Cathe Fans Part 5



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you all on Friday. It was a busy day and then I was needed in the early afternoon to help close out the Long Term Dept. (that’s the other part-time Dept. I work in) because they use that office to set up for food for our Christmas party, which was right after work. It was a nice party and lots of laughs. DH and I usually leave fairly early before it gets too crazy! LOL

    Workouts: Friday I opted for PHA Training for a total body/endurance style workout, Saturday I did PiYo Core + PiYo Sweat (was wanting a little more than just Yoga) and yesterday I got in my STS workout before leaving to my Holly Jolly Volleyball Tourn. OMG I thought it would be a 9 team tourney and we would be done by 1:00 or so. NO, it was 26 teams spread between 2 gyms – upper and lower but still a LOT of teams. So I was there from 9:30 – 5:00 yesterday. Only brought an apple, banana and yogurt. I was STARVING. DH said he would have driven out there and brought me lunch if I would have called him, which was nice. He did have dinner going when I got home, I was impressed! We ended up in 4th Place which was pretty good. Our very last game was not the best but we played that girls team that played for Notre Dame. She turned it up a notch let me just say! She alone made it hard to defend against. LOL But we had a lot of fun and as always laughter. This a.m. I didn’t get up for STS so I will be doing that tonight after work; DH headed down to go fishing for a couple days with clients so I have the house to myself.

    Laurie: Fabulous job with your workouts! Sounds like you are enjoying the S90 workouts forsure in lieu of STS, that’s great! Plus great job with the Stretch. I was feeling like a needed a little more than just Stretch, and PiYo seems like a good combo of stretch.

    So the update on Bernie’s appt from Thursday evening. He did really good, they said a sedation appt would be an entirely different appt.  so a girl that was different from the last time said she would give it a try. There was no screaming from the back room, but she did come back a little breathless and said she didn’t want to hurt him by wrestling too much; she was able to get all but 2 toes on his back and 2 toes total on his front. So she said I could bring him back when she is working and she will try and get the rest. LOL It was a win I felt like because he didn’t scream like last time; she has the touch I think. I did pretty good being there and luckily they took us into a different exam room; I did however feel really anxious and sad when I got home and chalked it up to just being there and of course Emma was brought up a couple of times.

    Laurel: Great job getting in Flex Train on Friday, I almost did that one and then decided on PHA Training. You probably read my response to Laurie above. He did really well! I was very happy about that and the gal took good care of him, no sedation needed with her …. But I do need to go back to get the rest trimmed “Even him out”. I will definitely ask Katy for you about the Spin bikes. She will probably have a great recommendation.

    Thelma: Sorry to hear about your shoulder blade . . . sounds like you know the drill on what to do for it so hopefully you are right and tomorrow it will feel better. Great job getting in your workouts and lots of nice Yoga/Pilates as well.

    I will talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 4 Chest, Shoulders & Biceps. Great workout. I was able to go up on some of the bicep workouts and I was able to do the ball push ups which is great. I have two stability balls and tonight I used the larger ball for the pushups and that made a huge difference. I shortened the workout by skipping the last 3 pushup exercises. The shoulder blade felt a lot better today.

    Laurie, awesome workouts! I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend. Shoulder is better but I still was very careful during my workout tonight. We did our wills a couple of years ago and like you we still need funeral arrangements. Not sure if I want to be cremated. Not something we do in El Salvador so it seems weird to me. I used to know a lady who used to say "just put me in a trash bag and dumped me in the trash" LOL

    Laurel, I'd forgotten all about your Xmas cookies bakeathon! I bet your house smelled wonderful! Awesome workouts! That new workout sounds wonderful. I wanted to watch a video clip of those workouts and found this one which looks like something I would want to do:

    As long as there are no chaturangas involved I am willing to try it. I love that there is a modifier. Did you use Amazon prime to do the workout? The rest has helped the shoulder thankfully!

