Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Good weekend, but as they all do it flew by way too fast. Saturday’s workout was a 20 minute Core workout and then the Pilates DVD from 21 DFX XT. Ran some errands and tried to Christmas shop but it was nuts and I was "wandering". Then met some friends/business friends for dinner with DH. Yesterday I did STS Ch/Shoul/Bi’s and then showered up, Costco run and lunch with my BFF. No workout this a.m. but I will go to BootCamp tonight after work.

    Thelma: WOW! That is a nice little snowstorm for you forsure. We still have zero and a 50% chance this Thursday/Friday, but that might just mean a little sputtering of snow. LOL Great job with your JS Interval Training and the Ruah Mind Body Movement on Sat. Awesome to hear you went up in weight on the STS workout! Glad you enjoyed your long weekend.

    Laurie: You got some snow as well….. always nice this time of year! Good job with Saturday’s R&R workout and Yahoo to hear your first one of the new series for KCM was awesome. I really wanted to try one out yesterday after my STS workout but just knew I was going to be too rushed for time before my lunch date. Can’t wait. I was excited receiving them forsure and viewed (briefly) the KB workout. Reminds me a little bit of the Strength & Stamina kickbox and KB swings combo she does in that one. At any rate, super excited they have arrived!

    Laurel: Fantastic job with your workouts! Great combos as always. So it is Circuit month next week for us right? I was looking at my notes on Sat. DH and I leave for our Mexico trip a month from this Wednesday, so circuits will be perfect throughout the Holidays and right up to that. I will be behind you guys missing that first week when I get back but that will be BB “BUILD” right? In January. It seems odd to hear with all that snow you have that it is melting?!? Hopefully you will get more for Christmas. Fun to have a white Christmas forsure. I don’t think we will this year but you just never know here in the NW. 15 minutes of a sunrise …. That is so crazy. Good job keeping busy and not trying to pay too much attention to the darkness.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I jinxed myself twice last week. Once when I said there was no snow in our future and the other one was never going to Xmas parties or work events after work. Today my team was invited to a dinner event so we could celebrate a big milestone. Of course I have to go to this event. It would not look good if I didn't go. It wouldn't be so bad if I liked the restaurant but we're going to a Japanese hibachi place. I HATE walking out of there with stinky clothes and hair from the chefs cooking right in front of you. It's a good thing I have to wash my hair on Wed!

    Today I still felt the DOMS from the Ruah Mind Body Movement Warrior workout on Saturday. These were not painful DOMS but the feel good ones. Today I did STS Meso 1, Disc 9 Legs and I really challenged myself by going up in weight in 90% of the exercises. It actually felt really good specially because I was already experiencing DOMS. I might have new DOMS tomorrow. I increased my weights 2-3 lbs which was great but my heart rate was elevated and I found myself taking longer breaks just to bring my HR down. I probably have to take a forced day off tomorrow due to that dinner after work.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'll have to try that Relax and Restore workout one of these days. I didn't think the Ruah workout would cause any DOMS so it was a pleasant surprise. I will have to remember to checkout KCM's website at the end of the year. Thank God our snow storm happened on Saturday. Today's commute was great.

    Laurel, really great workouts!! I can't believe you're having snow melting temps! I've been meaning to ask you how much snow you'd gotten because you hadn't mentioned anything. Now I know why! OMG if you blink you miss the sun! The Ruah workout is really sneaky. I was not expecting DOMS at all. I don't know if I can say that I enjoyed it but it was challenging and that is a good thing.

    Tami, glad you had great weekend! Awesome workouts too! How are your relatives in Los Angeles doing? I hope they're ok. Your trip to Mexico is right around the corner! You must be so excited! is Bernie staying with his grandparents? I can't believe you don't have any snow yet. If I remember correctly you've had snow long before us in the last couple of years. Rain tomorrow so the snow will melt. Then super cold from mid week.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I tried another of the KCM workouts after work. I did Upper Body Superset, and another great workout. My arms where fried afterward. I could even feel the work done on the chest & back, and I only used 12lb weights. She does 2 exercises for each muscle for 8 reps. You do three sets, and then move onto the next muscle. At the end she did some 30 sec burn out exercises. Feeling the DOMS in the upper body this morning. :D This morning I did KCM's Split Sessions Lower Body, and will probably try out another of the Build & Burn workouts.

