is it really worth it?



  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    there's days I still feel like that. changing my lifestyle has been for the better... I think the food relationship I had in the past still is in that memory n screams... Emotionally being attatched to food can't help but bring those feelings out. Because of it, I will always have to be mindful of what I eat.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member

    Life is too short to be unhappy.

    What used to make me unhappy? Being morbidly obese; hating what I saw in the mirror; crushingly low self-esteem; crippling shyness; feeling invisible; chub rub; being 'the fat one' out of my friends.

    What makes me unhappy now? Very little, frankly.

    They go hand-in-hand for me. Do I eat well 100% of the time? You're looking at a girl who ate SO MUCH FOOD this weekend. That's okay, though. I can exercise it off. I see this as a lifestyle choice, rather than a diet, and a life without the odd eats with the girls or cheeky bottle of wine is a life poorly-lived for me.

    Would I ever go back to being fat again? Not for all the money in the world; I never want to feel self-loathing like that ever, ever again. If that means I have to sweat myself inside out, so be it.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I get frustrated with constantly tracking things only to find that it hasn't been working too well anyway. I feel like I'm missing out on great foods for nothing.Down four pounds since March, gaining and losing the same 2 pounds since the end of April. Yeah, maybe I'll be thin by the time I hit menopause. So yeah, I get what you're saying OP. I hate how my entire life seems to revolve around the scale and eating perfect all the time. :/
  • niciemetts
    niciemetts Posts: 49
    its about portion control.........I look at it this took me a long time to get in this shape so its going to take time to reverse it...........i never tell myself no.............i give myself options................i went to the outback and my meal was less than 500 can eat anything you want..............but if you have a portion............u feed ur craving and you are satisfied :)
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    It's worth it. Just compare the mentality-- yours sounds sad, hopeless-- everybody who is working to be healthier-- their sentences are filled with exclamation marks and smiles! Because it feels so good. I feel so bad because I was in your shoes. It's so hopeless. But as they say, "a year ago, you will wish you started today". In a year, you can be a different person. Completely.
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    My dad had a similar view. Mine changed big-time when a stroke that resulted from his uncontrolled diabetes took his mind, his personality, his ability to pursue any of his hobbies, his ability to sleep on any kind of schedule that would allow my mom to keep her sanity, his ability to control his bowels. This happened when he was 58. He'll be 64 in August.

    Sadly this is very similar to what happened to my father. Type 2 diabetes from being overweight first led to a series of other health problems like gout, and then two strokes at age 59 left him helpless to care for himself and left his mind very child-like. Eventually he needed 24 hour nursing care. So sad---I miss the humorous happy dad he was. Since type 2 diabetes runs in our family (my great grandmother lost a leg to it) I am very aware of the possible consequences of letting myself live an unhealthy lifestyle. I think if you lose your health you lose a LOT, and your family does too. :(
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    I eat what I want but in moderation. I love chocolate, but I no longer eat a a big bar, I eat a small one. I love pasta, and I now eat one "serving" (size dependant on if it is a main course) and I do not go back for seconds. I drink my beer on the weekends.

    You can have just about anything as long as you do not go overboard. Just pay attention to the amount, and you should be fing. Keep track of your cals and stay as close to your goal as you can. Good luck and happy weight loss!

  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    If you are happy where you are then great for you. If you're not well then when you are ready to make a change for yourself you will.