    Tami, awesome workouts and congrats on the 4th place. OMG 26 teams! Wow! So nice of your DH to offer to have driven you some food had you called to ask! Thank God he was working on dinner when you got home! Glad you Xmas party was fun and thank God Bernie did well during his pawdicure! Love the new picture!
    Yeah I know the drill when it comes to injuries. Shoulder was better today! Tonight I'm applying heat and took an advil just in case!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I got in KCM's 30MTF Strength & Stamina Upper Body & Swings premix. That was fun, and a good one to add onto the Back & Bi's from the morning. This morning was 30MTF Split Sessions Lower.

    Laurel, All your workouts sound awesome, and great idea looking at another option in your yoga/stretching. Sounds like a good one, got to love the athletic aspect. Nice that you got all your cookies done and in the freezer. I still have to decide what I'm going to make. I know for sure that there will be cut out sugar ones. I may have to do a double batch this year, my Mom said that I needed to bring some up north. :D

    Tami, WOW on coming in 4th with all those teams, that is quite the accomplishment. What a long time to be there without having something for lunch. I can only imagine how tired you where after being there that long. Great job on your workouts also. I'm so glad to hear that Bernie's experience with the nail clipping was much better, and you found someone that is able to handle his anxiety.

    Thelma, Great job on the workout, and watching that shoulder. Glad to hear that it is doing better. At first I personally didn't like the idea of cremation either, but that will be what I request for mine. One of the reasons is the cost, the other is for the girls. They seem to be more comfortable with the cremation process.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a blast from the past....but not too far past! I did Cathe’s Cardio Fusion....the 80 minute premix. This was one of my favorites for several years, but now I only do it a few times a year as I have gradually been reducing my step workouts. It was great fun today. Hopefully my achilles and knees are saying that tomorrow.

    Tami, great workouts! I have been eyeing up my PiYo workouts for a few weeks now too. I think I will continue this Saturday workout beyond this rotation and incorporate more workouts like PiYo along with more traditional yoga. I find I am looking forward to these workouts each week which is nice. And my body is liking them too! Yowza on the volleyball tournament, though. That is a long day. I don’t know how you did it on so little food! Sounds like your team did great and had some fun.....which is the best part. Glad to hear Bernie handled his appointment well.....and that it wasn’t too tough for you. Thank you in advanced for talking to Katy about spin cycles. I have crossed a tipping point and now I really want one!

    Thelma, so glad to hear your shoulder is doing better. Great job with that workout! Increasing weight on these workouts is tough because she moves so fast. That link you shared is to the other workout I have from them! I haven’t done it yet, but it looks equally as good. The one I did is more upper body focused, so there were some push-ups in it. But no chatarungas. I found the number of reps for certain exercises to be challenging but never in that ‘this is never going to end!’ area. I also found the instruction helpful and easy to follow, and there is no real extra chatter along the way. For me, the workout struck a good balance for days when I want something different from yoga but nothing too challenging. I bought the DVDs from Amazon. I must have caught them on sale because they were only something like $6 I figured it was worth a shot.

    Laurie, great workouts! Sounds like a good upper body blend!! I wish I could say I am done with my baking, but I still want to make a few of DH’s and my traditional favorites. Of course if I can’t keep my DH away from the ones in the freezer, we may not get those because I will have to bake more for his staff! :p DH has a serious thing for Christmas cookies, that’s for certain. He keeps bringing me home random baking supplies to ‘help’ me. Makes me laugh. But like with your Mom, it is nice when the effort is appreciated.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ So I did head home last night and did STS Legs, which is always a great workout. Then made up some chicken and fish (which I normally do on Sunday) so I would have some lunch/dinner items for the week. This a.m. was Rock’m Sock’m for a little Cardio fun!

    Thelma: Great job getting your STS workout done despite the shoulder blade. Must be improving already. Sounds like the heat and Advil helped too. Yes, had I known DH would have come out there I would have absolutely called him. I am filing that “offer” away for future tournaments. LOL Although here forward, I will probably always pack a cooler just in case.