    DH and I are leaving work early today to go see White Christmas at the theater. I have never seen this movie on the big screen, so this should be fun. We are going to go shopping afterward. <3

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts! I see that you did the live CCC workout again, and I will have to pull out that P90X2 workout again. ;) I always forget about that one. In the Cardio Core workout that Kelly created she does an exercise for 20 sec, and then you get a 10 sec break. You do each exercise twice, and then move onto the next one. There isn't a break in this pattern until the end. Now some of the exercises are not all cardio, but I found that my hr was still high during the non cardio type. She does use the step in that workout also. The plank work is hands on the step. I used a 6" step, and that was just perfect for me. She does show modifications for all levels throughout the workout. Wow that is a really short window for the sun to be out. I can see why you would be waiting for the 21st to arrive.

    Tami, Some great workouts you got done this weekend, and it sounds like you had a busy one. DH and I need to make sure that we have our list together, so we don't do the wandering thing today. The one thing that is different about these Kelly workouts, is that she doesn't have any of the premixes that are combined. I don't think that would be a huge deal, since you can skip the warm up on all the workouts. That KB/KB workout is one that I really am looking forward to also. Tonight's workout is a toss up between that one and the lower body. I'm thinking the kbkb will probably win out.

    Thelma, Sounds like you did jinx yourself on those two things. I really don't like smelling like food when you leave a place. I used to work for a pizza manufacturer, and when they did the four cheese pizza, everyone would smell link Romano Cheese. Not a good smell after a while. Great job with you workout, and upping the weight on all those exercises. Nice that you had those good DOMS, that is what I am feeling this morning also. That first snow that people have to drive in is always horrible, so having the weather on the weekend is always so much better.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was cardio day and since I have some pretty significant DOMS from yesterday’s leg workout (in a good way, not a painful way), I opted for kickboxing.....because those kicks really seem to ease my leg tightness. So I started with Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing, and did the cardio from that, then went into Cathe Live Cardio Boxing. This one I had not done before, and it is a nice blend of boxing/cardio drills (not many kicks) followed by about ten minutes of cardio/metabolic work. It was about the same intensity as my first workout (moderate), so it was a good blend. Then I went back to Warrior Kickboxing for the core work, which is tough stuff. It all ended shy of 90 minutes, so long but not too tough today.

    Tami, great workouts this weekend. Hope you get some snow this week. What a nice break that would be from all the dryness. Circuit Month is actually followed by the Twice a Week month....the one where I am using Slow and Heavy three days a week followed by a random series from Cathe with more reps. If you want me to repost that month, let me know. I am actually going to have to change my initial plan up because I made a mistake on the rotation I posted here in the order of workouts. Then, after that, is BB Build Month followed up Upper/Lower. Wow I can’t believe your trip to Mexico is next month!! That will be so much fun.

    Thelma, great job with the leg workout. I was pretty winded doing it yesterday as well using heavier weights. There is one stretch in that workout where she goes from heavy weights to step to gliding discs that is especially tough for me and controlling my heart rate. Good stuff. I completely understand what you are saying about Ruah! I didn’t finish it saying ‘That was amazing!’ but I did like how it worked my body. Hope you enjoy the party despite the restaurant. Those aren’t my favorite types of restaurants either, to be honest.

    Laurie, that sounds like a really good workout! Thanks for the breakdown on her Cardio Core. That sounds good as well. Hope you have fun at the movie. That was one movie we watched every year when I was growing up and is still a favorite of mine. DH won’t watch it (he is not a fan of musicals), so I sneak it in when he is at work this time of year. Makes me smile.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ So last night’s BC Class was a killer!! Katy was gone so a gal that I really like but she always teaches during the daytime now filled in just randomly and through something together. We aren’t sure if Katy was sick or what happened. But at any rate it was 3 different sets of 2 exercises: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 reps, run a set of stairs and start your next set of 2 with those same rep patterns. Sounds easy enough or tough but not red in the face I might not make it to my last set of 50 reps, which I didn’t because we ran out of time. Holy reps. If I can remember correctly: (1) Squats & Tricep OH Extensions, (2) Sumo Squat w/ upright Row & Lunges off the step (3) Box Jumps & Weighted Sit-ups. This a.m. was STS Legs.

    Thelma: Sorry you jinxed yourself on the holiday party …. Despite the smell on your clothes those places usually have yummy food! Not this one though?!?! Great job getting in your STS Leg workout and going up in weight. With the DOMS your body might just thank you for the rest tomorrow. Thank you for asking about my sister and mom. Everyone is still doing good, just a lot of smoke. No fires right near their houses but definitely close by; not close enough to have to evacuate but just near I should say. My mom said the smoke isn’t effecting her, so that is good. Im wondering if she is even going out much?!?! LOL Yes, very excited for our trip. Bernie will most likely have Grandma come stay with him. Their dog is such a little “rascal” (aka brat) that Bernie would be attacked daily if he stayed at their house. Sad but true. It is a Cocker Spaniel that they rescued and he is VERY aggressive towards dogs. Plus they have spoiled him so bad it doesn’t help. Super sweet with people but if another dog even comes near them he springs!

