Men shaving their bodies



  • MonkeyBars
    MonkeyBars Posts: 266 Member

    Is this too hairy or just right?

    Guys and girls, doesn't matter, I'm curious where we are with this?
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    LEAVE IT ALL ALONE! Some chicks dig it.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member

    Is this too hairy or just right?

    Guys and girls, doesn't matter, I'm curious where we are with this?

    I'd say it's fine. Then again, I'm a "leave alone the pheromones" kind of lady.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I like all the comments saying that shaving makes men look like 12 year old boys, and therefore anyone that wants to be with that must be a pedo, yet women are encouraged (to the point where, socially at least, they are forced) to shave their body hair pretty much wherever it grows. And many men are disgusted by arm pit hair, leg hair, pubic hair on a woman.

    If shaving makes you look like a child, then does that make most of the men (and women) in the western world pedos?

    The issue here is that for one gender, their natural state is demonized and must be waxed, shaved, plucked to perfection - whereas the other gender don't have the freedom to alter their natural state if they desire to.

    It's a very messed up world.

    Oh, and comments like, "I want a man not a woman", seriously? Shaving body hair makes you less of a man? BS. Am I less of a woman if I have armpit hair? of course not! Genders does not equal gender stereotyping. As long as you identify as a man, you are no more and no less of a man than any other man. What you choose to do with your body hair doesn't define you as a person, or alter your gender.

    This is almost as silly as the "rl wimminz haz curvez" thing

    :drinker: The most balanced comment on here JaffaCakes. The only comment I'd add is that in my experience it's women that have the biggest problem with hair - their own or what they'd like on their partner. Personally I don't mind female body hair in the slightest as long as it isn't a full beard and moustache, or as shaggy as a Silverback.

    haha. The only thing I will concede in regard to shaving your hair for others is if it is actually getting in the way during sex. For example, I make sure the errrr intimate part of my lady regions is shaved, but the front bit I don't mind. Same with guy hair, I don't mind of they have hair there, but if it's literally enveloping their man bits to the point where I'm pulling hairs out my mouth a week later, yes it is probably good manners to keep it neat and tidy.

    With everything else, I hate the pressure society puts on women to shave and men not to shave. My boyfriend admitted he didn't like it when I don't shave my armpits. I told him he can shave his if he likes. There was this huge thing on facebook, where this girl got her photo taken in a local club, and she had armpit hair, there were literally thousands of comments and shares (from men and women alike) saying how gross it was...though in the same album there were plenty pictures of men with armpit hair! It sucks for both parties, as I said, because women can't just be natural, and men can't experiment, according to our culture.
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Well, I don't shave my underarms except for the summertime (when I'll be wearing sleeveless shirts). I used to not bother at all, but it DID bother other people. I came to the conclusion that men don't wear sleeveless shirts unless in an extremely casual setting, so we never see their underarms bare. I figured the same should apply to me. But, because most of my shirts are sleeveless, I go ahead and shave in the summer.

    I don't shave my legs much either... maybe once a month, to once ever 3 months? I'm lucky, though, that my leg hairs are very sparse and very soft, so they don't prickle.

    There is a definite stigma against ladies not shaving though. I'm sure we're about to hear all about it...
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Haha, I think it will all come down to different preferences of everybody. My boyfriend shaves his arms, legs, and chest but thats because he gets spray tans often while preparing for bodybuilding competition. Personally, I find him attractive both ways so I don't really care. Maybe if the guy is just really hairy but even then I don't think it is necessary to shave for guys. Do whatever makes you feel best. Afterall, every woman has a different opinion so the best thing is to just do what you prefer.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Well, I don't shave my underarms except for the summertime (when I'll be wearing sleeveless shirts). I used to not bother at all, but it DID bother other people. I came to the conclusion that men don't wear sleeveless shirts unless in an extremely casual setting, so we never see their underarms bare. I figured the same should apply to me. But, because most of my shirts are sleeveless, I go ahead and shave in the summer.

    I don't shave my legs much either... maybe once a month, to once ever 3 months? I'm lucky, though, that my leg hairs are very sparse and very soft, so they don't prickle.

    There is a definite stigma against ladies not shaving though. I'm sure we're about to hear all about it...

    LOL. Honestly, I'm a rubbish feminist, because I like the way my armpit hair looks, (leg hair not so much juts because on me it's prickly and sparse and kinda pointless), but I can't man up enough not to shave in public. I tend to only shave my pits when I'm going out, and wearing a sleeveless dress, but the other day I was goin to the gym, was wearing a vest, and realised if I was lifting stuff everyone would see my hairy armpits! I bowed down to societal pressure and shaved :L
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member

    Is this too hairy or just right?

    Guys and girls, doesn't matter, I'm curious where we are with this?
    I don't think that's too hairy at all...
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    My partner doesn't shave anything.
    He has a nice hairy chest, but luckily his back is pretty hairless (except for 2 symmetrical patches!).
    I never knew I liked hairy chests until I met him haha.
    He has fluffy underarm hair hahah I like it.
    He has shaved before and I told him off for it.

    On the other hand, I do the generic feminine shaves.
    Depends on what I'm doing though, I'll leave it for a few days and then do my legs and underarms.
    I like the ultra-clean feeling I get when I shave my legs after they've been like spiders legs for like, a week :laugh:
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    Backs definitely need to be waxed, period. Wax your damn back. And pluck your unibrow because that's just wrong.
    Other than that, I like mine a little bit rugged. You have to groom though - rugged doesn't mean fur rugged. ;) I appreciate a man taking the time to groom and look presentable both dressed and undressed.

    I agree with the unibrow!
    My partner is blessed with 2 lovely eyebrows.
    My brother on the other hand, we nicknamed Bert.. as in Bert & Ernie.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176

    Is this too hairy or just right?

    Guys and girls, doesn't matter, I'm curious where we are with this?
    Perfect amount...
  • ProudArmyWifey8
    My husband has no chest hair thank goodness but i think a guy should keep legs unshaved. Lol
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    Thank God! I hate that men and women want their partners to be bare. It f**king weirds me out!!

    Really? Hm, it's interesting that it weirds you out so much. But hey, to each his own!
    I love being bare; it just feels so good!

    Everything is so much nicer, softer, kissable, all that stuff :)

    Exactly! If it's bare, I'll put my mouth there, and so will she. :laugh:

    THIS! This! THIS!!! :love:
  • HealthIsMyHobby
    HealthIsMyHobby Posts: 85 Member
    Should we?
    If so, which bits?
    And when do we stop?
    How hairy do we have to be?

    If I do my chest, do I do my arms, my hands, my legs, get the picture?

    I'm unsure....I'm not "that" hairy...but I'm curious!

    Also....what do we use? Chemicals (veet etc...), body grooming kits, men's razor, waxing (OMG, did you see the 40 year old virgin)!

    Comments please :)

    It's up to personal (and partner) preference. Reasonable people can disagree.
    BTW: how is it that this and tattooing have become popular and Speedos have not?
  • Beana21
    Beana21 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't mind body hair on guys. It's sexy most of the time, actually. But if a guy is naturally hairless, and I've been with a few who were except for lower legs and armpits, I have no problem with that. I just ask for all the men out there to maintain it and take care of their skin if they do decide to do some body grooming. Use fresh razors and keep the skin moisturized so as to help avoid ingrown hairs and bumps. Not a good look, trust me. lol