Oldsmobile I once owned:grumble: ).

    Anyway, my car keys were not where they belonged, so I started retracing my steps since going home. I began going through a box next to where I put down a tote bag, thinking I had dropped them inside. No luck for the keys, but I did find 3 other things I had been seeking. I had a bag on non perishable groceries that didn't get put away, so as I began to do so, it was a can of clam chowder that helped me find my keys!!:noway: As I was putting it away, I happened to look down and discovered my keys, where they had fallen as I came in the door, slightly underneath a rolling cart near my outside door. I said an audible prayer of thanks to the Lord.

    Had I NOT found the keys, the rest of my weekend would have been very exciting. I do have an additional car key, and I DO know where it is, BUT, I have a Lojack security system on this car. It is a device that sends a signal to a satellite if the car is moved WITHOUT the key fob that one must carry when driving the car to avoid setting off an alert. The first key fob failed about 2 months after I bought the car, and I finally got around to requesting a replacement about a week ago, so the only other one I have doesn't work. I was not looking forward to calling Lojack to explain that I was not trying to steal my own car when I drove it without the key fob!!

    At the time my key fob failed, every time I drove the car, about 5 minutes after leaving, I would get an automated phone message on my cell phone, an email would be sent to my address, AND, my parents ( as an alternate contact number) would also get a phone call. Unfortunately, the first time we experienced this, it was at 4:45a when I was driving to work!!! You can imagine my mom's surprise at being awakened at that hour to listen to a recorded message saying "your car may have been moved without authorization." My mom was a little confused about things until she talked to me later. I have since eliminated their number as one of the notifying calls. They don't need that much excitement in their lives at 93 and 83 , respectively.

    Well, so much for my ramblings. I am going to give up for the night and see if I can convince Mai Li that the kitchen is CLOSED.. She is lobbying for a doggie snack :heart: at the moment, and it appears she is influencing Pepper to demand one as well.

  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Good morning,
    Everyone seems to be highly motivated for the month of September. Reading your posts helps to inspire me to keep on trying to eat healthy foods and to exercise. This forum is so motivational.

    Teaching all day really throws my schedule off. We don't leave the building during the day, of course, and then by the time I prepare for the next day, it's nearly suppertime. I have got to plan ahead for suppers so that I don't give up and eat everything in sight!

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Sounds like most of you are off to a great Sunday morning. My daughter and I just took 3 of grandkids out to breakfast to a local restaurant. Their prices are great and the food is awesome. The kids get the buffet cause free for 2 and cheap for other. We order cause we get just right amount that way. I get 2 eggs, grits, wheat toast no butter and usually eat 2 slices of crispy bacon. Every now and then I just crave this good high protein breakfast. Only about 400 calories for entire thing and starts day off right.
    Hubby got home yesterday but had to work today. We stayed up last night until 1 am watching LSU play Washington Huskies. Sorry ladies we beat them. I am not big football fan but LSU here is the thing to do. We all get into it. Our husbands own about 24 LSU T shirts and we just cant miss the games. Actually hubby and I toyed with the idea to go to this game but flights from here were outrageous. I have always wanted to go to Seattle and it would have given me the opportunity. Washington played a great game and gave us a run for our money. Seems like the fans there are just as into their team as we are. Hope you have a great rest of your day. I am thinking about cleaning hosue but not really into it. Talk to you later.
    Vicki M.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    P.S. Barbiecat. Not that it my business, but are you 55+?

    You look 20 years old. Good for you if your not. kc

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    You say the nicest things. :love: Actually I'm 63 but I think that since I've lost weight, I look younger. :bigsmile:

    Take a look at all the pictures on my profile. The picture of me in the red cable sweater is the one that started me realizing how old and unhealthy i looked. I knit that sweater and was so proud of it that I asked Jake to take a picture of me so I could send it to my friends. I don't ever want to go back to that..

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    I will start canning this week. Do any of you can? I learned from my Mom and have kept it up my whole life.
    My daughter and I made forty pounds of peaches into jelly last week, and canned it all. We plan to give it away for Christmas presents.
    The weather here is gorgeous this weekend. We had some friends over to roast hot dogs and marshmallows last night, and tonight are meeting other friends in the park for a picnic. Hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend!
  • l_mahloy
    Hello everyone just caught up on everyones post. I also make Jam and can it I give it to friends and family as well as give it for hostess gifts. My mom didn't teach me but she also made jam when I was growing up. I am staying on track so far this weekend we ate out with freinds friday evening but I had worked out really hard so was not worried about calories. I have been very good with my water and exercise hope to continue the rest of the month so I can lose weight.
    Have a great labor day everyone,
    Lynn :drinker: ::drinker: :drinker:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Good evening everyone;

    I have enjoyed every drop of my water today, and did 5 miles with weights and intervals. I am so full of spunk!

    I also like making jams and jellies. Forty pounds of peaches. Wow! My favorite recipe to can and a family favorite here is vegetable tomato soup. It is naturally low cal and I try to keep it low sodium.
    The soup is also a good base for so many other dishes. I also like stewed tomatoes with peppers and onions and I believe my husband is addicted to them. If he is feeling ill he always has a big bowl of hot stewed tomatoes. They are his cure all. I have stopped making pickles and sauerkraut, as we do not eat them that often. I do make hot sauce the last one I cooked up I named " A Woman Scorned "
    trust me the name fits.

    I confess I love to cook.

    Barbie do you still have the red sweater you knit? I would love to see a picture of you wearing it now.
    I am done early tonight.

    Good Night All