    Laurie: WooHoo! That sounds like another great workout! Sounds like she has put together a really nice series. Dang on the premixes, but that’s ok, I can just skip the warm-up like you said if I want to put something together in longer time frames. I think that is so thoughtful that you and your DH are going to see that movie together. Mine did offer to go out and about this weekend and do some shopping ….. we will see. I won’t hold him to it but I will be surprised if he does. He definitely doesn’t like to “wander” shop. A list forsure or a mission.

    Laurel: Excellent cardio combo today!! Thanks for the kudos on the workouts. Yes, a little moisture would be good forsure. We need it. OK, thanks on the clarification for the “Twice a Week” clarification, that was what I thought I read coming up and why I asked yesterday. LOL If you don’t mind posting again. I am thinking you said something about Slow & Heavy and something like LIHI in the other part of the week? I can look back, but if you are changing it up I wouldn’t mind seeing it. Thank You. I can’t believe it is in one month either. We are getting pretty excited!

    Have a great evening ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I actually had fun with people from work. I think it's because I sat on the funny side of the U shaped table! My side was laughing the entire time and the other side was quiet. The food was blah. I rather have my entire meal served at once. In this case rice first, 5 minutes or so later 3 shrimp, then eventually your meat, then your veggies and at the end he topped the dish with a lot of bean sprouts. So the food was not hot. Each meal came with what they called onion soup and a salad with some nasty dressing. The soup was just what seemed some kind of broth with 3 green onion rings floating in it. I did hear a funny story from my British co-worker. He said that another Brit went to a restaurant and someone at his table ordered fried calamari. He didn't hear what was ordered and tried the calamari. When their waiter asked them if everything was OK this guy told him there was something wrong with the onion rings! LOL. We also had a good laugh at their cocktail descriptions. Clearly a lot got lost in translation. One drink was called Love Potion and it said it had Passion juices! LOL. Of course they meant to say Passion FRUIT juice! LOL. Another drink was described as fat and short! LOL
    BTW, I sat as far away from the cooking station as possible (pays to be the one of the first 4 at the table!) so I wasn't too stinky! OMG the flames were scary!

    I actually got a little cardio in when I got home! Jessica Smith Dance Party Zumba Style. There was nothing Zumba about it! It was a Disco medley and not a fun (to me) dance party but I went with it.

    I don't know if you need a Facebook account to view this video but it is an adorable doggy video

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm glad you're enjoying your new KCM workouts. I might get them during her end of year sale if on sale. I hope you enjoyed the movie! I hear you on the first snow! it's like people have never driven under those conditions before so they're afraid!

    Laurel, what a fun combo! Great job! Please post that rotation just in case!
    I really liked the Ruah leg workout. I am going to do the upper body one during Xmas vacation. I don't want to do it on Saturday if I have to do chest work on Sunday because I have the feeling there will be pushups. I'm glad I had fun tonight but you won't see me anywhere near that restaurant any time soon. This group seems to like that place because I know they've been there a couple of times before.

    Tami, OMG that WAS a killer class! Glad you survived! Thank God your mom and sister are OK. I heard on the news tonight that some homeless people started the fire when there were started an illegal fire to cook. Your mom might not be going out too much. Maybe she just takes her doggie out so she can go to the bathroom.
    I'm glad your MIL will stay with Bernie. Sounds like their doggie is a brat!
    I've heard from people that the food at that restaurant is not that good. After tonight I agree.

    Good night Ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout yesterday, but I had a great time with DH. It is sure different viewing that movie on the big screen vs. the tv. You notice more things, like one of the young boys smirking during the song White Christmas. I was doing my usual crying during the song We'll follow the old man". :D We then went shopping, and I think tackled the list pretty good. After shopping we went to dinner, and then home. At the resThis morning I did S90D Chest, Shoulders & Tri's. Hoping to try out the Kettle Bell Kickbox Fusion workout tonight after work.