    Laurie: Excellent workout with KCM’s Strength & Stamina pre-mix; I love doing that combined full hour pre-mix so I imagine any of the premixes are great! Thank you for the congrats on our 4th place. I was just out of gas when I got home forsure; starving and opening up things to eat while he was cooking dinner. LOL

    Laurel: Another amazing day for your Cardio workout! Way to go. That Yoga DVD you mentioned that you recently tried sounds like something I might like. Its called: Ruha Mind Body Movement? I will definitely ask Katy tomorrow night when I see her and let you know. One I saw online and a good brand: NordikTrac: GX 3.5 Sport. I love that you continue your tradition of holiday cookies. That would be hard for me to make so many and try to hide them in the freezer. DH would be stealing them quickly! That’s super funny he is helping by bringing home supplies.

    Have a great evening ladies ~ until tomorrow! Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 6 Legs. I only did 45 minutes of it as it was already 9:30 and was feeling pretty tired. This workout went fast and left me winded. The fact that I had to drag myself to the basement because I felt so tired that I just didn't want to workout didn't help matters. Good stuff though. My shoulder is feeling pretty normal today. Thank God! We had temps in the 50's today and tonight it's raining pretty hard.

    Laurie, fabulous workouts today!!
    DH and I really need to talk about funeral arrangements. Cremation really makes sense in that case. It really is not a good last memory when you see a loved one in a in a coffin.

    Laurel, wow that was really a blast from the past workout! Glad you enjoyed it. I've been thinking lately that I want to do a step workout since I've not done one in a long time. My last memory of a step workout is that I nearly fell off the step! LOL
    I think I'm going to get those Leah Sarago's Ruah Mind workouts. She also has another series called Ballet Body.

    Tami, great workouts! I think the upper body workout actually helped my shoulder! I would also put your DH's offer to bring you food in the back for future tournaments

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    edited December 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did another KCM workout, so the workout of choice was Body Design Weighted Kickboxing + Stronger/Leaner Lower. I really love the kickboxing portion of this workout, you really get a great workout in a very short time. Will have to tack it onto a kickboxing workout in the future. This morning was S90D Chest, Shoulders & Tri's.

    Laurel, Great job with that workout, I'm hoping that you don't feel the achilles & knee problem either. ;) Funny but I also was looking at my PiYo workouts this weekend. They may get pulled out at some point, because they are always really good for low impact and lower body work. My DH loves sweets period. :D I tend to make Christmas cookies that he enjoys though. No sense in having cookies that no one will eat. I love that he "helps" you with the supplies that you need though. My DH might have to take lessons from him. :D

    Tami, Glad to hear that you got in you Leg workout, and of course doing Rock'm Sock'm. LOVE the new picture of Bernie, he is such a handsome fellow. Kelly announced yesterday that the new DVD's shipped yesterday, so I'm guessing I will get mine by Friday. ;) Now I will have to preview all the workouts to see how I can incorporate them into my rotation. Can't have new workouts without trying them out. I love how my hr goes so high during the kb swings in the Strength and Stamina workout.

    Thelma, Awesome job making that leg workout yours. I would probably have done the same thing. I forgot to tell you that if you go to They have all Jessica's youtube workouts listed by playlist. I find this easier to find a workout that I want to try.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies! No ill effects from the long step workout yesterday which makes me very happy. But I decided to take it down a notch just because.....and at the end of my workout I was left wanting more. Guess that’s a good thing? Anyhow, I did STS Disc 8/Back and Triceps followed by Cathe Live Low Impact HiiT Circuit. I felt surprisingly strong today despite getting into these shortest days of the year. Tuesday (when we had clear skies) I watched the sun rise on one side of the house and the moon set on the other.....simultaneously....while I ate lunch. So weird. But, so far, these short days havn’t impacted my mood or energy too much.