    Laurel, Sounds like you got in a great kickboxing combo. Did you see the clip from the new series for the Boxing Bootcamp, I'm really looking forward to that one just by seeing that. It looks like it will be fun. That movie is my favorite, so I was happy when they had it playing at the theater. They also have A Christmas Story, and Christmas Vacation playing right now. Those two are ones that I'm not fond of though. I'm a huge fan of musicals. ;)

    Tami, Wow that BC class really does sound brutal. Up to 50 reps is really going high rep. ;) Glad that the time ran out for all of you. :D Great job on the leg workout also. Have fun with you DH and shopping. I know that I really enjoyed it, and I think it was him looking at things that I would like for Christmas also. :D

    Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that you had a good time at the dinner. That is strange that you received those portions in segments. I have gone to places like that, and they usually service the rice/meat/veggie all together. Got to love the Brits for some good humor. Nice job getting in a workout also, I have looked at that Jessica workout, and wondered if the dance moves would be to much for my brain. We had snow again this morning, but they where prepared, so the roads where really good.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! I started today with STS Disc 11/Back and Triceps. Since this was my last STS workout, I pushed it as heavy as I could. My arms were shaking at the end! I have a feeling I will feel it tomorrow, but it felt good to really push the weight today. For cardio, I did the all step cardio premix from Cathe’s 4DS series, which is not very intense but quite a mental challenge for me. It went well today though. :)

    Tami, wow! That sounds like a tough class! Like Laurie said, I am sure glad you didn’t have time to get to the 50 reps. Hope Katy is okay, though. Glad to hear your sister and your mom are doing all right. I saw some more pictures of Santa Barbara this morning, and it is just so sad.

    No problem on the Slow and Heavy rotation. I have changed it a bit from when I first posted it because that first rotation had me working triceps on consecutive days for three of the weeks.....and I know my triceps can’t handle that very effectively. So this is what I have planned now:

    Sunday-Slow and Heavy Chest/Back
    Monday-Slow and Heavy Legs/Shoulders
    Tuesday-Slow and Heavy Biceps/Triceps
    Wednesday-XT Cardio Leg Blast; LIS Lower Body Trisets; Gym Style Legs; RWH LIHI Legs (one per each week)
    Thursday-XT Disc 1/Chest, Back, Shoulders; LIS Upper Body Trisets Chest, Shoulders, Triceps premix; GS Chest and Triceps; RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders, Triceps (one per week)
    Friday-XT Disc 2/Biceps and Triceps; LIS Upper Body Trisets Back and Biceps premix; GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps; LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps (one per week)

    Hope that helps!

    Thelma, glad you had a good time at the Christmas party......but the food doesn’t sound very good. I have never had that experience at one of those restaurants, that’s for certain. Great job getting in a workout after! Just FYI, the rotation I just posted is for January 14. I think Tami will be starting it late because of her trip. I didn’t know if you were going to finish out the last week of STS before moving on to circuits and didn’t want you to get confused on what month we were on! Maybe it is just me, but if I didn’t write this all down back in October, I would have no clue what was next. :#

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed the movie. I remember when I was very young, my mom always cried at that part of the movie, and I never understood why. And then I grew up. :'( Always gets me now. I have watched all the clips Cathe has posted now, and they look good. Definitely don’t look like brutal workouts.....and that is okay. I am really looking forward to getting them.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ No workout last night and this a.m. was X10 for Cardio. Tonight I am headed to a fundraiser with DH. We were invited by some friends of his to sit at their table. Should be a nice time.

    Thelma: That definitely does not sound like the experience I have had at one of those restaurants either, but it has been a very long time since I went to one. Dang. Funny on the Passion Drink and Fat and Short . . . . “2 please” LOL Good job getting in a workout when you got home. Yes, that class was definitely a killer. 150 reps of everything is what they should have said.

    Laurie: I am so happy to hear you had a great time with DH. Sounds absolutely lovely and festive. YAY. What a sweet guy to do that with you. Good job with S90 Chest Shoul & Tri’s. Can’t wait to hear how you like the KB KB Fusion workout. It does help when they can go and see the things that we want for Christmas. My DH used to do that at Christmas time and then try to remember everything I touched or liked. LOL I learned he was taking notes so I am way more careful over the years. I may “like” something but not necessarily “want” it. LOL

    Laurel: Excellent workout with your last STS Back and Tris! PLUS the Mind Teaser Step workout, that is one that I refuse to try again ….. would love to "get it" but just don’t want the frustration of having to hit pause and rewind a million times. LOL Thank you for the well wishes on my family. Yes, it is terrible and so sad to see the destruction going on all around them and for all the people who have lost so much. My sister actually is in New York right now and flew in the a.m. of that bombing that happened. YIKES. Luckily she wasn’t affected but even still, just can’t get away from destruction right now. Thank you for posting this and for the reminder of it being January 14th for that.

    Hope you ladies have a nice evening ~ talk to you tomorrow! Tami

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I had a very long day at work and when I got home I was too exhausted to even take my boots off so I asked DH to take them off for me. I think I could've fallen asleep standing up. We had a very cold day. I don't think we got above 22 today. Tomorrow will be a couple of degrees warmer and more of the same on Friday. Tomorrow is my last workday this week. On Friday 6 of us are going to an all day class offsite.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a great time last night. It is true about the difference about viewing a movie on the big screen vs the tv. Great job with the S90D workout!
    The food experience was definitely strange. I remember going to one of those restaurants about 15 years ago and didn't care for the food but I don't remember being served the food in stages. At least everybody waited to until their full meal was on their plate. The object of that dance workout was not so much fancy dance moves. It was about moving.

    Laurel, wonderful workout today and congrats on going super heavy! Thanks for posting the rotation. Thanks for posting the rotation and for clarifying that this for January. I finish this month's rotation next week because I'm a week behind you. I wouldn't have remembered any of the rotation ideas if I hadn't saved everything you posted. The food experience was weird to say the least.

    Tami, I hope you had a great time at the fundraiser! Great job getting your cardio in this morning! The only good thing about the food last night was watching the chef's fancy cooking tricks.

    Good night ladies!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I was able to do the Kettle Bell Kickbox Fusion workout, and I really loved it. All the workouts are short, even with the warm-up and cool down the workout clocked in at just over 27 minutes. Every exercises is done for 30 sec, with a 10 sec rest. Similar to Strength and Stamina, but you do the kickboxing/boxing move twice and then the kettle bell move twice. I put on my weighted gloves also. I hope that she does another 30MTF workout like this one, because it was fun. I have seen some people commenting that their hr didn't get very high. If you use the right amount of weight in your kb, and add the weighted gloves. You get a really good workout. At least I did. ;) This morning I did GHUTV Cardio & Core Tabatas, another good workout and tough.

    Laurel, Great job with your workouts. I still am not able to do the step workout on 4DS, they are just way to complicated for my brain. All the new Cathe workouts look great, even the step workout. I will probably do that one on a 4 or 6 inch step though. :D I'm contemplating not using the Slow and Heavy, because some of them are kind of long. I may change them up for Kelly's Muscle Up Lift 2B Fit workouts, and then do the RWH LIHI workouts. So I'm going to do the following:

    Sunday-KCM Muscle Up L2BF Chest/Back
    Monday-KCM Muscle Up L2BF Legs/Glutes
    Tuesday-KCM Muscle Up L2BF Shoulders, Arms & Abs
    Wednesday-XT Cardio Leg Blast; RWH LIHI Legs (one per each week)
    Thursday-RWH LIHI Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Friday-LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps

    Tami, Nice getting the X10 workout in. Hope that your party was fun. LOL on your DH. When we where going through the stores, I specifically told him the items that would be something that I would be happy with. I need to give him many options, so that he has choices. I have had that same problem. My dd's will take pictures and send them to him also. :D

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you where so tired. I don't know if I have ever been that tired, so I'm glad that your DH was there to help you. I will have to check out that Jessica workout, since it isn't to dance'y.

    I'm taking the day off tomorrow, so I don't know if I will be getting on to post. The youngest and I are going shopping, and I have to take her and her car to the garage tomorrow.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was X77. I was trying to decide between that and After Burn (Bonus Burn premix), and X77 won out because it has been quite some time since I have done it. And since I have been doing some marathon cardio lately, I wanted to see if it felt any easier than I remembered. Um......nope. :D That is one tough workout. I didn’t know it was possible to sweat that much in Alaska in December. :o But it also felt really good. I followed it with the core work and stretch from Step, Jump and Pump.

    Tami, guess we were on the same X10 page! Hope you had a good time at the fundraiser. Yikes on your sister being in NYC for that. No doubt right now she is just looking for a little peace and some beauty.

    Thelma, I hear you on the ‘tireds’. This entire week has been a struggle for me, to be honest. Last night I was in bed by 8:30pm....and asleep before 9:00pm. And I don’t work!! Maybe the darkness is getting to me. Anyhow, I am glad you took the evening off. Hopefully you get some relaxation in this weekend.