    Tami, great workouts! You know how I love that Kickboxing workout. :) I think you might like these Ruah workouts too. They are still ‘quiet’ in terms of music and her voice, but I was surprised at the pace of the one I did Saturday. In other words, it isn’t a workout for relaxation. I am finding some Saturdays I, mentally, want the effects of yoga and on some of those days the more relaxing style of it. But other days I want to feel like I’ve worked without jumping or lifting or sweating. This fell into the latter category moreso than even Kari Anderson. I think you have done Kari Anderson’s Reach, and this was somewhat similar to that in effort but more matter-of-fact in presentation (if that makes any sense). Like I said yesterday, I got mine for next to nothing, and it was worth it. Thank you for the spin bike recommendation!! I will forward it to Santa (aka DH ;) ). Hope your family isn’t being impacted by the fires in L.A. So scary to see a fire right on the highway like that.....and in the middle of the city. I think I remember your sister being associated with UCLA? I may be wrong.....but I just hope all is okay.

    Thelma, great workout despite the late hour. These legs workouts can definitely wind me too, especially with the use of the high step. Glad to hear your shoulder is doing better. I saw that Leah Sarago had done another series, which also had great reviews.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. I love the idea of weighted kickboxing. I will be curious how you like the new KCM workouts. Still contemplating some of her workouts right now, though I think I will start with the 30MTF one you recommended several weeks ago. My DH is a lover of sweets too, but he can control himself most times. But when it comes to homemade cookies....all bets are off. His father is the same way.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. was STS #8 Back & Tri’s and tonight I will head to Spinning after work.

    Thelma: Great job (SERIOUSLY) getting in that leg workout at 9:30 pm. I was in bed asleep by then. LOL It sounds like it felt good to you though, so that is awesome you got it done. Our weather is kind of crazy right now as well, we had unusually warm temps last week now in the 20’s but no snow or rain in the forecast . . . just cold. But today is bright skies so I love that.

    Laurie: YAY on the KCM workout! She has such good combos in her workouts packed into short segments if need be, that sounds like it was perfect! Great job w/ S90 this a.m. Thank you on the new picture of Bernie. DH has caught him with some really darling close ups lately and has sent them to me; the one I am using currently is from my trip with him when I went fishing and he hopped right up on the couch . . . looking at DH like he just belongs there on the couch. Thank you SO much for the update on the new KCM workouts!

    Laurel: Another great workout combo! That would be so strange with those short days ….. I am happy to hear it hasn’t affected your mood. I seriously think it would be affecting me; but I supposed it is all in your attitude as well and you haven’t been there your whole life or something. LOL Yes, I have the Kari Anderson REACH DVD so if it is similar to that I may like it. Can you tell me the name again? Thank you so much for your inquiry on my sister. Yes, she works at UCLA and only lives about 10 minutes from there. So the smoke is definitely impacting them but they are safe from what I know of this a.m. I am being kept in the loop between her and my mom forsure. So scary.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I was in meetings from 2-5 and in a webinar during the morning. I didn't leave work till 6:30. My hip bones were killing me. I never drag my feet but when I got home I was dragging my feet. My mind wanted to workout but my body said no way. I'm not happy about not getting my workout in. My quads were feeling last night's leg workout. This could be part of the reason why my lower back was hurting and having sat for so long didn't help the situation.

    Laurie, great workouts! Thanks for that link! I love Peanut's picture with the leg warmers! LOL

    Laurel, so glad your Achilles didn't bother you after the step workout! Great workouts today! WOW! It must've been weirdly awesome to watch the sun rise on one side the moon set simultaneously! While you were having lunch? What time was that at? Glad the shortest days are not affecting you in a negative way. I think is because you always workout and keep busy. You're right about the STS leg workout and the high step portion leaving you winded.
    So I ordered those two Rauh workouts you have. They should be here on Friday so I hope to try one on Saturday. They were $9.99 each so not as good as the deal you got but definitely much cheaper than other sites.

    Tami, awesome job with those workouts!! I go to bed late and get very little sleep. I don't even know how I function. The leg workout did feel good. This morning temps were in the 50's! They dropped into the high 40's during the day. Temps will drop tonight and they will be in the high 30's, low 40's tomorrow. Definitely no snow in our future. I second what Laurel said about your family in LA. I hope they are OK.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies.

    No workout after work, and probably will get home to late today too. This morning I did GHUTV HiiT, which was more tabata. It reminded me a lot of the S90D Tabata workout. Today is our Holiday/Christmas party here at work. They have an ugly Christmas sweater contest, but I'm leaving that to the younger people around here. :D I'm wearing a cute scarf with snowmen that I got from Christopher & Banks. ;)

    Laurel, Awesome job on your workouts, and taking it down a notch. I took it up a notch this morning, because I didn't do anything last night. ;) How very cool to see the moon/sun like that. We get close to something like that at times, but probably nothing like what you see. We now have temps in the teens, and getting our first real snowfall on Saturday. ;) I saw that video of the fire, and cars driving by on the freeway. I'm hoping that I get my new workouts today, but we will see how the mail service is from the east coast. Cathe's shouldn't be to far behind these I'm guessing.

    Tami, Nice getting in the weight workout, and I hope that you spin class is another good one. Glad to hear that your family is safe, those fires are just scary. I will have to say that Bernie's picture makes me want to cuddle him. ;) My oldest got another dog, and he is a golden retriever puppy. His name is Zek, and super cute.

    Thelma, Sorry to hear that you where super tired, and that your back was sore. I'm hoping that it improves after a good night's sleep. ;) LOL about Peanut and the leg warmers, it is really cute.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a fun combo of workouts today. I started with Cathe Live Kick Punch Cardio, which is a pretty moderate intensity kickboxing routine. Then I went right into Cathe Live Boxing with Leg Blasts, which is half pretty intense kickboxing and half intense Plyo/weighted leg drills. To finish it, I did the core and stretch from Cathe 4DS Kickboxing. It was long (about 100 minutes) but with the variety of intensities and such, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds. It really flew by actually.

    Tami, so glad to hear that your mom and sister are okay. I bet it was a long night though if the winds got as bad as they were predicting yesterday evening. Just a horrible sight to see. Hope things get better there soon. The workouts are Ruah Mind Body Movement (Release and Warrior are the actual titles of the two I bought) and the instructor is Leah Sarago. Here is a link to one of them on Amazon:

    Hope that works....and helps! Thank you, again, for pointing me to 2Lazy’s reviews of Cathe Live workouts. I have been reading her reviews for a couple of days now, and it is really helping me piece together my workout plan for next month’s circuit rotation. It really helps that her reactions to many of the Live workouts I have done mirrors mine, so I really trust her reviews for ones I haven’t done.....many of which I hope to try next month!

    Thelma, sorry to hear about another long day. I think if you were dragging, you made the right choice to not workout. Those STS leg workouts can really do a number on my hips and backs at times (along with my hamstrings), so a little rest is good. I find with them that if I use the right weight, I am fine. When I try to push it too hard.....I get ridiculously sore. It is always a balance for me to keep it challenging without over doing it. The simulataneous moonset/sunrise was around 11:00am. We usually have hours of dawn and dusk before sunrise and after sunset, but the past few days have been so gloomy, it is pitch black until about 9:30am. Yesterday I was shoveling outside at 3:30pm, and it was almost too dark to do that. So.....short days right now. But you are right that keeping my workout schedule the same regardless of what is happening with the daylight has made all the difference to how I felt last time we were here. Yay for the new DVDs! Hope you like them.