    Laurie, love the sound of that workout. I haven’t used my kettlebell in so long that, no doubt, it would be very challenging for me. I completely understand about Slow and Heavy. It has been years since I did one of those workouts, and I wonder how I am going to feel about them. In fact, I’ve decided to ‘cheat’ a bit on the intent behind this rotation next week and do one upper body section from S&H five days next week to figure out what weight I need (since, no doubt, it has changed since I last did them), and make sure I want to do them for all four weeks of that month. If I substitute out, though, it will probably be with Meso 3, which are even longer than Slow and Heavy! Enjoy the day with your DD. That sounds like fun!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I overslept this morning. I woke up to my cat's asthma med alarm which is at 7am. You should've seen me jump out bed so fast! I should've been up no later than 5:45!!!! I woke up a few minutes earlier so I didn't allow my alarm to go off.
    Tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 8 Back and Triceps. I had to cut it short so I only did 45 or the 56 minute workout.

    Laurie, great workouts and thanks for posting that rotation. Do the new KCM workout have a lot of KB work? I don't like using dumbbells for KB work cause I feel the thing is going to go flying off my hands.
    I was seriously tired last night. It was almost scary. I'm much better today.

    Laurel, great combo today! Thankfully the entire week hasn't been a struggle for me just last night. I'm much better today. I am definitely going to relax this weekend. Today was my last day at work for the rest of the year. Tomorrow I have to go to a class offsite and Monday I'm going to work in the morning from home and that's it! I can't wait!

    Hi Tami!

    Good night ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! It has been a busy morning. It started with helping DH get out the door at 5:30am with all the stuff for his Christmas Party—it ended up being two hams, two crock pots of stuffing, 4 dozen cornbread muffins, 10 dozen cookies, and one apple pie. :o Thankfully the only preparing of anything I had to do this morning was add liquid to the stuffing. But I can tell you.....I am officially tired of my kitchen right now. ;) After some clean up and visit from a guy fixing our dishwasher (hopefully), I finally got to my workouts. After reading 2Lazy’s reviews, I opted for a Cathe Live I hadn’t tried which was Strong and Lean Reps. And there were a lot of reps! It was a good workout, but, no doubt, I will be feeling it tomorrow. For cardio, I did Rock’It Sock’It Live, which is really fun.

    Thelma, I hate the feeling of being late. But you were so tired, it is little wonder you overslept. Glad to hear you are doing better. Great job with the workout. Yay for being done with work for the year!!!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a pretty nice, relaxing weekend. On Friday I was in class all day long so I needed an easy workout and I went with Jessica Smith's Power Walking. On Saturday Jessica Smith Flow-Yo + 8 Minute Total Body Stretch. I really loved this combo. Today I started the last week of the High Reps portion with STS Meso disc 10 Chest, back, biceps.

    Laurel, great workouts on Friday. Wow you did a lot of cooking for your DH's Christmas Party! He must've been the hit of the party! You're such a good wife! I'm working 1/2 day tomorrow and then I'll be done for the rest of the year. I can't wait!

    Hi Laurie and Tami!
    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Really enjoyed my day with the youngest dd on Friday. I started out my dat with S90D Legs, and then of course all that walking. ;) On Saturday I did GHUTV Power Flow Yoga, and on Sunday was the start of our circuit rotation. I did KCM's Build & burn Trim & Tone Intervals on Sunday afternoon, and then finished up making my cookies. This morning was KCM's Build & Burn Cardio Core, which is a good HiiT/Tabata type workout. These new KCM workout actually will work pretty good for the circuit type rotation. ;)

    Laurel, Great job on all your workouts! How where the DOMS after that live Cathe class you did? Hope that the yoga/stretching helped with anything that you may have suffered with. I love Slow & Heavy, because it really does do a great job building strength. The length just is way to long for my morning sessions. I like to get the weight work done in the morning, otherwise I would probably avoid them after work. :p I love using 2Lazy's site for checking out all the metabolic type workouts. I have some that I didn't realize where circuit/metabolic that I can use in this next four weeks. Wow that is a lot of food that had you had to get going for the party. I'm sure that you will be very happy to avoid the kitchen for a while. We have our department pot luck tomorrow, so that should be fun. I have to make something tonight, and it will probably be deviled eggs.

    Thelma, Dang on oversleeping, it really does mess with your day when that happens. Great job with your workouts, and making them work in your time constraints. Very nice that you only have a 1/2 day today, and then are off for the rest of the year. I work all week, and on Friday I have a 1/2 day. Will be off for the rest of the year after that. There is only one workout that uses the kettle bell in KCM's new series, so no problem there. She does have one person using the dumbbell, and she and Marcus are using the kb.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you at the end of the week. I ended up taking Friday OFF which was wonderful! So Thursday was pretty busy for me and ran out doing some errands for my lunch break. At any rate, Friday’s workout was Flex Train and I followed it up with one of KCM’s new ones: Trim & Tone Intervals, which was a nice follow-up/add-on style 25-30 min. workout. Saturday DH and I headed to Spokane in the a.m. so didn’t make my YOGA/STRETCH workout; he wanted to get going to do a little Christmas shopping and we ended up staying over in a fancy hotel that we had a gift certificate for a free night’s stay. It was really nice and unexpected. Luckily our neighbor was available to watch Bernie for us at such short notice. We came home in the a.m. yesterday and I did LIHI Ch/Shoul/Tris + KCM Cardio Core (CARDIO only portion) for an add on.