    Laurie, great workout this morning. Hope you enjoy your Christmas party. I like the sound of your scarf! Much better than an ugly sweater. :) I bet the snow will actually feel nice this weekend. It seems so much of the country is experiencing very unusually warm weather and no moisture. My sisters in Denver are still having temps in the 50s and 60s, and it has only snowed once, and that was two months ago. We are very warm up here (right at freezing, which has everything dangerously slick), but at least we have the moisture. I hope you are right about Cathe’s DVDs coming soon. She hasn’t updated recently, which is a little unlike her. But since the pre-sale ended, I have to believe they are still on schedule.

    See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies ~ Really great Spin class again last night. It was a great workout and she played some “new” playlists she made along with a fun pop music style Christmas song. Good group of peeps too. No workout this a.m., hoping to beat DH home and get my workout done.

    Thank you for the well wishes on my family ladies ~ things are still “ok” for them fire wise, but as I know so well the smoke is terrible. My nephews are now missing 2 days of school and perhaps the whole week due to smoke.
    Thelma: Sounds like you are truly having some long days, I really think it’s “OK” to miss your workout when you are that tired. I understand battling your brain on that but when you are truly feeling the tireds and with what little sleep you get your body is maybe just needing that small break. I don’t know how you function either, I could probably do it but I wouldn’t be feeling the best and I would be teary every day I think if I was burning the candle at both ends like that. You are amazing to keep going! Hopefully today was better and you can get something in tonight.

    Laurie: Sounds like a great workout! That S90 Tabata Inferno is still one of my favorites! Love it. Yay for your holiday party at work, good choice on the festive scarf. One of the guys here wore an ugly Christmas sweater and so did his wife to ours. They can be awful ….. I have seen so many of them in stores this season; they must be the popular thing to wear. LOL I bet your DD’s new Golden Retriever is absolutely darling. They are the cutest and sweetest. When/if I am ever ready for another dog (after Bernie is gone) I am looking into a Golden Doodle due to the shed factor, but we will see. I love the Golden Retrievers so much and their disposition. Either way, I pray if I decide on another one it is several+++ more years from now. Funny you say that about Bernie because I agree and he is just in the last couple years become more of a cuddler. Emma was an absolute cuddle bug, he not so much. But now, he does really enjoy his cuddle time and being petted a lot more.

    Laurel: Your workout combo sounds super fun! Way to continue enjoying those LIVE workouts. I am so happy I told you about 2Lazy’s site as well. She does such a great job reviewing workouts and programs; and like you said …. If they line up to what you like as well it is a huge help! Speaking of reviews … THANK YOU for the Yoga DVD link, I think for the price I will order it and give it a try. Your sisters weather in Denver sounds a lot like ours. Our days are cold this week but DRY as can be. Nothing in the forecast and it snowed one time over a month ago. So strange of a winter. Not complaining by any means, just strange.

    Have a great afternoon ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    Hi Ladies! Much better today. Still a very long day but better than yesterday. So tonight I did STS Meso 1, Disc 5 Back & Triceps. What a great workout! My triceps were totally fried. I actually used heavier weights in a lot of the exercises which felt great. I'm off tomorrow! YAAAY!!!!

    Laurie, great job with the Tabata workout! I hope you have a lot of fun at the Xmas party. Ours is next week but I could care less about anything to do with work after work.

    Laurel, great and fun combo!! Great job! You really have to deal those short days. It's a good thing you are so disciplined about working out. I hate slippery conditions. So dangerous and scary. I'm sure your DH is not going to give you the Subaru back! LOL

    Tami, so glad your family is safe and that you had such a fun spinning class! I often wonder how I function but the only meetings I really get very sleepy at are my boss'! LOL

    Good night ladies and have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me after work. This morning I did S90D Legs. We are going out to eat with our friends tonight, so I know that no workout will happen after work. ;) I'm so glad that it is Friday today.

    Laurel, What a great combo of workouts, and a good 100 minutes worth too. :D I remember getting those sweaters for Christmas in the 80's, so no way am I wearing one of those things anymore. :D There where some really ugly sweaters/outfits yesterday. One girl had a dress. When I was a kid I remember one Christmas where they where saying how warm it was in Alaska. They even had pictures of women with there bikini's on. I think that was in the late 70's. The only reason I remember that one, is because we made a manger scene out of snow, and it was so warm that it was melting before we got to Christmas. My sister and I managed to save it though, even though mother nature was trying very hard to destroy our creation. ;)

    Tami, That sounds like a great spin class with the Christmas music. Hope that you where able to get your other workout in too. Our Pastor has a Golden Doodle, and he is a service dog. His fur is super soft. I'm waiting for Rocket to get a little more cuddly. He likes me to rub his belly in the mornings, and then gives me a kiss and let's me hug him. Otherwise he really doesn't need the cuddles. I just have to keep up with the hugs, and I think I will get him to get used to it.

    Thelma, Great job on your workout, and going up in weight. Love that the triceps where feeling the burn. ;) Our party is during the lunch time frame. It was okay, just to bad that our company needs so many things to healthy. The rice and chicken where really really dry. :p Everything else was very good.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! Did a couple of fun workouts today. The first workout was CL Total Body Barbell Burn. I decided to do this one after ready 2Lazy4Gym’s review. It was definitely a high rep workout.....and pretty tough. My arms were definitely shaking at the end. What I liked about it, too, is Cathe did a lot of combo exercises, so it wasn’t just straight lifting. Really nothing quite like it in her DVDs. For cardio, I started with X10 Cardio Blast into Cathe Live For the Love of Cardio, for a solid, no equipment 50 minute cardio workout.

    Tami, sounds like a fun spin class. I am glad your family is safe, I can’t even begin to imagine the smoke, though. We were only in L.A. for one fire season.....and it was horrible. And we were much further from the fires than your sister, I really hope things clear up soon.

    Thelma, glad to hear you are doing better. And yay for today off! You need it!! Great job with the workout and going heavier. Bet you have some DOMS today. :) Yep, I am not quite sure my car will be my car for much longer. DH is really sold on it, that’s for sure. I miss it, though! :'( But, of course, I would rather he be safe. His car will be good for when we return to the Lower 48, so we aren’t looking at replacing it right now. If we are up here for more than a couple of years, though.....

    Laurie, that is one of my favorite S90 workouts. I remember it being surprisingly tough. Hope you have a good time tonight. Well, we aren’t quite enjoying bikini weather, but when DH came home last night, the temps had risen above freezing and he told me there was a warm breeze outside. :o I didn’t even need to turn the heat on in the house this morning it had stayed that warm over night. While there was rain last night too, which is shocking, we didn’t seem to get much of that. We are going to have these warm temps for at least another 10 days. Like I said before, I prefer cold and sunny over this warm and gloomy....but it is nice not to be freezing all the time. :)

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ This a.m. I decided on S&S Total Body Giant Sets and tonight I will go to Spinning for a nice 45 minute session of cycling for cardio.

    Thelma: Excellent work with Back & Tris and congrats on going heavier! Yahoo for being OFF today, I hope you are enjoying it and getting some much needed R&R.

    Laurie: Great Leg workout! Way to get it done. Hope you have a nice dinner out with friends. We are doing that tomorrow; it is a combo of friends and work for DH but it should be fun. Awwww, that’s so sweet you know of someone with the Golden Doodle. Funny about Rocket, he does seem so similar to Bernie in so many ways. I kind of forced myself on Bernie over & over again and plus he used to watch Emma just love to be loved on so he has decided it’s a good thing.

    Laurel: Sounds like a great combo today! I’m with you on cold & sunny forsure. Just makes things brighter and nice during the winter. That is our continued forecast and then next week it is heating up again. No snow in the future at all for now.