    OK – so we are doing CIRCUITS not Slow & Heavy or the like?!?! I know we just talked about this recently but it was January we had clarified and then I read in my notes something about Slow & Heavy starting up. {SIGH} Sorry I get so confused ladies. LOL

    Thelma: Sounds like you had a very tiring end of the week and will be looking forward to your time off. Dang on the oversleeping, I hate that feeling because you are just scrambling and your heart is racing. LOL I am sure it all worked out, but at the time it is a panic. So nice you have the holidays OFF ~ I would love to have that much time off during the holidays. Friday alone just felt so nice. We had 7.5 inches of snow come down and it was beautiful and festive. Not great driving conditions since it was snowing so hard but beautiful. Now it is warming up, melting and going to be freezing by the end of the week.

    Laurie: Yay to both of us having Friday off! Sounds like a wonderful time with your DD. Great job with the workouts. Looks like a great lineup for this next phase in our rotation. KCM does a good job packing workouts into a shorter period of time forsure. I did preview that new KB workout like I said last week and it absolutely reminds me of Strength & Stamina but shorter. I am surprised at the time frame for the 2 I have tried so far. Definitely low impact as well. Good stuff and great to put with something else or for time constraints.

    Laurel: I would have been beyond tired of my kitchen as well! WOWSA on all that you made. I bet it was enjoyable while you were doing it though. Excellent job as always with all your workouts. X77 the other day is NO Joke! Way to get that one done. I think X64 is the longest one I have done. What workouts are you up to this week?

    Have a great day ladies ~ sorry if I missed anything, trying to catch up with you all. I will talk with you all tomorrow,


  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice weekend here. Saturday we spent in Fairbanks doing some Christmas shopping. It was busy everywhere, but people were patient and pleasant, so it was nice. We even ended the day with some snow which made it feel like Christmas even more. Yesterday was grocery shopping, some cooking for the week.....and some relaxing in front of football. Very nice.

    On Saturday, I did Jessica Smith’s Yoga Stretch. This is only the second workout I have done with her (both yoga), but I really like her style. Will definitely be looking at more of her workouts. Sunday was the start of circuits, and I did a short kickboxing cardio session from Cathe Live into Cathe Live Metabolic Mash Up. This latter workout was 50 minutes of all-weight circuits, similar to ICE Metabolic Total Body. It was good. I am glad I started it with some cardio because it didn’t keep my heart rate up as much as I expected, but some of that is probably because I didn’t choose better weights. But it flew by, so I enjoyed it. Today’s workout was Shock Cardio HiiT—all three of them consecutively. Still love doing these workouts like this.....though 40/20 seems to get harder and harder! :p

    Thelma, glad you were able to relax some this weekend. Great workouts! Like I said above, I really have enjoyed the two workouts I have done with Jessica Smith. Glad you ladies pointed me in her direction. DH said everybody enjoyed the food for the Christmas party. I always sweat making corn bread because some people are really picky about it (most notably those from the South), and his company had people in from Alabama last week. So I was curious about that. He said they want me to ship some down there! That made me happy. So it was a lot of work, but it seemed to make people happy and that makes it worth it. :)

    Laurie, glad you enjoyed your day with your DD. But I bet your legs were talking to you! I definitely felt some DOMS is both my shoulders and triceps after that Cathe Live workout. I was surprised I didn’t in my lower body, but I am glad I didn’t given I was on my feet all day Saturday. But I think the yoga helped with that as well. Sounds like the new KCM workouts came right on time. Cathe is still waiting to hear when she will get hers back from the duplicators, so at least you have a little time between new workout programs!