    Have a great weekend ladies ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,563 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. After I told Tami last week that we had no snow in our future we got our first storm on Saturday! We got 5 inches! Some of it melted due to the sun. We might get some more during the week.
    On Friday I did Jessica Smith Interval Training. On Saturday I tried one of my new DVD's Ruah Mind Body Movement Warrior. This was a very innocent looking workout but I woke up with DOMS this morning. It has a warmup, then 30 minutes of legs and 13 minutes of abs and upper body which included a lot of plank work. The DOMS are in my glutes, inner thighs and quads. Today I did STS Meso 1, Disk 7: Chest, Shoulders, Biceps. I was able to go up in weights in some of the exercises which was great.

    Laurie, great job with the Legs workout. I hope you had a good time with your friends. You're lucky your company's Christmas party is during lunch time! When is it that KCM has her workouts on sale? End of year?

    Laurel, another great combo on Friday! I definitely had triceps DOMS on Friday.

    Tami, great workouts on Friday! I did enjoy my long weekend!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,462 Member
    edited December 2017
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice weekend, and we did get snow. In fact it was snowing this morning, so causing everyone to drive slowly. Saturday I did Jessica Smith's Relax and Restore. Felt great. On Sunday I did change things up and did one of the KCM workouts in the new set. The set is called Build & Burn, and I did the Cardio Core workout. This one is awesome, it kept my hr up throughout the whole 30 minutes. This morning was S90D Back & Bi's.

    Laurel, Sounds like a great live workout. I really enjoy reading the reviews from 2Lazy, she gives some great detail. I like that she lists what weight she uses, it helps me determine what I will pull out. Can't believe that you are having those types of temps, ours is in the teens and 20's so probably just like what you are experiencing. I'm ready for the sun to start shining a lot more though. When does is start getting lighter up in Alaska?

    Tami, Great job on your workouts! Have to love those giant sets. That is exactly what I'm doing with Rocket, just loving him more and more. Hopefully that will get him to want those snuggles mores.

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! The Ruah workouts sounds like it really worked your body good if you had DOMS afterward. Looks like you had a good three day weekend. Yes her sales is during New Years, and she sells the workouts for $10 ea.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,820 Member
    Hi Ladies! I decided to take the intensity down a notch this week to gear up for Circuit Month. I know from Circuit Week in the LGI8 rotation that circuits can really wear me out. So while I am still challenging myself on my weight workouts, my cardio, so far, has been lighter. And it feels good. :) So Saturday’s yoga was P90X2 Yoga. I truly love this yoga workout. It felt so good. Yesterday was STS Disc 10/Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I did push the weight a bit in it and am feeling it, in all places, in my lat muscles today. :o Not quite sure why.....but it is the good kinds of DOMS. Anyhow, for cardio, I did Cathe Live Cardio Core Circuit Live. Today was STS Disc 12/Legs followed by Cathe Live Sweat Blast.

    Tami, great choice for a total body workout on Friday. I really enjoy that one. Hope something breaks in your weather pattern soon. All this dryness just does not bode well for next summer and fires. I am beginning to get worried about that up here right now too. We had all that snow in November, but really nothing to speak of since.....and nothing in the forecast. So very unusual. I was complaining to DH earlier that we live in the one place that should guarantee us snow on the ground for Christmas....and it’s melting!

    Thelma, yay for the snow! But hopefully your commute is okay. I hope you enjoyed that Ruah workout. It is sneaky, isn’t it? It just works the body a little differently I suppose. Great job increasing your weight in these STS workouts!

    Laurie, hope you are enjoying the snow. You are definitely colder than we are at the moment. It was above freezing when I got up this morning at 5:15am. :o Ten more days of days getting shorter until the solstice....and then the long climb out of it. These are the tough days when the sun stays so low in the horizon, it will never get above the house across the street. So we will see the sun on clear days (like yesterday) for about 15 minutes after it rises, then it goes behind the house south of us, and, if we are lucky, we will catch it again before it sets, which is less than 4 hours later. But, on the good side of warmer days.....I actually have some windows open and fresh air helps the spirit so much! Great workouts! Sounds like that new KCM workout is good. Is it like Cathe’s cardio/core workouts at all?

    Enjoy the day.