    Tami, sounds like a really nice weekend! Glad you were able to take a day off......and then get an unexpected weekend away! With snow! Sounds perfect. We are on Circuits this month. Laurie and I were just talking different options on Slow and Heavy, and I am doing Slow and Heavy (one body part a day) this week to reacquaint myself with them so I know what weight to choose when we do go in to the rotation next month. So there is a valid reason for your confusion! My rotation for this month right now is a bit of a mess with working around holidays and my sister’s visit. The only constant is I will be doing S&S PHA Training every Friday as my ‘benchmark’ workout. But, other than that, it is a real hodgepodge of stuff. But, roughly, my approach is the following:

    Sunday-Metabolic Weight Training (like Metabolic Total Body or Super Cuts)
    Monday-HiiT Cardio
    Tuesday-Circuit Weight Training (Body Beast Total Body or Chisel Total Body would work here, but I think I am going to opt for some of Cathe’s Live workouts here)
    Wednesday-Circuit Training with Cardio (for example, a Bootcamp workout, LIS Athletic Training, X10 Fat Burning, any Cathe workout with ‘circuit’ in the title, etc)
    Thursday-steady state cardio
    Friday-PHA Training

    Hope that helps a bit. This is going to be a tough month for me because I like my workout months to have more of a pattern than this. But.....that is also one of the reasons I really wanted to do this rotation! I don’t do circuits enough to know how they benefit my body, so these four weeks will let me try them out more. I may do one or two circuits here or there, but to have them be the focus for a month will be new to me.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, today I got to workout twice! Yaay! In the afternoon after work I did a Jessica Smith workout called Lose Your Love Handles! Full 26 Minute Standing Abs Workout. I just love her ab workouts! Hours after the workout I could feel that I had worked my abs. Then later on I did STS Meso 1, Disc 9 Legs, Walked on treadmill. I went up in weights so I ended up taking longer breaks because I was really winded.
    I decided to buy Slow & Heavy. I found a used copy at and I went for it. While I was searching for that workout video clips I came across this Cathe interview which is before her LIS series and I thought you'd enjoy it
    Small Business Spotlight: Cathe Friedrich's Fitness Empire

    Laurie, awesome job with those workouts! Glad you had a great time with your DD on Friday! Thanks for letting me know about the new KCM workouts! I'm sure you are looking forward to your time off next week!

    Tami, glad you had a nice weekend! What a nice surprise to stay at a fancy hotel and how fortunate to have a neighbor available to take care of Bernie at a short time notice! Awesome job with your workouts!
    OMG you're so right about panicking when one oversleeps! Talk about going from 0 to 100 mph in one second! Glad you finally got some snow! We had a tiny dusting today and it's going to warm up so the snow we have is going to melt. Right now my weather up says that on the 24th we will be in the 40's and on the 25th in the 50's! No white Christmas here!

    People at work save their vacation time for the end of the year. It's like a ghost town at the office now the last two weeks of the year. We get Xmas eve and day off as well as New Year's eve and day so people stretch their time out.

    Laurel, glad you also had a nice fun weekend! I thought you were done with cooking for a while! LOL
    This is the Jessica Smith Flo-Yo workout I did on Saturday. I really like it.

    I like Jessica's yoga/barre workouts because they are gentle/slow. More up my speed!

    I knew your food was going to be a big hit! How wonderful about people from Alabama loving your corn bread! Please share the corn bread recipe!
    Thanks for posting your updated Circuit rotation! I'll see if I need to update what I have so far.
    I will need help with the last month because I don't have those pyramid workouts. I have the Gym Style series.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I got in GHUTV Butt Burning Cardio, which was a step workout with exercises that concentrate on the butt. I like that the step portion of the workout was super easy. This morning I did GHUTV Pure Strength, this one is a total body workout.

    Tami, Great job on the workouts. Your day away sounds very nice and spontaneous. Sorry that we confused you with the talk of Slow & Heavy, but yes it is circuits this month. It will be good for me to do them before Christmas arrives. My body always responds really well to them. Kelly is gearing this set toward our bodies as they get older. She states in one of the introductions that her body doesn't respond like it did in the past, and that we have to adjust our workouts accordingly. She is my age, so she may have something. With my knee hurting like it did recently, and it does act up once in a while. I too was surprised at how short the workouts where, but she does pack a lot into that short time period.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, and going through all three of those HiiT workouts. I can only do one of those at a time. Just love the pyramid one. You can find a lot of reviews from 2Lazy on those Jessica workouts. She has been reviewing them recently. Wonder if Cathe will get them out before Christmas, but if she doesn't that will be okay with me. How nice that your sister is coming to visit you, I'm sure that you will love having her there. I too will concentrate on doing the PHA Training on Friday, and my other workouts will be from various instructors. This is actually the month that I was looking forward to the most. :D

    Thelma, Will have to try out that workout, just love doing abs standing. ;) Great job on the leg workout also. I think that you will really like Slow & Heavy. One of the things that is good about this one, if you don't have time for the full workout you can do it by body part. If you can lift heavy with your lower body, you may need a really heavy weight though.

    Have a great day!